Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1402: 18 Warriors

Did Li Mo drink too much?

of course not!

This day, the starfish's aquarium strength is not low, so Li Mo is afraid of long night dreams, and decided to start tonight.

The night is quiet, even in this deep blue sea, it is quiet.

Li Mo was wearing a night-walking suit, and his flexible body seemed to be integrated into this dark night.

Although Li Mo has only been here once before, the situation here is remembered by Li Mo's mind with his soul.

So Li Mo came to the hall where he drank with Long Hao during the day.

The hall is the same as during the day, but the main seat in the hall is empty. Presumably, Long Hao also drank too much wine and returned to the room to rest.

As for the two vigil soldiers outside the temple, Li Mo's cultivation base is too simple to avoid them.

I saw Li Mo's figure turned into a black shadow, and those shrimps, soldiers and crabs would not have felt anything yet, so Li Mo entered the hall.

Li Mo, who entered the hall, moved very quickly, and directly drawn the staff of origin to point on the bronze mirror in the hall.

A golden light flashed away, and Li Mo and the rod of origin directly entered the bronze mirror.

This bronze mirror is formed by fragments of origin, and is homologous to the rod of origin.

Li Mo knows how to use the rod of origin, so this bronze mirror can block others from entering the interior, but it cannot stop Li Mo.

The golden light flashed away in the hall, and the shrimp soldiers and crabs outside the hall could not help but look back at the hall.

But at the moment the temple was restored to peace. As usual, so I didn't notice any unusual shrimps, crabs and crabs turned their heads and continued to watch.

Li Mo took the case here at night, and the prime minister and his highness remained the same.

Tonight, it is destined to be a sensational night...

Besides Li Mo, after entering this crack of time and space. Li Mo suddenly felt the heat of the sky and took a deep breath. There will be a hot feeling.

You should know that Li Mo is not only the strongest of Heavenly Wonderland, but also the physical strength.

But the air temperature here makes Li Mo have such a sense of visible temperature.

"No wonder the monks in Jindan Realm came here, and none of them went out. I'm afraid they would melt away from the temperature here when they first entered this secret realm?"

Li Mo murmured to himself, raised his head and looked up.

The sky was gray, and even thunder could be seen.

Around Li Mo, there are dark mountains.

These mountains have a sharp look, like a sharp long sword.


At this moment, a dragon roar came.

This dragon roar constantly hit Li Mo's mind.

"this is……"

Hearing this voice, Li Mo hurriedly turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Just a glance, Li Mo's look changed!

"True Dragon! It's still a real dragon in Quasi-Emperor Realm!"

Don't look at Li Mo's cultivating behavior in the Heavenly Wonderland now, he didn't even enter the God Mirror.

But Li Mo's previous life was also a prospective emperor. So Li Mo, of course, knew the power of the prospective emperor!


Another deafening dragon roar came, and I saw a whole body dark, with a thousand-footed figure hovering in the sky.

The dark scales radiated heat.

The temperature in this crack of time and space turned out to be all from this real dragon! It can be seen how powerful this true dragon is.

Compared with this real dragon, Li Mo's current strength is still much worse.

So Li Mo took advantage of the fact that he hadn't attracted the real dragon's attention and shot down quickly.

I don't know if it is Li Mo's fast speed, or if Li Mo is too small, or this real dragon is not willing to ignore Li Mo.

Anyway, Li Mo flew to the ground all the way, this real dragon did not take a glance at Li Mo.

As soon as his feet stepped on the ground, Li Mo's figure directly entered the ground with the help of earth escape technique.

"Origin, can you feel the existence of fragments of origin?"

Li Mo, who entered the earth, asked about the origin of the spirit of the Staff of Origin.

There is an origin around, and Li Mo does not need to luck to find the origin fragments.

"This evil dragon's Nedan is."

The voice of origin came from Li Mo's mind, which made Li Mo stunned. Can't help asking


"Well, the formation of this piece of time and space depends entirely on the origin of the debris. So the old man can know some information here based on the origin of this space and time."

Origin explained to Li Mo.

The words of origin made Li Mo's eyes shine, and Li Mo was still thinking.

How can I get this real dragon's inner dan, but now there is the origin.

I am afraid that this real dragon is the evil dragon in the quasi-imperial realm, and Li Mo also has a way to get Neidan.

Then Li Mo asked, "What should I do and come up with an idea."


Origin only responded to Li Mo's word, making Li Mo stunned for a while.

Then Li Mo said with a grumpy mouth, "Wait? I can't wait now. The longer I enter here, the more difficult it is for the Jiaolong tribe."

"Don't you want to wait for me to go out and let the whole dragon family besieged?"

Don't look at Li Mo, who can now be a tough and powerful king.

But in this dragon family, the dragon king is the strong man of the **** king realm. The tortoise prime minister was also a strong man in the early days of the **** realm.

In addition, there are quite a few gods and gods in Shui. And maybe there will be any formation, so if you fall into siege of China.

Li Mo is bound to be unable to run out.

"Don't want to be a tough dragon, you just want to be a tough dragon in the quasi-imperial realm?"

The origin in the storage bag seems to be white Li Mo's glance, but also said angrily

"Wait, it won't be long. There are eighteen warriors coming to slaughter the dragon. By the time you take the opportunity to get Neidan, is it safer than rushing up now?"

Origin has learned what can happen in this time and space through the power of origin. So the origin can understand here better than Li Mo.

Upon hearing the origin, Li Mo's eyes lit up. Immediately asked

"How high are the cultivation skills of the 18 Dragon Warriors?"

"All the forces of the Great Realm of God King Realm..."

Origin responded, making Li Mo speechless for a while.

It is not easy for Li Mo to get the evil dragon's inner pill in the hands of the eighteen powerful kings of the Great Realm.

But if you think about it carefully, the other party is a dragon in the quasi-emperor realm. Those eighteen warriors are not good enough, nor are they opponents.

And Li Mo can be sure that these eighteen King Realm Powerhouses will definitely have a combined formation.

Therefore, a strong man in the quasi-imperial realm, even a strong man who has just entered the quasi-imperial realm, is not so easy to kill.

Seems to see what Li Mo thought, and the origin laughed

"Oh, don't worry. At that time, this evil dragon will swallow a few strong men, hit a few strong men, shoot a few strong men. You only need to turn into a strong man who is shot, and come back to cheat. Dan is just fine."

"This battle will be so miserable? Then I do have a chance."

Listening to the origin, Li Mo said with a grin.

Just when Li Mo was communicating with Yuanyuan, on the ground.

Eighteen strong figures appeared on those sharp peaks!

Li Mo looked at these 18 figures, his eyes suddenly excited.

These eighteen figures, there are human race, dragon race, brave race, phoenix race, giant race...

In short, the breath of each one is not weak.

"Oh! You evil dragon, slaughter countless creatures! Destroy the reputation of my dragon clan. Today, our eighteen brothers will kill you for Heavenly Path!"

A middle-aged middle-aged dragon also pointed at the dark black dragon flying in the sky and scolded.

"I heard that this guy swallowed another small planet yesterday, and he was eaten by hundreds of millions of creatures! Really beast!"

The middle-aged men of the Feng ethnic group yelled angrily.

This middle-aged man of Feng nationality, even at this age, still has a beautiful eye. The faint stubble under the chin added some sense of maturity.


Facing the curse of the eighteen warriors below, the dragon circling in the sky laughed.

This rolling laughter, like thunder, made the world tremble with it.

"Just a few of your little dolls still want to kill your grandpa? But your blood is really full, it should be delicious..."

The evil dragon licked his lips, grinning.

"Beast! Take your life!"

The words of the dragon suddenly made the giant clan violent, and followed the roar of the giant clan. His figure gradually expanded.

A foot stepped on the figure above the head appeared in front of everyone.

The giant clan of the **** king realm is of course powerful.




Seventeen other strong men around him also screamed and rushed up.

They have bodies that appear on the body, and those who have advanced weapons have weapons that appear to besiege the evil dragon.

"Coax! Rumble..."

For a moment, the world shivered. This kind of strong man's battle really has the power to destroy the world. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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