No Jokes Here

Chapter 285: "The Book of the Great Dao", the body of chaos

With the flash of blue divine power, Lin Qianan suddenly transformed into Raphael, the **** of witch medicine.


At this time, the **** of witch medicine has become a real fifth-level existence.


And it's not the kind that is just entering the fifth level, but the fifth-level intermediate level.


Although the training tower is only one level higher, the effect is not simply increased tenfold.


Lin Qianan carefully felt the power of the God of Witchcraft.


The Godhead of the God of Witchcraft is a vast and boundless kingdom of gods, which is full of divine power.


And the clergy [God of Witchcraft] he masters has also been raised to the level of the Dao rules accordingly.


The priesthood can be defined more widely when refining witch medicine, and the intensity has become higher.


Lin Qianan stretched out his hand and used his divine power to take the five elixir that he had refined before into his palm from the computer table. His mind moved slightly, and the massive amount of divine power was quickly consumed.


At the same time, the elixir in his palm also turned into liquid, and then all mixed together.


After a while, the elixir turned into a dark pill, and its whole body exuded a dark and chaotic luster. For ordinary people, at a glance, they would feel that their spirit was absorbed and distorted by it.


This elixir has been given a new function by Lin Qian'an, which is to strengthen the cultivation effect of the "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra".


Lin Qianan named it "Chaos Body Training Pill".


After the advent of the God of Witchcraft, Lin Qianan took the "Chaos Body Refining Pill" in his palm, and the yin and yang gossip in his eyes appeared, and he saw the effect of his own cultivation after swallowing the pill.


In the picture he saw, after he swallowed the medicinal pill, his body's adaptation to the Qi of Chaos accelerated several times. Running the exercises, in just a few minutes, he has already entered the "Chaos Body Refinement Classic".


So, Lin Qianan no longer hesitated and swallowed the medicinal pill directly into his mouth.


Under the guidance of the rules of the real world and the [Profound Truth of Alchemy of Time and Space], the time in Lin Qian'an's body was accelerated, and in just ten seconds, he had already refined the medicinal pill containing the rules of the Great Dao.


At the same time, it had an effect, giving Lin Qian'an a strong ability to adapt to the Chaos Qi in his body.


With a thought, Lin Qian'an's whole body penetrated into the void, and a large amount of Chaos Qi was incorporated into his body, and under the action of [Chaos Profound Truth], it ran smoothly in his body according to the cultivation method of "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra".


Not long after, a new rule began to be born in Lin Qian'an's body, and a wisp of quaint aura was born from him. It was the beginning of all things, the aura of chaos.


Lin Qian'an restrained the power of the Great Dao rules of [Chaos Profound Truth] at the right time.


The twisted and manic Chaos Qi lost control and began to rampage in Lin Qian'an's body, but it did not cause any damage to Lin Qian'an.


He already has a chaotic quality, which can resist the erosion of chaos.


With just one medicinal pill, he has already introduced the practice that takes ten thousand years to get started.


This is just the medicinal pill he forcibly defined and refined with the divine ability of the God of Witchcraft. If the materials used are more suitable, he should be able to refine the "Chaos Body Training Pill" with better effect.


The corners of Lin Qian'an's mouth twitched, and it seemed that he didn't need millions of years to cultivate until he became a master.






Just when Lin Qianan started cultivating the "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra", in the boundless void, a slumbering chaotic creature turned his attention to his direction.


He opened his mouth slowly and muttered to himself a language of unknown meaning.


This language contains terrifying power, and can even easily reverse the rules of the universe.


If it is translated, it is "similar?".


Her figure was roaming in chaos, and after a while, she saw a world bubble similar to her size.


After looking at it for a while, she took an eyeball from her body and threw it in.






At the same time, in every place on the earth, there are powerful living beings who have received this chaotic breath.


Some of them are worried, some are curious, and some are happy.


Lin Qianan was not clear about these existences.


Right now, he is only focused on training to improve his strength.


Because ordinary things can't record the rules, Lin Qianan now plans to refine some magic weapons that are enough to record the information of the rules to record the rules of the Great Dao mastered by the God Slayer.


In his hand, a green bamboo emitting a shimmering light appeared.


This is the fairy bamboo on the fairy island of the real world.


It has the same tenacity and indestructibility as the rootless fairy vine, and Lin Qian'an also gave up a little in order to cut it off.


It should be possible to use this thing to record the rules of the avenue.


Lin Qian'an took out the Ruyi Shoushan stick, turned it into a carving knife, and began to disassemble the fairy bamboo little by little to make bamboo slips.


With the use of the rules of the real world and the time-acceleration of [Time and Space Alchemy Profound Truth], Lin Qianan successfully made the bamboo slips in ten seconds.


Of course, although it seemed that it was only ten seconds, it actually took him eight years.


In order to make such a bamboo slip, it is so exaggerated!


With a thought, Lin Qianan began to try to use this thing to record the information of the rules.


Lin Qianan first chose "Qinglian Zhenjing".


The tip of the carving knife made of the Ruyi Shoushan Stick shone with the power of rules, and under the drive of Lin Qian'an, he began to slowly write on the bamboo slips.


Every stroke contains infinite rules and information, telling the complete Qinglian Avenue.


A minute later, Lin Qianan finished the engraving.


One minute of accelerated time is Lin Qian'an's fifty years.


When engraving the rules of the Great Way, he could hardly feel the passage of time due to his extreme concentration.


When he came back to his senses, he realized that such a long time had passed.


However, the results are also very gratifying.


The bamboo slip in Lin Qian'an's hand emits a faint light, and it contains mysterious and complicated Dao patterns. As long as someone can thoroughly study and understand, they can directly comprehend the Qinglian Avenue.


And this bamboo slip is not common now.


It has the same effect as a talisman.


As long as the Dao pattern is activated, the power of the rules of Qinglian Avenue can be released directly.


To a certain extent, this is also a real artifact-level object.


Lin Qian'an has also refined magic weapons before, but there is absolutely no one that can reach this level.


Lin Qian'an sighed with emotion. After comprehending the Dao, everything seemed to be getting easier.


You must know that in the game "Demon Saint", the turtle number that has assembled countless Taoist weapons is only a quasi-real device.


For a powerful being who understands the rules of the Great Dao, as long as he has an item that can carry the rules of the Great Dao, and then records the rules of the Great Dao he comprehends in it, it will directly turn into an object containing the same rules of the Great Dao.


Going from zero to one is always the most difficult thing.


Immediately, Lin Qian'an tried to make a book of heaven to record the information of the rules of the Great Dao with the leaves of Jianmu in the real world.


Unsurprisingly, it was successful.


Jianmu itself is also a fifth-level existence.


Although it was born not long ago, its leaves still have the ability to record the rules of the avenue.


Transform the leaves of Jianmu into rectangular leaves of suitable size according to the rules of the real world, and connect them with fairy vines to make a book from heaven, which can record a lot of rule information.


The only problem is that the green book looks a little weird, but it doesn't hurt. Lin Qian'an has the ability to disguise his appearance.


With a little use, the shape of the book becomes no different from ordinary books.


Of course, in the eyes of beings with strong perceptions, this concealment has no effect. They can still see what the essence is at a glance. Lin Qianan did this just to make it look better.


Lin Qianan plans to record all the rules information he has comprehended in the book, including those rules-level abilities.


If someone can see the rule-level power information recorded in it, and then comprehend it, they can directly master the same rule-level power.


This also overturned a common sense of Lin Qian'an.


He used to think that rule-level abilities could only be mastered through comprehension from scratch. Everyone who comprehends a different way will master a different method.


But now it doesn't seem so.


As long as there are utensils that can carry the rule information, the rule-level extraordinary knowledge can be passed on.


Descendants only need to read these rules and learn, and they can copy the power of the rules of their predecessors as they are.


After Lin Qian'an recorded dozens of rules and information in the book, he suddenly stopped, and he muttered, "This book is so awesome, it shouldn't have a nice name? It's also called "Tibetan Book"? Appropriate... The stele on the back of the turtle is called the Daofang Stele, and my book from the sky might as well be called "The Dao Tianshu"? Good name!




Immediately, Lin Qian'an named his book "The Book of the Great Dao".


The name can be said to be worthy of the name.


The information on the rules of each avenue recorded in it will be a road leading to the fifth level, even if it is ordinary rule information, it is a road enough for people to reach the fourth level.


If Lin Qianan recorded all the rules and information that he had in his hands, its value would be unimaginable.


If it is spread out accidentally, it is easy to create a powerful extraordinary civilization.


In the middle of writing the scripture, Lin Qian An also changed the training tower floor for those advent cards.


Especially Tong Zun, Lin Qianan even spent a million stalk points without hesitation, and changed him to the seventh floor.


Speaking of which, Lin Qianan really wanted to directly consume 10,000,000 stalk points and put Turtle or Amu on the eighth floor to practice.


In that case, he felt that not only reaching level six, but at least reaching the peak of level five would definitely be possible.


In this way, if you encounter the recovery of the abyss master again, you will definitely be able to press it back again.


But Lin Qianan must consider a question, that is, will the next recovery be the same as the last time?


If the abyss dominates the next recovery strength becomes stronger, even if it is the arrival card of the fifth peak, it will definitely not be able to suppress it.


You must know that the essence of that thing is a sixth-level existence, and it is the source of the strange resuscitation.


Unless his Advent Card stays in it for a day and can directly reach level 6, there is a certain possibility to compete with it.


Therefore, Lin Qian'an did not dare to directly gamble all the stubborn points.


He plans to wait and wait until the next game in December to see if a more powerful advent card can be produced.


It really doesn't work, then I can only take a gamble and try it out.




November 27th.


After the CD of the [God Slayer Arrival Card] arrived, he used it directly, and then tried to record all the rules and information mastered by the God Slayer in the Book of the Great Dao.


The recording process is extremely slow. Fortunately, the slayer also has the [Profound Truth of Time and Space Alchemy], and can use the ultimate time and space alchemy [Time Acceleration] to speed up the process.


The God Slayer mastered the avenue rule skills of [Time Acceleration], and to a certain extent, the use of time rules was much stronger than Lin Qian'an.

So ten minutes is enough for the God Slayer to record all the rules he has mastered.


In a short time, hundreds of pages of information were added to the Book of the Great Dao.


When the advent time came to an end, Lin Qianan changed back to his original appearance.


He put away the arrival card, picked up the "Book of the Great Dao" and watched it. Originally, the "Book of the Great Way" had only more than 100 pages, but now there are at least 300 more pages, which looks bloated.


Lin Qianxin thought about it, and the mysterious Dao pattern in the palm of his hand appeared. The spatial rules he mastered were displayed on the "Book of the Great Dao", and in an instant, it seemed to be only a few dozen pages thick.


In this way, it will be much more convenient to use it later.


Lin Qianan opened the Book of the Great Dao and found the pages of the book that recorded the [Profound Truth of Swordsman] and the [Profound Truth of the Undead Holy Law].


The pages of the book are densely packed with mysterious lines, forming extremely complicated patterns, which are constantly changing.


It is impossible to understand it simply by looking at it with the ordinary naked eye.


Lin Qian'an's eyes flashed red in the depths of his eyes, as if he had used the [Eye of the Starry Sky].


Even so, he looked a little difficult, so there were more pictures of yin and yang gossip in his eyes.


With the blessing of [divination] Dao's supernatural power, the information of Dao's rules was clearly parsed in front of him.


The rules of time flowed, and more than an hour passed quickly.


Lin Qianan closed his eyes and closed the Book of the Great Dao, with a slightly tired look on his face.


The information on the rules of the avenues in [Ken Xin Profound Truth] and [Undead Saint Fa Profound Truth] had already been recorded in his soul by him at this time.


The information of the two Great Dao rules is complicated and mysterious. Even if his current spirit is far stronger than before, it is really difficult to record it.




What he needs to do next is to slowly digest and learn this knowledge.


Fortunately, now that I have mastered the [Profound Truth of Alchemy of Time and Space], I have taken a big step forward in the attainment of time rules. If you really want to calculate it, it should not take too long to master the power of these rules.


After doing this, Lin Qianan turned on the game computer again, and took out the [Shoushan Temple Tongzun Arrival Card] that had been completed from the training tower.


Unsurprisingly, after consuming one million points, Tong Zun also made a big stride from the quasi-fifth level to the fifth-level mid-level, becoming a powerful presence in the exterior realm.


The ten major Buddhist kingdoms have now expanded thousands of times, and the power of the rules they contain has reached the level of the rules of the Great Dao.


If the exterior field is fully opened, Tong Zun's combat power will probably be enough to compete with Turtle and Turtle.


Because of the enhancement of his own attributes, even the effect of [Shen Wu] has been greatly improved, making Lin Qian'an more efficient when he comprehends the "Chaos Refinement Sutra", which is less than ten minutes. In the state of [God Comprehension], Lin Qianan seemed to be about to fully comprehend the information contained in the Dao rules.


Lin Qianan couldn't help but sigh, and sure enough, kryptonite is king.


Now he only has more than 11 million stubborn points left, and Lin Qianan intends to keep these stubborn points for a while.


He still doesn't understand what the "infinite mode" is. 10,000,000 points are hard to come by. If you use it now, you don't know when you will get the next 10,000,000 points.


Lin Qian'an decided that if the value of the next game is high enough, after clearing the level, he will turn on the infinite mode and try it out.


I believe that terrier games should not ask for prices casually.


So this infinite mode, which requires 10 million points, is definitely not that simple.


After experiencing Tong Zun's coming state, Lin Qianan stuffed it back into the training tower again.


Of course, this time it's only the second level. Tong Zun's [God Enlightenment] effect will increase with the enhancement of his own attributes, so even if he is already level five, Lin Qianan still wants to keep him Stay in the training tower to improve.


On the first floor of the training Talinqian, Li Qinglian was placed by the True Monarch Wanjian. He went the wrong way, and his cultivation speed was too slow. Lin Qianan simply let him stay on the first floor and grind slowly.


The third layer is the disintegration knight Jervis, this came to Kaling Qian'an is not particularly important, it is just a slight pull on the average level.


The fourth floor is to hope that the city lord Wang Ming, Lin Qian'an has nothing to say about Wang Ming, Wang Ming's genetic ability is not even a fraction of Lin Qian'an's ability.


The fifth floor is Yan Le, the elf envoy of the gods. There is still a little bit of expectation for this one coming to Kalin Qian'an. After all, another elf **** is about to hatch.


As for the tower floors above the sixth floor, Lin Qian'an no longer intends to continue using them for a short time.


At least we'll have to wait until there's a little more stuff in his pocket.




November 28th.


Lin Qian'an swallowed a "New Chaos Body Refining Pill" refined with the Qi of Chaos, the rules in the body became disordered, and the body began to tend towards chaos.


At this time, he has reached the fifth-level physical strength and spiritual strength, and at the same time has mastered the plural rules of the Great Dao.


To some extent, he should already be considered a fifth-level creature.


But he still lacks a key thing, and that is the rules of incarnation.


Integrate a certain Dao rule into the soul and body, and completely become a rule creature.


As long as he wants to, he can choose any kind of rule power that he masters, and it is enough to directly break through to the fifth level.


But these possibilities are not strong enough, so he has to wait.


Until he fully comprehends the rules of Chaos Avenue, accommodates all the power of the rules in his body, and directly transforms into a chaotic creature.


November 29th.


Lin Qian'an, who is compiling "The Book of the Great Dao", has completed the "Chaos Body Refinement Classic", and it seems that the body of chaos has been shaped.


At this time, although his body still looks like an ordinary humanoid, it is completely different in essence.


The various organs in his body are all simulated by chaos.


If he wanted to, he could change into another species at any time.


Everything comes from chaos, so chaos can simulate everything and evolve everything.


In myths and legends, Sun Wukong can change seventy-two, and Lin Qianan has almost similar abilities since he condensed the body of chaos.


He also has the ability to change his form at will.


And not only the appearance changes, to a certain extent, it can also simulate the ability of the other party.


Next, as long as he thoroughly comprehends the rules of chaos, integrates it into his body and turns it into a chaotic creature, he can even simulate the rules of the Great Dao easily.


He can even directly gain other people's abilities just like Long Yi.


The difference is that Long Yi is borrowed, and he is also a member of the dragon group.


And he only needs to look at others, and he can spend time simulating and possessing the power of the other party's rules.


On the evening of November 30th.


Lin Qianan used the Child Zun Advent Card and immediately entered the state of [God Enlightenment].


Immediately, his whole body manifested the external field of the Buddha Kingdom of Wisdom, and the Wisdom Chan Stick tapped his head lightly, entering a state of Wisdom Blessing.


Regarding the chaotic rules in the "Chaos Refinement Classic", Lin Qianan quickly analyzed and comprehended, and the endless inspiration collided. Suddenly, the complete chaotic rules in Lin Qianan's soul clearly emerged.


He seems to have understood.


After a while, Tong Zun's arrival time expired, and Lin Qian'an changed back to his original appearance.


Lin Qianan sat cross-legged, and the massive power of rules in his body was intertwined and transformed. He used the [Root of Primordial Primordial] to extract the massive chaos energy from the void. The cancer cells in his chest had been burned to the limit, and the infinite energy burst out. To support him to make breakthroughs and shape the body of chaos.


Where he was, the rules of time were disturbed, the space became unstable, and the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind were madly colliding with each other.


It is like a scene of extinction.


But such a scene did not affect anything in the apartment, not even the sheets under Lin Qian'an were damaged in the slightest.


After a while, Lin Qian'an's entire body was shrouded in chaos.


In the distance, Xiao Jiu put down the tablet in his hand and looked at Lin Qian'an with a little curiosity in his eyes.


I don't know why, but it felt an extreme sense of threat in Lin Qian'an.


This is the instinct of low-level creatures to face high-level creatures.


the other side.


Lin Qianan, who was wrapped in chaos, seemed to have no concept of time.


The rules of time around him have been distorted, sometimes going straight forward thousands of years, and now going back hundreds of years.


Even the time rules around his body are sometimes not uniform.


The time of the hands and feet is advancing, and the time of the chest will be receding.


For chaos, the concept of time itself does not exist.


In other words, time is just a substance that drives everything to move.


Based on the perception and description of all things, there is such a concept.


The same is true of space. Everything in everything is just a different composition of matter.


And the source of everything is chaos.


Suddenly, Lin Qian'an's body disappeared and turned into chaos.


The divine soul and the physical body seemed to have disappeared, and even the real world, the kingdom of God, and the interior world in his body were infected by the rules of chaos and began to assimilate.


He carefully perceives the rules from chaos, the extreme distortion and destruction, but also contains new life and order.


Lin Qianan faintly felt that the end of the avenue should be chaos.


With a thought, Lin Qian'an's body re-condensed, and the infinite rules mastered in the body were quickly condensed into one in the process.


It's all simple and crude.


After Lin Qian'an's body reorganization was completed, the chaotic aura that enveloped him dissipated.


Lin Qianan opened his eyes, and his whole person looked very ordinary.


In the past, even if he restrained himself extremely well, UU reading would more or less unconsciously reveal some extraordinary aura.


But now, he looks just like ordinary people, and he can't see any visions at all.


But these are just the illusion of chaotic rules simulation.


Hidden behind this illusion is a terrifying chaotic creature whose energy level is comparable to that of a star.


The current Lin Qian'an is already at the fifth level.


All the rules and powers he mastered were integrated into this body of chaos, and now he is far stronger than Turtle and Amu.


If he encounters the resurrection of the former abyss master again, he can suppress it again by himself.


Lin Qian'an turned his head, saw the trembling little Chiu, smiled and waved, "Little Chiu, don't you even know me?"




Xiao Jiu tilted his head curiously, feeling the information from the contract, and completely let go of his scruples.


He directly flapped his wings and flew into Lin Qian'an's arms.


While stroking Xiao Jiu's fluff, Lin Qian'an murmured, "I'm not even a human anymore, I'm afraid it will be even harder to find a girlfriend in the future..."




Xiao Jiu looked at Lin Qian'an curiously, completely ignorant of his worries and troubles.


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