Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1274: Take Tenno


  Tandan took the soldier symbol and walked out.

   "Do not disturb the seniors to rest, the juniors also retire."

  Finally, Li Mo got up and walked out with the egg...

  The situation is urgent, so the people of the Jiuli tribe have no time to pack up.

  Under the leadership of a group of powerful people, we took out the tribes whose bottom is weak.

  In order to prevent them from being killed by the pseudo-Tianting Tianbingtiantian, they all hid.

The    people have lived in these 100,000 mountains for generations, plus the masked atmosphere of the Jiuli Formation. So it's not difficult to avoid it.

  After three days, all the members of the Jiuli tribe entered the Lingxiao Mountain one after another.

  Finally, Meng Zhentian also led the people into the interior of Lingxiao Mountain.

   Millions of souls poured into Lingxiao Mountain. However, the space inside Lingxiao Mountain is still rich, which shows how huge the space inside this quasi-imperial weapon is.

  Looking at Lingxiao Mountain, the size of a slap in his hand, Li Mo shook his head helplessly.

   Although Lingshan Mountain is good, it can hold millions of creatures.

   However, it still has weaknesses, that is, it cannot allow creatures to live in it for a long time.

   And Ling Lingxiao told Li Mo that the more creatures, the shorter the time they can stay in it.

   These millions of creatures can only stay in the inner space of Lingxiao Mountain for half a month.

  This shows that in order not to attract the attention of the Puppet Pseudo Heavenly Court, Li Mo must enter Nanjiang County within half a month.

   "Ah, let's go."

   sighed helplessly and said.

  Li Mo's eyes looked around Xiaoxiao's Lingxiao Mountain, and the heavy rain continued for four days, and he still didn't mean to stop.

   These heavy rains seem to be scrubbing the blood on the ground, scrubbing more than 200,000 dead souls killed by both sides of this war!

   The whole hundred thousand mountains are full of blood. Li Mo finally glanced at the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and then walked out with the eggs.

  Nanjiang County is far away, but with their speed and cultivation. Can still enter Nanjiang County within half a month...


  Now Zhongzhou has become a popular destination, because here is the only major force in Kyushu for thousands of years-Tianting!

   pays attention to the Pseudo Heavenly Court, and of course also pays attention to the actions of the Pseudo Heavenly Court.

   This includes the fact that the pseudo-day court attacked the Jiuli tribe and the nightmare tribe.

   There hasn't been any news from Shimanda Mountain for a long time, but here are the nightmares. It was in Zhongzhou, so everyone heard some news.

   I heard that Nightmare City is bloody!

  The army of the Pseudo Heavenly Court defeated the Nightmare City in one fell swoop. The people of the Nightmare tribe surrendered to hundreds of people, and all the rest were killed in battle!

   Even the human tribes that followed the Nightmare were destroyed.

   As soon as this news came out, the world shook!

  Nightmare can stand in the richest Zhongzhou in Kyushu, how can it be weak?

   Several major forces in Zhongzhou, just take one out, and they can dominate a state, just like the horse race and the state of a state.

   But these four forces gathered in Zhongzhou, and no one could win anyone.

   stalemate with each other for thousands of years, which one is weaker must be divided by the other three parties, but now the nightmare suddenly fell down?

   Now, everyone knows the power of the Puppet Heavenly Court. This is a big victory for the pseudo-heaven! Played their prestige of pseudo heaven!

  However, what everyone did not think is that the victory of a battle cannot satisfy the appetite of the manchu puppet heaven.

   Several other races in the puppet heaven court of the clan tribe have provoked wars one after another.

   Of course, so many battles. They also have no strength to practice genocide against every race.

   But grabbing a few counties and cannibalizing the strength of other states can still be achieved.

  The nightmare tribe came out as a result, and several other forces turned their eyes to the 100,000 mountains.

  The rainstorm is continuous, and the wind is angry!

   Standing outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains, it seems that you can hear the eerie voice crying. The wind from the mountain carried a ray of evil spirit.

   Even entering the 100,000 mountains, can clearly smell an unpleasant **** gas.

   Finally, this day, the frightened Lingxi fist came back and wobbled.

  Fang Chun was defeated, and Ling Xi's fist also caused a wound. Otherwise, how could there be such a fierce escape that day.

   Moreover, under the severe damage, the swift and unsteady hurry, and the speed slowed down.

  Returned to the ancestors of the ancestral ancestor, the Lingling fist of the Lingxi fist didn't have the strength to say a word, and he fainted.

   "Send someone! Enter the 100,000 mountains to see what it is!"

   In the Emperor's Treasure Hall, the tea came to the ancestral ancestor. The ancestral ancestor did not say anything about Lingxi fist. Right now the Heavenly Court has just been established, and the Heavenly Court is everywhere. At this time, there can be no defeat!

   Moreover, there are some lucky things in the mind of the ancestors, and they calculated the Jiulian tribe. Coupled with the quasi-imperial weapon of Lingxi fist and the elite of the hundred thousand heaven soldier general, could it be defeated?

  The rest of the world's Kyushu forces also followed the dispatch of strong men into the 100,000 mountains.

  Even if it rained for 100,000 mountains for more than half a month, it still couldn't stop everyone's curiosity.

   A group of heroic and tangy people stood in the sky, and outside were hundreds of pseudo-tenting soldiers in neat armor and riding a white horse.

   "This battle... Is it the King of Heaven?"

   "Yes, it must be a king! Just don't know which king came here."


   Several other tribes sent by the big powers curiously whispered curiously when they saw this luxurious car.

   Today's manchu puppet courts are gaining popularity in Kyushu. Where do these clan people dare to offend the existence of a king?

   "Friends of several other forces, enter the 100,000 mountains together to see the glorious record of my heavenly court, how?"

   A crowd of other forces did not dare to move forward, but an invitation came from the king in the car.

   The tone is polite, but everyone is the task of alive sperm. Can you not know what the king in the car is?

   In the heart of this king, their heavenly soldiers who attacked 100,000 mountains will surely they are just cleaning the battlefield or searching for the treasures of the Jiuli tribe.

   Presumably the Jiuli tribe hid all the treasures before this battle.

   The vast mountains of 100,000, vast in size. It's normal for Tsai to search carefully.

   This king invited them to let them see the power of heaven!

   "Thank you, King, I don't know which King came here?"

   Others dare not step forward to speak. An old man of the Terran Land prides himself on having some qualifications. Stepping forward, Bi Gong asked with respect.

   "This King, King Wu Tian."

  Since the car continued to hear a dull voice, it sounded quiet. But the old man suddenly froze in place, and then the old man bowed to the end.

   "Meet King Wu Tian!"

   "It turned out to be King Wutian? It is also the eight elders of the clan clan, and the eldest elder of the clan clan. It is said that the elders of the clan clan are very optimistic about this younger generation."

   "Don't look at Wu Tian Wang Xiuwei in the early days of Tianxian Realm. However, it is said that the strong people who once challenged the late clan Tianxian Realm can be invincible. The word "Wu" is well deserved!"

   "That is, when Wu Tianwang enters the late stage of Heavenly Wonderland, I am afraid that with his combat power, Heavenly Wonderland is invincible!"

   mentioned King Wu Tian, ​​a group of strong people in the distance burst into fanaticism, apparently never seen King Wu, but also heard of King Wu Tian's prestige.

  :. :

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