Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1233: Snipe Fight

The battle did not last for a while, and the Dream Leopard took the lead in defeating. After being punched by Mengdian, his chest was torn apart.

The fallen Leopard directly lost his combat ability, and looked at the situation. Not wanting to stay insulted, Meng Leopard directly crushed the jade card in his hand.

A blue light flashed, and the shape of the Dream Leopard gradually disappeared.

Among all the participants in the assessment, the strength of the Dream Leopard is the lowest. Therefore, the only function of the Dream Leopard is to calculate and bring an extra foreign aid.

As for the fighting power of Dream Leopard itself, it is optional.

In the place where Dream Leopard disappeared, there was no piece of Holy Son. Obviously all the Holy Sons are in the storage bag of Menglong.

"Third brother!"

Looking at the direction in which Meng Leopard disappeared, Meng Long's face changed.

Then Menglong gave Python Dragon a glance, and the two nodded.



A cold nightmare of temperament and a swallowing wild python suddenly appeared, and the dream leopard and python dragon that showed the body all used all their means to attack the dream.

Menglei also turned into an ontology, but faced with the offense of the two. Menglei still quickly defeated, and was curled up by the dragon's tail, firmly controlled.

Even Mengdian who wanted to come up to help was beaten by the python dragon.


At this moment, only a scream was heard. The only arm left in the rat operation was also dragged down by Manchu Lin.

Rats looked at Gu Kunlin's eyes full of fear, and then Rats no longer ignored Menglong's words.

I saw a red glow in the wound on the shoulders of the rat, and then two new arms gradually emerged from the wound.

However, with the birth of two brand new arms, the breath of the rat's body fell directly from the Great Wonderland to the middle of the Wonderland.

Obviously, rodent surgery paid a great price.


Seeing the action of rat surgery, Kun Kunlin chased him with a scornful smile.

Although the rodent fight with the wasp against the mantis forest, but I do not know if this wasp makes the manchuria forest frightened, or what is it.

Startled staring at the stray body of the mantis Kunlin, the wasp was in a good shape. This was the meal, and the wasp didn't have time to save the mouse.


Rats yelled out and hurriedly took out the jade card in the storage bag.

Then the mouse surgery shattered the jade without saying anything, and the figure was suddenly taken out of the secret realm.

When the rat surgery just gave birth to the arms, the rat surgery had already meant to leave.

Although the nightmare elders promised to give them benefits, no matter how good things are, they have to enjoy life.

Under the boulders in the distance, Li Mo has been watching the battle here. To be precise, Li Mo has been watching the fighting between Kun Kunlin.

"The fighting power of this manchurian forest is even stronger than that of Wolf Wolf. But in terms of his current performance, his strength is limited."

While watching the battle, Li Mo murmured to himself.

Of course, if there is no one else in Kunlin. Of course, Li Mo is not afraid, and he must go up and fight with Kun Kunlin.

But now there are quite a few strong players on both sides, Li Mo and Gu Kunlin battle, what should I do?

When the egg is forced out of the realm by other powerful nightmares, is this battle still meaningful?

Just snatched the decree of the Son, did Li Mo go up to be the Son?

Solved the mouse technique, Kun Kunlin forced the wasp. It seems to want to drive the wasp out of the secret realm, but Meng Longyan can agree.

Only Menglong shouted

"Stop it! Otherwise I will crush the jade of Menglei!"

With that said, Menglong turned over the jade card in the storage bag of Menglei. At this moment, Menglei was curled up by the python dragon, and there was no resistance at all.

As long as Menglong's palm exerts force and smashes this jade card, Menglei will be sent out of the secret realm.

Don't you want to make Menglei a son? Now if Menglei is sent out, how do I see him as a son?

"Brother Kunlin! Don't stop! Shoot, let my second brother be a son, can't compromise!"

Menlei, who was beaten back to human form, yelled.

He can't be a son, nor can Menglong be a son! It’s cheaper, it’s cheaper for my brother.

"To shut up!"

Listening to the shouts of Menglei, Menglong was furious. Then Menglong's palm turned into a hand knife and cut off Menglei's arm.

With just a click, the bones of Menglei's arm were suddenly smashed by Menglong's hand knife.


Rao is a strong man like Menglei, who also growls in pain. sweating a lot.

"Noisy again, believe it or not before I send you away. First of all your limbs!"

Menglong's words made Meng Lei's body cold for a while, and the limbs were discarded. It is better to say that the fifth limb is a bit excessive.

And although their powerful fairyland can grow their bodies again, this pain cannot be omitted.

"Don't torture my elder brother! The position of the Son is for you!"

Mengdian had no intention of being a son, and now his eldest brother was taken down by others and could no longer be a son.

Seeing that Menglong even wanted to torture Menglei, Mengdian suddenly compromised.

"The second child! You... you waste!"

Meng Lei snarled in despair, but let him be more excited. Menglei in this state can't escape the palm of the dragon.

"Ji Jie, you stop your hand and break the jade card to leave here. I will give him a good heart and send him out."

Anaconda smiled grimly and said proudly. There is a lot of meaning in winning.

Although Python Dragon knows that Shengzi Ling is on Menglei, but if this war is not over. What's the use of getting the Holy Child Order?

Continue to fight, and look at the spirit of Kun Kunlin, who might be the son of the Holy Child.


But this time, Kun Kunlin stood out. Sharp words

"This position of the Son can only be done by Menglei or Mengdian! No one else can sit!"

Other foreign aids invited by the nightmare, UU reading, are invited after gaining benefits.

But the crickets are different, the crows are for the foreign aid of the nightmare.

Only the Son they supported had a place in the Nightmare tribe, plus their elder father in the fairyland that day. The nightmare tribe can form an alliance with the crow clan to create a heaven.

"Zhou Kunlin!"

At this time, Mengdian was also angry.

"My elder brother is in the hands of others now! We don't want this Son's place anymore!"

"shut up!"

However, waiting for what Kun Kunlin said, Menglei shouted again. Just listen to Meng Lei's scolding anger

"Our dad had never fought against Meng Zhentian, which is the regret of his lifetime! Now Dad puts all hope on us, you, do you want Dad to regret this evil handicap?

Meng Lei's shout made Mengdian lower his head.


Menglei screamed again. It turned out that Menglong really did what he did, and abandoned Menglei's arm.

"Brother Kunlin... help, help my brother get the position of the Son! Promise you, yours, we will do it!"

Resisting the pain from his body, Menglei said tremblingly.

Gu Kunlin grinned

"Brother Meng Lei is assured that I am here. He can't run in the position of the Son!"

Said, Kun Kunlin walked forward.

His mouth is called brother and brother, but Kun Kunlin can't control the life and death of Menglei.

In Kun Kunlin's heart, there is only the Chong tribe, and only one of the Menglei Mengdian brothers is brought to the position of the Holy Son. They have taken another big step towards the establishment of the heavenly court by the crickets.

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