Omnipresent God of War Chapter 166


Chapter 166 In the Woods (Today Eight Thousand Five Senses Xie Qingningzi Baiyin)




Zhou Hangtong stomps heavily on the ground each step, and will take the body and fly forward at a low altitude.

He is born with Divine Force and born with Copper Skin. Even if he doesn't wear armor, he can travel with no difficulty.

Perfectly burst out all the power.

Power, especially high explosive power, also translates smoothly into speed.

Although his speed is not as good as that of Martial Master, who specializes in leg technique, it is not much worse.

The super strength gives him a huge advantage in straight-line sprints.

Actually, the armor is just a burden for an expert at his level.

The further up you go, the higher the cultivation base, and the less effective your weapon armor is.

So most of the armors are mostly used for decoration, or for protection of weak soldiers.

And if a martial artist of his level wears armor, it represents more of an identity.

oh la la.

Stepping on a puddle with one foot, a large amount of water splashed. Even flew out with silt and rotten Yezi inside.

The original puddle suddenly turned into a wet pit.

Zhou Hangtong suddenly slowed down, rushed forward a few steps along the inertia, and then stopped.

"Who!? Get out!"

He stared coldly at the up ahead, where the mist was filled with mist, and there was a faint sound of breathing in the shadows of the puss.

Pop, pop.

A shadow slowly emerged from the fog.

It was a sturdy cheetah with a dark body and two black horns on its head.

The cheetah is more than four meters long, and its muscle lines rise and fall together. It walks silently, full of strength and beauty.

“Variation Horned Leopard?”

Zhou Hangtong rushed forward, frightened the black panther turned and ran, swish into the jungle, disappeared.

He suddenly laughed funny.

After removing a small episode, continue to accelerate forward.

A faint whisper of a purple eagle falcon could be heard above his head, constantly guiding him.

The trees on both sides are getting taller, straighter and thicker, and the fog is getting thicker and thicker.

Zhou Hangtong took out a pale green bead, stuffed it into his mouth, pressed it under his tongue, and moved on.

Just a few steps away, he suddenly stopped again.

A person's shadow stood quietly on the branch up ahead, looking down at him.

The silhouette is burly, and the height of two meters is among the ordinary people, which is not bad.

The man with black hair draping over the shoulders spread out and a large black cloak draped over his body, standing in the backlight, his face was not visible.

"Zhou Hangtong?" The man exclaimed in surprise.

"Are you the mice who killed my subordinates before?" Zhou Hangtong licked his lips, his eyes grim.

"Rat? Huh" silhouette jumped gently and fell to the ground, revealing a cold and ordinary face.

It is Wei He who just separated from Wan Ling and the others.

"A fight?" He looked towards Zhou Hangtong, who was a bit taller than him.

"Hit? nameless junior! What thing are you!"

There was a loud bang.

Zhou Hangtong stepped out with one foot, blasted a large piece of grass clippings and dirt behind him, and rushed towards Wei He.




West Mountain · Myriad Azure Sect former home.

The woodhouses were lit one after another, thick smoke billowed, and the flames licked and swept over everything.

The fire almost dyed the night sky red.

The crackle's fire, the evening wind disordered and in a mess. All made Wang Shaojun's heart more restless.

"Sure enough, something happened." He glanced around and circled around the station, and found many neat footprints on the ground, as well as the traces of the horses' hooves.

"It should be the Scarlet Bright Army that has caught up."

Wang Shaojun made an appointment with Wei He to strangle the expert of Returning Goose Pagoda, and the result came out. file thing.

After hesitating, he still took out a mask from his arms.

The mask is Sao Bao's silver cloud pattern mask, the contour is close to the face, which perfectly outlines his handsome face.

After putting on the mask, Wang Shaojun took out a small copper mirror and looked at his appearance by the firelight.

Then straighten the hair and twist it with all the hairpins.

It is confirmed that the meter is OK.

He took out a pair of purple red daggers, one in each hand, and waved them at will.

I'm sure it's a good deal.

"Old Wei, if you die, then your life is bad. If you don't die, it depends on your luck. Zhou Hangtong is not someone to mess with"

With a sigh, Wang Shaojun galloped away in the direction the horseshoe print left, and soon disappeared into the dark night.

When! !

Wei He shot out an electric palm, hitting Zhou Hangtong's forearm with precision.

Bronze's skin looks like flesh and blood, but the sound of the blow in an instant is completely the sound of metal collision.

Wei He used to do Turning Mountain Fist with the same double fisting sound, but it was different then.

The power he burst out at this time, but the Overflowing Rain Strength fourth layer, plus fifth layer Flying Dragon Art and special effects burst together rapidly.

High-speed sprint, plus the superposition of Strength Force, the resulting impact. Far from being comparable to ordinary Martial Master. Even the Forging Bone Martial Master cannot ignore the lethality of this blow.

"That's it?" Zhou Hangtong flicked his forearm, and a swirling airflow suddenly shook off his body.

Just the body protection Strength Force, he easily blocked Wei He's blow.

"I thought it was too strong, but it turned out to be a piece of garbage."

He casually watched Wei He jump out, landed on a tree trunk and squatted lightly.

"Really?" Wei He just tried a move, and he already knew that if he didn't use Whale Flood Art, he might not even be able to break Zhou Hangtong's defense.

This guy's skin is unimaginable thick.


He took a deep breath, and a large amount of airflow mist was like a line, and he was inhaled into his nose and mouth from the surrounding.

The power belonging to the Whale Flood Art begins to slowly decompress with the muscles, releasing it to fill the whole body.

Until now, Wei He was suppressing himself when he shot, so as not to burst out with too strong power and attract suspicion.

After all, he has done a lot of good things with great strength.

But now, he finally doesn't have to hide.

ka ka

The muscles slowly expand.

The meridians are becoming more and more congested everywhere, tenacious.

For a while, Wei He's whole body began to swell slightly. Huge qi and blood poured out from the Whale Flood Art two blood sac, all over the body.


Wei He exhaled a long breath, the thick white gas like python rushed out of his nose and mouth, blowing away the cold mist in front of him.

Overflowing Rain Strength Strength Force, plus Iron Mountain Range Robe Triple Blood Strength Force, two complementary Strength Forces, slowly winding and overlapping on his arms, forming a more powerful Overflowing on defense Rain Strength Strength Force.

"Come again." Wei He condescended, jumped up, and swooped towards each other from a height.

The two palms are like holding a knife, and they slash with all their strength from top to bottom.

The qi and blood swelled and bulged, all flowing into Wei He's arms, making them expand even more, as if they were inhuman.

"Good job!" Zhou Hangtong is not ignorant of the goods, but just from the sound of breaking the air and the muffled sound of the movement, he can judge that the opponent's this move is not weak.

However, in terms of strength, he has never met an opponent.

Immediately raise both palms, one left and one right, to meet in the middle.

I want to just clip Wei He in the middle and kill him with one move.

Layers of Echoing Strength vibrated and trembled on his body, and the Strength Force, like an ocean wave, rolled a large stream of air from his body to his arms like a stream.

bang! ! !

The two collided in an instant.

The four sturdy arms that are not much different are squeezed and deformed in the blink of an eye, congested and swelled, and the skin almost turned black and red.

weng! !

The clothes on both of their arms shattered at the same time, turned into pieces and scattered all around.

The soil under Zhou Hangtong's feet sank suddenly, and his feet were deeply crushed into the ground.

One after another continuously massive force, pressing down from above him.

"This power." Zhou Hangtong widened his eyes.


His upper body swelled instantly, and his arms turned pitch black.

"Still weak! hahahaha!!!" He suddenly turned his face, laughed wildly, and grabbed Wei He with his arms.

"Do you think I'm surprised, idiot?!"

As a result of the release of the arms, Wei He slammed the Palm Blade down with all his strength, and fiercely hit him in the middle of the forehead .

bang! !


Zhou Hangtong stretched out his hand with a grin and grabbed Wei He like lightning.

Echoing Strength is covered with trembling on his palm. Wherever he goes, all the vibrations relax, which can make any martial artist lose the condensed qi and blood in an instant, and the strength is weakened.


His palm slashed across Wei He's face, cutting off a strand of black hair.

Wei He leaned back to avoid it, swept his body from the side, rolled gently several times, and stood beside a big tree.

"Oh? Dodge?" Zhou Hangtong turned around and looked at Wei He with a sneer. "Your strength is really good. But it's a pity. You think what I really rely on is strength?"

We fought at that moment just now.

His power really exploded. But compared with Zhou Hangtong, it is still weaker.

"You hid your strength before?" Wei He asked in a deep voice.

"It's not hiding, it's just that you don't need that much force." Zhou Hangtong tore off his shattered shirt, revealing his strong upper body that looked like copper inside.

"Your strength is good, you can play." He sauntered forward, accelerating suddenly.

With his arms down and his palms shaking, strands of Strength Force gathered.

chi chi twice.

A large amount of Strength Force was actually on the fingertips of his palm, extending out several centimeters.

The invisible Strength Force condensed into a blade-like shape, forward at the ends of his palms.

Strength Force twists the air and vibrates at high frequency, creating two chainsaw-like airflow blades.

"This is the great accomplishment ability of my Strength Force, called Invisible Whip. Wherever I go, there is a powerful cutting power that surpasses weapons."

Zhou Hangtong jumped up , his body turned over gently, his hands moved towards Wei He and he slashed down.


Wei He dodged the blow with a side dodge, but the tree trunk next to him wasn't so lucky.

The bark trunk was cut off instantly, and most of it was cut off.

Zhou Hangtong follows him like a shadow, and the vines and weeds under his feet can't stop him in the slightest.

His palms are like sharp knives.

"You just run? Weren't you crazy just now!?"

Zhou Hangtong opened his arms and slashed like a windmill.

Wherever I pass, the trunks and stones are divided into two sections.

Wei He dodges left and right and keeps retreating. A trace of medicine powder quietly drifted out from where he passed, filling all around.

"You are indeed very strong." He jumped back and landed gently on a clearing.

"But the victory or defeat is never based on strength alone."

Wei He right hand behind, lightly clenched into a fist, and then opened.


An extremely fine powder scatters from his suddenly open palm, and scatters all around with the wind.

This is his final mix-up on the Martial Master.

Zhou Hangtong bowed slightly, and the corner of the mouth evoked a sinister smile.

"Really? I want to see how you beat me?"

"Army March Killing Art! Void Form!"

He suddenly reached out Grab it in the pocket, and throw it.


A large piece of thin metal needle burst out, mixed with Bone Strength, the hardness and speed of the steel needle are far beyond ordinary hidden weapons, and it flew to Wei He in the blink of an eye.

Ordinary tricks are at most just pouring Bone Strength into a few weapons, which is the limit.

But his Void Form Momentum can evenly pour Bone Strength into a large number of small hidden weapons at once.

Adding some steel needles without Bone Strength infusion, it is impossible to distinguish between the real and the real.

The hidden weapon played in Void Form, on the surface, Strength Force is the same.

But once you really think it's all the same, it's a big mistake.

chi chi chi chi chi!!

The densely packed needles arrived in front of Wei He in an instant.

Being caught off guard, Wei He was short and swept close to the ground, avoiding the steel needle.

His speed didn't exceed Zhou Hangtong too much, but in terms of acceleration, he seemed to have lost inertial gravity, do as one pleases, extremely suddenly.

In just a moment, Wei He was already close to Zhou Hangtong's side, and his palms were fiercely printed on his waist and eyes.

bang bang!

Two muffled sounds exploded.

Zhou Hangtong swayed slightly, turned around and slapped Wei He casually.

One of them is fast and the other is strong. In the blink of an eye, they fought dozens of tricks.

Zhou Hangtong keeps getting hit on the body, but it's useless, the Copper Skin of his skin, defensive can't even get through the Heavenly Seal Nine Masters of Tempering Organ.

Wei He Whale Flood Art itself is comparable to Forging Bone's destructive power. Even with the blessings of Flying Dragon Art and Overflowing Rain Strength, it is at most the lethality of Forging Bone's apex.

It's time for a real fight.

Wei He felt that the estimation was wrong and it was extremely difficult.

Except for key points such as eye and ear holes, Zhou Hangtong did not defend at all and let him strike.

Even in steel armor, he couldn't withstand such a series of heavy blows.

But Zhou Hangtong was unscathed, not even a trace of blood.

Wei He was depressed, and Zhou Hangtong felt the same.

His majoring in cultivation technique Army March Killing Art, whether it is Echoing Strength or Killing Art's Five Momentums, is a frontal push style that is invincible on the battlefield.

Encounter dexterous opponents, you can also have Void Form Momentum hidden weapon to kill.

But the guy in front of him is a freak.

Even if it is a leg technique Martial Master , there will be inertia when it comes to an emergency stop, so it is necessary to buffer the qi and blood Strength Force.

But not Wei He.

He wasn't the fastest of Zhou Hangtong's opponents. But the movement method was the weirdest opponent he had ever encountered.

Back and forth, left and right, up and down, like a phantom, weightless, light and fast flashing movement.

But if you think that this guy has no power, the heavy blows that hit him from time to time will remind him that this guy may cause no weak damage if he is not careful.

In general, you should not be afraid, but there is really no way to protect your ears, eyes, nostrils.

The two of you came and went in the forest.

When the ground is short, it becomes potholes, like a bomb went off.

Zhou Hangtong can't catch people, Wei He can't beat people.

Neither of them wanted to give up.

"Have the ability to face me! Let's see who will fall first!" Zhou Hangtong shouted with some fire, pierced a cedar with one palm, and drew out his palm.

"If you have the ability to catch up with me, I will do it with you!" Wei He coldly said.

It's just that he suddenly felt that something was wrong after he finished speaking, but it was too late to think about it at a critical moment.

He fought this monster several times, and now his hands, arms, and even his chest began to ache.

Now he finally knows what the Heavenly Seal Nine Masters were like before.

From the start of the fight to the present, he has at least hit Zhou Hangtong's 20 moves, but it's useless!

Moreover, what he wondered was that the mixed poison had been used for so long, how could it still have no effect.

"Do you really think I can't do anything about you?!!" Zhou Hangtong suddenly stopped and took a deep breath in his chest.

one after another Echoing Strength like a stream, converging to his throat.

"Kill!!" a loud roar, exploded like thunder.

Wei He was numb all over, and his movements suddenly slowed down for a few beats.

At this moment, Zhou Hangtong stepped on the ground in front of him, and a palm hit him in the chest.

"Dead!" The second roar shook again.

It's just weird that Zhou Hangtong's movements are a little slower for some reason.

Just as he was about to slap Wei He.

Wei He reacted in time, leaped to the left, and turned over continuously in the air to avoid this palm.

cough cough

Zhou Hangtong stood where he was and wanted to chase, but he couldn't help but coughed on the spot.

The body temperature of his arms was much lower than at the beginning.

"You poisoned!?" He was surprised and angry, and turned his head to stare at Wei He. The poison couldn't even hold his Poison-Dispelling Bead?

I can't, I can't hold it anymore, I won't upload until it's almost five o'clock.

Qing Ningzi and all the big guys don't give rewards, you're exhausted... I'm tired of adding words, and I feel guilty if I don't...

(end of this chapter)

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