Zi Shu adjusted quickly and no one noticed anything unusual about him.

As the silver-maned iron garrison officer, Jeppard brought a few people into the city without going through many review procedures.

While moving towards the destination, he solved the puzzles for Zishu and others.

Under the protection of Clipper, Belloberg is always warm despite the wind and snow.

On March 7th, he leaned close to Zishu and whispered, He talks so strangely.

Chief Jeppard must have been quoting from a book.

Oh, then why is he telling us this?

Jeppard said expressionlessly, Because you just asked.

March 7 realized that everyone could actually hear what she was whispering, so she couldn't help but spread her hands and show an awkward yet polite smile.

Xing covered his forehead speechlessly, silly girl...

Seeing that Zi Shu's expression remained the same, I couldn't help but admire him, so I let her ask.

Continuing to follow Jeppard, he soon boarded a special vehicle and headed to Clipper Castle, the heart of Belloberg, the headquarters of the Builders and the residence of the Great Guardian.

The Great Guardians are the Beloberg leaders elected and appointed by the city builders. They have guarded the city for generations and provided shelter for the people:

Jeppard patiently answered Xing's questions.

The current guardian is Lord Cocolia Rand, and all major decisions in the city are made by her.

March 7: Oh... he sounds like a really big shot.

Please wait a moment. I will inform Lady Cocolia right away. You can organize your language in advance. Her time is precious, so she prefers concise and concise reports.

After saying that, he turned around, leaving behind March 7 who was hesitant to speak.

Zi Shu's left hand moved slightly in his sleeve robe. After a few seconds, his eyes, which were originally calm and calm, narrowed.

Something seems off about this castle...

20. Frozen him into an ice sculpture and sent him to jail

When he was hesitating whether to take the risk and continue to interpret the hexagram, March Qi's question interrupted his thoughts.

Zishu, what did you say to Jeppard before? His attitude has changed so much.

Dan Heng was also curious, only Xing was looking around.

It's just to prove our identity to Jeppard and let him know that we can never be Sambo's accomplices, that's all. Zi Shu explained.

How did you prove it?

Didn't stationmaster Esta give me a mobile phone before? Before departure, I took a picture of the planet Yaliluo on the train.

In other words, after seeing the photo, Jeppard believes that we are not from Beloberg?

Not entirely. Later, I showed him some things that didn't belong to this planet, and he completely believed it.

Yes, we can have as many photos as we want! Yue Qi suddenly realized, Why didn't we think of this before? Zi Shu, you are so smart.

Because you were angry at that time and your IQ was about 0. Xing showed a teasing expression.

Are you asking for a beating?

March 7 pouted, stretched out her elbow and gave Xing a gentle blow.

After all, that Sambo is really annoying. If he treats us as gunmen, the misunderstanding must be resolved. Otherwise, if we fight with Jeppard and the others, we may end up becoming real wanted criminals!

I get angry just thinking about it. The next time I meet him, I must give him an impressive lesson and let him know that our Trail Blazers team is not easy to mess with!

Xing: I must teach him an impressive lesson and let him know that our Trail Blazers team is not easy to mess with!

? ? ?

March 7 turned around.

Zishu, can you help calculate the severity of her rereading symptoms? Since coming to this planet, she has had this symptom a lot.

Dan Heng beside him shook his head helplessly.

There's no way to calculate, and there's no need to calculate. I know Xing's body is very healthy. Zi Shu smiled.

Are you still a doctor?

Uh...not technically.

Hmph, that's right. People who can be fine even with a star core in their body have really good physical fitness.

Xing curiously asked: If you really meet Sambo again, how do you plan to teach him a lesson?

Frozen him into an ice sculpture and sent him to prison! March 7 said with his arms akimbo.

Hearing this, Zi Shu looked strange, Maybe he will go to jail today...

oh? The three people's eyes focused on him.

Do you know where he is?

I don't know, but when Sambo was running away with oil on his feet, I cast a touch-type spell on him. As long as the escape speed exceeds the critical value, energy ripples will be formed. The power is enough to lift the ground with a radius of more than ten meters. A seven-meter-deep pothole…”

In my induction, the spell was activated, which means that the Silver-maned Iron Guards will most likely catch up with Sambo without knowing it, and this will force him to run away at the risk of his life.


Just when Zi Shu finished speaking, the game screen from the player's perspective turned and showed a static picture.

The background of the picture was a glacial lake, with traces of blasts on the ice, and silver-maned iron guards around it. Soon the picture was changed to the background of a cave, with a man huddled in a warm velvet robe lighting a fire in the middle to keep warm.

It is not difficult for anyone to see that his hair is still stained with water.

Thinking of the hole in the ice lake and the spell Zi Shu had said, the players couldn't hold their nerves at all.

【Hahahahaha! 】

【Laughing at me! 】

[No wonder Zishu glanced in that direction when Sang Bo ran away earlier, he was thoughtful, my husband! 】

[The Trail Blazers team is really not easy to mess with. I can only say that it’s a miserable Sambo. 】

[It has to be Zi Shu. With him in the team, I feel safe. 】

[Indeed, although the original plot was just a symbolic fight with Brother Jie, and later the misunderstanding was solved through photos, the two of them were still succeeded by Sambo. 】

[Speaking of which, some people have not finished promoting Belloberg’s plot, so please don’t spoil it. 】

[How can it be so fast? The subsequent main lines are stuck by the equilibrium level. Even the Kryptonian will take some time to upgrade the branch lines. 】

[Looking forward to the development behind Zishu’s plot line~~]

[I will meet Da Ya Ya next, unless the plot also changes. 】

[Probably not. To be honest, adding the plot line of Zishu requires a lot of work. It is impossible to distinguish it from non-important plots. Seeing that Cocolia is not that important. 】

Stop, brothers, please stop spoiling the show, otherwise it will ruin some people's perception. She Luo quickly stopped the audience in the live broadcast room who were chatting enthusiastically.

There are also some bloggers who have not promoted the plot for the time being and have given priority to strategies. Now almost all of them have one head and two big ones.

Whoever has the bigger head will be the one with the bigger head.

Everyone knows that Zishu is very popular nowadays. Even if you publish a relatively one-sided guide, as long as it is not so wrong that it will be recorded in the history books, it will get a lot of traffic.

But since there is no such person like him in the test server, the strategy is really difficult.

Especially now that the balance level cannot be increased and there is no way to unlock the key abilities of the character, many things can only be relied on pure cloud.

Soon after, different Zishu training strategies sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Many game novices are overwhelmed and confused by the dazzling array of strategies with mixed reviews.

[I don’t recommend anyone to practice the book, the skill mechanism is purely fancy! 】

[Those who are covered with protection can harmonize with each other! I recommend everyone to read Lian Zi Shu! 】

[Human rights or making up the numbers? No one understands Zishu better than me, and I will use the simplest way for you to understand the new characters. 】

[Uncovering Zishu, how to play Zishu and how strong is it? 】

[Zishu's one-sentence strategy: one person, two battles, a group version that can be expected in the future. 】


I spent a lot of time reading guides from several different authors, and I don’t know who to believe.

Some players clicked on the bloggers they particularly followed and found that there was no movement from them.

He Luo is also one of them, but fans know that his strategies are usually not that fast and will basically take some time to test.

As a result, some people turned to the personal homepage of a female anchor named Teya and found that she also did not update Zishu's strategy, but she was live broadcasting.

When I clicked in and took a look, I happened to be calculating Zishu's data and conducting actual measurements.

It's just that she scratches her head very frequently, and her originally combed hair has become messy, which shows how crazy she is now.

Young heroes, my scalp is going to explode. All I can say now is that Zishu, who is highly trained, should be able to do a lot. Just by removing negative effects after any action and having two soul-free ultimate moves, he is definitely better than Natasha and Commonly used on March 7th.

Others may have an itchy scalp because they have brain problems, but Teya felt that her itchy scalp was a sign of mental exhaustion.

You can't blame her. The monsters that push the plot in the early stage have low damage and no pressure to survive. Zishu's energy recovery effect basically cannot be triggered.

Perhaps... when the third world of the simulated universe is opened, there will be an environment where Zishu can initially perform.

21.Meet Cocolia

Outside Fort Clipper.

Jeppard, who went to report, received permission to go back outside and bring in the four members of the pioneering team to meet with Cocolia, the contemporary great guardian.

As soon as Zishu and others stepped into Cocolia's office, they heard a majestic shout.

Protecting this land has always been accompanied by sacrifice. It is their greatest honor for soldiers to die heroically!

But Mother, their sacrifices are meaningless! You can no longer go your own way!

That's enough! Don't say any more, stand down, Bronya, the visitors are here.

Hearing this, Bronya turned her head and caught a glimpse of Jeppard and the visitors behind her, and couldn't help but bite her silver teeth.

His clenched fists slowly unclenched, and he could only lower his head slightly.

Yes, Mother...

Bronya glanced at everyone in Zishu and left quickly without looking back.

Feeling the gloomy emotion in the young girl's eyes, Zishu caught a glimpse of the strange blue spot on Cocolia's right arm, and a deep hidden doubt flashed in his eyes.

Jeppard: Lord Guardian, I'm bringing four outsiders here to see you.

Well done, Jeppard, please step aside.

Seeing that Jeppard disappeared, Cocolia glanced at the four members of the pioneering team without leaving a trace, without losing her courtesy.

Welcome, travelers from outside the cold wave... no, from outside the sky, right? I am Cocolia Rand, the guardian of Beloberg, and I am here to listen to your wishes.

Xing thought for a moment and said, Do you believe we come from outside the sky?

Believe it. Cocolia said: I can see that you are not from this world. Only by keeping the history in mind can the builders strengthen their hearts. I know that in the distant past, before the cold wave came and the legion invaded, this world was incomparable. Prosperity…

Although the city builders have never received news from the stars in the past seven hundred years, I know of your existence. Please tell me what you mean. I will listen.

Hearing this, Xing subconsciously looked at Zi Shu, and seeing that he had no intention of speaking, he looked at Dan Heng on March 7th.


Why should she, a newbie and pioneer, speak up?

no solution anymore.

Let's colonize this planet.

March 7 immediately cast a speechless look, ...Who knows what you are saying!

Dan Heng felt that as a veteran leader, he had no choice but to come forward now, and said sternly: We are here for something called a star core.

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