Omnipresent God of War Chapter 148


Chapter 148 Hands-on (Xie Luren Cha Cha Alliance Lord)

Two people chase one in the backyard and one dodge, no For a long time, the wall of the rockery in the backyard was smashed into pieces, and it was a mess.

At their level, they are basically smashed and unstoppable.

Lin Shiling couldn't have imagined that Wei He would actually break through. After a while, the more he couldn't take him down, the more furious he became, and the more he tried.

Wei He relied on a lot more speed than the opponent, but he dodged in time.

Just as the fight got longer, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes secretly staring at him.

Because of the huge qi and blood of the Whale Flood Art far exceeding the same level, Wei He's Five Senses acuity is also much stronger than the Martial Master of the same level.

That's why I can vaguely perceive that faintly discernable sight.

This made him even more afraid to make small moves. We can only rely on the Overflowing Rain Strength Fourth Layer and constantly fight against Lin Shiling.

Lin Shiling used a set of small grappling skills. She played a single move, which was obviously a grappling, but she played the imposing manner of Mountain Cleaving Fist.

The move that was supposed to grab the joint turned into a slap and forcibly turned a set of grappling hands into a joint-busting punch.

After chasing several times in a row, she was slow and couldn't catch up, and suddenly became more irritable.


She hugged a wooden post in the backyard and pulled it hard.

The ka-cha broke with a sound, and the wooden post was snapped off, as if the lance swept Wei He.

The sweeping range of wooden pillars covers almost half of the backyard, so it is unavoidable.

Wei He jumped up, with his toes on the wooden post, and soared into the air, avoiding the sweep.

Only he jumped up, and suddenly felt a violent cracking sound behind him.

A person's shadow suddenly rose into the sky from a distance, like a big bird, flew over, and grabbed the back of his neck with a claw.

Before that manpower arrived, a majestic Strength Force brought a gust of wind, whistling and covering a radius of several meters, pressing down on the head.

The strength of this Strength Force, before it could get close, pressed Wei He's body protection Overflowing Rain Strength to sag downward. The formidable power was far beyond Wei He's imagination.

Wei He almost suffocated, caught off guard, and instinctively poured out a huge defense.

This is a sneak attack. All of his Strength Force is used in both hands to block Lin Shiling's attack.

So that there are not many body protection Strength Force on the body.

If he is caught by the opponent, his fourth layer's Overflowing Rain Strength will not work at all, and his life and death will be in the hands of others on the spot.

"Zhou Shun! You dare!!" suddenly shouted loudly.

A verdant silhouette leaped up, arms outstretched from the side, and with incredible speed, inserted between Wei He and the sneak attacker.

bang! !

The two attacked each other and separated from each other.

The emerald silhouette grabbed Wei He with one hand and gently dropped it.

It is Myriad Azure Courtyard Courtyard Head Wan Ling in a long emerald dress.

She has a slender figure and a beautiful figure that bulges forward and backward, and she can't see where any explosive power comes from.

However, a bit of fiery filamentous Strength Force drives the airflow and surrounds her, guarding her like a whirlwind.

Wei He stood still beside her, still a little frightened in his heart.

This is the closest he has come to death.

He looked up and looked towards the sneak attacker just now. The other party was indifferent, with a goatee beard, and he was wearing an azure robe like a scribe.

It is Heaven Sealing Gate Vice-Sect Master Zhou Shun.

"Zhou Shun, you want shameless, sneak attack a junior!" Wan Ling was so angry that her chest kept rising and her pretty face flushed red.

“As Vice-Sect Master, instead of setting an example for the Nine Courtyards Disciple, we sneak attack my Myriad Azure Courtyard Disciple, even if it gets to the Sect Master, we will take care of it!”


"Wan Ling, I'm just testing the junior's ability to adapt to emergencies." Zhou Shun calmly said.

My son Zhou Yugui didn't return all night. The last clue he found was that he came to Myriad Azure Courtyard to lead the team to deal with the situation. As a result, not only his son disappeared, but also the rest of the Nightjar Building and Floating Mountain Courtyard. All Martial Masters are missing.

Such losses, even Heaven Sealing Gate, must be tracked down to the end.

The Martial Master is a must-have battle strength for any force.

It can be said that if these high-level leaders do not take action, Martial Master is a force that can suppress a place, and it is indispensable.

Now the three Martial Masters of Heaven Sealing Gate have disappeared, and the two Martial Masters of Nightjar Building have disappeared. These events are no small matter.

"My son Yugui, the two Martial Masters of Floating Mountain Courtyard, are all missing around here. They were drinking at the Inn across from this branch last night. I came to find this Little Brother, Ask if you saw them whereabouts?" Zhou Shun calmly said.

Wan Ling was stunned for a moment, and then realized that they came to this branch for a drink in the middle of the night, what did they want? It's already obvious.

But no matter what, it is not a trivial matter that so many Martial Masters disappear at the same time.

She turned her questioning eyes to Wei He.

Wei He was surprised and shocked at this time.

"Three Martial Masters are missing near me!? Junior has been on the branch, and has never met anyone except after being attacked before. Senior you don't think, Junior attacked Those three Martial Masters?"

Wei He said seriously: "Let's not say whether Junior has the strength to kill three Martial Masters, even if it is me, do they even have the chance to escape and shout? No?"

"Perhaps you have an accomplice." Zhou Shun calmly said.

"Vice-Sect Master Zhou thinks that Junior has what skills and abilities, and is qualified to be an accomplice with an expert of that level?" Wei He asked rhetorically.

Zhou Shun didn't feel it either. He stared at Wei He carefully for a while, then he didn't say a word, jumped up, and disappeared in the distance of the roof in a blink of an eye.

The sky is bright at this time.

Wan Ling watched Zhou Shun leave here, relaxed.

"There's a change in the door, Wei He, pack your things right now and go to Hansheng's place. I'll go first."

"Yes!" Wei He hurriedly nodded. Knowing that something must have happened at this time, Courtyard Head Wan Ling rushed there in such a hurry.

And the black clothed person who suddenly attacked last night also indicated what major event might have happened at Heaven Sealing Gate.

Wan Ling jumped, and the acceleration ability of Overflowing Rain Strength was undoubtedly revealed, so fast that there was almost only an illusory shadow left, much faster than Zhou Shun, and disappeared in the distance on the roof in a blink of an eye.

Wei He's heart is stern, thinking that even if he bursts out with all his strength, he will not be able to keep up with this speed.

Although I don't know what realm Courtyard Head is, it's obviously not something he can reach now.

He looked down towards Lin Shiling who was still there.

"Senior Sister Lin, give me to speak bluntly, and the son of Vice-Sect Master Zhou are also missing. Is there any connection between the two? ?

And, think about it, Myriad Azure Courtyard is already weak, even if I have the strength, I would not dare to provoke both Floating Mountain Courtyard and Vice-Sect Master Zhou at the same time.”

"." Lin Shiling himself didn't believe that Wei He could kill his younger brother. He just thought that Wei He might be the insider closest to the truth, so he came here, intending to catch someone first.

It was just a fight, but she couldn't win it right away.

"Wait! Didn't you lose your power? Your Strength Force is not like a dispersion cultivation Martial Master, right?" She suddenly reacted.

"Senior Sister Lin came by an unfortunate coincidence. Just a few days ago, she was lucky enough to break through Overflowing Rain Strength Fourth Layer. Now she has made up for Strength Force as part of disperse cultivation." Wei He said solemnly.

Lin Shiling felt reasonable, nodded slightly, looked towards he was about to speak.

Suddenly her face changed, her eyes widened and her mouth slightly open.

Wei He knew the situation had changed by seeing her expression, and turned around in a hurry.

A silhouette in Tsing Yi was standing silently behind him and grabbed him with a move.

This move is unremarkable, without any tricks, but it brings out a large swirling airflow, like a wall, rapidly moved towards Wei He.

Unstoppable, unstoppable.

Wei He only felt that all directions were full of Strength Force, and the Strength Force rushed forward in coordination with the airflow, delaying the body he was trying to leave in place.

The bodyguard Strength Force of Overflowing Rain Strength of the whole body also quickly collapsed and offset under the impact of a large amount of Strength Force.

Wei He resisted the urge to use the Whale Flood Art, and did not use the icy characteristics of Overflowing Rain Strength, but just concentrated on Strength Force to block the opponent's attack.

He was betting that the other party would not dare to kill him under such broad daylight, in front of Lin Shiling and so many people from Heaven Sealing Hall.

Zhou Shun's palm suddenly hovered in front of Wei He, less than a few centimeters from his chest.

The strong Strength Force blasted Wei He with the airflow fiercely.

bang! ! !

With a muffled sound, Wei He flew out backwards, and fiercely hit the broken rockery on the ground.

The rockery rocks smashed, splashing large shards of lime.

Wei He couldn't help gushing out a mouthful of blood, but he swallowed it back. He immediately knew that he had suffered serious internal injuries.

"Wei He, you are very calm, you thought you did a perfect job, but unfortunately, you left a clue on the scene that cannot be concealed. A fatal clue." Zhou Shun said indifferently.

Wei He's heart shuddered, and he quickly recalled the scene he had dealt with before, while recalling it carefully.

He remained puzzled and angry.

“Vice-Sect Master Zhou still refuses to believe me?”

“I’ll give you a chance now, tell the truth, or else today, Master Wan Ling will come again, and I won’t be able to stop it. Stop me and kill you." Zhou Shun's face was calm, but his eyes gradually became sharp.

The son went missing near here, Wei He was the only one who could possibly know the clue, so he firmly believed that Wei He had something to hide from him.

"Vice-Sect Master Zhou, I really don't know. Even if you kill me, I don't know the situation. I was attacked myself last night. Know who to ask about the situation!" Wei He said solemnly.

He simply stood up and opened his hands.

"I firmly believe that I am innocent. If Vice-Sect Master Zhou doesn't believe me, just come and kill me. I, Wei He, will never resist!"

He held his head high. Take a deep breath. All the medicine bags on the body are ready at the same time, just waiting for the other party to attack, they will all explode, forming a mixed poison area. Meanwhile, Whale Flood Art is ready to explode at any time.

"So that you know, I, Wei He, don't say that I have no power to move your son, and even if I did, I would never dare to do something like the same sect slaughter one another!

I Wei He, since he was born in this world, everything he has done has been innocent! Not ashamed at heart!"

"Okay!" Zhou Shun was slightly moved, "How dare you speak to me in the name of Tai Shi. Swear?"

"I swear in the name of Wei He, Tai Shi, that I will never do anything unfavorable to Young Master Zhou Yugui. If this oath is violated, the sky will be struck by thunder, and I will not die!"

Wei He without the slightest hesitation immediately swears.

As a materialist, even the Divine Idol of the Taishi Daofather in the Taoist temple has chopped the fire, still care about this swearing?

Zhou Shun took a deep look at Wei He. He has seen many people. After committing a crime, the overwhelming majority will have an instinctive guilty conscience.

So he just deliberately said that there were fatal clues at the scene, and deceived Wei He.

The results are unchanged.

Then he suddenly launched a sneak attack, putting him in a moment of deadly threat and letting him tell the truth, and the result remained the same.

In the end, he forced him to swear.

I swear in the name of daofather, the beginning of the ether, and still so swear, but when Wei He swears without the slightest hesitation, he looks upright.

Zhou Shun has lived for so many years, and he has never met more than a few people who are upright and upright like Wei He.

"Okay, I'll trust you once, if you have any clues about my son Yugui, remember to let me know in time, and you'll be rewarded!" Zhou Shun said solemnly.

He actually doesn't believe that Wei He can kill Zhou Yugui, and now he thinks that Zhou Yugui just disappeared.

“Young Master Zhou is also my Heaven Sealing Gate Senior Brother and my Senior Sister Wan Qingqing friend. If there is any clue, Junior will definitely report it!” Wei He said firmly.

"Besides, with all due respect to Junior, Young Master Zhou is so powerful, and ordinary Martial Master is nothing difficult. Senior should find someone who can easily defeat him and make him unable to call for help or escape. That small group of people." Wei He said seriously.

Zhou Shun nodded slightly


It really should be the case. With such a twist in thinking, there are not many experts who can easily outperform Yugui by using the exclusion method.

With such exclusion, the approximate scope target can be quickly locked out.

"Looks like I'm blaming you. So, in your opinion, what's most likely to happen to Yugui?" he asked earnestly.

"It depends on what the Young Master Zhou is here for. Whether he has a companion with him, whether there is a conflict with his companion, or an expert who may have passed by here last night, whether Have contact with him?" Wei He said quickly.

Zhou Shun was immediately speechless. He couldn't say that his son came here to first divide the branch of Myriad Azure Courtyard, right?

It's fine to do this secretly, but it's illegal to put it on the surface.

Although Shangguan Ji's dumb Sect Master doesn't care much, the rules on the surface are still not allowed to be violated.

(end of this chapter)

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