Omnipresent God of War Chapter 105


Chapter 105 Making money (thanks to always have the Alliance Lord reward)

At this time, there was an uproar in the third floor. Everyone did not believe Yao Hansheng's words.

“Senior Brother Yao is now breaking through Initial Strengthening. He wants to exaggerate the strength of the generals in the army, so he won’t make fun of himself?”

The man with a mustache stood up and said. This man's face was cold, his eyes were like a wolf, and he was faintly vicious.

"Junior Brother Wang knows." Yao Hansheng glanced at the other party and said indifferently, "Just ten days ago, a total of five people, Sword Metal Temple expert and Yang Pill Gate expert in Tai Prefecture, escorted Jiang for justice. Prefecture celebrity, Xie Zhong Xie Minzhi, was surrounded and killed by Jiang Prefecture soldiers on the way.

Five experts, as far as I know, one of them is Forging Bone and four are Initial Strengthening Great Accomplishment. I can't say the name, but as a result, four were killed and one wounded. And the pursuers they encountered were only a team of five hundred people."

"Ridiculous! Even if the Forging Bone powerhouse body protection Strength Force does not Strong, but against ordinary soldiers, assassinating the enemy leader among thousands of troops is like easy as pie, how is it possible to be surrounded and killed by hundreds of trifling people?!" The mustache man was furious, slapped the table and stood up.

"That was in the past. It is said that today there is a new weapon in the army, called firearms. The formidable power is extremely strong, and the army can attack it in a series without gaps and flawless attacks." Yao Hansheng said solemnly.

"Impossible, how can I wait for those who practice martial arts to respond quickly? Even if it is a bow and crossbow with strong formidable power, he can see it accurately?" One person asked suspiciously.

"They don't need to be as strong as us, they just need the Single Blood Double Blood level, and it's enough to increase the reaction speed to the point where they can see us.

So, As long as it is not too close, the distance is widened, and the formation is formed, and the outcome will be known at a glance." Yao Hansheng replied in a deep voice.

Firearms! ?

Wei He's heart froze.

He absolutely didn't expect, this world, in this era, there will actually be firearms.

"even more how, do you think that there are many meat fields in the military, and a large amount of supply is piled up. Coupled with the regulations of the military, with hard training, there will be fewer martial artists?

In fact, when I visited my brother in the Tai State Prefectural Army, although I could not enter due to military discipline, I was able to wait and see how strong the generals were."

He paused, watching the scene gradually become quiet. The many same sects that came down continued: "I don't know about other places, but in Tai Prefecture, from bottom to top, all lieutenants must be qi and blood martial artist, or Single Blood, or Double Blood.

Every school officer must be Triple Blood. Every garrison officer must be Initial Strengthening. In this way, the number of experts in the army is shocking."

"I have also heard about this. But you don't have to worry, there are many experts in the military, the peak period is very short, and most of them have nothing to do with us. Most of the Martial Arts students are specializing in killing enemies on the battlefield, not as good as our single-on-one combat. And Peak expert is not as good as us, so at most each has its own advantages and disadvantages."

Wan Qingqing also got up at this time to comfort everyone.

Wei He found a vacant seat to sit down under the guidance of the servant, and cup one fist in the other hand far away towards Zhou Hangsu, who was treating the guest, as a greeting.

Zhou Hangsu cupped one fist in the other hand back at him, a little distracted, obviously attracted by the topic of debate at this time.

"Even so, it is terrifying. I heard before that in Jin Prefecture, the rebel army took advantage of the situation to attack the local Sect, and overnight bloodshed two centuries-old inheritance Sect Golden Feather Blade, Phoenix Equalling. Cry Light Fist Two Great Sects are extinguish sect." Yao Hansheng said with a heavy face.

This remark left everyone speechless. They also knew about Jin Prefecture before.

The rebel army extinguished the two Great Sects. The incident caused a sensation. The two gates faction was not a small household, but a Great Sect with hundreds of people, and there were experts above Forging Bone. still destroyed.

"Okay, today's meeting, don't say these depressing words, I have Heavenly Seal Nine Masters in my Heaven Sealing Gate, and even Sect Master Shangguan. Than? Drink and drink!" Zhou Hangsu got up at the right time, serving wine to ease the atmosphere.

Everyone is at ease.

Indeed, the Golden Feather Blade and the like are far inferior to their Heaven Sealing Gate. Let's say Forging Bone level expert, Heavenly Seal Nine Masters which is not this level?

Not to mention the Fiery-Eyed Golden Ape Sect Master Shangguan Ji still on it.

The dull atmosphere for a while was slowly revitalized by Zhou Hangsu's active toast.

Wan Qingqing also helped to chat about other interesting things to liven up the atmosphere.

The crowd separated, and the three table people gradually chatted about their own topics.

At the table where Wei He was sitting, a man on the left was taciturn, not saying a word, just drinking and eating.

Fortunately, this drink is said to be wine, but it's actually just a sweet drink with a bit of alcohol flavor, and it's not intoxicating.

The man seems to be the same type of person as Wei He. He likes to listen to others without speaking.

On the right of Wei He, is a young woman with a soft appearance, but a little more sophisticated than Wan Qingqing.

The appearance of a woman is about twenty-five or sixteen. Although her appearance is only decent and pretty, but under the makeup, she feels more attractive and more sociable than other women with similar appearance.

Wei He just sat down for a while, and then listened to the names of all five people at the table under the frequent exchanges of the women around him.

The woman beside him is named Zhao Wanzhu, and her family is a famous wealthy businessman in Xuanjing City. Now Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art Second Layer has also stayed in Myriad Azure Courtyard for more than six years.

The man on the other side, named Qian Rui, is a newcomer who has been in Myriad Azure Courtyard for almost a year.

The two have distinct personalities, one is outgoing and the other is introverted, but at the dinner table, someone with an active atmosphere like Zhao Wanzhu is indispensable.

Otherwise, there will be five people at the table, Qian Rui will be silent, and Wei He will be silent.

The other two are women, speaking their own private words. The atmosphere will be extremely awkward.

And the two women's eyes frequently moved towards Zhou Hangsu at the other table.

It looks like they know where their minds are.

Not only them, among the three table people, fifteen of the inner courtyard, except Wan Qingqing and Chen Lin and other women, the rest of the women seem to be interested in Zhou Hangsu.

Zhou Hangsu is a man of great wealth, handsome in appearance, polite in words and deeds, plus his own innate talent is not bad, the future can be said to be obvious at a glance, and he will not be weak. It is normal to attract the opposite sex.

Myriad Azure Courtyard is mostly women. At this time, Zhou Hangsu is also a little floaty as everyone's attention is gathered.

The female disciple of Myriad Azure Courtyard, unlike other separate courtyards, many of them are muscular girls, the Disciple here is because of the cultivation technique, their muscle lines are not obvious, the skin is white and the figure is good, although not all of them are She is beautiful, but after long-term exercise, her essence, qi, and soul are full. As long as the facial features are not skewed, how can the appearance be bad?

So at first glance, it seems that all of them are beautiful women.

Wei He sat down, but also kept his head down while eating, too lazy to speak.

He has never been interested in these gatherings or anything, and occasionally attends it because he has to attend, compelled by circumstances.

Of course, the more important reason is because there is no money.

After all, someone invited you, you have to return the invitation, right? Do you have to pay for it? This time and again, time and energy are wasted, and you have to lose money yourself.

He, Wei He, is short of money to practice martial arts, let alone treat guests.

At this time, Zhou Hangsu got up and said a few words, to the effect of thanking everyone for showing their faces and coming to this party.

Then he mentioned that his family in this Xuanjing City also has several points of contacts. If everyone is in trouble, they can help, and they will never stand by.

It's beautiful to say that it is a flower cluster.

There are many girls around who are busy practicing martial arts all day long and have little experience, and they are immediately attracted by the inexplicable bold atmosphere created by his words.

But in fact, most of the people who can enter the inner courtyard are those with wealth at home.

Who has no money to practice True Art for 70 taels of gold a month?

So even if you have no family background, you must have your own fixed industry.

In the inner courtyard Disciple, the oldest is even close to forty. The average age of most of them is in their twenties and thirties.

Although because of martial arts practice, few families are married, after all, having children will seriously drag down the progress of martial arts. Affect this prime time under the age of 40.

But after staying in the inner courtyard for so many years, everyone has already accumulated a lot of family property relationships.

"So this newcomer's Little Junior Brother is very good at talking." Zhao Wanzhu, who was beside him, suddenly smiled at Wei He and whispered.

"You and Yang Guo have known each other for so long, so you haven't learned some of these words?" She asked kindly.

"Yang Guo and I are good sisters. I heard her talk about you. Junior Brother Wei used to be the Disciple of the Without Beginning Sect?"

"No, I Didn't enter the outer court." Wei He denied.

"Okay, let's not mention this." Zhao Wanzhu looked at Zhou Hangsu not far away, said with a smile, "Men, in fact, you have to be like Junior Brother Zhou, in order to be more attractive to the opposite sex. Welcome. Listen to Yang Guo, Junior Brother Wei, you are usually bored at home, practicing martial arts, and not dealing with people? This is not good."

"Personal interest." Wei He politely replied .

"Junior Brother Wei is now in the inner courtyard, Triple Blood has been completed, and after that, it is a water mill to slowly boil. Before the age of 40, he will be able to major in the cultivation technique Third Layer and enter Initial Strengthening. It's okay.

Of course, whether you can enter the Third Layer or not, the inner court rules are that you can only stay for nine years, and then you must leave.

If I remember correctly , Junior Brother Wei should only be twenty-one this year, right? There is only one sister in the family, but he is alone and has nothing to worry about.

The process from Triple Blood to Initial Strengthening is very long, from twenty-one By the age of 30, a full nine years.

After such a long time, you have now stepped into Triple Blood and entered the inner courtyard. In fact, you have already established a career, and now you are only short of starting a family." Zhao Wanzhu laughed on the road.

Wei He was a little surprised.

Since he entered the inner courtyard, he has been extremely low-key and silent, and at this gathering, he is also quite unremarkable.

No one pays attention to him, and no one cares about him.

didn't expect Zhao Wanzhu to call out his name, his age and family situation accurately.

The former name can be said to be learned from Yang Guo, but the rest of the information is different.

Imagine an unremarkable person going to a party that is more high-end for him.

He's unremarkable at parties, nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares.

Suddenly a person at the meeting came over, called out his name, age, and seriously discussed his problems with him.

This sudden sense of importance will make most people feel good.

Wei He is no exception.

It's just that his face is calm, commonly known as facial paralysis, and outsiders can't see emotional reactions from his expressions. And the suspicion is very heavy, and there is no performance for the time being.

"Nine years is indeed a long time." Wei He nodded in agreement.

He also had to agree, the other party was right.

(end of this chapter)

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