I am a garrison officer, not an arbitration panel. You have the right to defend yourself, but not here or now. Come with us.


Yue Yu, let me explain. Zi Shu put his arm across Yu Yu Qi's body, Now, Zi Shu, I wonder if Chief Jeppard can take a step to speak?

When the soldier heard this, he tightened his grip on his weapon and said, No, sir, be careful of fraud!

It doesn't matter, keep an eye on the others and come with me.

Jeppard did not lower his voice, nor did he care that his words were heard by everyone. After speaking, he walked to the side and motioned for Zi Shu to follow him, looking confident and calm, as if he was not afraid of the train crew running away.

Don't act rashly.

Zi Shu left a message and passed by the silver-maned Iron Guard soldier who sent out a warning signal with an indifferent expression.

Both Yue Qi and Dan Heng had seen Zi Shu's ability, and felt comfortable letting him negotiate with the other party.

Only Xing blinked his curious eyes, and after confirming that there was no sign that Zishu and Jeppard's relationship had broken down, he looked in the direction where Sambo had slipped away earlier.

That guy really wasn't lying. His unique skill in escaping did not even leave any footprints.

But I still want to give him a hammer.

The plot CG ends.

[I really want to complain about something, why is the master of Mijia Games wanted everywhere? 】

[Traveler, is the Star Dome Railway fun? 】

[Don’t worry, with a trustworthy adoptive father here, I will not become a prisoner. 】

Heluo realized that she could control the character, and wanted to follow Zishu to listen, but she couldn't walk a few steps before she was stopped by the silver-maned iron guard.

Yes, it seems I can only wait patiently.

Returning to the original place to talk to Yue Qi and Dan Heng, it was just Dan Heng trying to persuade Yue Qi not to be impulsive.

Not long after, Zishu and Jeppard returned the same way.

The difference is that there is basically no hostility in the eyes that Jeppard looks at these people. Although there is hidden vigilance, it is difficult to detect.

The three stars looked at each other and didn't understand why Jeppard, who had previously threatened to arrest them and put them in jail, became friendly now.

Okay, the misunderstanding has been resolved, please put your guys away.

Zi Shu chuckled softly, and then with a wave of his hand, a group of small talismans with the same number as the Silver Mane Iron Guard soldiers appeared and floated in front of everyone's face.

As long as you stick this on any leg, you can block the sound of your footsteps within two hours. Only people holding the same talisman can hear it. Chief Jeppard, I wish your subordinates can return with good news.

Thank you.

Jeppard made Beloberg's unique gesture of thanks to Zishu, and then issued the order with a majestic look.

You put on the talisman and go after the blue-haired guy. If you can't find him in two hours, you don't have to look for him anymore.

Sir...is this little piece of paper so magical? The soldiers all had doubts.

Zi Shu flicked his fingers together, and the talisman closest to him immediately stuck to the leg of a silver-maned iron guard.

You can try bouncing your legs in place or running a few laps and you'll see how effective it is.

The soldier looked at Jeppard and tried to run a few laps after seeing him nod, but his expression under the armor was speechless.

Isn't it obvious that there are footsteps? You can hear it yourself and you can't hide it from others?

However, after he stopped, he couldn't help but be startled when he saw Geppard's surprised expression.


Mr. Zishu's methods are indeed extraordinary. Does anyone have any doubts?

Sir, no more! the other Silver-maned Iron Guard soldiers said in unison.

Jeppard waved his hand and said, Let's go now!


Everyone quickly affixed the talisman given by Zi Shu and chased in the direction where Sangbo disappeared.

Seeing the backs of all the silver-maned iron guards disappear, Jeppard turned around, looked around at Zishu and the four others, and nodded in greeting.

Outsiders, please come with me, Beloberg is behind this snow curtain.

Can you please Sir Jeppard to lead the way?


Seeing Zi Shu's expression and following the tutorial naturally, Yue Qi and Dan Heng glanced at Xing and temporarily suppressed their curiosity.

On the other side, Sambo was walking leisurely, playing with the short knife he took out from nowhere, and whistling happily.

After arriving at a certain glacial lake, I was still interested in cutting through the ice to lower the pole.

Not long after, he pulled in a plump fresh fish, took a short knife and made fresh fish fillet sashimi on the spot. While feasting, he muttered some inarticulate words to himself.

Hey, hey, I wonder what's going on with the Star Train gang now. The worst outcome is that they're forced into the city, right?

But the chance is small... The greater possibility is to clear up the misunderstanding. After all, that white-haired guy can't even see through me. He is definitely not a simple person. If he fights with real swords and guns, there is a high probability of death... No! Absolutely it's me…

It's strange, why didn't I have any information about him before...

I originally planned to lure a few more world-splitting creatures to give them a little surprise before we met, but who knew I would be a surprise myself.

The weird mist has such terrible lethality, but it has caused so much pain for me, old Sambo. I can't bear the pain if I don't steal some ideas!!

After muttering this, Sambo threw the fish bones into the ice cave, clapped his hands and prepared to leave.

19. The mask is shaking!

As soon as Sang Bo stood up, he noticed the sudden sound of murderous wind blowing behind him. His inner alarm rang loudly. He quickly threw himself on the ground and rolled several times quickly, then rolled backwards and regained his balance.

Taking a closer look, he found that he was almost surrounded by silver-maned iron guards.

? ? ?

What a hell?

When he saw the silver-maned iron guards rushing towards him, but no one made any footsteps, Sang Bo's face was fierce.

Subconsciously, he felt that being chased must have something to do with that mysterious white-haired man.

Um...are you guys humans or ghosts? Why do you walk without making any sound?

Where is the suspect running?

Why don't you just surrender quickly?!

The Silver Mane Iron Guard soldiers have never been so close to the blue hair in front of them. How could they easily let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? If they let him run away, wouldn't they be living up to Zi Shu who gave him a valuable treasure for free?

In their eyes, this kind of good thing that can quietly approach criminals is sometimes much more useful than the guy in hand.

Sambo is numb.

God knows if these soldiers have any of the terrifying hidden weapons given by Zi Shu in their pockets. They don't want to try that kind of pain that makes their eyes sting to tears, their noses itch, and their throats sore.

What's even more disgusting is the flash bomb that makes a loud noise...

He also has similar hidden weapons, but their power and functionality are far inferior.

Sang Bo guessed that the Silver Mane Iron Guard could find him because Zi Shu was behind it, and he might even be carrying some terrifying hidden weapons, so he didn't dare to get too involved.

The terrifying speed of rushing out of the encirclement in the blink of an eye also caused the expressions of the soldiers behind to change.

This guy…

Before they could all move forward in pursuit, a circular shock wave suddenly erupted from the soles of Sambo's feet as he pulled away. Powerful energy ripples instantly destroyed the solid ice surface with a radius of more than ten meters.

Sambo, who was not surprised at all, fell into the lake in confusion.

The temperature above the lake was extremely low, and there were already signs of re-freezing on the surface of the lake. By the time the Silver-maned Iron Guards rushed to the safe edge of the gap and surrounded it, the lake was already covered by a thin layer of ice.

They couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they saw the suspect fall with their own eyes.

Of course it is impossible to go down and arrest people...

what to do?

You two and I are responsible for breaking up the ice to prevent it from forming thick ice. The rest of us spread out to block the ice lake. In such a cold environment, the suspect will definitely come out if he wants to survive. By then, his body will be frozen and it will be difficult for him to fly!


However, after a while, not even a ghost was seen, let alone the suspect coming out of the lake.

The soldiers fell silent.

Isn't it?

The suspect would have to suffocate to death if he stayed under the icy lake, but if they caught him he wouldn't be punished with death, so why bother?

You can't steal the underwear of the Great Guardian, or steal her stockings to use as a headgear... Ahem!

The soldiers quickly stopped their inexplicable and absurd thoughts.

Waiting is not an option, but no one has the conditions to dive in and catch someone.

How about...asking Chief Jeppard?

I would like to, but the communication equipment has no signal in this area!

In this way, if you go to a place where the signal can cover it, go back as quickly as possible!


Ten minutes passed, and we found ourselves in a remote valley some distance away from the glacial lake.

There is also a small lake here. The ice suddenly bursts, and a wet figure climbs ashore from it. His skin is blue from the cold, he is shivering and sneezing. Without hesitation, he takes off all his clothes and takes out a dry towel to wipe off his body. Lake water.

I don't know where I took out a clean thermal jacket and wrapped it up to lock in my body temperature, and then I let out a long sigh of relief.

Judging from this person's appearance, isn't it Sambo?

It really cost me my life...

Thanks to the underground passage with an outlet at the bottom of the lake, and basically no resistance from the water flow, he was able to escape through there without much effort.

If I, old Sambo, hadn't had some money, I would have frozen to death in the lake... Then I would have been laughed at by the guys in the tavern for the rest of my life...

Thinking of this, Sambo's face was instantly filled with aggrieved expression.

The ripples of energy that suddenly blew up the ice surface from the soles of his feet were almost the same as the hidden weapon that temporarily made him deaf. The difference was that it was more powerful.

He had committed sin and didn't do much to provoke that man Zishu. Why was he always in trouble with me?

In the haze-laden sky, several masks emerged, emitting strange, deafening laughter.

The taste of the play-within-a-play is so wonderful and enjoyable that it feels like my brain is trembling.

No, He has no brain.


The mask is shaking!

You've done a great job, Zi Shu. You are indeed my favorite envoy.

Power...Modo...Give you Modo!

The other side.

Jeppard led Zishu and the others through the curtain of ice and snow, stopped and looked at everyone.

A huge valley appeared below the field of vision, with a huge city surrounded by high walls inside and outside.

Welcome to the city of preservation - Beloberg.

Everyone observed for a while, nodded and said nothing. Just when they were about to lift up their steps and continue to follow Jeppard, Zi Shu's whole body froze.

He found that the power of joy in his body was much stronger.


Aha——! ! !

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