Omnipresent God of War Chapter 147


Chapter 147 Hands On (Xie Luren Cha Cha Alliance Lord)


Wei He stopped quietly at the door, separated by a layer of wooden boards, and could hear the sound of people eating and drinking inside.

And bragging voices.

He stretched his hand lightly against the door and waited for a while.

It was determined that the person inside was the one who was caught by the dark whistle.

He calmed down.

His fingers gently stroked the crack of the door, and soon he found a slightly larger gap.

And then from his arms, he took out a slightly damp piece of paper.

Gently stuffing the paper through the crack of the door, Wei He waited quietly.

A short while later, there were faint voices in the room.

"What does it taste like?"

"Is the drink bad?"

"No, it's not in the drink"

Wei He gently clapped.

The door lock position was suddenly interrupted with a crisp sound.

The door opened.

In the room.

In the inner courtyard of the two Floating Mountain Courtyard, several Nightjar Building players are all there.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked over here.

Some people stood up from the wine table, some people went to the window to get their weapons, and some people surging qi and blood, gathered Strength Force to prepare for defense.

All eyes were focused on the door for a while.

The door opened.

It was empty and empty outside.

Everyone's mind is empty, their attention is highly concentrated, they suddenly fail, and there will be a momentary absence.

It's like when you're in a stalemate with someone, and suddenly the other side releases the force.

In this moment of loss.

A dark shadow suddenly rushed in from the left side of the door.

The shadow was so fast that no one at the scene could react.

The two Nightjar Building players who were closest to the door were hit on the forehead and between the eyebrows by a huge force before they had time to raise their hands halfway.

As if being hit by a rhinoceros, the two of them rose into the air, and the defense formed by all the qi and blood agitation didn't even have a chance to cast them, so they hit the wall and slipped down.

The black shadow is like ink and pen marks, turning a zigzag, and in an instant, it comes to the Martial Master Zhao Shuilong left in the Nightjar Building.

"Huh!" Zhao Shuilong knew that the situation was not good, so he didn't say a word and tried his best to agitate Strength Force.

The Martial Arts he practiced is called Three Forms Boundless Finger, which is the finger skill of practice. It can make five fingers as hard as iron, and can easily break steel.

At this moment, the full force burst out, and the Strength Force effect of Three Forms Boundless Finger suddenly emerged, with a strong piercing meaning, pointing to Wei He.

Unexpectedly, Wei He came first, and when he made a turn, the speed was extremely fast, and he slapped his heart first.

bang! !

A muffled sound.

Zhao Shuilong pointed halfway, and hung in midair, unable to move even a little bit.

The speed gap between the two is too great. Especially after Wei He Overflowing Rain Strength Great Accomplishment, after showing new special effects, it is completely two levels.

Wei He swayed and quickly flashed in front of the remaining Nightjar Building player.

Final to the inner courtyard of two Floating Mountain Courtyards.

The two had already made moves to pursue, but they couldn't keep up with the speed, so they could only hit the air in a row and followed behind Wei He.

At this time, Wei He knocked down a few people in the Nightjar Building after taking a few breaths.

It's a pity that I haven't run a few steps yet.

Wei He's palms were wrapped with a faint twisting airflow, the Overflowing Rain Strength special effect unfolded, and his figure rushed forward, catching up with the two in a blink of an eye.

bang bang!

With two muffled noises, the two of them hit their backs, and the huge force mixed with internal energy instantly broke the body protection Strength Force of the two and fell to the ground.

Wei He walked over and touched the heads of the two of them.

It's all over.

The whole room returned to quiet, and the bright blood water from the corpse slowly flowed out from the ground.

From beginning to end, Wei He didn't make much noise.

Use medicine first to make everyone below Martial Master sluggish. Then giant strength combined with Overflowing Rain Strength haste.

The ending is that no one can escape, all are solved.

Wei He returned to the front of the house, closed the door with his backhand, and took out a newly researched bottle of Corpse Melting Water from his lower back.

Thanks to Jiu Ying's recipe.

Wei He and Jiu Ying communicated with each other, but got a lot of good recipes from him.

There are treasures like Corpse Melting Water, as well as special mixes that also work on Martial Master.

Previously, the mixed poison he got from Wang Shaojun has not been thoroughly studied, and he does not understand why it can have an effect on Martial Master.

So progress has not been great, but Jiu Ying's experience and knowledge have helped Wei He make up for this deficiency.

Soon, the corpse on the ground gradually decayed from the wound, quickly turning into a pool of pale-yellow mucus.

Wei He took all the loot he found, wrapped it in a big bag, and was about to leave from the window.

Suddenly he step one stopped.

The window periphery, a folding fan hanging from a wooden hook by the window sill, caught his attention.

However, Wei He didn't pay much attention to it, just glanced at it and saw that the folding fan was somewhat ingenious, but this kind of swag with obvious characteristics is not suitable for shooting, and it is easy to be found by people.

So he doesn't plan to accept it.

Jumping up from the side window, Wei He suddenly seemed to remember something, figure stopped, put the fan on, then threw something, knocked over the oil lamp, and disappeared into the room in a blink of an eye.

A short while later, a thick smoke filled the room, and a fire rose up. Alarmed the people in the Inn.

Guys and guests exclaimed and got up and put out water.

Zhou Yugui stood far away by the railing on the second floor of a house, looking at the Inn scene from afar.

When he saw the flames and thick smoke wafting from there, he immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.

"It really happened!" He recalled the man he had met earlier.

That burly shadow, whether it is in dress or temperament, gives the impression that it is exactly the same as the person in the Yan Jiuhai case.

"My fan is left there, and it's probably exposed." Zhou Yugui didn't understand why he and the others were in such trouble when they attacked the Myriad Azure Courtyard separate courtyard?

How could that burly shadow be so coincidental that it happened to appear nearby?

He has never believed that there is such a coincidence in this world, so this time, the only possibility is that Myriad Azure Courtyard is probably related to that burly silhouette.

Zhou Yugui was taken aback by his guess.

But when you think about it, it makes sense.

The burly silhouette appeared before because Wan Qingqing was forced to recruit relatives. So the man severely injured Yan Jiuhai, the source of everything, and has yet to reply.

And this time, Wei He of the Myriad Azure Courtyard encountered a crisis, and the burly silhouette shot again to solve all their attackers.

"So, that person probably has a huge connection with Myriad Azure Courtyard!" Zhou Yugui got the number right the more he thought about it.

He intuitively felt that he had discovered a big secret.

"You must go back and tell the father immediately, if this is true, then Myriad Azure Courtyard will definitely die this time!" Zhou Yugui was excited.

Because if this is true, then Wan Ling will face the blame of Yan Junshan and all the other separate courtyards.

And the accountability of Shangguan Ji Sect Master.

This is a major crime suspected of provoking disputes between the two factions.

Wan Qingqing can't afford it, neither can her Wan Ling!

The more Zhou Yugui thought about it, the more urgent he became. He turned around and swept toward the Heaven Sealing Gate headquarters.


Suddenly a hand stretched out from an alley below and grabbed his ankle.

Zhou Yugui was numb all over and opened his mouth to scream, but it was too late, and he was pulled into the alley by a big hand fiercely.

Fresh scuffles and whimpers followed, and soon a ka-cha crackling.

Then everything went quiet.

Soon, Wei He came out of the alley, waited for a bag with Zhou Yugui's clothes, and quickly moved towards the distant city.

The wrapped clothes in his hands need to be disposed of in a place.

In this way, the corpse was decomposed, the clothes were taken away, the room used was set on fire, and the traces of medicine were destroyed.

As such, he doesn't believe anyone else can find clues.

Now, as Wei He gradually masters the martial power, his attitude towards the surrounding has changed from the panic and passive acceptance of everything to the attempt to actively change the surrounding.

Strength, gave him a certain qualification to live at will.

Having dealt with everything, Wei He went back to Heaven Sealing Hall and pretended that nothing happened. Continue to rest.

An ordinary Martial Master, at this time, with the cooperation of his great strength and Overflowing Rain Strength, he has been unable to withstand a single blow and can be destroyed with only one hand.

But a Martial Master is a Martial Master after all, and it is the backbone of a Sect's martial power. Every Martial Master is registered, not a little guy.

Three Heaven Sealing Gate Martial Masters died in one night, plus two Nightjar Building Martial Masters, this is already a big case.

As a normal Martial Master, even if you encounter a Forging Bone expert, you can still have time to call for help and escape.

After all, the body protection Strength Force is really powerful. Although the Forging Bone expert is strong, he does not necessarily guarantee that he will be able to kill in seconds.

As long as you can't kill them in seconds, you may be shouted and run away.

Unfortunately, Wei He's current strength combination is really abnormal.

The increase of Whale Flood Art Second Layer makes him equal to Forging Bone in strength alone. Coupled with the Overflowing Rain Strength breakthrough Great Accomplishment, it just happens to greatly increase the speed.

The combination of speed and strength, coupled with his you can't guard against it, the impeccable poisoning means, the sudden effect of sneak attack.

It is the result of the current battle.

The sky is getting brighter.

Wei He slowly practiced the exercises in the courtyard as usual, using the combination of Heart Breaking Seal and Turning Mountain Fist.

Suddenly there was a loud peng sound.

The courtyard door was kicked open.

A strong woman wearing a Floating Mountain Courtyard uniform walked through the door coldly.

"Myriad Azure Courtyard Wei He?" The woman stared at Wei He, her brown eyes revealing a cold killing intent.

"It turned out to be Floating Mountain Courtyard Chief Senior Sister Lin. Disrespectful." Wei He stopped, cup one fist in the other hand, his expression unchanged, as if the other party entered the door normally, rather than kicking the door enter.

Lin Shiling is tall, a head taller than Wei He, with bulging muscle nodules all over his body like tree roots.

Her long hair is all braided into black braids, swaying when she walks, just like the Iron Blood Fighter Wei He saw in her previous life.

"Wei He, your Myriad Azure Courtyard is hidden deep enough? Give me back my younger brother, this time I can let go of the past and stop bothering you. Otherwise."

Lin Shiling glanced coldly at the other people in the courtyard, Ding Yang and the others suddenly felt cold all over their bodies and dared not move.

"What's the meaning of Senior Sister Lin?" Wei He said surprisedly, "I also killed some thieves last night, and those people are not very strong, what's the matter with your younger brother?"

"Where is the thief you killed?" Lin Shiling frowned, said sharply.

"In the backyard, Senior Sister can check for herself." Wei He didn't hide it.

Several people came to the backyard together.

A row of corpses lay on the ground in the courtyard, blood-reeking qi permeated. The servants of the two Heaven Sealing Hall are watching.

Lin Shiling stepped forward, waved his hand, and lifted all the white cloth covering the corpse.

She glanced over and didn't notice the silhouette of her younger brother.

But she clearly remembered that her younger brother came to deal with the Myriad Azure Courtyard last night with another Martial Master from the Floating Mountain Courtyard.

But the night passed and he still hasn't returned.

"I don't care what your reasons are, you have to hand me over the person today." Lin Shiling vaguely thought of a possibility, his eyes became more and more dangerous, and he looked towards Wei He.

"Otherwise, none of you in the Heaven Sealing Hall today will run away!" She was already desperate.

Anyway, Nine Great Separate Courtyards is about to cast aside all considerations for face, and the safety of the younger brother is very important, so she can't take care of that much.

"Senior Sister Lin, you and I are both the same sects. If you can't find the younger brother, you come to me to splash around, isn't it appropriate?" Wei He said condensedly.

"Sapo? Can't hand over my brother, believing or not I'll kill you here, at most go back and be punished!" Lin Shiling sneered, "nonsense! Hand over!"

"Senior Sister Lin, I haven't met your younger brother, who do you want me to pay?" Wei He retorted.

"Wait until I take you down first, and then I'll see if you're stubborn!!" Lin Shiling's heart lit up, he took a step and moved towards Wei He with a slap.

Her palms cut through the air, Strength Force wrapped around her arms like armor.

This is a special special effect after Floating Mountain Courtyard Strength Force Great Accomplishment - Scale Armor.

The scale armor can greatly enhance the protective effect of the strength force, and the specific effect is two to three times that of the ordinary Martial Master of Fushan, which is extremely powerful.

At this time, it was activated, Strength Force circulated, Lin Shiling was tall and big like a blasting bear, fiercely pounced on Wei He.

Wei He no longer hides it, Overflowing Rain Strength instantly covers the whole body, and the special effects unfold. Immediately felt as lithe as a swallow.

He dodged to the left, avoiding the palm, and slashed Lin Shiling's left shoulder with a knife.


The two Strength Forces cancel each other out and annihilate.

Lin Shiling stood still, but Wei He quickly retreated.

It was just one move, he knew that the total body protection Strength Force of the opponent was above his, plus the Strength Force special effects.

Fourth Layer Overflowing Rain Strength alone will not wear body protectors.

If you stack the Whale Flood Art Juli, you can try it, but at this time he is just a dispersion cultivation Martial Master who has just broken through the cultivation base, and neither Juli nor Virulent can be used.

For a time, he could only rely on the special effects of Overflowing Rain Strength to quickly and constantly deal with Lin Shiling.

(end of this chapter)

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