Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1120: Old friend

Yu Xiao looked at Li Daocheng's fingers, Yu Xiao's face tightened, and he shouted "Feng!"

Yu Xiao's vision and strength, of course, can see Feng Yuwei's race at a glance.

Although their Jiuli tribe is not weak, but the ten great beasts are even rarer. So Yu Xiao was a little surprised to see Feng Yuwei.

"What? It turned out to be the Phoenix family?"


Even Li Daocheng and others changed their expressions, not to mention them. It is their elders who have seen the strong men who have never seen the Feng family in their lives.

Long Fei was sweating on his forehead. Did he even mock a Phoenix strongman before? When you think about it, Long Fei admired his courage enough.

"What about the Phoenix family! You can enter the elders? Please leave quickly!"

Yu Xiao straightened his mind and said unpleasantly. However, Yu Xiao did not have any idea about Feng Yuwei, but Yu Xiao looked at Li Mo's eyes. It seems to tell you Li Mo, Feng Yuwei can go, you just wait to accept the punishment from the Presbyterian Church.

"Let me go? A big tone!"

Feng Yuwei turned his head to look at Yu Xiao, his eyes like a burning anger. She is a strong Phoenix family, of course, a generation of gods and beasts are proud of gods and beasts.

"Toast without eating fine wine! Then don't blame me for being welcome!"

A young woman of the Phoenix family in the early fairyland, Yu Xiao was not afraid.

The voice fell, and Yu Xiao's figure rushed towards Feng Yuwei. The thin palm was covered with aura, and it was aimed at Feng Yuwei's white jade neck.


But just as Yu Xiao was approaching Feng Yuwei, Yu Xiao suddenly felt a blaze in front of his face. A soft palm was shot on the palm of Yu Xiao.

The strong wind makes the guardian array of the entire mission pavilion open, protecting all the messengers and deacons in it.

Without this large guardianship, maybe these monks in Jindan Realm would be killed or injured in the turmoil of the battle between the two of Yu Xiao.

"Ji Jie, Li Mo. Just wait for the punishment of the elders!"

"That is, dare to offend us Shanhe Meng! You can't die!"


The people led by Li Daocheng were all from the Shanhe League, and they were all mocked by Li Mo coldly.

Yu Xiao and Feng Yuwei's battle stalemate for a moment, then the two of them withdrew their palms. The figure retreated at the same time, and the two actually took two or three steps backward to stabilize the figure.

But Yu Xiao was eyebrow tight, watching Feng Yuwei's face full of caution.

The practice of the great consummation of my own fairyland, against the phoenix woman in the early stage of this land, even hit a tie? Yu Xiao couldn't help but mutter

"Phoenix bloodline is really powerful! But in Lingxiao Mountain, there is no truth about you!"

After all, Yu Xiao flicked his hands. Stroke your hands on your chest, and read the recipe in your mouth.


A horrible force slowly rose on Yu Xiao's body.

"This is... the power to defend the large array!"


Feeling the power of Yu Xiao, people around said in surprise. This force, they are no strangers, is the power of Lingxiao Mountain's defense!

The Jiuli tribe of Jiuli tribe stretches over 100,000 mountains, only the dragon of the Gongli can use it.

And in this large defense of Lingxiao Mountain, if Grandpa doesn't shoot, only the elder Yu Xiao can use it!

"With big blessings, the elders are almost invincible under the heavens! Your friend is not in good condition."

Long Qing on the side reminded Li Mo that Li Mo was also frowning. However, at this level of battle, one's own strength cannot be controlled.

However, Li Mo couldn't just watch Feng Yuwei, who had rescued himself twice, have an accident here, so Li Mo's fists clenched and lifted his feet and would go out.

Li Mo is going to invite Dongfang Yibai, who is the second elder of the Presbyterian Church. Respect for identity, maybe there will be a way.

However, just after Li Mo's footsteps took a step, he heard Feng Yuwei's voice spread all over the world.

"What? Old friends have been here for a long time, and you guys haven't shown up yet?"

This voice is not only spread throughout the mission pavilion, even the entire summit of Lingxiao Mountain can be heard clearly.

"What friend? No friend can change your destiny!"

It is not easy to use a large formation of Lingxiao Mountain by oneself. How can Yu Xiao close so easily?

I saw that Yu Xiao pulled out a long sword, which had the blessing of a large defense. On the long sword, the sword was Lingran, and the awe-inspiring power spread all over it.

But just when Yu Xiao was proud to cut the sword, the power on the sword suddenly disappeared.


Yu Xiao looked, and then looked to Feng Yuwei

"You... what kind of demon do you use! Actually, I was disconnected from the guardian array of Lingxiao Mountain!"

"I didn't shoot."

Feng Yuwei spread his hands and said innocently.

"It's my hand."

An aged voice came, followed by a white shirt. The old man with white hair walked slowly on crutches and saw the old man. Everyone on the first floor of the mission pavilion kneeled on one knee

"Meet Grandpa!"

Even the people on the other floors of the mission pavilion rushed to their knees.

Yu Xiaoguang, who had not turned around, heard that voice and already knew who it was. So Yu Xiao hurriedly turned and knelt on the ground, the sharpness on her face disappeared, shouted respectfully


Because the limit of Li Renlong is approaching, Li Renlong rarely leaves his palace on weekdays. Even when the young patriarch Meng Zhentian of the nightmare family almost shot in the Jiuli tribe, Li Renlong only showed a spirit avatar.

Today, Li Renlong turned up in person.

Treating those tribes kneeling on the ground, Li Renlong's palm showed a gentle aura, dragging them slowly to get up. Then Li Renlong walked to Feng Yuwei and smiled

"You really live younger."

Looking at the smile on Li Renlong's face is like looking at an old friend who hasn't seen in years. The rest of them shook their jaws, what's going on? Look at this, this young girl turned out to be Grandpa's friend?

How old is Grandpa this year? None of them knew. Anyway, when they were very young, Li Renlong was already seated in the tall grandpa's seat.

Can it be Grandpa's friend? In front of this little girl...

When Li Renlong glanced, Feng Yuwei said displeasedly

"I succeeded in Nirvana, so I was so young. Moreover, I was much younger than you, okay."

Which woman would like to hear someone say that she is older? Feng Yuwei is the same.

"Hahaha, I rushed to rescue you that day and found that you have closed the Phoenix Palace. Now you are born again Nirvana, good! Great good! Go back to my bedroom and narrate?"

Li Renlong smiled, but the jade Xiao on the side couldn't help but be surprised.

Among these people, they had the most time with grandpa. So Yu Xiao knew that Li Renlong had not been so happy for years.

"Okay, little plum, you go back first. I will go on with the old guy and I will find you later."

Now that he agreed to protect Li Mo for two years, Feng Yuwei certainly cannot leave Li Mo. So now I have to go for a while, and I have to talk to Li Mo.

Li Mo pouted, what is Xiao Lizi? But now he couldn't say much, so he nodded.

Li Renlong looked at Li Mo and smiled slightly.

"Meeting again, you, very nice."

The sentence is very good, but I don't know how many people envy it.

Who is present, who doesn’t know that they want to get the faith in their hearts, Grandpa’s praise?

But they just want to see Grandpa on weekdays, but Grandpa's eyes are higher than the top. Not to mention them all these years, even these elders have not been appreciated by Grandpa. But today Li Mo got it, and these people are of course envious.

Yu Xiao also turned his eyes, but he didn't dare to show the slightest expression on his face.

Yu Xiao knew that Grandpa noticed Li Mo. In the future, if I want to find Li Mo in trouble, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

With that said, Li Renlong and Feng Yuwei disappeared before everyone's eyes.


Standing up, Yu Xiao felt that his face was completely lost, glared at Li Daocheng and walked out.

Yu Xiaolian even hated Li Daocheng, really. He also said that Li Mo brought an outsider to find himself without knowing the background of the outsider, making him so ugly.

Noting Yu Xiao's gaze, Li Daocheng shivered. Yu Xiao was in the Presbyterian Church, but it was more than 10,000 people under one person, which caused Yu Xiao to be unhappy.

The mission pavilion returned to calm again, and Li Mo and Long Qing toured the first floor of the mission pavilion. Long Qing and the three found the task and left, but Li Mo did not find any task that was too satisfying.

After all, the task reward here is really too little for Li Mo.

It is not that Li Mo is greedy, but that every time Li Mo needs too much aura. If you only get one or two mid-level spirit stones for each mission, when will Li Mo get a breakthrough?

Looking at the staircase, that leads to the second floor of the mission pavilion. Li Mo muttered to himself

"It's time to enter Yuanying Realm. Only when you enter Yuanying Realm can you go to the second floor of the mission pavilion to pick up the mission."

The rewards for the second-tier tasks in the mission pavilion must be higher than the rewards for the first-tier missions. Of course, the risk factor is also much higher.

Li Mo said to do it, and then left the mission cabinet. However, before retreating, Li Mo also went to Dongfang Yibai to see how it was forged by Dongyi Yibai's paintings and the world. When Li Mo entered the library, he found Dongfang Yibai staring at the scroll in front of him.

It was a picture of Donghua Yibai who was good at flowers, and even from far away, Li Mo could smell a fragrance.

Above the flowers, there is a bee. The hard-working bee is bigger than usual, but the sharp thorn in the tail flashes sharply.


When Li Mo noticed the material of the scroll, Li Mo said suddenly.

Li Mo is no stranger to the material of this picture. Isn't it the Tianshan silk?

"Brother Oriental, you made a picture and a world?"

Li Mo smiled and stepped forward and asked.

"Li Mo is here, come take a look and see how?"

Dongfang Yibai beckoned to Li Mo and asked.

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