No Jokes Here

Chapter 284: The strongest level 5, exterior realm

An advent card with complex texture appeared in Lin Qian'an's palm.

[God Slayer Arrival Card: After use, it can make the God Slayer come to you for ten minutes and a 30-day cooldown. (Note: It is only used by the game host of the terrier game)]

There are four different levels of color interweaving on the back of this advent card.

They are grayish, opalescent with halo, bronzed with a metallic bias, and silvery white.

Lin Qianan could guess that the four colors represented the four powers mastered by the God Slayer.

Chaos, sacred, time and space, skill.

Turning to the front of the card, on the left and right shoulders of the God Slayer are the Destruction Sacred Artifact and the Devouring Sacred Artifact, and around him, there are four weapons representing his profession flying.

A gray staff, a silver-white two-handed greatsword, an illusory bronze gear, and a codex exuding a divine halo.

There is no doubt that this advent card is a complete battle card.

Lin Qianan put away the card, spent a thousand points to open the game mall, and began to check the prices of skills and items in the game.

In terms of skills, the profound skills representing the four occupations are the most expensive.

The Chaos Arcanist's [Chaos Profound Truth], the Great Sword Saint's [Jianxin Profound Truth], the Space-Time Alchemist's [Time-Space Alchemy Profound Truth], and the Undead Holy Mage's [Undead Holy Law Profound Truth].

These four profound skills all cost around 20 million yuan.

In addition, the ultimate skills of these occupations are more expensive.

All are priced around 10 million.

However, these skills are specially marked, and you need to have the prerequisite skills of the corresponding occupation to use.

That is to say, if Lin Qianan chooses the ultimate skill [Chaos Banishment], he must match the core skill [Chaos Profound Truth].

Lin Qianan thought about it, and finally decided to choose two profound skills.

Among the four Profound Truths, he is not very interested in [Swordsman Profound Truth] and [Undead Saint Law Profound Truth], so he can just choose [Chaos Profound Truth] and [Space-Time Alchemy Profound Truth].

Then there is the extraction of items.

The top one is undoubtedly devouring the holy relic and destroying the holy relic.

Devouring the Holy Artifact sells for 27.38 million Item Points, and Destroying the Holy Artifact sells for 23 million Item Points.

Then there are the original sacred objects stolen by the four gods.

Each sells for 20,000,000 stalk points.

"Tibetan Scripture (Tushen Version is worthless, because it has only been developed for a hundred years, and it only needs hundreds of thousands of points.

However, Lin Qianan didn't plan to choose this thing this time.

At that time, you can directly use the God Slayer's Advent Card and record the knowledge from the God Slayer's mind.

If it doesn't work once, it will be solidified into a daily card, and two or three times will be enough.

Anyway, now he is not short of these 100,000 stalk points.

So the item category is still to choose the devouring holy relic and destroying the holy relic.

Returning to the extraction interface, Lin Qianan clicked to select the extraction of skills.

With a mouse click, the [Profound Truth of Chaos] was extracted by Lin Qianan.

Suddenly, endless insights began to emerge in Lin Qian'an's soul.

The complexity and distortion of chaos make it repelled by countless creatures.

But the Chaos Arcanist did the opposite, taking advantage of its disorder and distortion to derive power from it.

[Chaos Profound Truth] is a kind of Dao rule power that can directly use the Chaos Qi.

Under [Chaos Profound Truth], the Qi of Chaos will also be tamed and turned into usable energy.

At first glance, this seems to be somewhat similar to [Root of Primordial Primordial].

But there are actually two different paths.

The root of Chaos is to draw transforming energy from chaos.

And [Chaos Profound Truth] is a way to use the Qi of Chaos.

Of course, the Chaos Arcanist also has the magic of absorbing the Qi of Chaos, that is [Chaos Drain].

However, this skill is only a primary chaotic magic, and I also know that it is definitely not as good as [Root of Primordial Primordial].

What surprised Lin Qianan the most was that the combination of [Profound Truth of Chaos] and [Root of Primordial Primordial] greatly helped him in his practice of the Chaos Body Refinement Sutra.

[Root of Primal Chaos] allows him to obtain a large amount of Chaos Qi, and [Chaos Profound Truth] allows him to easily tame these Chaos Qi and use it at will.

In the past, Lin Qian'an could only wrap a trace of Chaos Qi with other regular powers in his body at most, and then drive him to act.

But now Lin Qian'an can directly use [Chaos Profound Truth] to drive a massive amount of Chaos Qi to move freely in the body without hurting himself.

He can precisely control the effect of Chaos Qi on the body.

At the same time, let the whole body soak in the Qi of Chaos, and he will not cause damage to the body because of the special Qi of Chaos.

The progress of cultivation has soared ten thousand times!

And after mastering the [Profound Truth of Chaos], Lin Qian'an even felt that he could now swim in chaos without being damaged by chaos, just like Xiaocheng's "Chaos Body Refinement Classic".

Lin Qianan stretched out his palm, and in his palm, a mass of gray and twisted energy was condensing.

This is the energy condensed by a mass of Chaos Qi, and only under the drive of [Chaos Profound Truth], can it be played and applauded by Lin Qianan so casually.

If such a mass of Chaos Qi is directly attacked on the enemy, even if it is a powerful existence of the fifth level, I am afraid that it will feel a headache.

Converging this mass of chaotic energy, Lin Qianan's face showed a smile, and he started the next skill extraction directly.

With a click of the mouse, the [Profound Truth of Space-Time Alchemy] was acquired by Lin Qian'an.

With this profound meaning, you can use time-space alchemy.

Alchemy needs to follow the principle of equivalent exchange, but this is an alchemy that does not require equivalent exchange.

Obtain its alchemy results from a certain period of time in the future, and use it now. Although the alchemy results used will disappear after the alchemy is canceled, the advantage is that you do not have to pay any price.

The only loss is the energy consumed by the user.

In other words, you paid the price in the future, and you don't need to pay the price now.

Overdraft the future?

It certainly isn't.

Because you know that future, as long as you think about it, the self who paid the price for you will not exist, because of the paradox of time and space, it will be differentiated into a possibility.

So all that's consumed is a possibility.

And the possibilities that a being has are infinite.

So the upper limit of this alchemy is very high.

Ordinary alchemists are concerned about the principle of equivalent exchange, and certainly do not dare to use alchemy at will.

But space-time alchemists can ignore this problem.

Every time you use time-space alchemy, you can directly kill a certain possibility in the future, so as to obtain the desired alchemy results.

But Lin Qianan, who had mastered the [Profound Truth of Alchemy in Time and Space], found that this skill was surprisingly suitable for him at this time.

With a thought, Lin Qian'an's eyes showed the pattern of yin and yang gossip, and the infinite possibilities in the future appeared. He found one of himself who broke through the fifth level.

[The Profound Truth of Alchemy in Time and Space] Cast it, the rules of the real world are blessed!

Massive energy consumption, time and space suddenly reversed.


A terrifying energy level erupted from Lin Qian'an's body.

At this time, he has become a real fifth-level existence.

It's just that he borrowed the power of his future self.

With this possibility, he relies on the "Accumulation of Instruments" to break through the fifth level.

He has mastered the rules of the [Ruyi] avenue on the Ruyi Mountain stick.

The body can freely change the shape, size, weight, mass, etc. If he wants, he can even superimpose the mass of the palm to a terrifying level, turning it into a small black hole.

With the palm of your hand, you can erase a planet.

And his largest size can even reach more than a thousand times that of the earth, and at the same time the quality has reached a terrifying level.

You can just kick the earth like a ball.

This is the real fifth-level existence.

A true cosmic creature!

However, Rao is so much weaker than Turtle and Amu.

If you are facing the ruler of the abyss, not to mention, being hanged and beaten is a compliment to yourself!

With a thought, the fifth-level energy level on Lin Qian'an disappeared, and it became a quasi-level five again.

The pattern of yin and yang gossip in his eyes reappeared, and he began to look for the strongest fifth-level self among the infinite possibilities.

Among these five-level Lin Qian'an, there are those who rely on elixir to break through, some who rely on time to break through naturally, some who master the breakthrough of the real world, some who deduce a step closer to the breakthrough of martial arts, and some who rely on the fifth-level breakthrough of priesthood. ...

But without exception, their strengths appear to be relatively "limited".

At this moment, Lin Qianan peeped into a special self.

The other party seems to be intentionally letting Lin Qianan peep.

The eyes of the two sides met, and the future "Lin Qian'an" nodded slightly.

This made Lin Qian'an determine one thing, which was the fifth-level self that was the strongest among his infinite possibilities.

Lin Qianan tried to use [Space-Time Alchemy Profound Truth] to gain power from the opponent and feel it in advance.

Suddenly, Lin Qian'an felt that his energy was rapidly consumed, and this consumption rate was so fast that Lin Qian'an felt terrified.

The [Reverse Scale] on his neck shines brilliantly, the [Root of Primordial Primordial] in his body draws energy frantically, and the [Nuclear Fusion Cell] desperately burns lung cancer cells to no avail. Even Jianmu in the real world is desperately helping Lin. Thousands of amperes to replenish energy.

However, even so, Lin Qian'an still couldn't make ends meet.

That ego is too strong, and he can't do it if he wants to borrow power.

But all the power is not good, part of it is always good, right?

Lin Qianan thought so, and the activation of [Space-Time Alchemy Profound Truth] also succeeded.


At this moment, Lin Qian'an's energy level suddenly soared to the fifth peak.

At this time, his soul and body have been mixed together, and they all contain the rules of chaos, disorder, distortion, destruction, erosion of everything, and inclusion of everything.

And all the Dao rules mastered by Lin Qian'an were merged by this body at this time, forming a chaotic source.

This chaotic source is sometimes transformed into tens of millions of stars spinning.

Sometimes it turns into a world with a huge building in a round sky.

From time to time, it turned into a godhead with a priesthood, condensed the kingdom of God, and was surrounded by dozens of golden godhead crystals.

Sometimes it turns into a dark golden long stick that can be freely transformed.

From time to time, it turned into an inverse scale that flickered with colorful rays of light.

Sometimes it turned into a ball of light with infinite power.



The [Time and Space Alchemy Profound Truth] on Lin Qian'an could not be maintained and changed back to its original form.

But Lin Qian'an was not depressed, but looked very shocked.

Incarnate into chaos and evolve everything? All inclusive?

Is this the strongest self?

Even if he only borrowed part of his power, Lin Qianan felt unprecedentedly powerful.

That is a powerful existence that even Turtle and Amu can't match.

No, in front of the powerful Lin Qian'an, Guigui and Amu couldn't be compared at all, and the two sides were no longer on the same level.

If it is a complete body, Lin Qian'an can't imagine how terrifying it is.

If faced with the abyss master who had recovered before, I am afraid that one of them can easily suppress it.

Having experienced the power of the future, Lin Qianan was completely clear about his own path and knew how to break through to level five.

Clicking the mouse, Lin Qianan began to extract the items.

A fixed item draw opportunity to use.

The next moment, the holy relic of destruction appeared in front of Lin Qian'an.

This is a dark crystal, and it looks similar to the crystal of the origin law of the strange true gods.

It's the embodiment of the rules.

Immediately, Lin Qianan took out the devouring holy artifact again.

It is also a black crystal, but its interior is deeper, and even light will be swallowed up around it.

Lin Qian'an is not a **** slayer, so he cannot use the power of two sacred objects by wearing them.

And these two are not stalks, so Lin Qianan can't use the stalk game system to recycle them.

But Lin Qianan has a better use for these two things.

With a slight movement in his mind, he took out the Ruyi Mountain Stick, changed its form, and wrapped the two sacred objects in it.

Immediately, Lin Qian'an's [Reconciliation] ability was used, and the rules of the real world were shrouded, which promoted the fusion of the rules of the Ruyi Mountain Stick and the two sacred objects.

The process is slow, so slow that it may take hundreds of millions of years to fully fuse them together.

But Lin Qian'an didn't care, but took advantage of the situation to put the Ruyi Mountain Stick into the body for nourishment.

When he breaks through the fifth level, the Ruyi Mountain Stick will naturally be able to integrate the two sacred objects into his body, and he can also master the two avenues of [devour] and [destroy] rules through the Ruyi Mountain Stick.

After doing all this, Lin Qianxin moved slightly and counted the time.

From the time he bought the game "Slaughter God" to the time he passed the level perfectly, less than eighteen hours had passed.

This is the fastest clearance record since he played the game.

Shaking his head, Lin Qianan took out the [God Slayer Arrival Card], and at the same time took out a spirit bead that was refined by the incarnation of a puppet in his real world to record information.

"Godslayer - come!"

In an instant, Lin Qianan directly became a **** slayer.

At this time, he was in an ordinary state, and his appearance looked like an ordinary black-haired youth with a height of 1.9 meters, and there was not much special.

With a thought, Lin Qianan had an extra robe on his body and a staff in his hand.

At this time, he seems to have turned into a Chaos Arcanist.

After another transformation, Lin Qian'an became a great swordsman wearing silver armor and holding a two-handed sword.

Not long after, Lin Qianan tried the power of all four professions.

There is no doubt that the God Slayer is also a powerful existence of the fifth level.

But it seems to be quite special. It has mastered four occupations, and each occupation has one core skill and three ultimate skills.

That is to say, each class has the power of four avenue rule levels.

The four occupations add up to a total of sixteen avenue rule levels of power.

But God Slayer can only use the power of one occupation at a time, and cannot use the power of four occupations at the same time.

You must switch classes to use the corresponding rule power.

So this greatly reduced the strength of the God Slayer.

Of course, this is the normal situation.

Like him, the power that is compatible with multiple systems at the same time is rare.

In addition to the power of these four occupations, the **** slayer also mastered part of the power to destroy and devour the two sacred relics.

You can use the Destruction Sacred Artifact to bless your skills and strengthen your destructive power.

Use the devouring holy artifact to devour the rest of the rule power to enhance your own attributes.

Lin Qian quietly felt the power of the four professions of the **** slayer, read the knowledge of the **** slayer, and at the same time quickly recorded the information in the recording spirit bead in his hand.

Among them are the extraordinary knowledge of four different systems, and there is also the "Tibetan Scripture (Slaughtering God Version which was later recorded by the slayer in the human world.

The information contained in the "Tibetan Scripture (Tushen Version this time is not much, so it is easy for Lin Qian'an to record it, but the extraordinary knowledge about the four different systems is slightly more difficult.

The basic skills are okay to say, but when it comes to the skills of the four systems that contain the rules of the Great Dao, Lin Qianan found that the recording of the Lingzhu can not be completely recorded.

In order to record these extraordinary knowledge, it must be carried by items of the corresponding level.

Lin Qianan thought of the golden pages he had obtained from the old beggar to record the "Chaos Refinement Sutra".

That thing records a kind of mysterious avenue rule, which can be called the golden page of the avenue.

Unfortunately, there is only one copy of the item, and Lin Qianan can re-record the new Dao rules unless he erases the "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra" on it.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan felt that he could rely on the leaves of Jianmu, or the immortal bamboo on the immortal island in the real world.

Although Jianmu has only grown up not long ago, it is a proper fifth-level immortal plant.

And immortal bamboo is also a fifth-level immortal plant, it is really impossible to refine it into bamboo slips to see if it can record this knowledge.

Ten minutes soon came, and Lin Qianan had no choice but to withdraw from the descending state. He sighed and put away the recording spirit beads that recorded extraordinary knowledge. Advent Card] was solidified into a daily card.

In this way, he can continue to try to record his learning tomorrow.


November 26th, twelve o'clock in the evening.

Lin Qian'an took out the Advent Cards who had finished training from the training tower.

Now I hope that the city lord Wang Ming has broken through the fourth level and has mastered the two rule-level genetic abilities of [Decapitation] and [Reconciliation]. This is nothing to say. Lin Qianan himself has it, and Wang Ming's own genetic ability is not special.

Yan Le, the elves of the gods, has also broken through the fourth level, and all the elves have reached the realm of demon kings by practicing "The Book of Ten Thousand Demons". Among them, the dragon-type elves have reached the peak of demon kings.

If you use [Transcendence Evolution], Yan Le's energy level should be able to soar to the peak of level four or even higher within a minute, but it is definitely impossible to reach level five.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Lin Qianan felt that the other elf **** that Yan Le contracted seemed to be breaking out of the elf egg.

In addition to these two advent cards, the most important ones were Raphael, the **** of witch medicines, who was placed on the seventh floor of the cultivation tower, and Tong Zun of Yaoshan Temple on the sixth floor.

Lin Qianan used Tong Zun's Advent Card first.

After using the Advent Card, Lin Qianan suddenly changed into the form of Child Zun.

After spending a day in the sixth-floor training tower, the consumption of 100,000 points is one to one million training efficiency.

Today's Tong Zun has been reborn, comprehended the rules of the Great Dao, and deduced further martial arts.

The golden light in his eyes flickered, and the top ten interior scenes in his body had expanded more than a hundred times.

Tong Zun's cultivation base has already reached the quasi-fifth level. If he stays on the sixth floor for another five or six days, he should be able to break through to the fifth level steadily.

At the same time, he also deduced the next realm after the realm of martial arts interior scene.

After the interior scene, there is the exterior scene.

Under this realm, the interior world is transformed into a realm and manifested outside, and the place covered by the interior world is the place covered by its own Dao rules.

The field is blessed by the power of the entire exterior field.

If the ten-level interior scene world is turned into the exterior scene field, it is equivalent to comprehending the ten Dao rules, and at the same time obtaining the blessing of the ten Dao rules.

And this realm, if replaced by Lin Qian'an, after Dacheng is the blessing of thousands of Dao rules.

Of course, if he wants to comprehend so many Dao rules, Lin Qianan also feels that he is unlikely to break through in a short time.

And in the most powerful future he saw, he didn't take this path either.

Without wasting the time of Tong Zun's arrival, Lin Qian'an used [Shen Wu] to comprehend the "Chaos Body Refinement Sutra".

"Chaos Refinement Classic" is even more difficult to learn than Long Yi's "Small World Law".

For comparison, the Small World Method is complicated, while the Chaos Body Refinement Classic is complicated and abstruse.

Not only is it complicated, but it is also extremely mysterious.

If you are not savvy enough, wanting to study the "Chaos Refinement Sutra" is a complete nonsense.

Fortunately, [Shen Wu] has always been so powerful, even in the face of the "Chaos Refinement Sutra", Lin Qian'an is not clueless, and can comprehend and study it.

Tong Zun's strength has increased, and even the effect of [Shen Wu] seems to have increased.

In the process of continuous bursting of inspiration, Lin Qian'an has a deeper understanding of the step of condensing the rules of chaos and turning them into chaotic creatures. When the [Shenwu] time ends, Lin Qian'an also feels that he is in the "Chaos Refinement Classic". A big step forward.

Today, Lin Qian'an's understanding of [Shenwu] is not as simple as it used to be.

[Shenwu] is definitely not simply strengthening learning ability, it is as simple as letting you learn six hundred years in ten minutes.

It is more like a buff that can put you in dozens of layers, or even more bursts of inspiration.

In this state, your ability to learn is only incidental, what really matters is the countless inspirations you burst out.

The meaning of these inspirations can let you break through from zero to one, and pure learning reinforcement can only allow you to learn the existing knowledge at most.

This is also the reason why it is very easy for [Shen Wu] to deduce the exercises.

And there is another advantage to thinking about problems with [Shen Wu].

That is you can skip some process and get the answer directly.

Just like a complex mathematical formula, you can understand the answer to this question through inspiration at a glance.

You can completely ignore the problem-solving process in the middle.

Because of this, Lin Qian'an's use of Shenwu is now more than one grade higher.

After the [Shen Wu] this time, after another ten or so times, Lin Qianan felt that he should be able to successfully learn the Chaos Body Refinement Sutra.

You know, UU reading in the description of the original scriptures, if you want to learn this stuff thoroughly, it will take hundreds of millions of years.

And now Lin Qianan only needs another ten days.

Even if it only counts the time of [God Comprehension], it is only 100 minutes.

Lin Qianan just wanted to say this.

【Shenwu】yyds! !

After doing this, Lin Qianan put away Tong Zun's arrival card, and set his eyes on the [God of Witchcraft's Arrival Card] taken out from the seventh-floor cultivation tower.

The consumption of 1,000,000 points per day is 10,000,000 cultivation efficiency.

Lin Qianan's expression became serious as he slowly pinched the [God of Witch Medicine Advent Card] to his fingertips.

"God of Witchcraft - Coming!"


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