Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1275: Buried 100,000 mountains

"Wu Tianwang is invited, I am flattered. To be honest, I also want to see the grace of the heavenly generals."

   The old man of the human race relieved himself and said with a smile.

   "Well, let's witness this brilliant moment together."

  The quiet voice of King Wu Tian came from inside the chariot, and then a group of white soldiers in the white armor would ride the white horse and slowly advance with the chariot.

   A group of strong men of other races followed behind honestly and moved forward in the rain.

   "Hum, let me show you the power of my heavenly court first. In the future, Kyushu will be in the pocket of our heavenly court. If you don't return, the end of the Jiuli tribe today will be your tomorrow!"

   In the car, a young man with distinct horns and sword eyebrows hummed and muttered to himself. It is the pseudo-Tianting Wutian King-Qiwu!

   In everyone's mind, the manchu tiantian is so powerful. Therefore, in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it should be filled with the flags of heaven at this moment.

   But after everyone entered the 100,000 mountains, the crowd not only frowned.

   Too quiet, let alone the heavenly soldiers of the heavenly court. There is not even a bird in these jungles at this moment.

"what happened?"

  Zhenwu in the car passed the window of the car and found something wrong.

   "Heaven! Look!"

   At this moment, a false heavenly court will point at the scene in front and shout hurriedly.

   A group of powerful people from other races came forward and saw the scene in front of them.

   The scene in front of them, like thunder, exploded in their minds!

  The interior of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is a mess, the landslides are cracked, and the walls are broken. Even after more than half a month, even if there is heavy rain painting every day, it still bleeds into the river!

  The mountains and the wild are full of corpses of pseudo-tenting soldiers!

  The Jiuli tribe walked in a hurry, so only the bodies of the Jiuli tribe and the nightmares were buried. Where is the time to manage the corpses of the puppet heavenly soldiers?

  The rolling mountains of 100,000, the corpses of 100,000 soldiers!

   This scene in front of me is so shocking! Shocked to the extent that everyone can't bear it!

   If the monk killed in the 100,000 knot Dan realm or the modification of the 100,000 Jin Dan realm could not be so shocked.

   But this includes more than two hundred fairyland powerhouses, thousands of Yuanying realm powerhouses. Tens of thousands of Golden Power Realm!

   The degree of shock cannot be overstated.

   The Wu Wu, who hurriedly walked out of the car, saw the scene in front of him, and it was shocking and beyond words.


   The pride on Qiaowu's face suddenly disappeared in pride.

   Then the stature of Wuwu flew into the sky, and his consciousness swept toward the vast mountains of 100,000.

  Feeling the oppression of Guwu God's consciousness, the figure of a group of powerful people even in the air could not help falling.


   Finally, Zhang Wu finally found the figure he wanted to find. Hurry to go in that direction.

  Pseudo-Tianting Tianbing Tianjiang, Yaoyao, a group of powerful people from other forces, followed behind.

On the ground, a flesh-and-blood corpse lay there.

  Cultivation like them, the body will not rot for many years after death.

   But Feng Fengchun was shot dead by Lingxiao Mountain, and the dead are not like anybody. Therefore, if it were not through the breath of the body of Chong Fengchun, Chou Wu could not tell the death of this cricket turned out to be their patriarch Chong Fengchun!

   What kind of battle was it so furious?


   fell to the ground, Zhang Wu immediately squatted on the ground, shouting with red eyes.

   "Find! Find the bodies of other kings!"

   Gu Wu's face screamed sternly, and the whole body showed a rolling murderous intention!

  Chen Fengchun is the strongest of their ancestral fairyland, this battle is the Feng Fengchun as the coach.

  Now, every spring is dead here, the outcome of this battle can be imagined.


  All the puppet heavenly soldiers will respond one after another and disperse to the surroundings.

   As for the other powerful people who followed behind, they quietly backed away and then left.

  Feeling the murderous murderousness of Chouwu, they didn't dare to touch the mold of Chouwu at this time.

   And after a while, Wu Wu relieved himself from the shock in front of him, maybe he would kill everyone!

   After a while, under the search of a large number of soldiers. In addition, the corpses of a total of ten heavenly kings appeared in front of Zhang Wu.

  Even the moment when Li Mo killed the inside of Lingxiao Mountain, the time of the fun of the cricket, the crow of the crow, was also found.

   (Throw it out of Lingxiao.)

   "Damn Jiuli Tribe!"

   looked at the surrounding mountains, and Chouwu gritted his teeth.

  The sound runs through the forest, but the people of the Jiuli tribe cannot hear it.

   But Qi Wu also felt a little shocked in their hearts. This time they made a total of ten heavenly kings.

   Even if there are nightmares coming to support, they will also win. After all, the ancestors' calculations were seamless, but they were seamless. Each calculation beat the Jiuli tribe by surprise.

   So Qiwu didn't even think about how these kings died?

   "Put up the corpse of the King! Go back to Heaven!"

   Let's just go, Qiuwu returned directly to the car.

   The vast mountains of 100,000 have the bodies of 100,000 soldiers of heaven and earth, but at the moment they hundreds of bodyguards have no time to clean up the bodies.

   Chouwu will immediately rush back to heaven and report on the matter here. The scene in front of me really made Zhang Wu unforgettable...

  Kyushu is shaking again!

  The fact that the Pseudo Heavenly Court 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers died in the 100,000 Great Mountains spread, and the Jiuli Tribe has once again become a topic that everyone talks about before and after dinner.

   This battle made everyone aware that the Jiuli tribe had been shrinking in the 100,000 mountains for thousands of years.

   But it is still a Wolong, not a mess!

   The mantis pseudo-temple wanted to take the Jiuli tribe as the first one, but in the end bailed away 100,000 elite soldiers!

  As everyone was talking about the Jiuli Tribe, the Pseudo-Tianting once again assembled 50,000 troops into the Jiuli Tribe.

   These 50,000 troops are still elite.

   Therefore, if nearly one million tribes of the Jiuli tribe are still in the Jiuli tribe, they can only face the fate of the elite massacre by the 50,000 Pseudo Heavenly Court. The Jiuli tribe has no strength to contend with the second **** battle.

   But now, these 50,000 elites can only squander. Heaven Court finally won the vast mountains of 100,000.

  Nanjiang County, a round of scorching sun hung high in the sky. The ground underneath was a bit hot, and a few crows quacked.

   "Go around for a few is back here again."

  Looking at the ground under his feet, a young man with a thin figure and a sickly white face laughed.

   "At the time, we were chased and killed by the Wudu tribe from the southern Xinjiang county, but now there is no Wudu tribe in the world."

   A big man with a stubble face grinned and his eyes sighed.

  Isn't this young man and big man who Li Mo and Dandan can be?

  Under the exquisite human skin mask of Jiuli Tribe, the two have quietly come to Jiuli Tribe.

   "Go, take a look at the tribe alliance you established."

  Eggs laughed, obviously these were the things that Li Mo mentioned about the tribal alliance.

   Li Mo nodded, and flew away in the direction of the Horde Alliance.

   Counting the days, now has been on the way for nearly half a month.

   Therefore, the environment inside Lingxiao Mountain is no longer suitable for the life of millions of souls.

"not good!"

   The distance is far away, Li Mo sees the wolf smoke rising!

   This wolf smoke represents a powerful attack on the tribe. The wolf smoke is for the tribe's hunting team or tribe to return at full speed to support.

   And the direction of the wolf smoke was exactly the five poisonous tribes and the current tribal alliance.

   "Hurry up!"

  Li Mo couldn't really think of any other forces that would dare to attack the Alliance tribe at this time. Immediately took the egg and flew along the way thinking about the wolf smoke.

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