No Jokes Here

Chapter 237: Silver Wolf King, Mountains and Seas [2 in 1]

October 3rd.

Lin Qian'an looked at the news pushed by his mobile phone, and his expression became a little serious.

At present, there are more incidents of beast spirits hurting people in various places, and many of them are mutant beasts with various special abilities.

Spirits that are simply affected by the recovery of spiritual energy are better to deal with. After all, they are at most larger in size. At present, the spiritual energy in the outside world is thin, and even if they cultivate hard, it is difficult for them to be comparable to humans.

But if it is an animal that is affected by the zombie virus and the aura recovery, it is outrageous.

Mastering abilities, while being huge and destructive, it is also more elusive.

Lin Qian'an took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the situation was indeed serious. At present, most of the members of the Dragon Group in Qing'an City were stationed in the nearby mountains, just to prevent the monsters in the mountains from going out and hurting people.

Even soldiers from the army were nearby, armed with guns.

In the city, there are no major problems.

Although there are pets, after all, the number is small, and the pets become spirits or mutants, and they are often still under control, and they will obey the master's orders.

Only when the mutant evolution fails and becomes the pet of the zombie beast will it attack indiscriminately.

And such pets are basically impossible to exist in Xuan Kingdom.

Xuanguo's current production of virus vaccines is so high that it can be exported. Every city has enough vaccines for them to inject, and it is expected that it will reach the level that everyone in the country has been injected within three months.

Lin Qianan also visited the vaccination site once.

Basically, while injecting the witch medicine vaccine, use the plants infected with the zombie virus to infect people with the zombie virus, and then successfully awaken the ability with the help of the witch medicine vaccine.

Once the ability is awakened, it will no longer be affected by the zombie virus.

Just thinking about it, Lin Qian'an found out that Xuanlong's mobile phone vibrated, and it was the Qing'an Longfang Bureau group in @Everyone.

Lin Qianan clicked into the group and saw a message.

[Giant] Yang Ming: A large-scale beast group has appeared near the Yanjiashan Nature Reserve. Now the members of the dragon group are free to come quickly.

A slew of replies quickly appeared below, indicating that they were on their way.

Lin Qianan thought for a while and felt that he could go.

However, his main body wants to play games at home, so he can go alone.

With a thought, Lin Qian'an's avatar who was cultivating in the living room abruptly stood up, then walked to the window, jumped, turned into a streamer and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Now Lin Qian'an's clone is also Martial Dao Condensation Pill, "Na Ling Jue" in the middle of the cyclone, plus the terrifying existence of one thousand three-level peak power.

What I want to say here is that maybe because the [Clone] ability has only the third-level peak, the clone can only inherit Lin Qianan's thousand third-level peak abilities, and he has no other abilities. law was obtained.

And the energy level can only reach the peak of the third level.

The flight speed of the clone is not slow. In less than five minutes, Lin Qianan came to the sky above the Yanjiashan Nature Reserve.

The dense figures in the forest are rapidly gathering, and at the forefront is a silver-haired giant wolf fifteen meters tall.

He raised his head in the sky with a long roar, and the sound spread to the four fields, and wild beasts continued to gather.

Lin Qian'an looked at it with the Qi technique, and found that the other party already had the energy level of the third peak.

Outrageous is really outrageous, how did it evolve so fast?

But speaking of it, Lin Qianan felt that it seemed a little familiar, and after a little association, Lin Qianan thought of the other party's origin.

It was the wolf he had seen here in mid-August. At that time, he was driving back to the academy after finishing the dungeon. On the way, he saw it was devouring Yuehua, so he took a look at the other party with the breath technique.

However, at that time, its body shape was still normal, and its fur was dark gray, and its energy level was not so exaggerated.

Lin Qian'an had already arrived at the edge of the forest at this time.

Outside the forest, there are cordon lines, as well as members of the dragon group wearing dragon group uniforms, as well as soldiers from the army.

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