
Hei Jue swallowed his throat, looking at the inexplicable chat room picture in front of his eyes, depressed: "Can you really communicate directly with people in the pure land? My God ...Can you communicate directly with us? "

Uchiha recovered from the loss of soil, and said slowly: "He should now be able to see the communication, but he doesn't know if there is any unlocking speech.


Hei Jue hates: "The abominable sky curtain system! This thing is really weird! Even this outrageous thing can be done! However, if we can communicate directly with the adults, then we may really be able to really.A better implementation plan.


Uchiha took a band: "The communication above will be directly exposed to the whole ninja world. If you want to plan, then be ready to be paid attention to by those who are all ninja ..."

"Well." Hei Jue sighed, and said: "You are right, you still have to complete the wood leaf subversion plan! I hope to arrest all nine tails and one tail at one time!The system of the room is still open, so we may be able to intimidate the whole ninja directly! Maybe many people will consciously make the tail beast!

Speaking of the plan.

Hei Jue looked at the right to unlock the speech in front of him.

My speech permissions are actually unlocked ...

Good guy, Ben Heiwean is really different from others.

However, I will not be on your concave.

I have a black man who is hidden in the secret to save his mother.

It will never be exposed so easily in front of the ninja!

"I just don't know, my mother can see the video of the sky ... alas, if she can see it, there must be a way

The sky -time video was destroyed."Hei Jue's heart secretly said.

In the ninja, a group of people lamented the magic of the chat room.

At this time.

A new name, new words appear in the chat room.

[(Tsunade: "Grandpa? Is it really you? You are still alive in Pure Land.?")]


This name surprised many people in the ninja.

This is the new Naruto!

One of the former Muye.

Unexpectedly, Tsunade actually spoke directly.

In Muye Village, in front of the death forest.

The ninja and residents were also surprised.

They were standing not far away, watching the Tsunade in front of the chat room window, and they showed envy.

"Lord Naruto successfully unlocked the speech permissions.


"It is worthy of the Naruto of Muye. At present, the authority of unlocking the speech seems to be all big characters!

"Woohoo, I really want to talk, I want to chat with my brother in Pure Land!"

Many people sighed and mourned again.


Qi Mu Kakashi looked at the chat room dirty, thinking: "A chat room that can connect with everyone in the ninja world, it is really exaggerated ... bring soil ... if I speakCan you see ... Lin, you are in pure land, do you see the current look of pressure ... "

"Maybe only by you can we turn back with the soil."

After knowing that Uchiha with soil is the mask man.

At the beginning of Kakashi, it was extremely unacceptable.

The former sunshine teenager, who loves companions, loves life, and loves wood leaf!

How could it become such a ruthless, extreme vicious ninja?

But in the end, the reality in the video was in front of it.

He can't accept it.

Then he can't do it at all.

And although the mask has not taken off, but on this issue, the barrage has never been panic.

"Although it is accepted, I will never sit at you and continue to fall, with the soil ..." Kakashi secretly said:

In order to save Sasuke, Naruto would rather sacrifice myself, and I would do everything, and I am the same to you!

He can say that from the previous video, Naruto's attitude towards Sasuke has learned a lot.

Continue to look at the chat room.

After the Tsunade was asked.

The reply between Qianshouzhu appeared immediately.

[(Thousands of hands: "Oh! Tsunade?! Hahaha, it was really Tsunade. I didn't expect you to become Naruto ... It's really surprisingI still love gambling as before? It's really nagging when I think of it.

Muye, the expression that Tsunade originally expected, suddenly stunned.

Next to, the mute immediately flustered.

It's over, it's over! The information of Naruto loves gambling is just spreading! This will definitely cause a huge blow to the image of Master Tsunade!What about!


Tsunade's smile appeared instantly, and happily preached in the chat room: (Hahaha! Grandpa! Grandpa!Gambling! Grandpa! I am the god of gambling in the ninja!) [ 071063511]

The corner of the mute mouth was pumped.

If you say this, do you believe it yourself?

Everywhere in the ninja world, those who also understand Gangto gambling also shook their heads and laughed.

"Ah haha, this guy, Tsunade, really dare to say!"

"It's great, it's great, she really became a Naruto in bed! Our gambling debt finally settled.


"But, boss, how can we ask Tsunade for this money, will he give it?"

"Uh ... it should be, right? Naruto of Muye! It would be abominable if Lai Lai! Tsunade's character seems OK."

[(Thousands of hands: "Oh? It's great! Little Tsunami! But we must be dead, the difference between Pure Land and the world is still very large. Although I have always had some consciousness, but after the sky -time video is openedThe entire pure land is like living. Everyone can watch the video together, it is really a lot of lively, hahaha.

(("The only thing that makes me feel (Wang Zhao) is a pity, that is, I haven't seen the guy of Ban. I don't know where he is now. If he is next to him, it may be happier, hahaha.")]]

Pure land.

Uchiha was looking at the chat room, the words between the thousand hands.


Well, wise


What about the world!


He laughed and said, "Pillar room, pillar room, I am different from you, I will be resurrected in the future, and re -fall

"But ... if you can talk to the pillar in advance, it seems good ..."

After looking at his name in front of Qianshouzhu, he suddenly unlocked the chat box, and he slowly started his speech.

[(Uchiha Ban: "Hum, pillar! If you see me now, you may not be happy, now I

Back has long been surpassed you! ")]]

This name, the words of this character come out.

The whole ninja was shocked, and Qi Qi shook tons.


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