Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1319: Crazy Magic Flute

Knowing that Li Mo was anxious, Ling Xiao didn't talk about it any more, and began to teach Li Mo crazy magic flute.

Li Mo laid the devil flute in front of him, his hands flicked, and word by word came from Li Mo's mouth.


Similarly, Li Mo doesn't have to blow it, Crazy Magic Flute is like life, and a thick voice sways on the Crazy Magic Flute. Meet the harsh voice before.

Under the stalemate between the two, I saw the Tianshan Yeti strong in mid-air seemed to dance. Three steps forward in the air, three steps back. Then go one step further and take another step back.

"Really contend?"

Looking at the Tianshan Yeti strongman who was not far away from them, Hu Junyang stopped his arm and muttered to himself.

"Dad, believe Li Mo, he can do it!"

The fox on the side said solemnly, looking at Li Mo's back, his eyes were full of belief.

Perhaps Hulin didn't even know what was going on. It stands to reason that he and Li Morang haven't known each other for a long time. But he believed Li Mo in such a way that he dare to take the lives of the Nine-Tailed Foxes to believe Li Mo.

"You actually know the trick of this crazy devil flute?"

Looking at Li Mo's direction, Qiwu could no longer calm down.

Only the senior officials of Gu Tianting can know the recipe for this crazy devil flute. The ancestral ancestors have not been passed on to others in recent years. If it was not his mission to use this Crazy Devil Flute, the ancestor was to ensure that Qiwu could successfully complete the task, so he taught him the recipe for Crazy Devil Flute.

But how could the kid in the distant sky be crazy about the magic flute?

The mind was running fast, looking at Li Mo's direction. Gu Wu's eyes gradually squinted

"Since everyone knows the magic tricks of Crazy Devil Flute, let's see whose aura is strong and can support it!"

The voice fell, and Zhang Wu twisted his hands. A heavy aura in the middle of the fairyland shot into the Crazy Devil Flute, and Qiu Wu's mouth was a secret way to meditate on the Crazy Devil Flute.


"Oh! Woo!"


Eerie voices kept coming in the Crazy Devil Flute, and listening to these voices alone made people feel creepy.

I saw these sounds turned into qi waves, rolling in the direction of Li Mo.

Looking at the qi waves, Li Mo's hands clung to the Crazy Devil Flute with an aura.


The wave of mad devil flute in front of Li Mo turned into a long sword, and the wave coming from a distance was cut!


The sky seemed to explode, and the waves were rolling. A large mouthful of blood poured into Li Mo's throat, but Li Mo swallowed it tightly with his teeth.

Although Li Mo's methods are extraordinary, he cultivates with the tactics of heaven and earth, and the spirit in his body is even thicker. Use Heaven Tribulation to baptize the power of flesh, and the power of flesh is also powerful.

But is that Wuwu ordinary?

Can the Zongzu make him the king of Wu Tian, ​​isn't he just looking at him in the early days of Tianxian Realm can fight the power of the late Tianxian Realm?

Now that Wuwu has entered the middle of Heavenly Wonderland, to what extent has the fighting power been so powerful?

It is for this reason that the ancestral ancestors of the ancestral ancestors can cultivate the wu wu as the new patriarch of the ancestors.

Li Mo's state, where can he escape the eyes of the egg that Li Mo was born and died for many years? Immediately, the egg hurried to the Jiuwei Fox clan army and shouted to Junjun Yang.

"Uncle! Quickly find another person who controls Mad Flute!"

"it is good!"

Hu Junyang also knew that the current situation could not be delayed, let alone, Hu Junyang suddenly spread his own consciousness.

Fox Junyang is also a strong man in the late days of Heavenly Wonderland. How powerful is the consciousness? In fact, Li Mo's consciousness is more powerful, but Li Mo wants to use Crazy Magic Flute to fight against Wuwu. So Li Mo has no time to find the location of Qiaowu with his consciousness.

Besides, Fox Junyang, no one else bothers. Hu Junyang quickly found the valley where Qinwu was located.

"Jiu Wen Tian Ting Wu Tian Wang Da Ming, but did not expect. It turned out to be a generation of hiding!"

Hu Junyang's voice was loud and resounding through the sky, reaching the canyon in the distance.

The voice fell, and Fox Junyang flew straight to the canyon where Qiaowu was.

"Damn! Let him find out!"

While controlling the Crazy Devil Flute, Gu Wu scolded.

If there is no Li Mo, then why is Wuwu fighting against Hu Junyang? By then Tianshan Snowman Clan will definitely fight with the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

Tianshan Yeti also has a lot of powerhouses in Heavenly Wonderland, and the 100,000 troops temporarily assembled by Fox Junyang are estimated to be destroyed. This is the purpose of Qiaowu.

But now Li Mo's appearance has directly interrupted Gu Wu's plan.


The sound of breaking the sky is getting closer and closer, and Zhang Wu knows that he can no longer control the Crazy Devil Flute. While fighting with the powerful in the late days of the fairyland, while controlling the 80,000 troops of the snowman of the Tianshan through the mad devil flute, this is not what the aura in the middle monk of the heavenly world can do.

"Damn boy! I remember you!"

There was a snarling roar from Skyrim, and he worked hard for so long. It only counted to hit the nine-tailed fox clan, but now Li Mo's appearance is ruined. Can Wuwu be reconciled?

"Fu Junyang, do you want to die? I fulfill you!"

Then, only heard Wu Wu scolding. The figure flew out of the canyon suddenly, and there were many of his men in the canyon. So Wuwu will not allow them to fight inside the canyon.

"Dead? How many years have I not heard anyone say this to me? How many years have I never shot, and it turns out that your junior is not ashamed of me?"

Hu Junyang is also furious, how many years has he entered the fairyland? How many years have you been seated as the Patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Race?

According to his seniority, he is still a celebrity elder. As a result, this man came up and asked him hesitantly, would he not be angry?


The distant sky collided like two stars.

Let's say that let Gouwu fight the Fox Junyang while manipulating the 80,000 army of the Tianren Yeti. Guwu is certainly not an opponent.

But now, Wuwu has given up control of the 80,000 army of the Snowman tribe in Tianshan, and the battle with Hu Junyang, even the slightest tribal downfall. This shows the invincibility of the fighting force.

Besides Li Mo, without Mo Wu's Crazy Devil Flute, Li Mo felt the pressure diminished suddenly.

Then the crazy devil flute in Li Mo's hand once again showed a wave of anger, sweeping towards the 80,000 Tianshan Snowman clan strongman.


A low roar came, and the 80,000 Tianshan Snowman tribes landed on the ground one after another.

At the moment, they only have Li Mo's crazy devil flute in their eyes, and only listen to Li Mo's orders.

Li Mo put away the crazy devil and flew to the heads of the strong people of the Tianren Yeti.

Then Li Mo's secret formula for the rod of origin came, and a little starlight converged on Li Mo's palm, converging to the 80,000 Tianshan Snowman clan strongman below.


Eighty thousand Tianshan Snowman clan howled together, and the screams shook the earth and earth.

A moment later, after all the strong men of the Tianshan Yeti tribe coughed up a mouthful of blood. The eyes of all the strong people of the Tianshan Yeti gradually returned to normal, and the tyranny of the body gradually disappeared.

But there were also several heads that burst and died bloody.

Even if there is a staff of origin to detoxify them, there are side effects of this crazy devil. Therefore, Li Mo cannot guarantee that they can all live.

But maybe it is to give these Tianshan Snowman clan the opportunity to choose, they must be willing to choose to die instead of living as puppets of the puppet clan. Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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