Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1234: Reverse

"You... don't come over!"

Qiong Kunlin's performance just now, Meng Long looked at it.

So Menglong knew that even if he teamed up with Python Dragon, it would not necessarily be the opponent of Kun Kunlin.

"You're here, I'll do it!"

With that, Menglong's palm exerted force. And discounted Menglei's leg.


The whole world is full of Menglei screams.

"This Dream Lei is also a man, so I don't ask for mercy."

The egg behind the boulder muttered to himself.

Li Mo grinned. "It seems that Menglei's dad hates your dad, so the idea that Menglei accepted from an early age is to win the position of the Son. Even for this position, you can sacrifice yourself."

"Huh. You are torturing Brother Menglei now, are you afraid that I will torture you for a while?"

Besides the battle ahead, no matter how fierce Menglong shots. Li Kun's footsteps did not mean a pause.

As for the Mengdian in the back, he clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

Mengdian didn't want to let Big Brother suffer this, but Big Brother was right. How dare dad should they go out like this?

Suddenly, the Meng Power Station was in place, facing a dilemma.

Gu Kunlin finally approached Menglong, and then sprinted toward the python dragon and the dragon.

"Do it!"

Knowing that this battle is inevitable, Python Dragon is not ready to torture Menglei. Only listening to the python dragon shouting, while crushing the jade card of Menglei. The miserable dream was suddenly sent out of the realm.

I can only see that Meng Lei's fading eyes are unwilling.

They prepared so much for this battle, and they even invited Gu Kunlin. The winning ticket was in hand, but Menglei himself was taken down by others because she was outnumbered. How can Menglei be reconciled?



Knowing that Kun Kunlin was difficult to deal with, Menglong and Manaron directly used the ontology to fight against Kun Kunlin.

However, Kun Kunlin also appeared without saying a word. One head resembles an ant. The two come to the height. A pair of demon demon demon pointing to the sky appear on the sky.

There was a lot of strength between the pair of cheats. Make the momentum of the python dragon and the dream dragon fall directly into the downwind.

"Hasp! What are you looking at, help me win the position of the Son, and go out and you will lose you!"

Looking at the wasp standing on the spot, Menglong shouted in displeasure.

Although they are not as powerful as Manchurian Lin, they are superior in number to Manchurian Lin. At this time, there are advantages that can not be used.

Upon hearing this, the wasp's eyes tightened. Then the wasp looked up and shouted.


A half-human and half-horse demon appeared in the sky, and the wasp raised his front hooves, rushing into the battle with a heavy breath.

"Huh, dogs bite dogs. Let them fight. After a while, the two halves of their fight will be injured.

All the strong are in sight, these eggs are not in a hurry. Can't wait for these people to fight to death.

There are hornets participating in the battle, two great powerhouses in the fairyland perfection plus one strongman in the late peak of the landland. Three British warfare Kunlin, the fighting situation was immediately reversed, and Kunlun fell to the disadvantage.


With the nightmare's illusion in the roar, the Kun Kunlin had a meal. I saw a sturdy tail from Python Dragon. Directly dragged on Kun Kunlin's body.

This manta ray forest combat experience is also rich, all in illusion. He still clenched his teeth and stood his arm in front of him.

And the other arm of Manchurian Lin, with claws, clawed the tail of the dragon.


On the other side, the wasp's voice and horseshoe almost reached the body of Manchu Lin.

The strongest of the horse and horse races is their horseshoes.

Chou Kunlin could not take care of one, and was right in the middle of the horseshoe. The result can be imagined.


A large mouth coughed up a bit of blood, and the mantis Kunlin flew downward. The hard body smashed the ground out of a deep pit.

"Well done!"

Seeing this incomparable mangrove forest finally hit hard, the dream dragon and python dragon both shine.

Even Li Mo behind the boulder murmured to himself

"This mangrove forest is afraid of defeat."

However, Li Mo's voice had just fallen, and Li Mo's eyes suddenly widened.


The sky was full of blood rain, and I saw the wasp's horseshoe directly penetrated the body of the dragon.


The python dragon roared and suddenly turned to look at the wasp behind. An unbelievable look.

Earlier, the wasp hit the Kunlin forest, the dragon and the dragon with excitement. They swooped in the direction of the mantis forest on the ground, who can pay attention to the wasp that was behind him at this time?


At this time, the ground was dusty and a figure rushed out.

I saw the claws in the figure's hands became larger, and a thick breath came across. Li Mo is not unfamiliar with this exercise method, it is the blood of the crow clan that pulls the fist!

Force pulling the mountain fist does not require aura to urge, only the blood of the crickets.

And this force pulls the mountain and fists in the hands of Gu Kunlin, the power is stronger!

The dragon's body is twisted in the sky in pain, where can he stop this force and pull the fist?

As for that dream dragon? Xiu Menglong, who only had the pinnacle of the late stage of the Land Fairyland, was even less daring to fist the mountain with his power.


A punch fell and the head of the python dragon suddenly split.

Then the python dragon's body fell steadily, with no vitality.

This is the only strong man in the mysterious realm that has been killed without using the jade card in this month.

Obviously, before the dragon took down Menglei, angered Kun Kunlin.


Seeing the tyrannical death of Python Dragon, Menglong shuddered.

Then Menglong shattered his jade without saying anything, only after shattering the jade. Menglong's eyes stared at the wasp resentfully.

Menglong's resentment towards the wasp is not under the Kun Kun forest.

How did Menglong never think that this wasp is actually a group of Gu Kunlin!

If the wasp still helps himself, then according to the previous form, this Son's place must be his own.

Menglong's body dispersed, and the Eight-faced Sonson fell to the ground in the direction where Menglong dispersed. Among them are the four sons of Menglei.

Not to mention Menglong, Li Mo, who has always had a unique vision, was surprised at the moment. Just listen to Li Mo muttering

"This mangrove forest is really ruthless, I just believed in the bitter plan just now."

"That is to say, the body of Chou Kunlin Clan is tough, otherwise they would not dare to play like this."

Egg egg frowned, nodding.

The current situation is still not optimistic. Although Menglei and Menglong fought a battle, the two sides fought terribly.

But now they also have wasps, manchurian forest and dream electricity. It's still not easy to deal with.

"Good In the future, your tribe will surely have some place in the heavenly court."

With a contemptuous glance at the wasp, Gu Kunlin smiled.

"Jian Jie, thanks Master Kunlin."

The wasp bowed and bowed, his face flattering.

Their tribes and horses rank in the bottom of several great demon families and can enter heaven. As soon as it became one of the strongest forces in the world, the Centaurs had no reason to refuse.

Looked at the dream electricity still standing in the same place, Cui Kunlin said unpleasantly

"Hurry up to pick up the Holy Child Order? You and your elder brother can be the nightmare child, but don't forget our prior agreement."

Mengdian gritted his teeth, and had to pick up the son of Menglong and Menglei.

Now Meng Lei has been seriously injured and beaten out of the realm, so Mengdian can't even hate it.

"When will our nightmare be the Holy Son, it's your turn to say the Clan?"

An icy voice came, and the egg finally appeared.

Father Meng Zhentian is the patriarch of the nightmare clan. Eggs cannot watch the nightmare clan become their puppet puppets in the future!

The position of the Holy Son is lower than that of the patriarch and higher than that of the elders, plus the second elder father of Dreamland.

Really let them take the position of the Son, is that good?

"Yo. We thought you kid had escaped long ago."

Seeing the egg, Gu Kunlin smiled contemptuously.

"Stinky kid! After running for so many days, it turned out to be a place to break through. But now we have eight saints here, do you think you can grab it?"

The wasp also smiled contemptuously. The smiley faces on both sides and three knives were really disgusting.

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