Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1318: Crazy Magic Flute Real Control




The noisy roar came in the canyon, just like a group of wild horses, flying towards Qinghe County.

And in front of them, there is a pseudo-celestial court in the fairyland blowing a crazy devil flute, guiding them.

The same scene was staged in several other directions in Qinghe County. For a time, 80,000 Tianshan Snowman tribes gathered in Qinghe County.


There was a killing voice, Qinghe County, Pufferfish tribe. One hundred thousand army took off, and here is the 40,000 nine-tailed fox army recruited by Fox Junyang from the nine-tailed fox family. There are more than 60,000 tribes under the tribe.

The forces of the Zhizhou have already suffered a lot because of the previous battles. In addition, there are many places that need to be guarded by the strong. Therefore, although this 100,000 army is certainly not an opponent of the 80,000 Tianshan Yeti strong, but this is already the full power that the Nine-Tailed Fox can currently draw.

It can be seen that Fox Junyang's determination for this decisive battle, and Fox Junyang also wanted to see how Li Mo detoxified.

Eighty thousand Tianshan Yeti tribes can't drain the inside and outside of the Blowfish tribe, and all the Tianshan Yeti tribes have flushed faces, and their whole bodies are full of fierceness.

"There are still the strongest in the late days of Heavenly Wonderland?"

Li Mo frowned and looked at the Tianshan Yeti strongman who roared around him.

The egg on the side also shook his head and said, "There is more than one strong peak in the late days of Heavenly Wonderland, look at that, then..."

She said she was pointing in a few directions, puzzled.

"There are strong people in the Tianxian Realm of the Tianren Snowman Clan in these places. It is reasonable to say that these people are not low-cultivated. Why did they all do it?"


A roar coming from nowhere seems like a charge. I saw the innumerable strong people of the Tianshan Snowman Race rushing towards the 100,000 troops over the Puffer Tribe.

Within the Puffer Tribe, there are three thousand Tianshan Yeti tribes. Li Mo didn't mean to let them participate in the war. In fact, they couldn't illuminate the butcher's knife to their people.

Now their clan is ‘crazy’, with only killing in their eyes. Therefore, if these three thousand Tianshan Snowmen can't bear to shoot, let them rush into the war, and they will definitely die in the end.

These people did not participate in the war, but looked at the crazy people outside. Ao Tao, Ao Song couldn't help but bowed his head, his hands clenched fist secretly. Clenching their teeth, their chests were full of anger at the moment.

One by one can't wait to eat the **** of the crickets raw!


The sound of the flute came and saw Li Mo rushing to the sky. Blowing the crazy devil flute, under the control of Li Mo's consciousness.

The sound of the flute is melodious, as if a cool spring water has washed the angry chests of the strong people of the Snowman in the Tianshan Mountains.

The strong people of the Tianshan Yeti clan rushed out of anger were all quiet, standing in the midair in a muddle.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hu Junyang's eyes lit up. Now Hu Junyang really believes, it is indeed someone who is controlling the group of Tianshan Yeti strong.

But I just don't know if what Li Mo said can solve the poison in the Tianshan Yeti is true or not.

Otherwise, it is these Tianshan Yeti strong people are controlled. Their nine-tailed fox clan still has to fight against it. This is a battle involving survival. Inevitable.

"I said, why would anyone take the land of the two counties so quickly under my eyelids? I didn't expect anyone to know how to use this crazy devil flute. What a wizard..."

A playful came from a distance, but no figure appeared.

Li Mo's consciousness spread to the distance, ready to find the figure. But before he could spread Li Mo's consciousness far, he could hear a sharp voice.


The flute sounded like a long sword, with a hint of killing and tyranny.


The tyrannical flute suddenly disturbed the 80,000 Tianshan Yeti clan strongman. In mid-air, the 80,000 Tianshan Yeti clan army went crazy again. One by one eyes turned red, and they came straight to death.

"not good!"

Watching the movement of the strong mountain snowman that day, Fox Junyang waved his hand.



Strong shouts came, and the shouts of several phalanxes shook the earth!

"Dad, don't worry about it first. Believe Li Mo!"

The fox on the side hurriedly stopped calling.

Fox Junyang looked at the thin figure in front of him, and secretly gritted his teeth. Drink

"Tianshan Snowman advances another hundred feet, and let go of arrows!"

Without father and son on the battlefield, Hu Junyang would not make a joke about the lives of their nine-tailed fox warriors!

Prepare in advance to shoot arrows to kill a few strong men of the Tianshan Yeti, until the two armies fight. They will be able to die a few people!

"Li Mo! Hurry up!"

Hulin shouted to Li Mo anxiously. Hulin, like Li Mo, didn't want to let the two sides really fight. Although Hu Lin's father, Fox Junyang in the late days of Wonderland, is here.

But the Tianshan Yeti are not lacking in the power of the heavenly wonderland. So once the war starts, even if the Nine-Tailed Fox tribe victoriously, they will have to die a lot. At that time, I really fell in love with Guzu.


Li Mo no longer went to find where the sound was hidden, and picked up the mad devil flute directly.

The melodious flute suddenly came to the distant flute, making the Tianshan Snowman strongman killed in mid-air suddenly stopped.

In the canyon, there is silence at the moment. Only the Emperor Wu Tian of the Pseudo Heavenly Court led several subordinates to stay here, and the previous flute sound was blown before Qin Wu.

The Crazy Devil Flute in his hand gradually left his mouth, and Gu Wu grinned.

"In the ancient heaven court, this crazy devil flute can be used as a tiger charm to control the army. If the crazy devil flute is taken by the enemy, knowing a little control method can control the ancient heaven court's army, wouldn't ancient heaven court be in chaos?"

The voice fell, and the mad devil flute in Zhangwu's hands turned around. Stopped in the palm of Zhang Wu.

Then, Wu Wu opened her lips and began to meditate on the real operation of Crazy Magic Flute!

This method of operation can only be understood by the true gods of the ancient heaven. These gods will be undoubtedly loyal to the ancient heaven, of course. Except for the Guzu.

Therefore, Gu Tianting was not afraid that the Crazy Demon Flute would fall into the hands of foreigners, and even the Guzu gave the real operation of the Crazy Devil Flute to the Wuwu. As for Chou Gang and others, the only thing he learned was the superficial control method of Crazy Devil Flute.


As Chou Wu silently read the magic trick of crazy devil flute, crazy devil flute seemed to have emotions. He even showed a tyrannical voice and sonic waves went out into the distance.

In the distant midair, the Tianshan Yeti strongman who had stopped his body again became restless.


Just like a beast with no wits, kill it crazy.

"Fifty feet!"

Hu Junyang's hand stopped in mid-air became a fist, only to wait for the Tianshan Yeti strong to advance fifty feet. At that time, Fox Junyang's arm will be lowered, and the hundred thousand troops and arrows will be sent out behind him.


Let's talk about Li Mo again, Li Mo from the distant sky heard the whistle of the flute and was also bitten by it.

"Damn it! What's the matter? The same is Crazy Devil Flute, how can his flute sound so strong?"

Li Mo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked Qi Lingling.

" If this crazy devil flute has no control method. In the ancient heaven court, wouldn't anyone get the order to serve the army of crazy devil Dan?"

The voice of Ling Lingxiao, a quasi-imperial weapon, came from Li Mo's mind, and Li Mo could obviously feel it. That Ling Xiao seemed to have a blank look at Li Mo?

"The law of control? Why didn't you say it early?"

Li Mo couldn't help but be speechless.

"I didn't expect that the ancestral ancestors even passed on this. After all, the previous gangster steel would not be like this."

After all, Ling Xiao paused. Then I went on

"Now I say a word, you say a word..."

"Hurry up!"

Li Mo shouted anxiously, seeing that the powerful people of the Tianshan Yeti had advanced by thirty feet! Hu Junyang is about to release an arrow! Please Baidu "Throw Book Net" to thank you for your support!

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