“Brother Jiu, are we going to stay here for a long time? Is it Ouyang Tao’s Uncle Master will know that we killed Ouyang Tao?” See Di Jiu put down jade slip, Geng Ji asked quickly.

Di Jiu sighed. “Yes, his Uncle Master is a Peak Lord. It should be awesome, but I forgot one thing.”

“Forgot something?” Geng Ji asked.

“I forgot to ask Ouyang Tao, why should I count Jing Moshuang? I suspect that the mastermind of Jing Moshuang is probably not Ouyang Tao. Once it is not Ouyang Tao, it is not a good thing for us.” Di Jiu sighed, he really forgot It is.

In fact, Di Jiu did not care about Ouyang Tao, and did not care about Jing Moshuang. He just remembered that if it wasn’t Ouyang Tao plot against Jing Moshuang, he didn’t know why, but it was a hidden danger for him.

Geng Ji can’t help Di Jiu. What Di Jiu has forgotten, he naturally has no way to think about it.

“Don’t say this, you hold the spirit stone cultivating first, let me see what it is.” Di Jiu took out a low grade spirit stone and handed it to Geng Ji.

“Good.” For Geng Ji, the most important thing is whether it can be cultivating.

Didn’t see Di Jiu cultivating, Di Jiu can kill Star River School’s old Senior Brother. There is also Shudi, which doesn’t look like a simple fellow, still has to follow Brother Jiu. These make Geng Ji deeply admire Di Jiu, and in his subconscious, Brother Jiu’s ability is very strong.

If even Brother Jiu can’t make him cultivating, then he should be no longer playing.

Operating Star River Secret Art Geng Ji is not the first time, he already knows how to operate Star River Secret Art, the only thing is that his operating Star River Secret Art can not absorb Spiritual Qi.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has been on Geng Ji, Geng Ji operating Star River Secret Art, he clearly caught it. Soon he discovered that Geng Ji’s condition is not that he can’t absorb Spiritual Qi, but that Geng Ji absorbs Spiritual Qi and does not absorb it.

Spiritual Qi dissipated into space again after running through the Star River Secret Art at Geng Ji within the body.

Is it that Star River Secret Art is not suitable for Geng Ji cultivating? Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is constantly observed in Geng Ji and even penetrates into the revolving circulatory cycle.

An ignorance, a fearless one.

If someone else is cultivating, someone has a spiritual sense that permeates into the revolving circulatory cycle, and the cultivator has long been Qi Deviation. Geng Ji was originally a rough nerve, and in his opinion, Brother Jiu always helped him. When he circulatory cycle circulates qi, there was no hesitation and stagnation.

After several circulatory cycles, Di Jiu observed it and did not have any income.

Don’t say that Di Jiu has just been exposed to cultivating. Even if it is a Golden Core Cultivator, it is not always possible to find out the problem of Geng Ji.

Di Jiu put out a finger on the top of Geng Ji’s eyebrows and said, “Geng Ji, you cultivating your own, don’t worry about my movements.”

Geng Ji, like Di Jiu, knows nothing. Where does he know that Di Jiu’s action will accidentally break his Purple Mansion and become a waste?

Although Di Jiu is a Medical Grandmaster, cultivating Dao and medical treatment are two different things. I don’t understand, so I dare to do this.

Geng Ji revolving circulatory cycle When I arrived in Niwan, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense mobilized the gray stone in Sea of ​​Consciousness. The Spiritual Qi absorbed by Geng Ji was swept away by the gray stone in an instant, and then sent back to the Niwan Palace of Geng Ji by Di Jiu and continued to revolving the circulatory cycle.

With just one circulatory cycle, Di Jiu clearly feels that this circulatory cycle absorbs Spiritual Qi into True Origin.

Di Jiu was very excited, he quickly put down his hand.

Geng Ji continues to revolving the circulatory cycle without any awareness. After Di Jiu’s fingers are taken away, his revolving circulatory cycle can still convert Spiritual Qi into a cultivation base.

Only at this moment, Geng Ji was completely immersed in cultivating, and I don’t know if Di Jiu has continued to interfere with his cultivating.

This extremely small probability has actually succeeded.

Feel the height of Geng Ji’s cultivation base as seen by the naked eye. Di Jiu grabbed a bunch of spirit stone and placed it next to Geng Ji, then took Ouyang Tao’s material and began to refine the Array Flag.

Half a day later, Di Jiu laid out a Spirit Gathering Array and a defense array, both of which are grade 2 arrays.

Only two arrays were arranged separately, and Di Jiu clearly felt that his understanding of Array Dao was more thorough. He had studied Array Dao for a year or two, and it was based on the theoretical knowledge formed by the gray stone in Sea of ​​Consciousness. Now that he has laid out two arrays, it means that Di Jiu has truly become an Array Dao.

“Boom!” In the room, Spiritual Qi violently fluctuated. Geng Ji opened his eyes and excitedly watched Di Jiu. “Brother Jiu, I can cultivate, I can really cultivate…”

“You can not only cultivating, cultivating faster than me. This is only half a day, you are Qi Condensation First Layer.” Di Jiu are shaking their heads, this fellow aptitude is really terrible. Until now, Di Jiu understood why Elder Yu had to make an exception to Geng Ji.

“Thank you, Brother Jiu.” Foundation The excited words are a bit incoherent. “I can clearly feel a thing now. When I am cultivating, it is like a water…”

When Di Jiu thought of himself cultivating, the gray stone seemed to help him break the Heaven and Earth Law in cultivating, so that he would not be confused in cultivating, causing a sense of stagnation. It seems that Geng Ji is also because of the gray stone, the understanding of the cultivating process far exceeds the average person.

“What’s polite, there is a bunch of spirit stone here, you have to cultivating quickly. My cultivation speed is very fast, don’t be left behind by me.” Di Jiu pointed to the stone, now he has hundreds of spiral stones He naturally wants to convert these spirit stones into cultivation base and then go to Fountain Forest.

“Yes, Brother Jiu, I still suspect that I am third way to absorb Spiritual Qi, and in my within the body formed a rough vague star river…”

“Cleaning star river vein cultivation way?” Di Jiu asked with amazement, and he immediately confirmed that Geng Ji did not lie.

Through gray stone, he opened up the Star River Secret Art’s 4th way, Starry Sky Vein’s cultivation way. Now his gray stone has helped Geng Ji, and Geng Ji is the cultivation way of the opening star river vein. It seems that this gray stone is too powerful.

“Geng Ji, you continue to cultivating. And your cultivation star river vein cultivation way. Don’t tell anyone, don’t you know?” Di Jiu cautiously warned Geng Ji.

In the unlikely event that Geng Ji said that he had missed his mouth, the life of Di Jiu was finished.

“Brother Jiu, you can rest assured that even if I kill me, I won’t say it.” Geng Ji is not an idiot. He guessed that he started Star River Vein cultivating because of Brother Jiu’s help. This thing leaked out, and it is very likely that Di Jiu will be in danger.

Di Jiu then threw Shudi out too. “The protection array is all set up. Let’s cultivating together. I have some Fasting Pill here. Everyone is hungry and eats one.”

When Shudi saw the spirit stone, his eyes glowed, and Geng Ji was eager to continue cultivating.

Di Jiu was without a spirit stone before, now I got a bunch of spirit stone and I have to improve my strength.

The three were madly cultivating in the Spirit Gathering Array, and Spiritual Qi quickly formed a whirlpool in the room.

Di Jiu has no experience, and over time, it is unlikely that such cultivating will not be seen by others.


The people who came to Fountain City were almost all over the Northern State, and even the rest of the State came. But the Fountain of Ten Fountain City is not messy, and there are only five influences in the entire Fountain City.

The five influences are Medicinal Pill Gathering Union, Jingyi Magical Treasure, Qi Family House of Commerce, Fountain Wei Family, and Rogue Cultivator Guild.

According to the truth, the people who come from Fountain City are rogue cultivators, or the scattered major sect outer sect disciples. Rogue Cultivator Guild should be the most powerful.

In fact, the biggest strength of Fountain City is the Qi Family House of Commerce, and the Qi Family House of Commerce is not the Fountain City native influence. The rumor is one of the top House of Commerce on the continent, and the House of Commerce will have its own House of Commerce on either corner of the Extreme Night Continent.

Even in the Fountain City, where the birds don’t pull, the Qi Family House of Commerce also has a Golden Core Cultivator. To know the Golden Core Cultivator, in the general sect, that is the existence of Elder.

The Young Master at the Qi Family House of Commerce is now Qi Shao, Qi Condensation 9th layer Perfection, and even the Half-step Foundation Establishment. In Fountain City, Qi Condensation Perfection is expert.

Qi Shao is also part of the Qi Family. The reason why he stayed in Fountain City is that he found that Fountain City has no top grade treasure, but it is especially helpful for his current realm cultivation base. When he first came to Fountain City, he was just the Qi Condensation 6th layer. Only a year later, he came to the Qi Condensation 9th layer Perfection. Even if it is sect cultivating, it is not estimated to be so fast.

To attack the Foundation Establishment through the Foundation Establishment Pill, he has been successful in the Foundation Establishment. Qi Shao has not had a Foundation Establishment until now, one because he wants to not pass the Foundation Establishment Pill Foundation Establishment, and the second wants to stabilize his foundation. As a disciple of a big family, it is natural to know how much the Foundation Establishment Pill Foundation Establishment differs from the Foundation Establishment Pill Foundation Establishment.

In the most powerful room of the Qi Family House of Commerce Spiritual Qi, Qi Shao is working on a technique jade slip that he just got, and a message appears in his communication bead.

Spiritual Qi Whirlpool appeared in the Rogue cultivator Inn in Fountain City. I heard that it was the two low-level rogue cultivators that just came here.

The low level rogue cultivator that just came here can cultivating Spiritual Qi Whirlpool? Qi Shao stood up immediately. He is from the Qi Family House of Commerce and naturally knows what is going on with Spiritual Qi Whirlpool. Qi Family was unable to make Spiritual Qi Whirlpool when they were cultivating at Golden Core Guardian Wan Leng in Fountain City.

I have to go and see what is going on.


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