No Jokes Here

Chapter 238: Leave, the wishing pool is king 8

Lin Qian'an had been manipulating the turtle to hide in the lake, and when he heard this, his heart jumped.

There is no doubt that the other party must be a monk.

After waiting for so long, I finally saw the monk.

Lin Qian'an was excited, and immediately used his supernatural powers to figure it out to determine the identity of the other party, as well as good and evil.

After the divination result indicated that the other party was indeed a monk and belonged to the good and lawful camp, Lin Qianan smiled.

After saving a file, he directly manipulated the turtle to surface on the lake.

Today, the turtle is more than twenty meters long. Seeing the huge size of the turtle, Ye Qiuxi's face also showed a hint of surprise.

Immediately, he raised his hand and saluted Turtle.

When Lin Qianan heard this, he thought to himself.

A smile appeared on Ye Qiuxi's face.

Lin Qian'an immediately understood, and he said why Turtle did so many things here, but still no cultivator or monster came to look for him.

The result is because they are both in different worlds.

The world of self-cultivation should be the world where monks and most monsters live, and this mortal world is where ordinary people live.

So, no matter how big the things Turtle did, after all, no one came to take care of it.

The corners of Ye Qiuxi's mouth twitched.

Lin Qian'an was slightly speechless, Ye Qiuxi said this, obviously intending to make conditions.

But it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, it is archived. If the other party's conditions are too difficult to accept, he will just treat it as non-existent, read the archive and go back, and then find other ways to go to the cultivation world later.

Lin Qian'an didn't believe that only Zizhu Mountain in this world had a cross-border magic circle.

When the time comes, you can use your ability to ask casually.

a hundred years?

More or less?

Is it worth it to use a cross-border magic array?

Lin Qianan hesitated a bit, and asked with his ability.

The divination result shows that it is worth it.

Lin Qianan thought about it too. Turtle's life span of 600,000 years is now over, and this hundred years will be over after taking a nap.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan made another divination to go to the realm of self-cultivation, whether it was good or bad, and the result was good.

Then everything is much easier.

When Ye Qiuxi heard this, the joy on her face couldn't be concealed.

Lin Qian'an didn't know why Ye Qiuxi was so happy, but it didn't prevent him from inviting the little carp to go to the cultivation world with him.

After talking with Ye Qiuxi, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to dive into the water, and soon found the little carp in the center of the lake that was absorbing the moonlight while facing the sky.

With the use of supernatural powers, a stream of water gently scratched the little carp's belly.

Hearing the sound, the little carp suddenly turned around and stopped absorbing Yuehua.

Having said that, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to swim towards the shore.

The little carp was chasing after him.

Soon, a turtle and a fish came to the shore.

The little carp moved and transformed into a fifteen-year-old girl in red clothes with dragon horns and a golden fish tail.

She bowed her hands to Ye Qiuxi and saluted.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiuxi's expression became extremely rich.

Immediately, he quickly restrained the expression on his face and bowed.

After the greeting was over, Lin Qianan proposed to go to the cultivation world.

Then the situation froze.

Ye Qiuxi was stunned for a moment, glanced at the little carp, and then looked at the turtle.

That means obviously, your friends can change shape, can't you?

But Lin Qian'an has nothing to say. Turtle just can't change shape, what can he do?

After the two sides looked at each other for a while, Ye Qiuxi was probably sure that Turtle was not joking.

Hearing this, the little carp looked unhappy.

Hearing this, Lin Qian'an couldn't help but smile, the friendship of more than 100 years is quite reliable.

Ye Qiuxi even changed her expression. It seemed that she planned to persuade him a little more, but Lin Qian'an didn't give him a chance, so he typed his answer directly.

Ye Qiuxi frowned, and immediately could only agree with Lin Qian'an's idea.

Lin Qian'an nodded, it seemed that the turtle and the little carp were very special, to the extent that Ye Qiuxi worried that she would never meet again after she left.

Hearing this, Ye Qiuxi's expression calmed down a little, and immediately clasped her fists to say goodbye, raised her hand and released a leaf boat, stepped directly on the flying boat, turned into a purple light and walked away.

In fact, Lin Qianan was not asked to wait two days.

Just one day later, Ye Qiuxi had already returned.

And this time around him was a beautiful female cultivator in purple.

Lin Qianan also typed and replied.

The little carp beside him also followed suit with greetings.

After seeing each other, Ye Qiuxi flipped her hands, and a thumb-sized medicinal pill appeared in her palm, emitting a faint blue light.

With that said, this medicinal pill flew to Turtle under the control of Ye Qiuxi.

After Lin Qianan typed his reply, he manipulated the turtle to bite down and swallowed the Transformation Pill directly.

The transforming pill entered the stomach, and the monster power in the turtle suddenly poured out, covering it and turning it into a huge green ball of light.

At the same time, a face pinching interface appeared in front of Lin Qian'an.

On this face pinching interface, there is a figure of a child of about three years old. His facial features have not yet been finalized. He has a pair of two-inch dragon horns on top of his head, and he also carries a small turtle shell on his back.

And what Lin Qianan can squeeze is only the five senses.

Lin Qian'an's expression was subtle, and after saving a file, he began to pinch his face.

In order to make it look better, Lin Qian'an also used the brain chip to search for photos of cute babies.

After pinching, Lin Qianan directly clicked OK.

In the game screen, the green light ball transformed by the turtle spreads out, and the figure after the turtle's transformation appears from it.

It is impressively a cute toddler with big eyes wearing tortoise shells, bare feet, short black hair and long dragon horns.

At this moment, the two people, including the little carp, were stunned.

A mouth, but it is also a very immature and even sticky child's voice.

Lin Qian'an was also a little speechless.

There is no way, the turtle has a long life span. Although it has lived for more than a hundred years, it is really still in its infancy.

It is also reasonable to form this.

Next to her, Qin Yuan smiled and explained.

Lin Qian'an breathed a sigh of relief. If the game was over, and the turtle was still like this three-year-old child, he would like to mention another childhood arrival card.

Tong Zun's child's body was enough to make him speechless. If there was another younger one, he said it was really unacceptable.

The little carp next to him jumped and came to Turtle's side. After comparing his transformed body with Turtle's height, he smiled.

Lin Qianan's head is full of black lines, this silly fish!

Having said that, Ye Qiuxi took out the flying boat and let Qinyuan, Turtle and Little Carp ride on it.

He stood in front of the flying boat, holding a fist in his hand, and in an instant, the flying boat broke through the air.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to turn back and looked at Yinyue Lake, which had been there for over a hundred years, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

From now on, there will be no divine tortoise in Yinyue Lake anymore.


On Ye Qiuxi's flying boat, the turtles and the little carp were quickly taken to a hidden grand canyon.

After entering the canyon and turning a few corners, a building appeared on the screen.

While explaining, Ye Qiuxi's flying boat gradually landed.

There were more than a dozen people in the station, and the person at the head was a middle-aged man about forty years old.

He clasped his fists and saluted Ye Qiuxi, and asked.

Ye Qiuxi nodded slightly.

Han Yi nodded, and then quickly greeted the people around him to cooperate and prepare to activate the magic circle.

Lin Qian'an could see clearly from the turtle's point of view that there were eighteen transparent pillars about as high as one person in the field, each standing in one place in the grand canyon.

And Han Yi instructed the eighteen disciples to inject energy into one of the pillars.

With the injection of energy, these pillars light up quickly. At the same time, among the eighteen pillars, a blue space door also rises. Through this door, the door can already be seen. Inside that different scene.

Seeing this, Ye Qiuxi looked at the turtle and the little carp.

Saying that, Ye Qiuxi immediately led the way and walked towards the space door.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the turtle to follow behind, the little carp leaned tightly beside the turtle, and at the back was Ye Qiuxi's Taoist companion Qin Yuan.

Taking a step, the words on the minimap also changed.

At this time, the word displayed on the minimap is.

Here is a small platform, and there are also many people guarding it, and there are also eighteen transparent pillars around it.

Perhaps it was Lin Qian'an who manipulated the turtle to look at the pillar for a long time, so Qin Yuan opened her mouth to explain.

As he spoke, Ye Qiuxi also led the turtle and the little carp to move forward.

After walking out of the cross-border magic circle, what caught my eye was a majestic mountain of unknown height, and a purple bamboo forest that was connected everywhere.

This purple bamboo is two or three times thicker than ordinary bamboos, about the thickness of an adult head, and the leaves are much larger.

Under the rendering of this purple bamboo, the whole mountain turned purple.

On the mountain, there are many buildings sparsely.

Most of them are built on the mountainside, and there is no road around them to go up, so they all rely on flying.

Ye Qiuxi summoned the flying boat again and let Turtle and the others ride on it.

Ye Qiuxi nodded, and with her hands clenched, she directly made the flying boat fly towards the top of Zizhu Mountain.

Not long after, Ye Qiuxi's flying boat landed outside a hall at the top of Zizhu Mountain.

Inside the main hall, an old man with a childish face with his eyes closed and sitting cross-legged on the futon, on the wall behind him is a portrait of the old man.

Lin Qianan guessed that most of them were their ancestors.

Ye Qiuxi took a step forward and bowed in salute.

Hearing the sound, the old man slowly opened his eyes. Immediately, after he glanced at the turtle and the little carp, he smiled directly.

Lin Qian'an didn't understand, why did he think that the turtle and the little carp came to Zizhu Mountain, and Zizhu Mountain would definitely be happy?

At this time, Wen Weixing had already stood up, and he did not move, but his figure instantly appeared in front of the turtle and the little carp.

Lin Qianan blinked, Ye Qiuxi said that he would only bring the turtles to the cultivation world after letting the turtles guard the Lingchi for a hundred years.

In the middle, Ye Qiuxi acted as if the turtle was not begging him, but he was begging the turtle to go to Zizhu Mountain.

After seeing Wen Weixing, it was even more outrageous.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zizhu Mountain wanted to be happy.

Then he said that the spirit pond is full of vitality, and the grievance turtles and small carp live in the spirit pond.

Lin Qianan lacked key information, but could vaguely feel that turtles and small carp seemed to be very precious in their eyes, but the specific reason was unclear.

He decided to use his magical powers to ask questions when he turned around.

Afterwards, Ye Qiuxi personally took the turtle and the little carp to the location of the Spirit Pond in Zizhu Mountain.

Lingchi is located in the center of Zizhu Mountain.

Said to be a pond, but in fact it is more like a small river.

There are eight springs in Lingchi, and spring water is constantly gushing out.

Lin Qian'an didn't understand what Ye Qiuxi meant, but after manipulating Turtle to take a sip of the spring water, he did see that Turtle's experience increased by 1.

What does this represent?

This is obviously an experience pool, okay?

If he didn't drain the pond, Lin Qianan felt that he would come here in vain.


The water splashed, and the little carp seemed to have turned into a golden dragon and jumped into the spiritual pond, playing happily.

Seeing this, Ye Qiuxi smiled, left a jade talisman for communication, and turned to leave.

As soon as Ye Qiuxi left, Lin Qianan directly manipulated the turtle into a prototype and jumped into the spirit pond. After that, he started to drink wildly as soon as the supernatural power was used.

I saw that the experience value on the top of Turtle's head kept +1, +1.

After ten minutes of drinking, Turtle has reached level 20.

At this time, Turtle's level-up experience has reached 100,000 experience.

With such a terrifying level-up experience, even with the help of the Spirit Pond, it is not possible to level up at once.

After drinking for a few more minutes, the tortoise's body suddenly increased in size by a whole circle, and the level also reached 21.

At this time, on the turtle panel, all attributes have undergone huge changes.

The upper limit of magical powers has reached a thousand times that of his own strength. Lin Qianan felt that if Turtle uses his abilities with all his strength now, he might be able to carry a mountain on his back.

In the area of ​​Shouyuan, Turtle now has an upper limit of 2.1 million lifespans.

In terms of cultivation, he has also changed from a demon general to a demon king.

Ye Qiuxi also said that it would take a hundred years for Turtle to become the Demon King. Now, how could it take so long?

It's been half an hour.

However, at this time, Turtle's level-up experience also directly turned into one million.

In other words, most of them will increase by this number in the future?

Twenty-two is two million experience.

Lin Qian'an thought for a while.

Then he asked the turtle to start drinking heavily.

The tortoise has grown in size, and the speed of drinking the spiritual spring has also become much faster.

Soon Turtle was upgraded to Level 22.

Unsurprisingly, Turtle gained 1 million years of lifespan, and also gained 1 million more experience in leveling up.

What surprised Lin Qianan even more was that he found that the water level of the spirit pond had dropped by Turtle.

The spiritual springs gushing out of the eight springs began to be unable to keep up with Turtle's drinking speed.

The little carp beside him was also a little dumbfounded.

Lin Qianan blinked his eyes, causing Turtle to stop temporarily.

The little carp turned into a human, stood on the water, and made a very speechless expression.

Although he said so, Lin Qianan also felt that things were not as easy as he imagined.

Although there are many spiritual springs, it is estimated that if the turtles continue to drink like this, they will have to drink up the pool after another two or three levels.

And depending on the level of accumulation of this spiritual spring, it is estimated that it would take hundreds of years to accumulate such a pool.

Therefore, it is obviously not possible to rely on Lingchi to upgrade Turtle to Demon Saint.

I have to go back to my old job and do my mission.

After manipulating the turtle to turn into a human, Lin Qianan found that the turtle had turned into a five-year-old child, and the turtle shell also had an option to remove it.

Clicking the mouse, the tortoise shell turned into a palm-sized decoration and was held by the tortoise in his hand, and the tortoise became naked.

Lin Qianan couldn't bear to look directly.

Clicking the mouse to put on the turtle shell, Lin Qian saved a file. After saying hello to the little carp, he manipulated the turtle and began to wander around Zizhu Mountain.

Zizhu Mountain is very large, and there are no roads connecting buildings in various places, and they basically rely on flying.

Turtles don't have the ability to fly, so Lin Qianan could only stare blankly at the buildings in the distance.

However, he immediately thought of a way.

He pinched the shape of a boat, and then used his magical powers directly. In an instant, a boat made of water was formed. Turtle stepped on the boat, and as Lin Qianan's mouse swayed, he left together.

Lin Qian'an named this move, "Flying on the Water".

Not long after, Turtle came to the nearest building.

After landing, Lin Qianan carefully manipulated the turtle to come to a man who was in a daze.

This is a young man in purple clothes who is staring at the void in a daze.

Hearing the sound, the young man in purple looked back and looked left and right in doubt, and then he lowered his head and saw Turtle.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

Hearing the sound, She Zhengqiu was surprised.

She Zhengqiu looked into the void with a sad face.

Lin Qian is happy, but troubled by love, isn't this easy to solve?

Hearing the sound, She Zhengqiu showed a look of surprise, and he immediately bowed his hands to Turtle.

Seeing that the mission was triggered, Lin Qianan smiled.

If you can trigger a quest, you can quickly level up, and there is still a lot of experience in this. You must know that when you were in the mortal world, even Emperor Yu of the country asked him for a divination with only a thousand experience.

It takes 2,000 experience to find any disciple from Zizhu Mountain, so it will be easy to level up in the future.

But what makes Lin Qianan feel a little subtle is that Guigui's job in the mortal world is to be the king of the wishing pool, but he didn't expect to come to the world of self-cultivation to be the king of the wishing pool.

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