Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1391: Ancestor

"Okay! I'll give you a ride."

The Longying tribe ancestor responded and swooped down to get the wolf tribe ancestor down.


While the Longying tribe ancestor rushed in, the wolf tribe ancestor roared up in the sky. A silver-white silver wolf killed the dragon eagle ancestor.



Above the sky, the roar shook. The sky is full of amazing spirits, and the momentum of the battle is really warm.

Put it as usual, this is also the top battle in the world Kyushu.

But you just saw Li Mo and Gu Zu fighting in silver daytime. So now looking at this level of combat, everyone suddenly felt a little dull.

In the end, the wolf bite ancestor only persisted for three rounds in the hands of the dragon eagle family ancestor, and he was crushed by the dragon eagle family ancestor.

This is the Dragon Eagle clan ancestors left their hands in the previous two rounds, otherwise. The defeat of the wolf bite ancestors may only be faster.

Just when the dragon eagle tribes won, the red flame rat tribe and the swallow scorpion royal tribe also won.

The two ancestors finally killed the giant ant ancestor at the cost of one life and half an arm.

The corpse of the unlucky Juli ant ancestor fell to the ground, causing everyone to take a breath.

Their strength is all the ancestors of various forces, and their strength is also above the ancestors of the Clan.

So the ancestors of the wolf clan and the giant ant ant ancestor died in battle, and the remnants of the pseudo heaven court suddenly panicked.


"Brothers, run!"


Among them, the people of the Juli Ant King and the Wolf Eater are the most. They shouted and ran to the panic around.

Don't look at the people of these Juli Ant King clan, they are usually rampant, but at the moment they are most afraid of the liquidation of the Jiuli tribe.

"Everyone's orders! Kill! Crickets annihilate! Other races, all above the fairyland, one will not stay!"

Watching those who ran away, Li Mohan screamed.

There are so many races in the Pseudo Heavenly Court, and there are also many powerful people above the fairyland.

But Li Mo knew that it would be a scourge for these people to keep it sooner or later. So Li Mo can't soften his heart.


The six strong parties on Li Mo's side responded one after another and killed them all around.



For a time, screams continued.

The earth has long been stained with blood red, and there are broken limbs everywhere.

Even the sky is **** red.

Once glorious, it almost unified the pseudo heaven of Kyushu. Here... Destruction!

Although Li Mo's order is that except for the crickets, other races only kill the strong above the fairyland.

But that is based on the non-resistance of other races. If there is any resistance, it is also killed on the spot.

A high-ranking party was killed and only two ancestors were prepared to surrender. As a result, the soldiers below had no morale at all, and their defeats fell.

And Li Mo, on their side, won a high-level battle. The morale was greatly boosted below, and the Blue Whale ancestors, the Nine-Tailed Fox ancestors and the Nightmare ancestors who held the quasi-imperial weapon Lingxiao Mountain also joined the battle. Everyone is chasing after the aftermath of the pseudo heaven.

Looking at the battle in the sky, even the powerful ancestors of the Red Flame Rat Clan and the Swallow Sky Python Clan, who have lived for thousands of years, are scared and pale.

Although they have lived for thousands of years, they have seen all the elites of Kyushu. Combined with each other, there are two million strong fights?

It is said that the immortal is angry and lay dead for millions.

But that also means killing low-level monks or mortals, but in this battle. What is the difference between the life of the powerful in the fairyland and the grass mustard?

The ancestor of the Red Flame Rat Clan did not know whether it was because of a missing arm, or because it was scared. Or maybe both.

I saw that the ancestor of the Red Flame Rat clan was pale and said with a trembling voice to Li Mo

"Li Mo... little brothers, all of them are your own! Look at this, we are the ancestors of the Juli Ant King clan..."

After living for thousands of years, the elite ancestor of the red flame rat clan can not be seen.

This Li Mo is the leader of their side, as long as Li Mo agrees to let them go. In the early days of Shenwang Realm, neither the Tianshan Snow King nor the Dragon Eagle Clan ancestors would say anything.

Hearing the words of the Red Flame Rat Race ancestor, Li Mo slowly raised his head. Pale face showed a playful smile

"That is your own infighting, do I agree that you are not dead?"


The ancestor of the Red Flame Rat Clan pointed at Li Mo angrily, and his fingers only shivered.

Don't you agree to let us go?

Then why didn't you say it when we battled with the ancestor of Juli Ant King?

The ancestral ancestors of the swallowing day python are also pale, but there is still a hint of hope in their hearts. Asked

"Then...then we have made a name submission..."

"That's your business. I can only keep the people of your two tribes in the fairyland. Blood feud, it's not easy to do it!"

Li Mo's eyes showed a killing intent and shouted.

Now that you want to surrender, just submit a letter of nomination?

Then what was your elite warrior heaven of the 100,000 pseudo-pseudo courts besieging the Jiuli tribe and killing the former grandfather Lilong?

After all, Li Mo waved his hand.

Without Li Mo's hands, the nightmare ancestor who held the quasi-imperial weapon killed his two old rivals.

"We fight with you!"

"I'm going to pull back when I die!"

Knowing that there is no hope for life, the ancestors of the Red Flame Rat Clan and the King Clan of the Swallowing Python Consort finally finally fought their lives.

But both of them lost half of their lives when they fought hard with the Juli Ant King clan. Where can I beat the nightmare ancestors?

What's more, the nightmare ancestors have a quasi-imperial weapon Lingxiao Mountain, so there is no kung fu fighting half a cup of tea. The ancestors of the red flame rat clan and the ancestors of the swallowing day python kings fell on the nightmare ancestors.

At this moment, the battle below is also coming to an end.

At the beginning of the battle, the remnants of the Pseudo Heavenly Court were still a little flustered.

The strong men who reached the heaven of heaven and the strong men who descended to the realm of Jindan fled outward.

But after fighting for a while, except those who died tragically. The remnants of the false heaven also understood.

Although Li Mo is not the ancestor of these forces ~ ~ but these people surprisingly follow Li Mo's orders.

So if the strongmen below the fairyland do not resist, they will not kill.

This makes most of the powerful under the fairyland have surrendered, of course, there are also some strong-hearted strong who dare to fight desperately.

But most of them died under the chaos.

As for those strong men above the fairyland, under the supervision of the strong men in the early days of the two great kings. None can escape.


Sky appeared a blood-red cloud, and it began to rain heavily.

Downpours washed the blood flowing into the ground, and there was endless blood in the sky.

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