No Jokes Here

Chapter 204: question, monk

September 5th, nine in the morning.

Yang Ming led two members of the Dragon Group General Bureau to his ward.

"Xiao Lin, these two are members of the General Administration. They want to ask you something. Do you want to see if you are free now?" Yang Ming asked.

Lin Qian'an turned his head slightly and saw the two dragon group members.

A man and a woman, the man looked about twenty-five or six years old, wearing a set of Pikachu pajamas, with a funny blindfold hanging around his neck, which made Lin Qianan feel subtle.

And women are even more outrageous.

She looks about thirty, wearing a gray sun hat and a small black vest, holding a one-meter-two pink toy fishing rod in her right hand, and a small multifunctional white fishing bucket in her left hand. .

This style of painting... Lin Qian'an really doesn't know what to say.

Lin Qian'an has recovered a lot now, but he can barely speak with his mouth.

He said, "Officer Yang... Of course I'm free!"

Yang Ming nodded, then turned around to communicate with the two dragon group members.

Then, the woman with the small pink fishing rod came up and said to Lin Qian'an: "Hello, my name is Bao Han, you can also call me the code name of the dragon group [Fishing Ji], this is my partner Mo Jing. Yu, codenamed [Sleeping God]."

"[Novelist] Lin Qian'an, it's a pleasure meeting!" Lin Qian'an nodded slightly.

Baohan put down his multi-function fishing bucket and turned it into a small pony. After sitting on it, he asked Lin Qian'an curiously, "I heard that you beat that fifth-level big-eyed monster back? Is it real?"

"The other party should be limited and unable to exert his full strength, and I also paid a small price..." Lin Qianan explained.

"That's amazing too! Level 5! How did you do it? I think you're only level 3 right now?" Baohan asked.

Lin Qian'an couldn't help but raised her eyebrows. Why wasn't the big sister's question not important?

Shouldn't she ask about the details of that eyeball, and the details of the case that day?

"Ms. Baohan, this doesn't seem to have much to do with the case..." Lin Qianan reminded.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just a little curious, then I'll officially start asking now." Bao Han patted his head and said seriously, "Well, how old are you?"


Lin Qian'an's expression became very speechless.

Why do you always feel that these two members of the General Administration are unprofessional?

After a long while, Lin Qian'an said almost what he had to say, and Bao Han also grabbed Mo Jingyu, who was already asleep, and turned to leave.

Looking at the backs of the two, Lin Qian'an only had three words.

Not reliable!

But then again, the dragon group was like this from the beginning, and with today's stalks, it's normal for the strange people to be a little special.

After comforting himself, Lin Qianan called out the medical staff, and with a thought, he took out the Arrival Card of the God of Witchcraft from the space ring.

"God of witchcraft, come!"

After spitting out these words feebly, the blue divine power flashed, and Lin Qian'an transformed from his ailing body covered in bandages into the **** of witch medicine.

Then he picked up the wound medicine on the side, and when the divine power surged, he directly refined a legendary healing witch medicine.

After doing all this, while there was still some divine power left, Lin Qian'an made a high-level witch medicine for himself by the way.

Before he experimented with Spiritual Mind, it also consumed a lot of spiritual power. Now it's better to make up for it by the way.

At the end of ten minutes, Lin Qianan used his spiritual sense to control the legendary healing witch medicine and poured it into his mouth. The damaged tendons, muscles that were almost dissolved, and the internal organs that were destroyed in a mess also began to quickly repair themselves.

He had already drank a bottle of legendary witch medicine to heal himself before, and he also had some self-healing abilities on his body, so he recovered quickly at this time.

In less than five minutes, Lin Qianan felt that he had recovered to the point where he could walk normally.

Although his body is still in a state of residual blood, in a situation where he is almost certain to die, being able to return to his current state is already considered to be his tenacious vitality.

Moreover, the main reason is that his body is different now. In the face of his too powerful body, the repairing effect of even legendary witch medicine will be greatly reduced.

Lin Qianxin thought about it, and the plaster and bandage on her body automatically decomposed into countless particles and dissipated. At the same time, the energy of lung cancer cells was transformed, the ability of [Creation] was used, and a new set of clothes automatically appeared on the surface of the body.

After he got up from the hospital bed and clenched his fists, he felt that his physical strength had recovered to about fifty or sixty percent.

Although it's only 50-60%, it's not a problem to play any third-level beginner.

If he uses methods such as divine sense, he can also beat the powerhouse at the peak of the third level on the ground.

After saying hello to the logistical medical staff, and after doing a physical examination, Lin Qianan successfully obtained a certificate of permission to leave.

After lying on the bed for nearly a day, he felt that his body was a little numb. As soon as he left the National Security Bureau, Lin Qianan jumped straight into the sky.

In his spiritual sense, Lin Qianan felt that it was easier to fly now than before.

Since then, he has the intention to try the limit of his current flying speed.

The driving force of the divine sense is far stronger than Lin Qian'an's previous spiritual power, plus the real power after condensing the pill, the spiritual technique used by Lin Qian'an, the [biological force field] ability, and the energy of the body.


At this moment, Lin Qian'an's speed suddenly reached a very terrifying level, and it turned into a golden light that cut through the sky.

Within ten seconds, Lin Qian'an had already stopped over Xuanyang Academy, quietly feeling the afterglow of the previous extreme flight.

At this speed, he can continue to improve, as long as he continues to add points to the [Biological Force Field] and upgrade it to level three.

There is almost no skill at all to propel the body to fly by simply using spiritual sense. Spiritual arts can also bring more blessings. In terms of martial arts, the means of flying by simply breathing real energy are also very rough. You can consider improving it. On the basis, the whole body is energized...  

It was hard for Lin Qian'an to imagine how fast he could fly when he put all of this together.

A hundred miles in an instant may not be the limit.

As more and more means are mastered, their cooperation with each other has also become more varied, and the resulting effects have become stronger and stronger.

With each other's complement, Lin Qian'an can easily do some seemingly impossible things.

This is the advantage of multiple systems.

However, if you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be able to do that.

Many of the protagonists in the novel are just double cultivations, and strange people like Lin Qian'an are simply rare among rare ones.

There are clones in the academy all the time, and the class has not been delayed. Xiaojiu and Xiaojie live well in the apartment.

Eat spiritual crystals when you are hungry, watch TV or play chess when you have nothing to do.

Yes, now they have started to learn to play chess and card games.

Of course, it was mainly Xiaojiu and Xiaoke who played with him.

And Xiaojiu wins far more often than Xiaojie.

Flying into the house from the bedroom window, Xiao Chiu quickly ran to the bedroom while chirping when he heard the movement.

"Chirp chirp~!"

Xiao Jiu jumped up and jumped directly into Lin Qian'an's arms.

Holding Xiao Jiu, Lin Qianan smiled and said, "Why, didn't I let my clone tell you? I'm fine!"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

When Xiao Jiu heard this, he seemed a little angry.

"Next time, I will definitely take you with me, and I won't take risks alone." Lin Qianan touched Xiao Jiu's fluff and comforted.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet!"

"The hook? Okay! The hook is hung, and it cannot be changed for a hundred years!"

After hooking up with Xiao Jiu's claws, and after making an agreement, Xiao Jiu was relieved.

But Xiao Ke was still lying beside the door, looking at Lin Qian'an and Xiao Jiu with a puzzled expression.

Lin Qianan smiled and greeted, "Little one, come here!"


When Xiao Ge heard the sound, he hurriedly followed Lin Qian'an's trouser legs and climbed all the way to Lin Qian'an's left shoulder.

Lin Qianan hugged Xiao Jiu, squatting on his shoulders, a smile appeared on his face.

In the past, he always felt that something was missing in this apartment, it was deserted, but now he has two small pets, which gave him a warm feeling of home.

After chatting with the two little pets for a while, Lin Qianan put down Xiaojiu and Xiaojie and let them play separately, and then took out the game computer, ready to play games.

Lying on the hospital bed for the past two days and not being able to play games, Lin Qianan felt very uncomfortable.

Now that he can finally move again, of course he wanted to play the game right away.


Turn on the computer, click the game icon to enter the game.

At the top of Shushan Zhaixing Peak, Li Qinglian, a game character, quietly watched the tens of thousands of disciples in Shushan busy.

After several replays, Lin Qian'an's idea now is to promote national cultivation.

"Xuantian Baolu" has already spread to the mortal world anyway, and the number of disciples in Shushan has increased from only 1,000 people to tens of thousands.

Not to mention, the cultivation of the whole people was a little confusing at the beginning. Now that the four major sects are willing to manage and have the ability to manage, order has now been restored.

There are four sects of monastic colleges all over the world.

Demons or something has been written into textbooks now, and the first lesson they learn is to teach them to know demons.

As a higher productive force, monks also began to promote the progress of the world under the guidance of the four sects.

People have now been freed from tedious work, and it is no longer a problem to have enough food and clothing. Because of this, they can have more time to practice.

In just 50 years, it has reached an average of every three people, UU reading www. has a monk in the first realm.

On average, for every hundred people, there is one monk in the second realm.

There are also many monks in the third realm. According to the latest survey of Shushan, there is one monk in the third realm for every ten thousand people.

As for the monks entering the Dao realm, this is relatively rare.

At present, in the entire world, there are about 500 monks entering the Taoist realm, including elders of the four sects and true disciples.

When Lin Qianan planned to spread "Xuantian Baolu", he never expected to create such a result.

At this time, the game character is already two hundred and thirty-seven years old, and there are still thirteen years before he is two hundred and fifty years old.

At that time, the Demon Lord will completely invade the world with a large number of demons.

With the current strength of the human world, Lin Qianan felt that there was a high probability that he would still be unable to withstand this wave of invasion.

The Demon Lord's accumulation of more than 3,000 years in a foreign land can't be compared with him in just a few hundred years.

What's more, the devil himself is the biggest problem.

The power of the Demon Lord is so powerful that he can directly crush the game characters who use "Wan Jian Jue", and he can also transform ordinary people into demons.

If you want to deal with him, the difficulty factor is definitely not low.

Lin Qian'an has already thought about it. If he can't figure out the devil this time, he will try the path of demonization again.

Let the game characters also practice magic skills, become the devil and fight with the devil to see who is the best.

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