Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1119: Conquer the barbarian

Feng Yuwei jade pointed, and the pressure of a blood vein appeared. As a human race, Li Mo didn't feel the coercion of this bloodline, but the demon clan's bull cow would not work.

At this moment, the wild cow wrapped in dumplings crawled on the ground and shivered. However, the breath of the barn cow gradually declined, but in a blink of an eye it fell to the early stage of Yuanying Realm.

"All right."

Feng Yuwei jade raised her hand and pulled the red damask back.

"Beat me and let you go. Lost, surrender to me!"

Li Mo waved his fist and said as he walked up. Looking at Manniu’s eyes, he didn’t believe in himself, Li Mo smiled.

"Relax, I'm not as credible as you are."

"Fight! Moo!"

The barbarian gritted his teeth and screamed at Li Mo. The heavy ox hoof kicked against Li Mo's face door, what about the strong support of the Phoenix family?

Although the Barbarian family did not enter the list of the top ten beasts, they still had their arrogance. How can I condescend to others?

Surprisingly, in the face of the attack of the bulls, this time Li Mo did not mean any defense at all. I saw Li Mo straightly punched and killed, looking at Li Mo's appearance. The barbarian grinned, his eyes full of contempt.

I am still a higher position than Li Mo, and I am a powerful barbarian. Therefore, in the eyes of Manniu, Li Mo dare is so bold that he will face up with himself, and he will definitely die.


The sneer on the barbarian's face gradually dissipated, only to see them collide like two beasts. But Li Mo didn't take a step backwards, but the barbarian felt his hoof hurt.

"Are you a big demon! Or am I a big demon!"

The barbarian growls in his heart, he is half a bit higher than Li Mo and he is not Li Mo's opponent?

However, waiting for the barbarian to relax, Li Mo's figure quickly attached to the barbarian close-up. Double fists are like wind, and each fist carries extremely heavy strength.

The cultivation of the barbarian cow was suppressed, and its strength was lower than that of Li Mo. In terms of speed, the barbarian, who is not good at speed, is not Li Mo's opponent at all.

There are even times when a barbarian has to launch his own blood and supernatural powers to vigorously animate his fist. However, every time the barbarian cow just turned the aura, and the vigorous bull magic fist had not been used, Li Mo's strong punches interrupted the barbarian's aura.

Soon, the battle entered a one-sided situation. It is the wild body of Maniu that has amazing defensive power, facing Li Mo's attack. I had to lie down on my stomach.


Fisting to the flesh, Li Mo rode a brutal beating on the barbarian. The barbarian guards important parts of the body, the pain in the body grows stronger, the barbarian can't help shouting

"Don't fight! Don't fight! Oops, I voted!"

After playing like this, Manniu felt like he was going to be killed by this Li Mo.

Grandma drops, the spirit beasts of the same realm face me and Grandpa Niu, and they will be exploded by Grandpa Niu. Why can't you be so perverted! Cultivate half as high as you, or make you beaten up?

Li Mocai grinned when he heard the barbarian finally defeated, and gave up. Sample, still not convinced? If you don't accept it, I'll hit you if you lose!

"Are there any pet bags? Get me one."

Li Mo raised his head and asked Feng Yuwei in the sky. The barbarian cow is so large that no elephant can match it. It will definitely attract people's eyes when it is worn on weekdays, so it is different to have a pet bag.

Li Mo does not have such a pet bag. But of course, Feng Yuwei, who has a big family and a big business, can certainly get it. Feng Yuwei doubled in the storage bag and finally found an empty pet bag for Li Mo.

Before the pet bag in the sky had flew to Li Mo's body, a fragrance came. Li Mo took the storage bag, and looked at it with an emerald and flirtatious flower embroidered on it, Li Mo frowned.

"Is there any other pet bag? There is a pet bag embroidered with flowers around the waist of the big man, which is not good-looking."

"No!" Feng Yuwei glanced at Li Mo.

Li Mo grinned and then looked at Manniu "Come on."

The barbarian does not say much, a drop of essence blood is shot on the forehead. Li Mo collected this drop of blood into his consciousness and built a spirit beast contract.

With this contract, as long as Li Mo has an idea, he can kill the barbarian cow. This is the difference between being favored and totem. Although Li Mo has also constructed a high-level totem contract with Egg.

But Li Mo couldn't restrain the totem. Only when Li Mo died, could the eggs die, and Li Mo could master the favored life and death.

After building the contract, Li Mo moved the pet bag in his hand, and he recruited the wild cow into the pet bag. Then Li Mo hung the pet bag around his waist, looking at the blood-red flower in the center of the pet bag, Li Mo looked disgusted...

Hurrying along the way, although there was a delay when conquering the barbarian. But the speed of the two still flew back to Lingxiao Mountain in less than three days.

Even Feng Yuwei, who has always been careless, is rushing up the mountain with Li Mo under this Lingxiao Mountain. Did not fly directly to Lingxiao Mountain without overtaking.

Because Li Mo still has missions in the mission, he must first go to the mission to hand in the mission.

Of course, Li Mo didn't turn over all the phoenix fruit. Li Mo only handed over ten phoenix fruits, and the rest may be available in the future. So Li Mo stayed.

But even so, ten Luo Feng Guo can still be exchanged for 200 intermediate-level spirit stones. Li Mo immediately attracted a lot of envious eyes here. Two hundred middle-order spirit stones are two hundred thousand low-order spirit stones. I would like to ask them, those deacons in Jindan Realm, who can be so rich?

However, everyone is envious and envious, but no one still feels bad for Li Mo. Joke, the messengers of the League of Heroes and the League of Mountains and Rivers ate so big and deflated in Li Mo, and now look at Li Modu honestly. Who dares to rob Li Mo's stuff?

"Li Mo."

"Brother Li Mo..."

After Li Mogang handed in the task, he saw Long Qing and the three others. All three have improved their cultivation practices, but it seems that it will take a few months to enter Yuanying Realm.

Their previous cultivation practices were higher than Li Mo's, but now Li Mo has already stepped into Yuanying Realm with half his feet. Feeling Li Mo's cultivation behavior, Long Qing was speechless for a while.

Although he was unwilling, Long Qing knew that he could not compare with Li Mo. Compared with this pervert, sooner or later it will be tortured to death.

"You guys come to take the task too."

Looking at the three, Li Mo smiled.

"Yeah, we just completed the mission assigned to us by the Presbyterian Church. Now come to the mission pavilion to see if there are any missions with high rewards."

Long Qing nodded and said. Long Fei on the side, all eyes are on Feng Yuwei beside Li Mo.

Although Feng Yuwei didn't know that he had lived for hundreds of years, but what he looks like now is a 16-year-old girl. Moreover, Feng Yuwei spent hundreds of years because Nirvana was born asleep again.

So Feng Yuwei's clear eyes are full of vitality.

Long Fei sorted his hair with both hands, and came to Feng Yuwei in a gesture that he thought was very handsome, the gentleman asked

"I don't know how this little sister is called?"

Looking at Long Fei, not only Long Qing and Long Yu were shocked. Even Li Mo was a little surprised. When did he see Long Fei acting so decently?

You know that Long Fei is also a troublesome character, but in front of Li Mo, the troublemaker's ancestor. Long Fei's "light" was all covered up.


Feng Yuwei cast a big white eye on Long Fei, then turned aside, without looking at Long Fei.

After eating a closed door soup, Long Fei was not discouraged at all. I saw Long Fei quickly walked to Feng Yuwei again, and the gentleman asked again

"This little sister, in Ha Long Fei, can you invite the little sister to have a meal?"

"I'm dizzy! Can you stop talking like that. We can't accept it!"

Li Mo, Long Qing and Long Yu have a black line.

"Bold Li Mo! How dare you bring an alien monk to our Lingxiao Mountain, and even enter a mission such as a mission! Doesn't the rule of our Presbyterian Church exist?"

Just at this time, a scolding came. Then the one-piece Xinchang, the arrogant young man between the eyebrows approached. When the youth attacked the white shirt, the token hanging around his waist suddenly wrote the word "deacon".

Seeing this young man, Li Mo did not know. But Long Qing frowned, and said to Li Mo

"Li Daocheng, the deacon of the Presbyterian Church, is also the deputy leader of the Shanhe League. But this deputy leader has more real power than that of Chi Weiyun. That before, these deacons could not do anything to you, but today you have broken the rules of the Presbyterian Church. This Li Daocheng is going to trouble you with rules."

Long Qing just discovered that Feng Yuwei is an alien, although they can't see Feng Yuwei's cultivation behavior and body. But the undisguised demon spirit of Feng Yuwei's body is obviously not what a human monk can possess.

However, Long Qing and others were close to Li Mo, so they didn't say much.

"No problem."

Li Mo smiled and immediately asked Li Daocheng

"Are you an elder? I did something wrong, and I guess it's your turn to educate me?"

After hearing this, Li Daocheng smiled contemptuously. "Unfortunately, today the elder elder happened to come to the mission pavilion. I went to invite the elder elder, Li Mo. This matter today is not a small matter."

With that, Li Daocheng proudly walked toward the stairs.

Looking at Li Daocheng's chest with a full back, Li Mo told Feng Yuwei

"You said there is an acquaintance ~ ~ really fake?"

Feng Yuwei didn't speak, and gave Li Mo a smile with a white eye and continued to walk towards the first floor of the mission pavilion.

Soon, the sound of footsteps came. Yu Xiao came to the first floor of the mission pavilion surrounded by deacons, and before he arrived, Yu Xiao’s voice came.

"Good you Li Mo! Bring aliens to the mission pavilion to reveal the secrets of our Presbyterian Church! You are so bold!"

Just the first floor of the mission pavilion, where is there any secret?

But the hat that Yu Xiao gave Li Mokou was not small.

"What about people?"

Came here, watching Li Mo only three people beside Long Qing. Yu Xiao asked Li Daocheng displeasedly.

"Great elder, then."

Li Daocheng took a step forward, bowed and pointed to the distance to walk to get Feng Yuwei.

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