Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1281: Lan Xiangzhe's hesitation

.., Need for Almighty Overlord

"It is said that……"

Lan Xiangzhan said two words, and then stopped WwΔW. "Ksnhuge"ge. co

"Brother Zhan Zhan but say nothing."

Li Mo waved his hands to dispel Lan Xiang's concerns.

Lan Xiang nodded and responded immediately.

"I heard that the nightmare tribe was slaughtered and the blood flowed into a river. Even the nightmare tribe of the human tribe was destroyed..."


The glass in the egg's hand was crushed and his eyes were scarlet.

Even if the egg knew, the nightmare's heirs all escaped this disaster. When the ancestors let out the wind in this way, it is absolutely necessary to reflect the power of their own heaven and deter others.

But the thought of so many tribes of the tribes died in battle and the blood flowed into the river. The egg's heart felt a colic. At the moment, the egg really wanted to kill the puppet heavenly court, kill those heavenly soldiers and generals, and hammer the ancestor!


Looking at the egg's movements, Lan Xiangzhan cast his doubtful eyes on Li Mo.

"Oh, Yichen is not among the Hui people these days. So I know a little bit about the nightmares, but not much."

Li Mo explained that the Blue Whale tribe is not an ally at the moment, and of course he cannot tell the truth.

"What did Li Moxian come to this time?"

Lan Xiang nodded and asked.

To say that Li Moping came to sit here with nothing to do is to kill Lan Xiangzhan, who does not believe in Lan Xiangzhan.

"Oh, I heard that the horse tribe prides themselves on the Tianting family. They even declared war on the blue whale tribe, even the subordinate human tribes also invaded Xutianzhou. But I stayed here in the blue whale city for an afternoon. What wars did you find?"

Li Mo did not rush to answer, but asked the question in his heart.

As soon as he mentioned the war provoked by the Clan and Horse, Lan Xiangzhan inadvertently showed a hint of headache.

However, in front of Li Mo, Lan Xiangzhan certainly cannot admit that they are not good. I saw Lan Xiangzhan slapping the table fiercely, scolding angrily.

"The shameless tribes of the Centaurs! Their Yuezhou is adjacent to our Xutianzhou. Although there was constant friction. But neither the Blue Whale Tribe nor the Blue Whale Tribe provoke war on such a large scale.

"Now this person's horse family is close to Heavenly Court, and they want to invade Xutianzhou! If Heavenly Court sent a lot of strong men to help the people and horse people, our blue whale tribe and the blue whale's adults have already given these miscellaneous pieces to Xutianzhou has been pushed out! Maybe we all regard Yuezhou as the battlefield at this moment!"

Although there are some bragging elements, it doesn't count as the power of heaven. Their blue whale tribe and blue whale tribe are indeed more powerful than the Centaur and Centaur tribe.

"Now I see, there is no fighting anymore?"

Li Mo continued to ask, with some displeasure in his tone.

This blue war sky is also a personal essence, how could not understand Li Mo's meaning. Then Lan Xiangzhan explained

"Hey, Brother Li Moxian is also an ally of the South Xinjiang County Tribal Alliance. You should also know that in the previous wars, the Pseudo-Tianting strongmen joined. Both the Blue Whale tribe and the Blue Whale tribes have suffered heavy casualties.

Now Pseudo Heavenly Court does not know what it means, it seems to have taken away some of the strong. This made the Centaurs and Centaurs no longer attack the Blue Whales and the Blue Whales. "

"But their current strength is enough to intercept our strongmen. So the tribal tribes under the Centaur tribe attack the subordinate tribes of Xutianzhou, and the elder brother is powerless. But the only thing the elder brother can do is to mobilize the master to let Centaurs and Centaur tribes cannot shoot against tribes in subordinate counties.

I heard that this time the Centaurs mobilized all the affiliated tribes under their powerful forces. I was also sweating for my brother's tribal alliance. But now it's good to see the brother come back, there is a brother. Tribe alliance, nothing can happen. "

Lan Xiangzhan said that there is art, which not only cleared the reason why their blue whale tribe let the southern Xinjiang county leave, but also touted Li Moyi.

When Lan Xiangzhan spoke, Li Mo's eyes kept staring at Lan Xiangzhan's eyes. If Lan Xiangzhan speaks, after all, he can't escape Li Mo, who has strong consciousness.

So after paying attention to Lan Xiangzhan, Li Mo grinned.

"My brother also knows that the Blue Whale tribe is not easy, so I don't need to be nervous."

As Li Mo can see, Lan Xiangzhan did not lie.


Lan Xiangzhan couldn't help but exhale.

This Li Mo, the aura now is really too strong. It's estimated that even Grandpa can't compare? I really don't know how he practiced.

"The Centaurs have indeed done too much. I don't know what Brother Xiang Zhan plans to do?"

Li Mo played with the wine glass in his hand and asked faintly.

"What else can we do, if we were once the Clan of Horses and Horses. Of course we are not afraid of him, but people are now climbing the high branches of the Clan of the Clan, and moving them is tantamount to moving the Court. That Temple is still worried that there is no reason to wage a large-scale war? , Who dares to go this muddy water?"

Lan Xiangzhan laughed bitterly, with a sense of powerlessness in his tone.

In the face of absolute strength, the weak have no choice.

At this time, Lan Zhantian boasted to Li Mo again, how to prepare. He is also a shame in the middle of the fairyland.

Li Mo nodded, and Lan Xiangzhan's words were in Li Mo's expectation.

Immediately Li Mo continued to say, "In this world of weak meat and strong food, how can there be a step back from the sea and the sky? You are weak, you take a step back. The enemy can only chase step by step until you are eaten!"


This time, the wine glass in Lan Xiang's hands was crushed.

Obviously Li Mo's words spoke of Lan Xiangzhan's heart, which made Lan Xiangzhan temporarily unable to control his emotions.

"What can Brother Li Moxian do?"

Lan Xiangzhan didn't care about the fragments of the glass, leaning forward, he asked tentatively.

"One word,'War'! Instead of being eaten, it is better to eat them!"

Li Mo said sharply in his eyes that the whole body showed an endless fighting intention.

Li Mo's fierce momentum made Lan Xiangzhan shudder, in Lan Xiangzhan's heart. This young man, who was weak in himself, could be pinched to death with one hand. At this moment, it seemed to him that he felt unattainable.

Under Li Mo's momentum, Lan Xiangzhan's fear of the puppet heavenly court dropped by a few points. Subconsciously asked

"How to fight?"

"The manchu puppet heaven has already vaguely declared war all over the world. Why don't we unite and fight against the puppet heaven?"

Li Mo replied against the false heaven? "

With a bitter smile, Lan Xiangzhan looked at the egg. The eyes seemed to say that the nightmare raced against the puppet heavenly court.

what's the result? The nightmares are blood-washed, and the blue whales are not as good as the nightmares. What do they do to counter the nightmares?

"And more than your Blue Whale tribe, what are you afraid of?"

Noting Lan Xiangzhan's gaze, the egg suddenly yelled unpleasantly.

"This one……"

Lan Xiangzhe hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I can't do this for this kind of thing. Don't talk about me, even the grandfather of our tribe."

Lan Xiangzhan is right, this kind of thing can only be mastered by the gods and demon families or demon kings in all states. Their subordinate human tribes are not qualified to do so.


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