【Who to hit? 】

【Swaro. 】

[The fight should still have to be fought. It depends on whether the two of them still fight in the future. There is still a helper. 】

The players were talking a lot.

The game screen went dark. I thought I would enter the next plot, but I didn't expect that the person shown on the camera was Sambo.

I saw Sambo looking like a sneaky dog, hiding on the distant roof with his eyes and the part above him, quietly staring at the two people who left with Clara.

The development is unexpected...

Sambo only left these words in a low voice, and then left silently.

【ah? Sambo is actually here? 】

[Good guy, why is he everywhere? Is this hanging man going to find Swaro to stir up trouble? 】

[Probably not. Although his appearance in Zi Shuxian has changed, it feels like his purpose has remained the same. He is barely on the side of the train crew or the ground fire. 】

The game screen changed again, and a line of words appeared on the dark screen.

[At this time, on the other side...]

After Xi'er and Bronya brought back the supplies Natasha needed, they received the message from Earth Fire and headed to Oleg's location.

Bronya hadn't slept a wink since she arrived at the lower level, and she couldn't help but feel a little sleepy at this time.

Is it the eldest lady above who can't hold on anymore so quickly? Xi'er raised the corner of her mouth.

Aren't you tired? We haven't had any rest all night.

My highest record is six days without sleep. You have to work harder.

Bronya immediately looked at Xi'er with the eyes of a monster, but what followed was silence.

That's right, people living underground are living such a hard life. As an important backbone of the underground fire, Xi'er not only has to fight for her own survival every day, but also has to fight for others...

The word rest is very luxurious to her...

But she... even though she had very irregular rest and a poor eating environment, her body was still developing quite well...

Ah, bah, bah, what are you thinking about?

Bronya shook her head violently and blinked her sour eyes.

Oleg's location was not far away, and the two of them arrived after a few minutes' walk.

Hey, it seems that your companions are not with them. Seeing Bronya standing next to Xi'er, Oleg had a trace of doubt on his face.

March 7 could only look at Dan Heng, Isn't the record holder who disappeared without saying hello going to be replaced? That's the record we still hold...

I don't know what you are proud of...

Dan Heng shook his head speechlessly, with an expression as if he knew what I had experienced before.

Oleg didn't care either. As long as there were people who could make decisions, he sorted out the language and got straight to the point.

No matter how ridiculous and unreliable the train crew's plan is, at least in the current situation where the lower class has no choice but to go, it is one of the few options worth trying. I would rather take a gamble on them.

Moreover, everyone does see that they are working hard for the lower class.

Oleg did not make a long speech, but finished Dihuo's position in a very brief manner, and then spoke in a deep voice with a serious look on his face.

You guys want to know the whereabouts of the star core, and we, Earth Fire, want to lift the blockade of the lower area - that is to say, our targets are all Swaro. If we don't solve that big boss, everything else behind will be nonsense.

Xi'er snorted coldly, He's a robot. He can understand what we have to say. In my opinion, the fastest way is to chop down that pile of scrap metal!

Yes, we must be prepared on both sides. It is best to resolve the problem peacefully, but we must also be prepared to use force at all times to deal with emergencies.

Oleg had obviously had a prejudice against Swaro for a long time. He frowned and said unhappily:

That guy has turned us away after many attempts to contact him. He obviously doesn't intend to talk to us. Your appearance may be a variable, and you may have a chance to persuade him.

Dan Heng nodded, It would be best if you can convince me, but if...

No, everyone, I have bad news——

Before Dan Heng could finish his words, an obviously panicked voice came from far away, footsteps gradually became clearer, and a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

It's Sambo.

We have never encountered anything bad. If you have any trouble, hurry up.

Xi'er's face was unhappy, and she was obviously very dissatisfied with Sangbo's behavior of running over in a panic and interrupting everyone's conversation.

I...I saw...

Sambo put his hands on his knees and panted: I saw the gray-haired sisters and the white-haired buddies heading towards the Mechanical Settlement... a pair...

He looks like he's trying to cause trouble for Swaro. Swaro isn't that easy to talk to. If there's a fight, something big will happen!

After saying these words, the expressions of everyone present could not help but change. Dan Heng was shocked at first, but quickly calmed down.

He couldn't see through Zi Shu, but he could see that he was not an impulsive and reckless person. He had divining abilities very similar to those of the Xianzhou Taidivors, so he probably didn't need to worry too much.

Zi Shu left a message saying that he was investigating the in-depth secrets of Belloberg, and he and Xing went directly to find Swaro.

Although he had already made relevant speculations...but he didn't expect them to be so decisive.

No wonder he was asked to go to the people on the ground to reorganize the incident and convince them to be ready to mobilize at any time. It turned out that the goal had always been clear.

It was at this time that Dan Heng discovered that the object Zi Shu left for him had a special signal.

When Sangbo saw the changes in the expressions of the people present, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

March 7th was the most anxious, grabbing Dan Heng's wrist and trying to move, Quickly leave Dan Heng, we have to help!

Don't act out of proportion. Zi Shu is not as reckless as you. He must have thought carefully before acting.

Dan Heng remained motionless, his eyes turned to the others, and finally rested on Oleg.

Chief Oleg, what are your plans now?

Don't worry, Earth Fire will not stand idly by. Xi'er, organize mobilization immediately and bring all available weapons. This day will come sooner or later. We just take this opportunity to negotiate with Swaro!

No problem. Xi'er set off immediately.

Girl from the Iron Guard, what about you? You are the only one in our circle who has no reason to fight to the death with Swaro. I would like to hear your plan. Oleg asked.

Bronya answered without hesitation: The lower district is also part of Beloberg. If Swaro's position will threaten the residents here, of course I will be on your side.

Hahaha, very good! She is indeed a girl who is going to take over the responsibility of the guardian. She is very aware. Since we are united front, prepare quickly. There is no time for us to delay now. I will arrange for someone to take you to find Shi Varro.”

Everyone looked seriously and nodded one after another.

Mechanical settlement.

Under the leadership of Clara, Zi Shu and the two quickly returned to the entrance of the homeless gathering place.

72. Clara’s awakening

Clara originally planned to take Zi Shu and the two of them to find Swaro directly, but she did not expect that Zi Shu was very capable of repairing robots.

After wandering around the machinery market, I was surprised to find some replacement parts for repairing the tooth wolf and two traffic lights, and completed the repairs in a very short period of time with great skill.

It was precisely in this way that she was able to ask the robot to help bring other components back to the mechanical settlement.

As for the idea of ​​letting Zi Shu and the others help carry it... I never thought about it, and I was embarrassed to bother them by opening my mouth.

Looking from a distance, the familiar lights became increasingly dim, and Clara looked at the two of them with a solicitous expression.

Big brother, big sister, I'm afraid the energy supply device in the settlement has reached its limit. Can Clara fix it first and then take you to find Mr. Swallow?

Xing glanced at Zishu, then waved his hand, It's okay, we can help you too.

thank you all…

The three of them walked through the homeless camp and could only see many shabby tents and not even a single person.

Obviously, because the temperature in the settlement has dropped significantly, few people dare to go out and move around.

Clara was so cold that she started to shiver, Zi Shu saw this and sighed softly in his heart.

After a few seconds of silence and making a deal with a certain guy, he took out a slightly large warm coat from somewhere and gently put it on Clara.

The sudden warmth was beyond Clara’s expectation.

No thanks, no questions, just go and repair the energy supply device quickly. None of us want to waste time on meaningless things, right? Zi Shu gently touched her little head.


Clara bit her lower lip, stretched out her hand to wipe her somewhat red eyes, tightened her warm coat and quickened her pace.

Xing was a little surprised. She could tell at a glance that the size of the coat didn't match Zi Shu, and she didn't know where Zi Shu got it...

Players did not expect that the modeler and artist actually modeled the coat. At this time, Clara's entire body was wrapped in it, and only a pair of small feet could barely be seen clearly.

[Tears, my adoptive father is really... I cried to death, someone is finally willing to give Clara a new life. 】

[Unfortunately, we still didn’t provide trousers and shoes. I guess they don’t have the right size, right? 】

[Don’t think so. If the characters in the game were to be viewed in real terms, they would definitely not be able to wear the same set of clothes every day. Maybe Clara originally wore trousers and shoes? 】

[Don’t worry about the unreasonable things in the second dimension, jpg! 】

[Come on, Xingtie is not Miracle Nuannuan. Even if it comes out with different clothes, it will most likely be a skin sold in a store. 】

[The old captain and the old traveler came to prove that Misan’s urinary properties are correct. 】

When Lao Mu saw this, he suddenly became ill on the spot.

Damn it, Mu Piao has only hated for half his life a man who knows how to care for and take care of beautiful girls and lolita... Oh my god, my foster father, please accept Mu's blessing!

I don't know if it was for the effect of the show or something else, but he actually saluted the monitor in front of the camera, which scared the audience in the live broadcast room into confusion.

[Azhen, are you serious? 】

[The anchor can’t do it, he can’t bear such a big gift. 】

[Uh... It seems that Lao Mu is not facing the camera. He is not doing favors...]

[Worshipping a two-dimensional character is considered a tough job, but it’s really not...]

Lao Mu sat back in his chair and curled his lips in disdain when he saw the content of the barrage.

You don't understand this, don't you? The adoptive father cares so much about his daughter-in-law, how can he not show it as an adopted son? But considering that 90% of the people in the live broadcast room are single, I can still understand...

【? ? ? 】

【Are you getting spicy? 】

【You scold again? 】

[One six alone. It turns out that the host’s map of Yan country is so short, it’s a real punishment. 】

[Abnormal lolita control real hammer, held! 】

[Superficial, will I be single? Looking at Alicia in his arms, I couldn't help but laugh wildly. 】

[Did you drink like this after the first few dishes? 】

[Steamed buns, the paper man’s wife is also a wife, don’t you hold a hand? 】

[If Lao Mu really likes Clara, I can understand it, but understanding is understanding, and punishment is still indispensable. 】

[I am different. If you have a handsome husband like Zi Shu who knows how to take care of others and can give you a sense of security, I would give you ten years of life in exchange for it! 】

[No, the old girl in front of you, you are actually the same. If Zishu is taking care of your role, your barrage content should be replaced by a short composition...]

【Really pinch~~】

Clara worked in front of the faulty energy supply device for a while, then pressed the start button with joy on her face.

However, a few arcs flashed across the surface of the device, and an unknown sound came from inside, and it did not start successfully.

...How could this happen? Disappointment and confusion flashed in Clara's eyes.

Probably the bearing is misaligned. Zi Shu, who witnessed the whole process, accurately determined the problem.

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