Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1392: Earthquake

Under the rain, everyone suddenly felt cold.

You know, these are not low-level monks. There won't be much discomfort for the cold and hot outside.

But at the moment, these seem to be filled with endless hostility and resentment, making everyone feel cold.

"After this war, this place will be famous for thousands of years, for thousands of years..."

Looking at the surroundings, the egg murmured.

For thousands of years, there hasn't been a place where Kyushu has buried so many strong men.

At this point, even the 100,000 mountains that buried the bones of 100,000 puppet heavenly soldiers could not be compared.


Li Mo coughed lightly, eggs, Dongfang Yibai and Feng Yuwei all looked at Li Mo. His eyes were full of concern.

Looking at these people, Li Mo felt warm. Then he waved his hand and said

"It's okay, Brother Dongfang, organize the clan, let's go home..."

With that said, Li Mo looked in the direction of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Gradually, the past emerged one after another in Li Mo's mind.

When I first thought about entering the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he was chased and killed by the Wudu tribe in Xutianzhou and Nanjiang County.

It was the patriarch Menglin from Miluo Village who brought back 100,000 mountains, but one after another.

This made Li Mo unfavorable to the 100,000 mountains, including the Jiuli Tribe.

But later, Li Mo entered the Presbyterian Church.

It is the people of the Presbyterian Church who go up to Grandpa and down to the ordinary Jindan realm. It was they who let Li Mo know that in the elder meeting, except for the elder Yu Xiao.

Everyone dares to fight for the Jiuli tribe!

It is this group of lovely people that makes Li Mo feel a sense of belonging to the Jiuli tribe. In the end, he completely integrated himself into the Jiuli tribe, so in Li Mo's heart.

One hundred thousand mountains is his home in Kyushu.

"it is good!"

Dongfang Yibai's arms shaking Li Mo also shuddered, obviously. Da Qiu's newspaper was finally able to go back and tell Grandpa this matter, and Dongfang Yibai was also very excited.

"Brother Li Mo, if you have time, you may wish to take a look at our dragon eagle tribe. Although the brother Li Mo is stronger than the **** demon clan, but our dragon eagle tribe still has many healing remedies. Let Li Brother Mo’s injury is better and faster..."

"Boy Li Mo, you have time to visit Ben Wang. You can talk to Ben Wang on Tianshan Mountain in Yunzhou."

"Master Li Mo, the Nine-Tailed Fox Race welcomes Master Li Mo at any time."


For a time, all forces presented invitations to Li Mo.

Although in this life, Kyushu has produced two powerful kings of the King Realm that could not be born for thousands of years.

But everyone knows that the strongest person in Kyushu today is this humanoid kid who looks only in his twenties. So everyone wants to have a good relationship with Li Mo.

The ancestor of the blue whale tribe is even going to have a celebration feast on the ruins of this pseudo-celestial court, praising the achievements of "Master Li Mo".

For everyone's invitation, Li Mo thanked them one by one. As for that celebration feast, Li Mo thought it was completely unnecessary. He led the people of the Jiuli tribe to the direction of the 100,000 mountains.

The people of the Jiuli tribe were divided into two soldiers by Li Mo. Li Mo led a part of them to the 100,000 Mountains. The preparation for the reconstruction of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is to bring the news of the annihilation of the Pseudo Heavenly Court to the grave of the predecessor Angong Lilong.

Then Li Mo sent another land battle, and Li Xue led a group of people to Nanjiang County, Xutian Prefecture to pick up the return of the tribes of the Jiuli Tribe.

In fact, Li Mo is not sending strong men to pick up the clan. In today's world of Kyushu, no one dares to shoot against the people of the Jiuli tribe.

Just kidding, the Jiuli tribe has a Li Mo. With the strength of the complete and powerful King Realm, who dares to provoke others?

As for other races, they also retired one after another.

Dandan also left Li Mo and returned to the nightmare city of the nightmare tribe.

Because of the siege of the Nightmare City by the Pseudo Heavenly Court, the Nightmare City is now in ruins.

Therefore, as the child of the nightmare, there are still too many things to be done.

The Pseudo Heavenly Court is destroyed! The Tiangong Palace built in the Pseudo Heavenly Court of Zhongzhou Plain was destroyed in a day.

The blood flowed into the Zhongzhou Plain! The ancestors of the ancestors, the ancestors of the bitter wolf clan, the ancestor of the red flame rat clan, the ancestor of the swallowing scorpion king, and the ancestors of the Centaur clan have swallowed hatred like a storm, sweeping across the land of Kyushu!

Earthquake! Kyushu trembling!

All Wangfeng forces sent strong men to go deep into Zhongzhou to explore the puppet heaven.

And the more they understand, the more surprised the forces will be. Among them, everyone remembered the names of Grandpa Jiu Li and Li Mo!

For a time, some forces were discussing, how to please Jiuli Tribe and Li Mo.

Even these forces have some luck in their hearts, fortunately. Their strength is not enough to offend the original Jiuli tribe, otherwise the current Jiuli tribe. It is not a one-line thing to destroy them.

The sun rises three times and the sunset rises, and Li Mo, who has recovered most of his injuries, sits in a luxurious chariot.

This chariot is a gift from the ancestors of the Dragonhawk tribe. It is so delicate that even the chariot wheels are embellished with spirit stones and sparkling.

As for the horses pulling the chariot, of course, the green horse king who was in the fairyland of that place was the king.

Nowadays, Kyushu can have a mount of Fairyland Great Consummation, which may be Li Mo's only one.

"Origin, how long can your power last?"

Sitting in the chariot, Li Mo asked about the origin of the scepter of the source rod.

The rod of origin lying quietly beside Li Mo gradually gave birth to a golden light. The golden light gradually turned into reality, turning into the figure of origin.

It's just that the figure of origin at this moment is slightly illusory, obviously the power of the broken origin is not enough.

"Your injury this time is not light, and it also consumes some of the power of origin. In addition to your previous battle with the Zongzu, Yin during the day. So now the power of the staff of origin is enough for you to squander once. ."

"So you either have to step into the realm of like the staff of origin to enhance your strength will not consume so much. Or, you will find another piece of origin. But I feel that only the remaining The six origin fragments are not in the Kyushu land, they are all in the universe. So your current strength is too dangerous to go to the planets in the universe. The old man still recommends that you enter the heaven and earth, and then enter the universe to find the origin fragments."

In the final analysis, the origin is to suggest Li Mo to improve his strength.

However, Li Mo shook his head and said, "That silver should be a rising star of the Silver Aristocrat during the day. It can enter the God King Realm at such an age, and it is also the top level of the Silver Aristocrat."

"So his cultivation and talents are not weak, but the weak is just knowledge. There are too many stories of ancient heavens in Kyushu, so the ancestors of Kyushu can recognize the rod of origin, but Silver Daytime did not recognize it. But wait until Silver Daytime After returning to the silver armor, if you tell me the weapon in my hand, the other senior members of the silver armor will not recognize it." Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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