There are only a few people on the road, and almost everyone’s clothes are shabby, yellow, and full of patches.

From those adults, it was not difficult for Xing to see the numbness on their faces, which was in sharp contrast to the children who were wandering and playing in the streets, making laughter and laughter.

The world of adults is full of difficulties, but the people in the lower class are struggling to survive even more difficultly. The area affected by the rift is getting larger and larger, and the expansion has never stopped even for a moment.

Living in such an environment, it can be said that there is no hope...

There are papers taped to the walls of many houses. Look closely at the most prominent one.

It's a promotional leaflet for Earth Fire.

On the simple handwritten leaflet, the handwriting penetrates the back of the paper, but it does not affect reading.

Xing took a brief look at it, and the content was roughly that the lower area had long lost the protection of the Silver-maned Iron Guard. Now that the world is being torn apart and the homeland is being eroded, we can only rely on ourselves. He called on everyone to join the Earth Fire Organization, unite as one, and protect the land they depend on for survival.

In addition, there are also some lists for miner recruitment or job hunting, as well as other trivial matters.

However, the number of job applications exceeds the number of recruitment orders by almost ten times... You can imagine how difficult it is for people here to make ends meet.

Infected by the atmosphere, Xing's mood was not high and he left the bulletin wall and walked aimlessly.

Even when I saw a lot of trash cans placed side by side, I wasn't in the mood to check them out for the time being.

There was no information about my companions, so I could only occasionally ask passers-by who didn't seem to be in a hurry, but no one said they had seen one of the three people.

Xing unconvincedly took out his phone and took another look. The result was still correct, so he threw the phone back helplessly.

Sigh... There's no signal at all. It's no different from electronic waste...

Although Natasha said that Panyan Town is not big, she cannot be sure that everyone will stay in the town.

We agreed, if we win the hide-and-seek game, we have to tell my sister all the secrets.

A familiar voice came from somewhere, and Xing's ears perked up.

Turning around, he found that the conspicuous girl not far ahead was none other than March 7th. Beside her, there were three children who seemed to be no more than one meter tall.

March 7th was found, but...where are Zishu and Danheng?

Xing slowly walked over there.

March 7 put his hands on his hips, blinked and smiled: It's a deal~ Let's play... Huh? When did you... come?

Not long, sister. Xing grinned.

Hey! March 7 felt that his toes were about to smell awkward, and complained: Don't imitate the tone of children!

Okay sister.


March 7th gave Xing an angry look, pulled her over, and whispered:

That's it. After I left the clinic, I separated from Dan Heng to collect intelligence. When I muttered about where the star core was, these kids heard me and said they knew where the star core was...

Xing's face was stunned, and he glanced down at the three children suspiciously.

Such a terrifying thing, these little devils...can they know about it?

I asked about my whereabouts, but they said that if you want to know, you have to join the Mole Party. If you want to join, you have to play games and beat them to prove my strength. Do you understand what I am doing?

Xing suddenly understood, then he put his arms around March Qi's shoulders, whispered in her ear and whispered: I know... you can't handle these children.

March 7 couldn't help but choke.

...Although I'm very angry, I really can't refute... Why don't you come and help me? These kids are very difficult to deal with.

While the two were biting each other's ears, the girl wearing a big hat among the three children, Hook, was a little unhappy.

Hey! How long are you going to keep whispering? The time of the Mole Party is very precious.

Yes, very precious! the boy Julian agreed.

March 7: This is where it starts. By the way, this guy is also going to join the Mole Party. Can we play together, Mr. Dark Hook?

Hook tilted his head and thought for a moment, then nodded, Okay, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Just be responsible for catching people together.

Julian raised his head and glanced at the two stars strangely, Boss, I don't think they are very smart. Do you want to demonstrate first?

Hearing the straightforward words of a brat, Xing and March 7 couldn't help but raise their slender eyebrows.

Damn it, he was looked down upon by a child, this little devil...

This girl is a wise and beautiful Lady March 7. Just hide and seek is not a problem for us. Just come here and I will catch you all. Then I will lead my sister and I to find the star core. .”

That's right, let's get started. Xing said confidently.

Okay, you have to count to 50...

Of course I know the rules, why don't you hide them quickly?

Hmph, it seems that our Mole Party's winning streak is about to be refreshed again. Hook raised his chin proudly and motioned for the two followers to find a place to hide.

Two minutes later——

As Julian, who had used the disguise technique, was also found, Hook immediately lowered his head with a dejected look on his face.

Hee hee, how could you possibly escape the perceptive and meticulous beautiful girl March 7th? It seems we can find the clues before Zi Shu and the others~~

36. I feel like he is the senior

Xing teased: I didn't expect you to understand idioms...

You think I'm illiterate! March 7 couldn't help but give Xing a pink punch.

Huh, admit defeat. The boss of the Mole Party will do what he said. I will take you to find the star box. Hook said, Come with me quickly. It's up to you whether you can get the star box. It’s up to you.”

Okay! March 7 jumped happily and followed Hook with joyful steps.

Xing followed at the end, his small hand gently stroking his smooth chin, his eyes full of suspicion.

It's not that she's suspicious, it's just that it's too unbelievable.

How could a few little devils know about something as terrifying as the star core? Could it be that they are just entertaining the family...

There are psychological activities with dubbing, which makes players happy to watch.

[It seems that the little devil is right, I and March 7th do seem to be not very smart guys. 】

[My IQ is still online, at least I have doubts about it. 】

[It’s so funny. It turns out it’s not a typo in the copywriter. A star box is a star box. It can’t be a box with a star pattern on it, right? 】

【That would be so fun. 】

[It is said that this direction is towards the Fight Club. It seems that the overall direction of the Zi Shu Line is similar. You should meet Dan Heng inside. 】

[But if Sangbo hadn't fooled him...would Dan Heng participate in the Fight Club competition? What was his motive? 】

[Uh... maybe Zi Shu had told him to suggest that Dan Heng come here to look for clues. It's more likely that he would also team up with Dan Heng to participate in the competition. 】

Players have everything to guess, and those who have experienced the original plot line are even more impatient.

For this group of players, knowing that the plot they have watched once has changed will inexplicably create a curiosity to know how the other plot line will develop.

For example, the protagonist's dialogue options, even if many people like to choose speech that is more disdainful and effective, they will also be curious about the follow-up of the other options.

A truth.

Hook brought March 7 and the two to the door of the Fight Club and said that the Star Box was inside and was the championship prize of today's Fight Conference. There was only one choice to get it.

March 7's eyes widened on the spot, full of disbelief.


The culprit whose train crew worked so hard for so long and almost became a prisoner was actually regarded as the championship prize of a fighting competition in the lower area?

Could it be any more magical?

Julian, I think you are right.

Xing looked at Julian with an expression that said, I finally understand you.


As you said, this sister is indeed not very smart...

When March 7th heard this, he raised his lips and rolled up his sleeves, You're asking for a beating!

Hook has nothing to do with you if you want to fight. The Mole Party has fulfilled its promise. You can go in on your own.

Hook shook his little head, and under the complicated gaze of Xing and March Qi who hesitated to speak, he called his friends to leave in a big way.

There was silence for several seconds, and the two looked at each other.

Go in, you're here, maybe it's true?

Would you like to make a bet?


If we really find news about Xing Core in Fight Club, I will eat this phone on the spot. Xing Yangyang held the electronic device in his hand.

0.o? March 7: Then what if we don't find it?

As a reward, I will receive a cup of Himeko's special coffee.

March 7 was so frightened that the hairs on her back stood up, she covered her mouth and took a few steps away from Xing.

Are you a devil?! I'm not Zishu and Danheng!

Xing originally just wanted to tease March Qi, but after hearing her words, his curiosity was aroused and he asked: What happened to them?

You may not know this when you first come here, but let me tell you...

March 7 looked around guiltily, as if worried about someone suddenly appearing around, and whispered:

Sister Jizi is a train navigator. She is beautiful, mature, elegant and reliable. She has countless advantages, but her coffee... can cause big problems if you drink it, ranging from food poisoning to...

Xing blinked blankly, remembering the time when he accidentally drank the coffee Jizi gave Zishu by accident when he got on the train, and then lost consciousness.

You mean... Zi Shu and Dan Heng are not afraid of Ji Zi's coffee?

Yes, yes! Dan Heng can actually drink Sister Ji Zi's special coffee without any trouble... The most terrifying thing is Zi Shu. He even praised the coffee as delicious and a rare drink...

What's even more scary is that from time to time, he asks Sister Jizi for a drink to take back to the room. I admire him every time I see him!

What do you admire?


Hearing the sound behind him, March Qi was suddenly startled. When he turned around and saw Zi Shu's impressive handsome face, he patted his chest and took a breath.

Don't hide behind and scare people!

Zi Shu smiled, glanced at the pretty star next to him, and felt relieved when he saw that she looked okay.

What are you doing here?

Zishu, let me tell you, we have found the news about the star core!

Oh? Zi Shu was startled and asked, Elaborate?

As long as you become the champion of this fight club tonight, you can get the star core!

Xing had been paying attention to Zi Shu's expression. When he saw the smile in his eyes, he knew that he simply didn't believe it. He couldn't help but cover his forehead and had the urge to say I don't know Yu Yu...

Zi Shu: March, although I don't know where you got the news from, have you ever doubted its authenticity? In any case, you are also the senior who has more than ten pioneering experiences ahead of us...

(°ー°〃) March 7th awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, Actually, it's not that I haven't doubted it... Uh haha... But we have no clue anyway, adhering to the principle that even if it is false news, we can't miss it, so... you Got it.

She didn't know why, but she felt that Zi Shu had an aura that was even more convincing than Dan Heng's. Among the three of them here, it seemed like he was the senior with incomparably rich pioneering experience.

We are about to go in. Zi Shu, have you heard anything? If not, can we go in together?

No. Zi Shu shook his head, You go in, I have to find Commander Bronya.

What's the reason you brought her down? March 7 asked.

My intuition tells me that in order to help this planet get out of trouble and make our trip smoother, Bronya must come to the lower area...

Zi Shu didn't sell it, and added:

It's just that she seems to have gone a little deep. I walked around twice and couldn't find her. Let's not talk about it for now. Dan Heng knows how to find me, so I'll leave first.

Wait a minute...huh?!

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