Omnipresent God of War Chapter 165


Chapter 165 In the middle of the forest (thanks to Qingningzi Baiyinmeng)

West Mountain, in the shady jungle.

Myriad Azure Courtyard was willing to leave with only half of them, and the rest went down the mountain silently.

Wan Ling put medicine on her back, endured the pain, and looked at some of the people who left.

In the entire Myriad Azure Sect, no matter how bad it was, there were dozens or hundreds of people. And now there are only a dozen or so who are willing to stay.

Even Yao Hansheng also

"Sorry, Master, I" Yao Hansheng is really loyal, but he still has family in Xuanjing City. And wives and parents. No matter how much morality he reaches up to the clouds, it is impossible for him to escape with Myriad Azure Sect.

"You can think about it. If you don't leave with us now, in case the Scarlet Bright Army finds you." Wan Ling whispered.

"After thinking about it, I can't give up my family, my son is only five years old." Yao Hansheng bowed his head and said guiltily. Even if he surrendered and was dragged to join the army, he recognized it.

Like him, and many others. That's the sadness of Sect.

When they are prosperous, relying on the personal connections of these local middle-level Disciples, they can be like spiders, intertwined and form a power group.

But once you encounter a higher level of suppression.

These network contacts will become their constraints.

Let it fall apart overnight.

".I understand." Wan Ling's hand in his long sleeve was clenched lightly, but was weakly released.

She involuntarily looked towards Wei He, who was silent on the side.

The scene in the woods before, could not help but reappear in front of her eyes.

"Sorry." Yao Hansheng finally cup one fist in the other hand, and bowed to the others around him.

He looked at Wan Ling, hesitated again and again, and finally took his luggage and moved towards the mountain.

"Sorry, Master."

"I will never spread the Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art."

"Master, take care."

It was quiet for a while, with Yao Hansheng taking the lead. Disciples from the inner courtyard, Triple Blood martial artist, also began to leave one after another.

At this point, if you don't want to involve your family, the only way is to surrender.

They are all descendants of local families, and they usually face no trouble when they surrender, but at most they face some punishment.

For a Triple Blood martial artist like them, the main punishment is the practice of conscription.

There are a lot of Triple Blood experts in the army, and many of them do.

Although their actual combat experience is not enough, qi and blood realm are there, as long as you fiercely hone your drills and spend some time learning to cooperate, you can also become a usable battle strength.

The night wind was blowing, and half of the people in the woods disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Leaving only Wan Ling, Wei He, and Wan Qingqing, who passed out in a coma, take the lead.

The rest are all old Disciples in the inner courtyard, or their families are gone, or they are orphans.

This kind of unconcerned person dares to advance and retreat with Myriad Azure Sect calmly.

A total of twelve people remained. There were ten women and two men, five of whom were over forty years old.

Twelve people were still studying martial cultivator, when they suddenly heard that Myriad Azure Sect was targeted and killed by Scarlet Bright Army, they were equally terrified, but they had no one to rely on, Myriad Azure Sect is their home.

There is nowhere to go but to stay. This is the situation of the remaining twelve people at this time.

They all focused on Courtyard Head Wan Ling with their panicked gazes. Awaiting her orders.

"Courtyard Head, what should we do now? Where are we going to withdraw?" the woman with the highest cultivation base asked in a low voice.

The woman's long hair is tied into a ponytail, her eyes are sharp, and there is a scar at the corner of her eye. Although her appearance is not beautiful, it gives a fierce and aggressive impression.

This person was surnamed Pan, given name Rui , over fifty years old, the strongest and oldest of all the rest.

People usually call her Elder Sister Rui. When the old people in the inner courtyard encounter any disputes, they often like to ask her to mediate. So the prestige of this person is not bad.

Her speech at this time, to a certain extent, represented the voice of all Disciples present.

"I am." Wan Ling was also at a loss.

The Scarlet Bright Army's movements were too sudden. Suddenly she wasn't ready for anything at all.

"Master, I have a place to go." Wei He suddenly said from the side.

"Where?" Wan Ling was taken aback, then quickly looked towards him.

For some reason, since seeing Wei He poisoning You Muxuan and a large number of soldiers, she has inexplicably become dependent on him.

Although when he came back, Wei He explained that he was just using tricks, not by force, but by poisoning to kill so many chasing soldiers.

However, if only a few people poisoned poison to death, they would understand, but so many people in poison to death

All that was left in Wan Ling's heart was fear.

This kind of method is no longer as simple as poisoning, but it is close to plague.

This also caused Wan Ling to come back all the way, not knowing what attitude to use to face this Disciple that he once thought was very ordinary.

"Continue west from here, cross two hills, and go north for about 20 miles. There will be a continuous mountain range, which is called Dark Shelter Mountain by locals.

Dark With the spread of poisonous barriers in Shelter Mountain, numerous poison insects and hordes of alien beasts, it is the most suitable hiding place." Wei He said calmly.

"Poison insects and alien beasts, are there any solutions?" Wan Ling asked earnestly.

"These Disciples have their own means to solve them. When Disciple was making medicine, I often went in to collect materials, so I am very familiar with it. If the Master trusts me, I will bring everyone with me."

Wei He's composure and serenity gave Wan Ling a new level of confidence.

She just pondered for a moment, and immediately nodded.

"Okay. We will follow you, you will lead the way."

Wei He also didn't expect, one of the retreats that he had specially found for himself and his second sister before, It actually comes in handy now.

It's just the second sister, Wei Ying, who is still with Zhen Qi at this time.

He thought of this layer, and a haze flashed in his heart.

'I hope Zhen Qi can see the Heaven Sealing Gate situation, don't move towards this side stupidly. '

He naturally had a way to contact Zhen Qi, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to let him pick up the second sister from time to time.

Only contact now, not yet.

"Is everything packed?" Wei He asked aloud.

Wan Ling nods.

"Well, both the meat fields have the variation seeds. There are also golden tickets, meat and other things, which are convenient to take away, and they are all packed together. Everyone brought some, just happened to take away.

It's just that in the future, let's eat"

"It's okay, there are a lot of ingredients in Dark Shelter Mountain, but you need to be careful of ferocious beasts. It's good to find a suitable beast to make a meat field at that time." Wei He said with a smile.

"That's good." Wan Ling nodded.

"Then go first. I'm afraid the Scarlet Bright Army may arrive at any time." Wei He said.

"Okay." Wan Ling nodded again.

The two had some weird attitudes and conversations, and it was faintly revealed that Wan Ling seemed to be headed by Wei He's suggested attitude.

This made Pan Rui and the others on the side feel weird, and their eyes kept moving between Wan Ling and Wei He.

"Master, please take everyone to follow. If you have any doubts, you can ask aloud."

Wei He took the lead, jumped up, moved towards the west and accelerated away.

Wan Ling took Wan Qingqing and jumped up with Pan Rui and the others, following closely from behind.

In a blink of an eye, a group of about a dozen people disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Wan Ling carried Qingqing on her back and kept her steps light as much as possible. After taking the healing medicine, plus some time for conditioning and rest, she recovered a little Strength Force.

At this time, it may not be possible for her to play against experts at the same level, but it is not bad if she is just on her way.

Although Wan Qingqing's injury was terrifying, after removing the bandage of the flying knife, the bleeding was stopped, and the powerful self-healing power of Forging Bone Martial Master also began to show.

The wound quickly coagulates the bleeding scar on its own, blocking the bleeding opening. The clogged bloodline was gently unclogged by Wan Ling with Strength Force.

Such injuries can return to normal after a few months of rest.

Wan Ling's emotions were complicated. Looking at the tall and burly back of Wei He in front of her, she didn't know why, but she felt a faint sense of peace of mind.

It was a feeling she had never felt before.

In the jungle, one after another Myriad Azure Courtyard silhouette flies by, moved towards the west.

Not long.

In midair a purple eagle falcon suddenly swept past.

The sharp eagle eyes, with a trace of hatred, stared at the entire group that Fang Zheng was galloping.

The falcon fluttered and glide for a while, then turned back and dived.

Through a large forest, it soon landed on the arm of a stout man.

The falcon chirped a few times in a low voice, flapping its wings in coordination with its movements, as if it were conveying some message.

After listening carefully, the man turned and moved towards the one-knee kneels behind.

"My lord, according to Sir You's cherished falcon, the killer of Sir You is heading west towards Dark Shelter Mountain. He is probably planning to enter Dark Shelter Mountain to avoid us. Chase and kill."

Behind, Zhou Hangtong and the elite of the Scarlet Bright Army Golden Penalty Division stood in the dark and listened quietly.

"Can you stop it?" asked an adjutant in a deep voice.

"Yes, their speed depends on the weakest Triple Blood, and they also carry a lot of luggage. We chase with an elite few experts and should be able to catch up before entering Dark Shelter Mountain." The man Road quickly.

"Sir." The adjutant wanted to speak, but was stopped by Zhou Hangtong's hand.

"You guys are too slow, I'll cut people first."

He looked up at the crescent moon in the middle of the night.

"It's been a long time since I killed someone like this. Expert with poison? Hey."

He threw the steel whip to his deputy, and took off his armor, helmet, arm guards, and leg guards. .

Wearing only in grey sturdy clothing, he moved his body.

"My lord, isn't it a bit too risky?" The adjutant hesitated.

"It doesn't matter. Do you think I have never encountered a poison expert from the Rebel Army on the battlefield?" Zhou Hangtong sneered. "Okay, get ready for a quick march. They can't run!"

With his bare hands, he arches and bends.

bang! !

The ground exploded two small pits, and people had turned into sharp arrows and rushed into the distant night forest.

Under the hazy light and shadow, people turn into illusory shadow and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

His speed at this time was actually much faster than when he singled out Heavenly Seal Nine Masters before.

In the jungle, the fog gradually fills.

Tall and straight trees, Faintly discernible in the white mist, turned into pitch black.

The fog seemed to glow, pure white light, and the trees turned into some kind of terrifying eerie dark shadow.

The leaves with dewdrops on the ground reflect a faint white glow, and at first glance, it seems to be covered with a carpet of white light spots.

The closer you get to Dark Shelter Mountain, the more mysterious the scene in the forest becomes.


Wei He stopped abruptly, turned around and squinted.

The dark woods behind him were mixed with white fog, and nothing could be seen.

"What's the matter?" Pan Rui immediately stopped and asked.

She stopped, and all the remaining Disciples behind the Myriad Azure Sect stopped.

In the end, Wan Ling, who was carrying Wan Qingqing on his back, also expressed congeals, and when he sensed something, he turned his head and looked back.

"Someone is chasing, and the speed is not slow." Wan Ling said solemnly.

"I'll stay and get rid of the chasing soldiers, you guys keep moving forward. Remember, don't let go of the medicine pill under your tongue."

Wei He turned back and walked back.

“Let’s go together!” Wan Ling said anxiously. "It's all here, there are poison barriers everywhere, is it possible that the person behind dares to continue?"

Wei He got down and listened to the ground.

"He didn't stop, his footsteps were heavy, and there was only one person. You all go first, and I'll catch up after I get rid of it."

"But" Wan Ling wanted to say something else.

"No but." Wei He squinted and looked towards her.

Wan Ling was silent.

"Okay, you must be careful! We won't be able to settle down on Dark Shelter Mountain without you leading the way."

"Don't worry." Wei He stood up and pulled out a pair of whites from his pocket. Silk gloves, put on gently.

The two had some unusual conversations, which made Pan Rui and the others look weird, but it's hard to say anything at this time. Can only endure.

Obviously, something may have happened before that caused Courtyard Head to be dominated by Wei He's opinion.

"Go!" Wan Ling also made a decisive decision. Those who can cultivate to the limit of Forging Bone will never be mediocre.

She knew to stay, with her seriously injured body, Wan Qingqing in a coma, and a vote of Triple Blood, which was simply a drag on Wei He.

So leaving quickly at this time is the right thing to do.

The entire group quickly flew into the depths of the jungle and disappeared into the mist.

Leaving Wei He alone, he moved his fingers, his face was calm, and he moved towards coming and going in the opposite direction.

Since there is only one person, there is no need to hide anything.

As of now, it doesn't matter whether you hide the cultivation base or not. Myriad Azure Sect this time is definitely wanted.

So no matter what, as long as the pursuit of maximum harvest is fine.

The Scarlet Bright Army is catching up for only one reason.

That is, they haven't died enough

(end of this chapter)

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