This town is very dangerous. How could you come here alone? Zi Shu asked what the plot required.

Clara first looked behind Zi Shu and saw that the two monsters were motionless, and then felt a little relieved.

The energy supply device in the base is malfunctioning. If it is not repaired quickly, the people in the settlement will suffer. Clara knows that there used to be a machinery market in this town, so she wanted to come and find out...

She breathed hot air into her palms, rubbed her hands together and whispered, I found all the necessary components, but I was accidentally surrounded by monsters...

Mechanical settlement?

Yes, Big Brother is not from there, right? The energy supply device in the settlement is not only related to the supply of heating, but also responsible for providing electricity. If it breaks down, it must be repaired. Clara replied.

The star in the back hammered at the two targets and dealt with the flames of the outer universe without any difficulty. He put away his meal and clapped his hands.

With Zishu here, you don't even have to move your feet to fight monsters, it's so comfortable.

She was very relaxed, but many players suffered. Since the team was forced to have two people, even if Zi Shu was protected, she would not die, and the scraping would take a long time.

There are even some players who only care about running the plot without improving the protagonist level and light cone level, and they even overturn the situation, including many anchors.

Lao Mu is a very effective anchor, and can often perform operations that even he himself would not have expected.

What the hell are you planning? Wow, I gave you two elite monsters in the early stage, and I was stunned.

[I said it again, I came here specifically to laugh at Lao Mu. 】

[Laughing, Lao Mu, as long as one of the weapons and character levels is raised to the top, he will not be ashamed of his adoptive father's protection. 】

[Damn it, can you believe that the Zishu given by the system is full of star souls? The panel attributes are very high. I suspect that he is wearing a set of purple relics that are fully strengthened. He is so fleshy that he is not passive when he fires a big move. He eats red blood. The cosmic fireball dropped a small amount of blood. 】

[This is the value of the morning conversation in Die 5. It is reasonable to suspect that Lao Mi is deceiving everyone by throwing such a highly skilled Zishu out. 】

[It’s over, I really want to know how to break the life book by drawing a lot of krypton gold. Once the Tranquility Star is opened, I will get back a lot of energy every time I lose blood. My ultimate move is Youthful, and I can open it randomly like it’s free of money. 】

[It's so cool. I didn't expect that Zi Shu's E can recover the blood lost due to burning. The 5-layer burning in the outer universe is like an extra-large mole. It can purely help. 】

[Indeed, as long as the character level follows the plot, it is generally difficult to overturn. I was previously worried that two people in a turn-based game would be seeking death, but now I see that I am still too naive. 】

[The plan teaches you how to practice Zi Shu. Did you see the 134 speed on the Zi Shu panel? Put on the speed shoes. 】

[Zi Shu can be called a treasure of the outer universe. If you blame A, you can get extra energy, and if you hit it with a burn jump, you can get extra energy. It feels like the designer made a four-star monster. If in the future, there is a C that can burn blood by itself, Wouldn’t it be a perfect match with Zishu? 】

[Walnut, right? 】

[Not to mention, the copywriting of Zishu E states that the health value will be reduced, and there is no requirement to reduce it by being attacked. Self-burning blood should also be able to restore energy and help Zishu stack's passive talent. 】

[The second test player showed up... The blade is C that burns blood, but I don't know when it will UP...]

Lao Mu was clueless and immediately raised the heroine's level and light cone level after realizing the problem.

This time, he also experienced the refreshing feeling expressed by the audience in the live broadcast room.

Can't die, can't die at all.

Every time the blood loss will exceed 30%, the star shifting effect will be restored by a few percent. When it drops to about 30%, Zi Shu will open up, and the blood will go back up again.

At the same time, he also discovered that if Zi Shu opened up and lost blood, he could actually stack talent layers. As long as he was not injured to death during that extremely small gap period, it would be difficult to die.

Good guy, I call you good guy. It's more fun to play in a two-person team than four people. It's really outrageous for the designer to recommend you to form an army with two people. Are the characters not for sale?

Zishu hasn't reached the level of unlocking Extra Ability 3 yet. He's missing 5 points of recovery from beatings. If he had that, I don't dare to think about it. So how will the supermodel's four-star and five-star protection positions be sold in the future?

[You are right, but rules are meant to be broken. 】

[You didn’t even mention the increased risk of sudden death. If a super difficult dungeon is released in the future, the negative side of Zishu E will be very fatal. 】

[For a card drawing game to be successful, four stars of conscience are essential. Although the games are different, the mechanics of Brother Dianzan and Six-Star Water God next door are even more outrageous than Zishu, so I think it’s okay. 】

That's right, little Flame of the Outer Universe, let me use this rule-breaking stick to send you on your way!

Lao Mu raised his hand high in front of the camera, slapped the keyboard hard to end the battle and enter the plot.

Clara: Fortunately, you guys came to the rescue. Clara will tell Mr. Swaro about this.

Star: Speaking of Swaro...we are planning to go see him.

...Huh? A hint of curiosity appeared on Clara's little face, Brothers and sisters, do you have anything important to do with Mr. Swallow? Clara can help you with the message...

Lao Mu licked his lips and showed a crazy expression, Of course, I will propose marriage to you...

【? ? ? 】

【What a real punishment. 】

[Svaro: Leave Clara! 】

[Three years of no loss, death penalty and blood profit. 】

[I support Lao Mu, so no one will compete with me for Zi Shu. 】

[Young people, take a look at the Bengtie channel on the Pink APP, and you will know how many people are trying to steal it from you. 】

[The little girl has read twenty-five books and can no longer express a single drop...]

【? Sisters, do you no longer care about anyone on the Internet? 】

Hey, hey, hey, who do you think I am, Lao Mu? Am I the kind of copper-smelting hentai?

【Who are you. 】

【Is not it? 】

Lao Mu: ???

70. The freedom to control one’s own destiny

Zi Shu: I'm afraid not. Some things can only be explained clearly in person. Can you take us to see him?

But... Clara: Mr. Swallow doesn't like to communicate with other people, especially the two people from Earth Fire...

Xing: We are not from Earth Fire.

Clara: Really... In the big mining area before, Clara saw you and the Earth Fire people operating together...

Xing didn’t expect Clara to be there at that time: “It’s really not true, there’s no point in lying to you.”

Zi Shu: The purpose of our search for Swaro is very simple, that is to overturn the results of his calculations thousands of times, instead of letting everyone stay in the lower area to wait for death. You should know that the erosion of the rift can never be stopped, then It’s because the root cause has not been eradicated, and all actions treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.”

Clara's little face showed a hesitant look, but she still shook her head after a moment.

Clara believes in you, but... Clara doesn't want to see you conflict with Mr. Swallow. Apart from me, he... doesn't believe in human emotions...

One side is her savior, and the other side is her 'family'. She really doesn't want to see the two sides fighting if they can't reach an agreement. No matter who is injured, she will feel bad.

After seeing this point in the plot, Lao Mu stared at Clara’s legs in the screen and said seriously: “By the way, if Clara doesn’t wear shoes, will her feet really be fine?”

[What a big deal, I massage Clara’s feet with my mouth every day. Her defense is very strong. 】

[Don’t be too ridiculous with the previous one. 】

【unbelievable! 】

[I didn’t expect you to also like Clara’s feet, but you won’t agree to snatch them from me! 】

[Zishu would be particularly pleased if he knew that there were far fewer people who were interested in him, right? 】

You're almost done, Clara is still a child.

In the real Iron Collapsing World, Xingyan saw that Clara was unable to make progress, and felt helpless in his heart, so he had to communicate via voice within the team.

What should I do? This child is too weak and accepts death. He can't say anything...

Let me try again...

Zi Shu knelt down and looked calmly at Clara's level with his eyes, speaking softly.

I understand your concerns, Clara. You should know that there is another world above. The situation above is not much better than underground. No matter where it falls first, it will be a devastating blow to the other side;

I can roughly guess the result of Shivaro's calculation. It's just that no matter how hard the people in the lower class work, it's all in vain. In his eyes, it's just a desperate struggle and it's impossible to prevent the disaster from happening.

He probably wants the people in the lower class to stay away from the source of the disaster and survive for a while, right?

Clara bit her lip and nodded slightly.

Zi Shu observed the emotion in her eyes and continued, The world is about to be destroyed. Some people fight to the last moment to save the world, and some people anesthetize themselves. One day counts as one day;

We are outsiders and have no right to accuse any party, but as someone who has witnessed similar history, I want to fight for a chance for those who want to control their own destiny;


Yes, even if the probability of success is only one in a thousand or one in ten thousand, we must unite as one to save the endangered world and save ourselves...

A trace of sadness flashed deep in Zi Shu's eyes, and his tone unconsciously became lower.

Everyone who works hard for the lower class, as well as those who are also fighting for the upper world, should have the freedom to control their own destiny, instead of-

Destined to be... from the beginning...

Many people who were chattering in the live broadcast room fell silent, infected by the emotion contained in Zi Shu's words.

The camera just stopped at the side of his face. For some reason, many people saw the past called the story from that face.

Some people think of his four-star light cone, especially the loyal Mijia game players, who are almost guilty of PTSD.

[I smell knives! 】

[Misan, I advise you to be kind! 】

[At the beginning of his promotion, the outcome was already doomed. Tiedao, Zishu definitely had a past where his fate was beyond his control. Now he obviously doesn't want to see Beloberg repeat his mistakes. 】

Xing was silent, looking down at Zi Shu's back.

He is sad, unable to bear it, angry, and...confused.

It seems...he carries a heavy unknown past...

Xing wanted to speak, but found that he didn't know what to say.

The protagonist's speechlessness also brought the audience and players into the scene. Many people stopped at the scene of Xing's silent face and did not click on the dialog box to enter the next scene of the plot.

Clara was not unable to detect the changes in Zi Shu's mood. She did not dare to look into Zi Shu's eyes, her nose was a little sore, for fear that she could not help but blur her eyes.

Why...why does she feel that her elder brother is a little pitiful...

Big brother…

Clara, everyone should decide the end point of their own destiny, instead of being deprived of this right by the predetermined results calculated by Swaro.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, Zi Shu calmed down his emotions and regained his calm tone.

Oleg leads the backbone of the Earthfire and fights off the world-splitting monsters outside the defense line every day. Natasha's clinic can't find any empty beds every day. In order to take care of the patients, she has very little rest time;

They are all fighting against fate and unwilling to give in...

Those hard-working workers, those homeless people who lost their homes and relatives due to disasters, those children of your age, including you, should all see the real blue sky, not this underground Quietly waiting for the end of fate...

This time, the stubbornness in Clara's heart failed to stick to her position and wavered violently.

She remembered a lot, and scenes flashed through her mind.

She had witnessed all the people and things Zi Shu mentioned with her own eyes.

But...but...but Clara knows Mr. Swallow, and there is a high probability that he will insist on calculating the results to make a decision...

Do you remember this place? Zi Shu suddenly took out his phone and pulled up a photo.

Clara was stunned when she saw the content of the photo.

It was a wall that had been graffitied. Under the blue sky, several children held hands and happily circled among the green grass and flowers recorded in the book.

She recognized at a glance that the graffiti was done by Hook, Alina, Julian and herself.

...Klara understands! Big brother, big sister, Clara will take you to find Mr. Swaro, but...try not to do anything, okay? Clara doesn't want to see anyone get hurt...

Xing and Zishu looked at each other and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, eldest sister and eldest brother agree to you, but we don't want to lie to you. If Swaro takes action first, we can't do nothing.

...Well...then Clara is relieved. Clara nodded lightly.

71. Sambo brings bad news

[Guigui, Clara would not agree to the train crew's request in the original plot, but Zi Shuxian actually agreed? 】

[It’s different, it’s really different. No one knows how the plot will proceed now. Isn’t there even a need to fight? 】

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