No Jokes Here

Chapter 205: Qiankun Great Array, fight the devil again

Time passed, and the game characters came to two hundred and fifty years old again.

The world changed, and it was no surprise that exotic demons began to invade.

The only thing that has changed is that this time, there are monks everywhere in the world, and Lin Qianan also assembled monks from the four sects in advance, and jointly set up a building in Kunlun that can gather the strength of the current 673 monks. big array.

Under this great formation, the power of the six hundred and seventy-three Daoist monks will be twisted into one and gathered on one person.

At that time, the strength of that person's shot will be terrifying to the extreme, and every move is like the might of heaven and earth.

Of course, such a terrifying formation has a price.

As the person who is the eye, he will bear unparalleled pressure because of this huge power.

Only the flesh and the soul are strong enough to bear this power.

In the whole world, there are only one game character who has cultivated "Xuantian Baolu" to the peak, plus slaughtered demons and raised his blood and blood, who can serve as the eye of this formation.

Kunlun, outside the Hall of Enlightenment.

The game characters and other peak monks were quietly watching the battle between the disciples of the four factions outside Shushan and the demons.

Beside the game characters, Kunlun's new head Lian Kai showed a shocked expression.

[Lian Kai: Daoist Qinglian’s prediction is actually true. This exotic demon is really gathering and preparing to invade in a big way. Fortunately, I said before that he was making a big fuss. After this battle, I decided to toast Daoist Qinglian to make amends. 】

Mo Jiangying, the new head of Emei, smiled.

[Mo Jiangying: Fortunately, the righteous path has Qinglian Taoist friend. I will arrange it in advance, and there are many monks in the world. No matter how many monsters there are, it is destined to be useless. 】

The new head of Kongtong, Yu Youzi, also smiled.

[Yu Youzi: This time, I have done my work in one battle. If the foreign demons can be eradicated, the disciples of later generations will no longer need to work hard like me. 】

The masters have already discussed it at this time, and they look like they are about to defeat the demon completely.

Lin Qian'an was not optimistic about this.

It doesn't matter how many these little scumbags are, what really matters is the Demon Lord.

Only when you really fight against the Demon Lord will you know how buggy his strength is.

[Li Qinglian: Everyone, don't underestimate the enemy, the Demon Lord has not yet appeared, and it is still a little too early to say victory. 】

Hearing the sound, everyone restrained their smiles.

[Mo Jiangying: Daoist Qinglian is right! 】

Then, the scene became serious.

While waiting quietly, suddenly, a dark red demonic energy rose into the sky, covering most of the sky outside Kunlun in an instant.

In the void, a dark red vortex emerged, and immediately a fourth-level demon stepped out and stood on both sides.

In the end, the eight fourth-level demons carried a mountain sedan chair and walked slowly, and on the mountain sedan sat a demon covered with pitch-black scales and a pair of horns on its head. , this is the old rival Demon Lord that Lin Qianan is extremely familiar with.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of many masters became solemn.

Lin Qianan even typed the letter immediately and asked many cultivators to open the formation.

[Li Qinglian: Everyone, set up a formation! 】

The voice of the game characters fell, and all the monks who entered the Dao quickly stood in their own positions, activating the great formation.

[Mo Jiangying: Qiankun Great Array, open! 】


With a loud bang, each of the six hundred and seventy-three cultivators present stretched out an energy line of different colors, which converged and turned into a huge energy network.

And the core of this energy network is the game character itself.

Under the blessing of the big array, dozens of buffs appeared on the game characters.

Energy value, physical value recovery buff, strength, spirit and other attributes increase buff and so on!

It also comes with a negative buff.

That is, the health value decreases over time, by a thousand health points per second.

And if the game characters engage in intense battles, this value will continue to increase.

In general, it is best to decide the winner within five minutes, otherwise the game characters are estimated to directly gg.

But seeing this scene, the Demon Lord showed a very interested expression.

[Demon Lord: Interesting, you actually made preparations for my arrival in advance, so I have to be more serious! 】

When the sound fell, the demon master was in the air, got up from the mountain sedan chair, and came to the top of the Qiankun Great Array in Shushan.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to jump up, the blue sword gang shrouded his body, and he also came to the opposite side of the devil.

[Li Qinglian: Demon Lord, over the past three thousand years, the exotic monsters you created have harmed countless people. Today I will act for the heavens and get rid of you, the source of all evil. 】

Hearing this, the Demon Lord showed a sarcastic smile.

[Demon Lord: Hahaha, do things for heaven? It's been more than three thousand years, and you guys are still so high-sounding and sanctimonious! 】

[Li Qinglian: Don't talk more, look at the sword! 】

After typing, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to attack the Demon Lord.

Under the blessing of the Qiankun Great Array, the attributes of the game characters have increased at least dozens of times, and the strength comparison was completely different before.

Every move and every move has the powerful power to open mountains and crack the ground.

In the face of the attack of the game character, the demon master was surrounded by blood red demonic energy, and he blocked the attack of the game character with his fingers.

He even had the time to make an evaluation.

[Demon Lord: Not bad, not bad, the strength is already enough, but unfortunately, it is almost done! 】

Lin Qian'an's expression did not change, and quietly, his finger was already pressed on the skill key.


A azure light pierced through the void with lightning speed and passed through the Demon Lord's side, leaving a sword mark on him.

Yen Yen Yen Yen Yen ~!

In an instant, Qinglian's thirteen swords were all cut out.

A green lotus bloomed in the void, and the game character stood behind the Demon Lord with a sword, and the Demon Lord already had thirteen sword marks all over his body.

These sword marks were left on his cheeks, chest, hands and feet, and even the corner of his head was cut with a sword, but apart from the cheeks that were not covered with scales, no other places could break the defense.

Even the cheeks are just a little bit of skin torn.

The Demon Lord stood still, silently reached out and touched the scar on his cheek, showing a smile.

[Demon Lord: I haven't been hurt for more than 3,000 years, you really surprised me. 】

While speaking, the scars on the Demon Lord's body were repairing quickly, and they were as good as ever in an instant.

In this scene, the monks in the Qiankun Great Array were stunned and speechless, and the demons around the Demon Lord cheered.

Under the blessing of the Qiankun Great Array, the thirteen swords of the game characters were cut out, and even the monks who entered the peak of the Taoist realm could only drink hatred.

However, the Demon Lord carried these thirteen swords without dodging, and it was only scratching the skin.

[Li Qinglian: The devil, don't be mad! 】

The battle continued, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character Li Qinglian to quickly circle around the Demon Lord, and the ordinary skill Demon Lord didn't even bother to move, and just used his body to resist.

As for the big move of Qinglian Thirteen Swords, Lin Qianan used it twice, but the result was only a slight injury to the Demon Lord, and he recovered in a flash.

Speaking of which, Qinglian's Thirteen Swords are only ordinary skills after all, and it is only because the characters in the game have a high level of cultivation that they can exert such terrifying power.

At this time, the demon master resisted the attack with one hand, and at the same time showed a somewhat boring expression.

[Demon Lord: Is that so? If that's all, then you can die. 】

Lin Qian'an's face was moved, he pursed his lips, and then said, "I see how long you can pretend."

As he spoke, Lin Qianan had already clicked on the skill "Wan Jian Jue".

In an instant, the game character's declining health was directly deducted by 90%.

Buzz Buzz~!

The sound of swords resounded, and near Kunlun Mountain, the sabres of those Shushan disciples who had died in the battle rose into the wind and flew towards the game characters.

At the same time, sword gangs emerged from the game character's body, and under the leadership of his own sword [Qinglian], they hovered in the void.

A torrent of ten thousand swords suddenly formed.

"Wan Jian Jue" was originally a self-destructive powerful move, and now the characters in the game are still under the blessing of the Qiankun Great Array. This time the sword is out, this power is no longer simple and powerful.

Before this torrent of ten thousand swords, no enemy could resist, and its might was enough to destroy the world.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Lord couldn't help but be moved.

[Demon Lord: Interesting! interesting! Heavenly Demon Tribulation! ! 】

This is the first time that the Demon Lord has used a skill other than non-level a.

Suddenly, the majestic demonic energy converged, and a dark-red demonic body that was as large as a kilometer condensed behind the demon master. Under the control of the demon master, he tried to stop the torrent of swords.

Dang Dang Dang ~!

A spirit sword was broken, but the incomplete blade still continued to join the torrent of thousands of swords to attack forward. The sword gangs dissipated, the energy and light of the game characters surged, and new sword gangs were condensed.

The many Taoist monks in the Qiankun Great Array below had painful expressions, and their energy consumption was extremely severe.


A sword gang penetrated the demonic body condensed by the Demon Lord and went straight to the Demon Lord.

Clang clang clang clang ~!

The jet-black scale armor of the demon body collided with the blades of the sword gang and the spirit sword, sparks flying everywhere.


Cracks appeared on the scales, as if they were about to shatter.

Seeing that the defense was about to be broken, Lin Qianan couldn't help showing a happy expression.

[Demon Lord: Enough! 】


With the loud shout of the demon master, the terrifying demonic energy rolled back, and the sword gangs and spirit swords condensed by the game characters all dissipated. hilt.

And the game characters flew back under the violent attack of demonic energy and smashed into the square outside the Kunlun Enlightenment Hall.

puff~ puff~ puff...

The six hundred and seventy-three monks in the Qiankun Great Array vomited blood, as if they had suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

Mo Jiangying, the head of Emei, dragged his body to the side of the seriously injured game character and helped him up.

[Mo Jiangying: Fellow Daoist Qinglian, are you alright? 】

Lin Qianan looked at the game character's bloodline with less than five percent remaining, his face expressionless.

Can this be called ok?

Although he complained in his heart, Lin Qian'an answered Mo Jiangying by typing.

[Li Qinglian: The Demon Lord is powerful, I am not an opponent, withdraw! 】

Mo Jiangying was waiting to answer, but the Demon Lord had already flashed in front of the game characters.

He casually threw Mo Jiangying away, then looked at the game character with a hideous smile.

[Demon Lord: To be able to perform such a Taoist technique with the cultivation of the fourth realm, your talent is not bad, tell me your name! 】

When Lin Qianan heard the words, he showed a happy expression. Could it be that this is the devil's plan to recruit him?

If so, can he infiltrate the team of demons, and then backstab the demon master?

This should be the way to go!

[Li Qinglian: Do not change your name, do not change your surname, Li Qinglian! 】

[Demon Lord: Well, I will remember you! Die! 】

Lin Qian'an: "..."

This is not as expected!

Aren't you supposed to open your mouth to solicit me?

How come this is going to be shot to avoid future troubles?

[Nangong Susu: Demon Lord, wait a minute! 】


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