Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1280: Goodbye Lan Xiangzhan

The main palace at night is brightly lit. All the guards in the city's palace did not rest, and they all waited for the army.

In such troubled times, how can they sleep peacefully.

The blue sea light car came to the main hall of the city's main palace, and four of the ten commanders stayed here.

City host Lan Xiangzhe Gao sat in the throne, not knowing what order was being issued.

"grown ups!"

Lan Xiangzhe strode into the main hall, kneeling on one knee.

"Huh? It's not good to guard the gate, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the blue sea, Lan Xiangzhan asked unpleasantly.

Tonight happens to be on duty in the blue sea. At this moment, do you dare to neglect my duty?

"Your lord, someone wants to see you."

Afraid of Lan Xiang’s blaming himself, Blue Ocean hurriedly said.

"Who, no."

Lan Xiangzhan was irritable for a while. Recently, Lan Xiangzhan was also very upset.

"It was the kid who was in the restaurant last time..."

Blue Ocean said softly, seeing Lan Xiangzhan's face gradually displeased. Pulling the sea again

"I will let him go now."

After all, the blue sea will walk out when it gets up.

"Slow down..."

Lan Xiangzhan frowned and reached out to stop the blue sea.

"Last time at the restaurant? Li Mo?"

Lan Xiangzhan continued to ask.

"This one……"

Blue Ocean looked embarrassed, don't look at how miserable it was for Li Mo to clean up.

But until now, Lan Hai did not know Li Mo's name. Therefore, Lan Hai did not know whether the youth outside the city was Li Mo as mentioned in Lan Xiang's war.

"Go check it out."

Lan Xiangzhan seemed to see the embarrassment of the blue sea, and then Lan Xiangzhan got up and walked out.

Regardless of whether the person in the mouth of the blue ocean is Li Mo, Lan Xiangzhan would rather run a trip than miss it.

After all, Li Mo's last fierce Heaven Tribulation really shocked Lan Xiangzhan. Such arrogance is best to be a friend.

The four commanders followed Lan Xiangzhan and walked out, until Lan Xiangzhan came to the city wall.

Looking down, it's not Li Mo who is below.

"Brother Li Moxian! Let Brother Li Moxian wait here for a long time!"

Seeing Li Mo's appearance, they did not delay outside the city. Otherwise, you can't have dinner here.

So Lan Xiangzhan shouted to Li Mo, glared at the blue sea and walked out.

At this glance, it made the blue sea tremble.

"What's this boy's relationship with the city owner?"

Lan Dahai muttered to himself, remembering that Li Mo had no such close relationship with the city master last time. The two of them almost got into a fight in the restaurant. How are they now like their brothers?

Of course, if the blue sea saw Li Mo's appearance in heaven. You know why Lan Xiangzhan is so enthusiastic about Li Mo.

"Haha, it's time to harass Brother Zhan again. Don't blame him."

Li Mo put down the wine jar and slowly stood up and laughed.

Nothing is said about the blue sea.

Now the blue sea is not worthy of being regarded as an opponent by Li Mo.

And with Lan Xiangzhan's veteran skills, he will certainly be able to investigate today's affairs. At that time, in order to make a good deal with Li Mo, we must also clean up the blue sea.

Looking at Li Mo's undisguised momentum, Lan Xiangzhan's eyes tightened.

Last time I saw Li Mo for the first time, Li Mo was still a pinnacle kid in the late Yuan Yingjing.

If it were not for the second brother, Lan Xiangtian, that there was a phoenix strong man comparable to the grandfather who protected this kid, Lan Xiangzhan might not even look at Li Mo.

But then, I saw Li Mo for the second time. It really shocked Lan Xiangzhan. The unstoppable and unmatched figure made Lan Xiangzhan unforgettable all his life.

But the shock returned to the shock, a monk in the early stage of fairyland is still not his opponent. So since then, Lan Xiangzhan values ​​Li Mo, but is not afraid of Li Mo.

But this time, Li Mo's momentum was even stronger than that of their grandfather from the blue whale tribe. This time, Lan Xiangzhan was afraid.

What grew up eating? This is the speed of breakthrough, which is too scary.

After slowing down, Lan Xiangzhan said hurriedly

"Where is the younger brother speaking?"

With that, Lan Xiangzhan looked at the egg. His face froze again.


Anyway, Lan Xiangzhan is also a strong mid-land fairyland whale of the Blue Whale Tribe, and he still has knowledge. So at a glance, I recognized the race of the eggs.

Previously, the rumor of the Puppet Heavenly Court of the Chong tribe was exaggerated. Therefore, Lan Xiangzhan was still a little surprised to see a strong nightmare.

"This is my brother, Brother Xiangzhan. How about we go in?"

People outside the city have many eyes, and Li Mo only briefly introduced the eggs to Lan Xiangzhan, without elaborating.

"it is good."

As the owner of the Blue Whale City, Lan Xiangzhan is certainly experienced. So Lan Xiangzhan immediately knew what Li Mo meant and opened his body to make a request to Li Mo.

"Brother Li Moxian has to come here in an unprecedented time, and my elder brother can have a few drinks with his brother."

"Hahaha, the younger brother was disrespectful."

With that said, Li Mo and Dandan strode together in the direction of the city.

There was silence in the Blue Whale City. The shops on both sides were tightly closed.

No one can be seen on the street. This is like two extremes compared to the blue whale city that used to come and go.

The dining room of the city's main palace is filled with a large table of dishes.

And after the dishes were ready, Lan Xiangzhe retreated. In the entire empty dining room, only Lan Xiangzhan, Li Mo and Eggs were left.

"Now, brother Xian can introduce his brother. Who is this brother?"

Somehow, Lan Xiangzhan always feels that Egg's identity is unusual.

The noble breath that was naturally born between the hands and feet was not what the ordinary people of the Nightmares could have.

"It doesn't matter what you say, but Big Brother can't speak out."

"That is certain." Lan nodded in response to the war.

"My brother is a contemporary son of the Nightmare, and the dream is a dust."

Patted the egg on the shoulder, Li Mo introduced.


Listening to Li Mo's words, the wine in Lan Xiangzhan's mouth suddenly spewed out.

Fortunately, this blue Xiangzhan is also very educated, turned his head to spray. Otherwise, this big mouthful of wine, had to spray Li Mo's face.

"You are the son of the nightmare?"

Lan Xiangzhan got up and asked uncertainly.

Although he is the elder of the blue whale tribe, he is still the owner of the blue whale city in the center of the rising sky.

But to be honest, there is still a big gap between his identity and that of the nightmare saint.


The egg nodded and nodded in response, then the egg smiled.

"Lord City Master does not have to be cautious, sit down and talk."

"Okay, okay..."

Wiping the sweat from his head, Lan Xiangzhan slowly sat down.

It's no wonder that the blue Xiangzhan, who manages a city, looks like this in front of the egg, after all, the blue whale is a heavenly presence in front of their blue whale tribe.

And this nightmare is still ranked before the blue whale. In front of him, this is the son of the nightmare! Lan Xiangzhan could not be surprised.

"This one……"

Lan Xiangzhan's words came to his lips and he suffocated back again.

Seeing the doubts of Lan Egg Egg smiled and said, "Lan Chengzhu does not have to be cautious, just ask whatever you want."

"This... I heard that the Guizhou Tianting sent troops to the nightmare city. Taken this nightmare city, this nightmare..."

Lan Xiangzhan said euphemistically.

Hearing Lan Xiangzhan's words, Egg Egg frowned and asked.

"What else do you hear?"

"I don't know anything about this Holy Son."

Lan Xiangzhan murmured to himself, what Lan Xiangzhan didn't know was. The eggs and Li Mo are all rushing all the time these days, after all, Ling Xiao Mountain in Li Mo's hands can only accommodate millions of souls for half a month.

If this time limit is exceeded, these millions of creatures will be released outside of Nanjiang County. It is difficult not to attract the attention of the Manchu pseudo-Tianting.

So Rao is Li Mo and Egg, and he hurried back without stopping for the past half a month. For the outside world, Li Mo and Egg are not clear.

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