On March 7th, he turned around and turned around a few times to look around, but he didn't see Zi Shu's back.

Why is he so elusive... Oh no, no matter what, elbow, you come in with us!

37. Melon in the ground

Zi Shu walked through several dim alleys and glanced at the sign at the intersection.

[Entrance C of Big Mining Area]

Why bother? Can't you figure out where he is? The smiley mask fell on Zi Shu's head.

If you do the math, you will know how to do it. It is one thing to cause mental exhaustion due to frequent fortune telling, but it is another thing to form a dependence.

Zi Shu looked calm and said calmly: If everything must be calculated first, then it will not be an occupational disease, but a slave who only knows how to follow the guidance of fate.

That's not a coincidence. Aha knows a guy who calls himself the slave of fate. Would you like to introduce him to you...

Stop it, although I know you are very useless, but let me try to ask, do you know where the eldest lady is, right?

Zi Shu couldn't help but ponder whether the failure to find someone after searching for so long had something to do with him acting alone.

After all, the essential protagonist of Star Railroad is the star, and she is the key that switches on and off various events.

Quoting the saying of destiny, the protagonist cannot move and it is difficult to reach the main plot no matter how he moves. It does not seem to be untenable.

“Aha, I don’t know~~”

The smiley mask bounced off Zishu's shoulders and turned in circles.

If you don't know, you will get beaten. Zi Shu gave him a punch out of habit.

While crushing Aha, there was a faint sound of metal colliding not far away, but he didn't take it seriously. Working in the mining area is inseparable from metal tools, so it's normal for the sound to happen.

The broken mask instantly returned to its original state, and he looked in a certain direction, Huh? There seems to be something to eat over there!

Zi Shu looked over there and felt the power of joy surge in his body for a moment, then suppressed it mercilessly.

5555...Help me, Mr. Lingshi~~

Definitely next time.

Just kidding, as long as there is fun to be found, Aha's soul can theoretically arrive at the fun scene in an instant, whether it is the will of the clone or the main body.


Can't help at all.

I'll give you a chance to sleep with a beautiful woman tonight~~

Oral Varu.

Reward one million credits!

To Grandpa.

Then - tell you the general area where Bronya is located. Aha followed suit.

Think about it.

I'll give you another mysterious reward option.

Abstract stuff?

Aha guarantees it with the star god's divinity: it must not be the case!

Zi Shu curled his lips and did not believe Aha's words, but still turned around and walked towards the crowd not far away where the sound of quarrels was heard.

He knew very well that as long as Aha opened his mouth, there was basically no room for rejection.

It's not that Aha forces himself or controls himself, but it's like an established related event that is inexplicable and allows him to gain something after contact.

Rough summary: If the melon over there has no nutrition, how can the smelly mask on the shoulder not wait?

Walking closer, Zi Shu found that there were three men and two women in the group. The originally vague words gradually became clear, and there was even an extremely loud 'clang' sound.

Damn it! How can anyone wear iron pants and show off?!

Damn it, how can anyone wear pure steel shoes? Can they walk easily?

The two men squirted louder than the other.

With Zi Shu's eyesight, it was not difficult to see that the orange-haired man was wearing an iron crotch protector... and the gray-haired man opposite the orange-haired man was wearing a pair of shoes that seemed to be made of pure steel.

No one is holding metal utensils. Think of the previous two sentences, that means...

Zi Shu's eyes twitched.

Why didn't I find out yesterday that Jiang Zi from the lower area knew how to play?

I won't argue with a gray-haired guy like you. Wife, please stop making trouble. You can go home and say whatever you want! Lawn coaxed.

You're making trouble? You said you voluntarily worked extra classes in order to earn more Winter City coins, but I caught you cheating. How dare you accuse me of making trouble?

Stini looked very angry and pointed at Lawn's nose, How come I didn't realize that you had such a hobby before? Why do you still wear iron underwear when you come out and refuse to wear it when you want to play? What a beauty...

Lady, please don't get excited. The person your husband fucked was my wife. I'm more disgusted with this orange-haired man than you are! the gray-haired man interjected.

It is not difficult to see that the anger on his face is ready to overflow at any time.

However, when the long-haired woman heard this, she immediately became furious and shouted at the gray-haired man: What qualifications do you have to disgust him? How come I didn't know that you were having an affair with a man before I married you? You make me so disgusted. I want to vomit!

That's all in the past! The gray-haired man's face became anxious, and he grabbed the long-haired woman's hand but was thrown away. He could only point at Lawn angrily and asked, This bastard of yours is also having an affair with a man. Why do you have to say it again?!

Lao En widened his eyes and became anxious, None of my business, I was forced by this green-haired bitch! He came to me with the secretly taken photos and said to me, 'You don't want your affair to be exposed. If your wife knows, what can I do?

After hearing this, the green-haired man also transformed into the King of Anxiety and looked at the gray-haired man with an extremely aggrieved expression.

Husband, please say something, he actually dares to call me a bitch!

Shut up, bitch! Who is your husband? Don't disgust me! The gray-haired man said angrily: I am a family man. Now that my wife has cheated on someone else, I am not in the mood to talk nonsense to you!


Zi Shu stopped not far away for a while. How should I put it? He was shocked and a little dizzy.

Who can explain the relationship network of these five people?

But aside from anything else, this melon bird is very happy to eat, and the power of joy in the body is restless.

Stini wiped away her tears and said with a sneer: I don't care about the mess of the four of you. Lao En, if you treat both men and women and still cheat on me, I want to divorce you!

No, my wife, I told you that I was coerced by that bitch!

The woman who cheated on her was also coerced?

...this...wife, you need to know that I love you very much and can't live without you at all. Please don't divorce me, okay?

Go away! What qualifications do you have? How can you prove your love for me with your cheating behavior? Stini spat at Lawn's feet.

Lao En shouted: I would rather have sex with you than divorce you. Isn't this proof that I love you?

Zi Shu: ( ̄△ ̄;)

You- Sidney felt like she almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

So how can he still be so righteous and confident even if he can express his beastly reasons?

On Zi Shu's shoulder, Aha's laughter was like a magic sound, constantly penetrating into his ears.

Aha is looking forward to Mr. Lingshi's choice~

Choice 1: Complete reconciliation. There is nothing more joyful than everyone being happy. Help these five people untie their own knots and no longer care about what happened in the past. Reward: Heaven-level fighting skill - Great Heaven Fortune Palm (Improved) Version)!

Option 2: Selective reconciliation. Eat until you are almost exhausted. It is difficult enough to untie one person's heart knot. Everyone is happy. It is just a dream. Help one of them fulfill his wish.

Reward: Mysterious Wheel Draw Qualification*1.

38. Just a passing member of Earth Fire


When did you learn this trick? Zi Shu was speechless.

Return the palm of heaven’s creation…

How good Aha is to Lingshi is something that can be seen throughout the galaxy. The system in your mouth can give you rewards. Why can't Aha give it to you? But, if you want to reward, you must have a sense of ritual. Mr. Lingshi can understand it. Bar?

whispering sound…

If Aha's lies could be believed, Lan and Yaoshi's children would be able to make a nest together.

Zi Shu glanced at the five people who were still noisy, and his intuition told him that helping the short-haired woman might yield additional gains.

It's not Aha's reward, nor is it something weird, but something that can affect the development of the world.

The feeling was the same as when he was about to escape in the upper area, but suddenly had the idea of ​​tying Bronya down.

Intuition may be wrong, but it won't lie. Dan Heng thought so, and so did he.

Anyway, it's impossible for me to sign the divorce agreement. This is the great Amber King Creeper. I swear, no one loves you more than me, my dear! Lawn said affectionately.

However, his words made Stini's stomach juices churn and she couldn't help but want to vomit. The others were not much better.

Especially the gray-haired man, the urge to lift his feet and give that bastard a slap became even stronger.

It's not enough to hook up with your own wife, but you still want to enjoy the blessings of everyone?

How could there be such a shameless person? !

Especially when he learned that the bastard was still having an affair with his old sweetheart, the nausea in his heart seemed to turn into nausea.

Don't sign? I tell you, you have to sign even if you don't want to sign!

Stinni kicked away Lawn's hand that wanted to hug her.

Dear, don't be like this, I...ah-who are you?!

Raun found that his wrist was clenched with such force that it almost broke his bones.

What are you?

Zi Shu flicked it, and Lao En suddenly staggered a few steps, fell backwards in a bit of embarrassment, and sat down on the floor with a 'clang' sound.


Lawn screamed.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so sorry. I accidentally used a little more force on purpose. Are you okay?

Zi Shu stroked the sleeves of his robe and stared at Cheng Mao holding the anus on the ground with amusement in his eyes.

You ask me who I am. I'm just a passing member of the Earth Fire. I don't want to change my name, but I don't want to change my surname. I am Sambo Koski.

Sambo Koski? I've never heard of it. What does the matter here have to do with you? Even the Earth Fire can't control our housework. If you know better, get out of here. Otherwise, I will report it to the leader of your Earth Fire. There is good fruit for you to eat!”

The orange-haired man with stubble stared at Zi Shu.

I said Cheng Mao, you misunderstood. I just want to give you and your wife a chance to get back together... Zi Shu's lips slowly raised.

As soon as these words came out, all five faces showed strange expressions.

This man is not ordinary at first glance. His appearance and temperament do not look like ordinary people. Putting aside these things, the bright clothes are definitely not something that a person of low status can afford.

I once heard some wanderers or gangsters say that the more distinctive the people in the Earth Fire Organization, the more capable they are.

Especially one named Xi'er. I heard that when the scum she taught me met, they all wanted to dig a hole and escape on the spot.

The probability that the man in front of him is the backbone of Earth Fire is not low, but what he said is baffling.

Repair it?

He didn't seem to understand the situation.

You all seem to be doubting me. Don't worry. It only takes half a minute and you will believe that I have this ability.

Zi Shu chuckled softly, and the long-haired woman was stunned by the sudden scene.

Everyone, please look at this...

Zi Shu lightly lifted his two fingers, and between his fingers appeared a pure white talisman with an unknown pattern engraved on it.

What the hell are you pretending to be a ghost... Cheng Mao said disdainfully.

It's not a complicated thing. As long as you stick this thing to your throat, there is no possibility of lying in every word you say. Zi Shu explained.

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