Omnipresent God of War Chapter 104


Chapter 104 (Thanks to MY You Zero Alliance Lord)

In a blink of an eye, another few months passed.

Wei He devoted himself to cultivation Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art, and it also worked.

He had a good perception and got in quickly, but in terms of Seal Blood accumulation, his progress was slow. Maybe he needed to accumulate Realm Breaking Bead while practicing martial arts.

He simply accelerated the rate of eating alien meat, and the River Bear meat he earned quickly entered his stomach.

In addition to the first line of herring meat that he receives every month, Wei He is finally worthy of accumulating the First Layer and Seal Blood of Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art to Perfection, just one step away, covering his whole body.

This time, Seal Blood covers the whole body, which tests not only the control of Seal Blood, but also the total number of Seal Blood generated by Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art, which must be enough.

To put it bluntly, this first step is to see the natural aptitude, if the aptitude is okay, you can accumulate enough Seal Blood.

Second Step is to see if you can control these Seal Blood and cover the whole body according to the corresponding proportion. This is a test of precise control.

The first step depends on Innate Aptitude, and the Second Step depends on acquired exercise and perception.

Both are indispensable.

This is the hard part of Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art.

"No money again." Wei He sighed.

The Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art has obviously achieved the First Layer Perfection. The sign is that the skin of his hands turns white, which is the characteristic of the Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art.

The more skillful the artist is, the fairer the martial artist will be, and eventually there will be a certain cosmetic effect.

This is one of the reasons why Courtyard Head Wan Ling and Wan Qingqing are so good looking. With a good figure, fair skin and beautiful appearance, there are many natural bonus points.

"Fortunately, the Realm Breaking Bead is about to be refilled. Last time I used up one third for breaking through Flying Dragon Art. This time it was refilled very quickly."

Wei He thought Somewhat comforting.

He ripped off his collar and glanced at his chest. The Realm Breaking Bead was almost one-tenth of the size, and it was only a little bit closer to complete perfection. When the time comes, it's time to break through First Layer Overflowing Rain Gathering Clouds Art and step into Second Layer.

"Only in the inner courtyard, Myriad Azure Courtyard has more than ten Disciples in the inner courtyard, and there are several that are stuck in the First Layer, and some are still stuck for more than a year. My breakthrough is too fast and it is conspicuous. .”

Wei He was worried, after all, he had average aptitude, and he was also trained concurrently, which led to worse root bones, so that he could break through faster than the average person, which was completely unreasonable.

But if you get stuck, you won't be able to break through.

"The only way is to make others think that I'm just lucky and find a reasonable opportunity to break through."

Wei He began to count the means that can help the aptitude poor The Disciple is a reasonable breakthrough.

Big medicine.

Expert help.

Or a genius pretending to be a special physique?

“Is Wei He there?”

A crisp cry came from outside the courtyard gate.

It's Yang Guo.

This guy was originally a resident of Heavenly Seal Town, and his family lives in Heavenly Seal Town.

The last time Wei He punished his neighbor Wang Qubing father and son, he asked her to help investigate the situation.

"Come on." Wei Ying, wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen and trotted to open the door.

The woman standing outside the door had long hair tied into a single bun and wore a white frieze that fixed her hair on her forehead.

The forehead is woven with a special white animal hair, soft and tenacious. Also beautiful.

Recently, some Heaven Sealing Gate female disciple, regardless of the inner courtyard or the outer courtyard, have become popular with this kind of forehead decoration.

It is not only beautiful, but also helps to restrain long hair and prevent it from flying, so as not to interfere with itself when fighting.

This convenient decoration, even some men have begun to try to use it. However, most of the men's are simple and simple, and the knot style is not as varied as the women's.

At this time, Yang Guo's forehead was wearing an S-shaped forehead.

"Wei He, Younger Sister Yang Guo is here. Come on." Wei Ying is very enthusiastic when she sees Wei He's female friend now.

For so long, Wei He has never had any intention of starting a family, and has been living alone with her two people.

This made her a little worried, whether she had affected her younger brother's major event. Many times she wanted to move out.

"Here." Wei He got up and walked towards the courtyard gate.

"Let's go, let's go to the inner courtyard together, aren't you going to see what's new at Thousand Bats Waterside Pavilion?" Yang Guo said with a smile while wearing an S-shaped forehead.

Wei He sighed, hesitant to say anything, he actually wanted to tell Yang Guo that this forehead is not good-looking.

But seeing her touching her forehead from time to time, she looked happy, and she was a little speechless.

"I can't go today. We will have a party at Myriad Azure Courtyard in a while. Someone from the inner courtyard informed me this morning." Wei He replied .

“Party? What party?” Yang Guo wondered. The separate courtyard where she is located is called Arc Light Courtyard, which is the First Courtyard. And Wei He is in Myriad Azure, Third Courtyard.

The two have different learnings, but the separate courtyard is located next to each other, and the relationship between the two is good, so they often get acquainted with each other and move forward together.

"There are newcomers, and the family has money and connections. All senior brothers and senior sisters in the inner courtyard are invited to have dinner together." Wei He replied simply.

"I don't think you like this kind of dinner, right?" Yang Guo surprisedly said.

"I didn't plan to go, but Senior Sister Wan also went. It is said that even the Courtyard Head Master will show up." Wei He was helpless.

Even the boss has to attend.

Yang Guo understands.

"It's really sad, I seem to have heard of the newcomer you went to the separate courtyard, called Zhou Hangsu, right, I heard that his family is in the Inn business, Xuanjing City and several nearby cities, big and small Inns. Dozens of companies, half of them belong to his family."

"You are well-informed." Wei He nodded.

This guy is not an exception. There was also a second-generation martial artist named Chen Lin. Her parents are real Initial Strengthening Martial Masters. She herself is also outstanding in aptitude. , at a young age, without worrying about resource cultivation, he broke through Triple Blood at the age of eighteen and entered the inner courtyard.

Zhou Hangsu and Chen Lin, these two people are the most popular newcomers in recent months.

More or less new people join every month, but these two are the most conspicuous and most valued by Courtyard Head.

"Then when are you going?" Yang Guo asked.

"At Xuanjing City Dawn Moon Building, I'll be there in a while." Wei He replied.

"It's really rich, Dawn Moon Building, ah Zhou Family's industry, it is said that their signature Peak dish, Nine Treasures Soup, is a great energy booster, using nine kinds of animal flesh and blood to match dozens of precious Made of medicine ingredient, a bowl is worth hundreds of gold!" Yang Guo envied.

She has no other hobby than money.

"Would you like to go together? Take it as your family's name." Wei He was speechless.

"Forget it, we are not suitable." Yang Guo waved his hands again and again, "Although you have a good personality and are very reliable, but I just want to find a rich one. I am a life of making money by exploiting loopholes everywhere. I don't want to."

She sighed then said tired.

"Okay, let's go. There will be evening classes in a while. After that, I asked my sisters to deliver letters together." She turned and left without any reluctance.

Delivering letters, at this time, is also a chore, but much more rewarding.

Because you leave the vicinity of the city, wild beasts and poison insects are everywhere, which is extremely dangerous.

Only skilled experts can deliver letters stably while ensuring their own safety.

So generally speaking, the mail delivery income is still very high.

And it's not a one-time delivery, like Yang Guo who sends a big bag every time. The average of hundreds of thousands of letters is not weak.

After Yang Guo left, Wei He also said goodbye to Wei Ying and went to Xuanjing City.

At his speed, he arrived at the side entrance of Xuanjing City in less than a quarter of an hour.

The large fields outside the city have been replanted, and many caravans and horses transporting goods also enter and exit the city gate from time to time, going back and forth.

Wei He was dressed in Heaven Sealing Gate Inner Sect sturdy clothing and light blue. After a while, he arrived at the Dawn Moon Building in Chiheng Town.

Wherever they went along the way, the people fled, and the gang members were even more afraid to avoid it. Even a martial cultivator with a sword and a gun bows his head slightly and doesn't look much.

Although the Heaven Sealing Gate has declined, it still has a bit of a reputation in this Xuanjing City piece of land. Of course, it's the reputation of Martial Arts. Most people mainly see strong people wearing Martial Arts clothes and avoid them.

After all, it is a Heaven Sealing Gate force with hundreds of people, not only Initial Strengthening, Forging Bone, but also a higher Martial Arts powerhouse oversee a area. Not ordinary forces dare to provoke.

The Dawn Moon Building has a fifth layer in total, more than 20 meters high, with the meaning of the dawn and the moon. It is a famous big restaurant and one of the landmark buildings in Xuanjing City.

The place where the newcomer Zhou Hangsu treats guests is at Dawn Moon Building Third Layer.

Wei He gave the invitation, and led the way up to the third floor under the leadership of the servant.

As soon as I got up, I heard someone talking loudly.

". Now the country is weak, treacherous officials are in power, natural disasters continue to occur in various places, famines are repeated, and the number of chaotic people is increasing day by day, so the world is so difficult!"

"Chen Prefecture now has two A hundred thousand rebel army seized the city, and the Quartet was unable to conquer it, so they could only let it go. It is said that a large number of refugees came here."

"It's not that the Incense Seeker Cult gathered a crowd, this religion is set on fire everywhere. It's not our common people who are suffering!"

"What are you talking about, you and I are only one person, even if the martial arts like Sect Master are unparalleled in the world, is it possible that One person has turned the situation around?"

"That's not necessarily true. If I have that kind of martial arts, although I can't stop the army from the front, I will assassinate the enemy's leader and make him sleepless at night. Wouldn't it be fun?"

“Do you think Incense Seeker Cult is a vegetarian? Do you really think that their scent and fragrance can’t kill anyone? Evil Dao’s three Grandmasters are it possible that they are all decorations?”

"hehe, is it possible that it is completely motionless and do nothing?"

"I'm just a commoner, so be yourself and not harm the common people is great, even if you have some martial power, Do you really think you can beat those generals who are fighting in the army?"

"How can you not? I have been learning martial arts since I was a child, is it possible that I can't compare to those generals who have a lot of internal injuries on the battlefield. ?"

When Wei He went upstairs, the upstairs was noisy and full of arguments.

The entire third floor is wrapped up by the Myriad Azure Courtyard. There were three tables of people, some standing and some sitting, and their faces were red with words.

"Frankly, I have been to Tai Prefecture, and played against several lieutenant generals." A man stood tall and looked solemn.

Wei He recognized this person as one of the three people in the inner courtyard who was second only to Eldest Senior Sister Wan Qingqing. His surname was Yao and his name was Hansheng.

It is said that the family is well connected, there are five brothers, several of them are serving in the State Prefectural Army, but he is the only one who joined Heaven Sealing Gate since he was a child and studied sect gate Martial Arts.

"How?" someone asked aloud.

Yao Hansheng shook his head.

"The two Vice-Generals that I fought against are similar in strength to me. They are both Initial Strengthening, but they can defeat me within 30 moves."


The Drunken Lost

0 Exile 0

Black Flag

Phoenix Dance of Nine Heavens ?

Under the Lonely Mountain Tree

I’m too lazy to remember the name

I don’t support the wall, but my uncle supports you

Night Rain Pingxuan


The Fat House King of the Dark Universe


The above are all the friends who have given a reward of more than 10,000 points last week.

Several of them, such as the drunk and lost, are familiar names. It seems that everyone is still there.

Seeing the old book friends get married and have children one by one, it feels like time is flowing through my fingertips.

Finally, I hope everyone is well. take care. I suddenly felt a little bit, sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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