Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1403: Dragon Ball lost

"They really have a combination."

Looking at the battle in the sky, especially the coordination between the positions of the eighteen warriors and the battle, Li Mo lighted his eyes and muttered to himself.


While Li Mo murmured to himself, he saw that the middle-aged dragon of the same race as the evil dragon coughed up a mouthful of blood and flew backwards weakly.

The middle-aged chest of the dragon clan was recessed by more than half.

However, after the evil dragon hit the middle age of the dragon clan, it did not take advantage of it.

Don't forget, the positions of these 18 warriors are strictly in accordance with the combined array method.

So the evil dragon just hit the dragon clan strongman, and has already leaked out the position that he can't defend most.


In addition to the middle age of the dragon, the 17 warriors shouted. Killed this evil dragon with the heavenly spirit.

Only listening to the popping voice, the dragon's body exploded with seventeen splendid bloods.

"Hahaha..., do you dare to bully your grandpa?"

He was seriously injured, but the dragon still laughed out loud. There was a madness on his face.

He is the ancient dragon!

He has always been the only person who slaughtered others. When has it been reduced to letting others slaughter him?


The deafening dragon roar came, and the evil dragon killed again with great momentum.

This time, the dragon gave up all defense. Fighting lifelessly with the warriors on the opposite side.

This is the ancient evil dragon, fighting, really lifeless. Either the enemy died or he died!

Even if there are a lot of these warriors, even if they have a super combo formation.

But when they faced the dead dragon, it was still difficult to gain the upper hand.

I saw that the dragon tail was sweeping with the air of killing, and even the powerful of the Giants were difficult to stop.

The evil dragon's blood basin was a big mouth, and it swallowed the strong human race.

The dragon claw slapped down, and the strong of the Phoenix clan and the strong of the piuxi clan were shot to the ground.

"This is the time!"

When the strong Feng and Pi Xiu strongmen fell to the ground, the sound of the origin of the spirit of the staff of the origin was suddenly heard in Li Mo's mind.

Li Mo also knew that there was no delay, so Li Mo didn't say much. The figure hurried to where the two fell to the ground.

Because Li Mo used the earth escape technique to go underground, he didn't attract everyone's attention along the way.

In fact, whether these warriors or evil dragons.

At the moment, their attention is on the other party. They are thinking about **** the other party and where they will notice the situation below.

"Boom! Bang!"

The ground trembles in succession, and the two behemoths finally fall. It smashed the ground out of two deep and huge giant pits, and swayed all over the dust.

The vast body of Pi Xiu was the closest to Li Mo, but this Pi Xiu had already suffered a lot of injuries because he had blocked many attacks of the evil dragon with the giant clan strongman before. So this time the brave pig fell to the ground and fainted directly.

"excuse me."

Li Mo said lightly, and then appeared in the deep pit of Pi Xiu.

The unconscious Pai Yao did not respond at all, and was sent to the ground by Li Mo using the earth escape technique.

And Li Mo is lying in the deep pit. The motto of the rod of origin in silence comes.


A golden light flashed from the waist's scepter, and Li Mo's body suddenly turned into that vast boar.

Of course, these can't be done in the outside world.

However, in the space transformed by this fragment of origin, the staff of origin can use the power of origin to transform Li Mo into any shape.

Let's talk about the outside world's aquarium, it is already in chaos now!

The aquarium treasure is lost, and the entire underwater world of the aquarium looks bleak.

The sea was surging violently, destroying many cave houses of high-level aquariums.

"Who! It was... who did it!"

A deafening roar came from a majestic palace group, causing the entire underwater world to tremble three times.

In the main hall at the center of the palace group, there is a night pearl like a giant stone.

But at this moment, this night pearl tried its best to shine, and it still could not change the dullness of the seabed.

After losing Dragon Ball, the entire underwater world seems to have lost its luster.

In the main hall, an old man with a crown above his head and a pale face sat on the throne.

It can be seen that the old man's body shivered faintly because of his anger.

And below, His Royal Highness, His Second Highness, and the tortoise, stood honestly underneath, not even daring to sit.

The entire sky starfish aquarium can scare the three in front of you like this, who can there be besides the legendary Dragon King?

"I'm going to retreat for a few days and give the aquarium to you two for management. Are you doing this?"

Jiaolong Wangqi's fingers tremblingly pointed to His Royal Highness and the tortoise, yelling.

As for Long Hao, His Royal Highness II, Long Hao is still in Heaven. The strength is difficult to convince the crowd, so even if the Dragon King loves his second son again, he has not given him the responsibility of managing the aquarium.

"It's a child who knows the wrong! Also ask my father to punish!"

The Highness was so scared that he knelt directly on the ground, shouting with a trembling voice.

The prime minister, too, couldn't help but kneel down to "His Majesty! His death is not a pity, but His Majesty must be angry and take care of the dragon body. As long as His Majesty is present, our aquarium is..."

In the final analysis, tortoise king is also the practice of God King Realm. Therefore, the general tortoise does not need to kneel the dragon king.

But this time, Dragon Clan Zhibao Dragon Ball was lost. Therefore, in the face of the angry Dragon King, the tortoise would not dare to kneel.

"Father King! The baby will send someone to look for it! We must find our Dragon Clan treasure!"

Long Hao frowned and asked to take the initiative.

Long Hao also knows that Dragon Ball is too important for them to be lost.


Jiaolong King waved his hand, as if he was tired for decades.

Long Hao clenched his fists and walked out.

After Long Hao walked out of the King frowned. Suddenly, he looked at His Royal Highness and Guicheng Prime Minister.

"If you can't find Dragon Ball, you are all sinners of the aquarium! What should be waiting for you, you should know..."

Noting the undisguised killing intent of King Dragon King, both the tortoise and the high prince shivered.

"Father, rest assured, the child will look for it! Dragon Ball must be found!"

The head of the hall enters pounding garlic, learning what Long Hao looks like, and promises to the dragon king.

Now that the regret is in the heart of the Highness, why did you listen to the tortoise and tell Dragon Ball the idea?

But the only good news now is that Dragon Ball is in his own hands, as long as he takes out the Dragon Ball, he can save his life. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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