The general Qi Condensation Cultivator, if you save a little, four to five hundred spirit stone will take several years.

Di Jiu and Geng Ji Together with a Shrubman, the three people consumed almost half of them in just five days.

Di Jiu once stepped into the Qi Condensation 5th layer, and his cultivation base returned to the Qi Condensation 5th layer again in five days. Geng Ji is even more exaggerated. When Di Jiu entered the Qi Condensation 5th layer, he came to the Qi Condensation 2nd layer. The slowest cultivating is Shudi.

Shudi was not good at absorbing the spirit stone. Now using the stone stone cultivating, it is not enough to look at it compared to Di Jiu and Geng Ji. This is also the time when Di Jiu and Geng Ji cultivating swept the large piece of Spiritual Qi, otherwise he was slower.

“Hey!” Di Jiu’s defense restriction was shocked, and he woke up and suddenly stood up.

Di Jiu stood up too much, and Geng Ji and Shrubman also stopped cultivating.

“Brother Jiu, what’s the matter?” Geng Ji is also a cultivating madman. If it is not an accident, he will always be cultivating to no Spiritual Qi or hungry.

“Someone directly bombarded our defense restrictions.” Di Jiu frowned.

“Ah…” Geng Ji was also shocked and seemed to have little confidence. After three days of classes, he basically understood the basic cultivation.

The biggest hatred between cultivators is that when someone else is secluded cultivation, you suddenly destroy others cultivating. This kind of hatred is almost no different from the murderous parents. If there is no reason, it is an endless situation.

“Boom!” This is a direct attack on the Di Jiu’s protection array.

“ka cha !”protection array cracked a gap, and two people appeared at the door of Di Jiu’s room. Di Jiu sees clearly that this second attack is exactly where his protection array array core is. It seems that the attack of this attack is also a master of Array Dao.

“I am secluded cultivation here, and two lacting hatred and enmity, what do you mean by this?” Di Jiu caught Ouyang Tao’s long sword in his hand.

Geng Ji Qi Condensation 2nd layer, there is no cultivating what technique, Di Jiu does not expect him to help.

“My name is Qi Shao and I am from Fountain City Qi Family House of Commerce. As for why you want to smash your protection array, I thought you should know the reason. I deducted several restrictions and you didn’t respond.” Qi Shao came to bombard Before Di Jiu protection array, I asked about Di Jiu’s situation.

Two foreign cultivators just coming here, one with only Qi Condensation 4th layer, one that doesn’t seem to be cultivating too. It seems that Di Jiu is just the Qi Condensation 5th layer. The other one is still in the Qi Condensation 2nd layer, and the realm is still somewhat unstable.

“Hey, Tree Spirit…” Di Jiu hadn’t spoken yet, and Qi Shao saw Shudi behind Di Jiu, and his eyes immediately burst into flames.

An Ancient Tree Tree Spirit, even if it is a recognizing owner, is invaluable.

“Haha, it really was stolen by you. I said that I went to the Tree Spirit that Qi Family House of Commerce had just got in Fountain Forest. It was originally stolen by your two ants.” Qi Shao laughed. The surprise in my eyes can’t be erased at all.

The Fogue Cultivator Alliance’s fellow saw a lot of onlookers, and quickly said, “guests, these two guests have influenced the Spirit Gathering Array in my Inn cultivating. I wanted to remind them. I didn’t expect them to be daring and dare to steal. Tree Spirit of Qi Family House of Commerce. Young Master Qi came here, and then deducted several restrictions at the door. Young Master Qi broke the restriction, and now the tree Spirit is inside.”

Di Jiu reacted, and when he placed the protection array, he blocked the restriction of Inn. So when someone deducts the restrictions outside, he can’t hear it.

But in any case, breaking his protection array is a big feud.

“You’d better go with me to Qi Family House of Commerce now, and make things clear, otherwise don’t blame me for doing it now.” When Qi Shao talked, the imposing manner was released directly, Shudi was fine, it was not the first time. Seeing this scene, Geng Ji was repressed and stepped back.

“Your family is the House of Commerce?” Di Jiu suddenly asked a question that was irrelevant.

Qi Shao is laughed again. “You are right, my family is to open House of Commerce…”

In the big laugh, Qi Shao is an open hand, a axe appears in his hand, and the axe edge exudes a murderous aura that makes the skin tremble.

Qi Shao is most proud of the fact that he and the rest of the Qi Family are different. The rest of the Qi Family are cultivating flowers at home. Most of his strength was strangled in the Fountain Forest. Although he was guarded when he entered the Fountain Forest, he was killed by himself when he was not in danger.

Dealing with Di Jiu, the fellow of the Qi Condensation middle stage, he doesn’t need an axe. It is a threat to take out the axe.

It seems to be scared by Qi Shao’s axe, Di Jiu quickly reached out and stopped Qi Shao’s action. “Don’t start here, we will go to your House of Commerce with you, and by the way, open your eyes.”

Qi Shao was very satisfied and nodded. “Yes, some acquaintances.”

Di Jiu laughed, “If that’s the case, what are you waiting for? Take the lead.”

Upon hearing Di Jiu’s, Qi Shao was surprised and looked at Di Jiu. He was convinced that Di Jiu Qi Condensation 5th layer was no danger. Then he snorted and turned away.

The cultivator that followed Qi Shao was staring at Di Jiu and Geng Ji until Di Jiu and Geng Ji followed Shudi with Qi Shao and he was at the end.

There is a rush in the crowd, and everyone knows that Di Jiu will disappear if it goes. Some of the cultivators who often work in Fountain City shook their heads. In their view, Di Jiu didn’t know how to live and die.

Qi Family House of Commerce is indeed a very strong place in Fountain City, but as long as you don’t get them, don’t expose your treasures. In general, Qi Family House of Commerce will not find you for no reason.


Di Jiu walked into the Qi Family House of Commerce with Geng Ji and Shudi, and his eyes lit up.

Di Jiu, the brand outside Qi Family House of Commerce, doesn’t care, but the things in Qi Family House of Commerce are a treasure trove for Di Jiu.

Medicinal pill, cultivation technique, magical treasure, material, spirit grass…

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept to the second floor and he found something better on the second floor. And he found that there is no expert, not even a Foundation Establishment cultivator. The highest of the cultivation base is the Qi Shao in front of him. In Di Jiu’s opinion, Qi Shao should be the peak of Qi Condensation. If he didn’t cultivating Star River Secret Art before, Di Jiu still doubted if he was an opponent of Qi Shao, and now he has an instinct in his heart, Qi Shao is not his opponent.

“Let’s go to the third floor.” Qi Shao turned back to Di Jiu chuckled, and the tone was even softer.

“I need to talk to the Foundation Establishment Storekeeper on your side, or the Foundation Establishment senior.” Di Jiu said resolutely.

He knows that Foundation Establishment and Qi Condensation are two concepts. Don’t look at his cultivating Star River Secret Art, compressing True Origin, or even cultivating, with the body forming a starry sky. Once he meets the Foundation Establishment expert, his cultivation base should not be enough.

“Ha ha ha…” Qi Shao laughed again. “Don’t say Foundation Establishment, even if you talk to Golden Core Cultivator, I have it here…”

Di Jiu sinks in his heart and hasn’t waited for him to talk. Qi Shao said again, “You just have to wait a little longer here. I have two Foundation Establishment cultivators to talk to you.”

Di Jiu was relieved to hear that the Foundation Establishment cultivator was not here. He is sure that the Golden Core Cultivator is not here. If the Golden Core Cultivator is here, his physical sense can already be sensed.

“Come on.” See Di Jiu didn’t move, and Qi Shao replied again.

Di Jiu suddenly said, “everyone came here to leave the Qi Family House of Commerce. Young Master Qi said, it will be closed soon, if anyone does not go out first, kill innocent…”

Di Jiu spoke while the long sword in his hand went out, and he missed his kitchen knife at the moment. If the kitchen knife is in the hands, his strength will at least improve one level.

The cultivator in House of Commerce heard the killing, and then saw Di Jiu and Qi Shao together, where dare to stay? Almost in the shortest possible time, I rushed out of the Qi Family House of Commerce. When some cultivators rushed to the door, they saw that Di Jiu dared to start with Qi Shao, which speeded up the speed.

Qi Family House of Commerce in Fountain City Who doesn’t know?

“You are looking for death?” Qi Shao reacted, and Di Jiu dared to rush at the Qi Family House of Commerce.

Before he even started, he felt a threat of death.

Qi Shao is also Qi Condensation Perfection, and he knows in a flash that Di Jiu is against him in the plot. At this moment, he was mad by Di Jiu, the trifling Qi Condensation 5th layer, who dared to judge him in the Qi Family House of Commerce plot.

Without waiting for Qi Shao to sacrifice his own large axe, Di Jiu strike down the word qi into a terrifying blade momentum space strike fall down. Di Jiu a take action is his fourth blade, Desolate Wind Blade.

“Hey!” Even if Qi Shao reacted fast enough, the two word glows that turned into blade qi passed directly through his waist, and the two hooded blood mist burst.

Di Jiu was secretly shocked, and the fellow reaction was really fast enough. He suddenly did not kill under the sneak attack.

“I won’t break you down the bones and scatter the ashes. I am not a child of Qi Family.” Qi Shao has sacrificed a large axe. He ignored his own injuries and stared at Di Jiu almost literally. .

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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