
As if an old blood spit out, a group of people coughed loudly.

Seeing the name of Qian Qianjian appeared in the window of the chat room.

Countless people in the ninja are glaring in their eyes instantly!

The eyes are unbelievable!

"What's going on?! This name? This name is Qianshou, right? He is called the sun ... Tuanzang ... should this guy be the first one of the wood leaf?The second generation of Naruto?!

"Wow! Wow! In addition to the second -generation Naruto of Muye, who else dares to call Muye's three generations of Naruto and Shimura Tuanzang?

"Impossible! Isn't the second -generation Naruto of Koba who died long ago?!

Countless people were extremely shocking, and spoke to the sudden appearance of the thousand hands that appeared suddenly.

The main reason is naturally ... The thousand hands are obviously a dead person. How can the dead be able to speak?

"Can people who do not die can also see the sky screen video?"

"How is it possible! Dead is dead. If you are dead, you can see it. This is too weird!

In countless people full of terrible discussions.

In the chat room, the new remarks appeared again.

((Chat room-Qianshouzhu room: "Yo! Hahaha, Kanjian! I can really see your speech? This function is really interesting, but if you don’t know if those who are still alive in the ninja world can seeWe spoke, but I didn't expect it, I could communicate directly on it ... In this way, can all people with pure land be communicated here? ")]]

At this moment when you see the name between Qianshou Pillar in the chat room.

Countless people in the ninja stayed in an instant.

"Thousand ... Thousands of hands ..."

"Is the god of the ninja thousands of hands!"

"Oh my god! He mentioned Pure Land! The living in the ninja ... They are really death now?!"

"Is the dead living in Pure Land?! They can really watch the sky screen video! You can also use the chat room system to communicate?!"

"It's exaggerated! It's so exciting!


In a short time, the whole ninja was boiling.

In Muye Village.

The ape flying in the dead forest is cut off, and his face was excited to look at the names of the two people appearing on the chat room. He shouted 27: "Teacher Kanjian said yes! They can also see the sky curtain in the pure land, and they can also see the sky curtain.Video playback! This turned out to be true!

The same surprise of the same face is full of incredibly unbelievable, and said: "I didn't expect, the sky -to -video video system upgraded, and there would be such a great function!


"Unlocked! Unlock! My speech restrictions have been unlocked!" Ape Fei Ri Zhan hasn't had such excitement for a long time

Of course, there is also the reason why he has removed the position of Naruto.

From this moment, he seemed to have recalled the youth that he had grown under the hands of Teacher Jianjian.

I also looked at my speaking panel, and said in surprise: "Well, mine also successfully unlocked."

The ape flying sun did not continue to waste time, and immediately spoke in the chat room.

For a moment.

In the whole ninja world, the creatures and undeads of the whole pure land saw his remarks.

((Chat room-ape flying sun cut: "Teacher! Teacher Jian! And the first generation of adults! You can really speak! This is really good! I am still alive, I can see your remarks in the world!").

((Chat room-Qianshou Kanjian: "Oh! This chat room function can really allow us to communicate! It's really easy to use!")]

((Chat room-Qianshou Zhu Jian: "Hahaha! You are the apprentice of Kanjian! Is he always called you a monkey? Unfortunately, I don't have too much time to get along with you, leading Muye for so many years,It's really living ")]]

((Chat room-ape flying day cut the excitement: "No! No hard! I can be a Naruto of wood leaf! It is the glory of my life! For the wood leaf, I am willing to give everything!")]

Everyone in the ninja looked at the chat room, and the three of them talked to the sky in a word, and they were completely stunned.

"What ..." Ohno rubbed his eyes and spoke incredible: "Is the old man really fainted? Why ... why suddenly there is such a clue to the old man.What is nothing? "

In his many years of life.

There are too many incidents that have been contacted.

His experience is also very rich.

Even if the sky -time video came a while ago, he did not make him feel like an incredible feeling.

But the chat room system that was unlocked suddenly at this time made him really incomprehensible.

((Chat Room-Two Libra Oki: "It's over, it's over, I feel like my old eyes are faint, and there are dead people.

It's enough to speak ... or let everyone in the ninja see it, it is too outrageous.")]

"Yeah! Grandpa!" Hei Tu shouted shocked: "Your speech was unlocked!"

Ohnu touched his chin, and soon calmed down, and said, "Oh! As a dark shadow, it is normal to unlock, right?! Even if it is difficult to understand, I have to study them clearly!"

((Chat room-ape flying sun cut: "Dasunmu? Is it the shadow of Damanmu? I didn't expect you to speak!")

((Chat room-Thousand Hand Pillar Room: "Oh? Tu Ying? Ohnu, is it the former red nose child? I seem to have a little impression of him.I seem to have seen him, have you become a shadow ... ")]]]

((Chat Room-Two Labels, Ohnu: "Ape Flying Sun, what do you mean by your guy! You can speak with people of Muye, why can't I do it? Haha, what is the injury on your guy?有没有快死哦?听说你都把火影位置让出去了?我看你是不是马上要死在床上了?”)】

Once these words come out.

The ninja shook.

"What? Are the three generations of Muye's three generations of Naruto die?

"I also heard the news of the three generations of Muye's resignation. Now it is the fifth -generation Naruto Tsunade's throne. It was so suddenly resigned. Is the three generations of Muye really dying by the big snake pills like a rumor?


Everyone talks about it.

((Chat room-Qianshou Qianjian also said with a serious text: "Monkey! You should have nothing?"]]

((Chat room-ape flying sun cut: "Rest assured, Teacher Kanjian, with your reminder, in the previous battle, I have not been damaged. I have passed it to Tsunade in Naruto.Will continue to contribute to Muye in secret.

((Chat room-Qianshou Kanjian: "Hmm! The abominable Dashe Wan, dare to use the dirty soil reincarnation I invented to control me! He should also see these dialogues?In the case of irreparable damage, the old man forgives you once, but if you dare to be presumably, even if I am dead, it will make you regret it for life! ")]]]

Once this says.

The ninja world was suddenly surprised!

"Dirty soil reincarnation! This is true! The rumor that I heard before is true!

"The second -generation Naruto of the wood leaf is really summoned by Dashe Wan!"

"In other words, in the Muye Village, Qianshou Kanjian was summoned to deal with oscoro.

No wonder the Dashe Wan can escape from the surrounding of Kota Leaf Ninja.

"He also rescued Zhicun Tsui by the way."


One time.

The doubts of everyone in the ninja period have been answered.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

When I heard that Dashe Wan can actually from the hands of the so many leafs, to help Shimura Tuan escape, many people are

I feel incredible.

Generally speaking, everyone wants to defect, and it is also secretly fled in private.

How can it be so bright?

However, when I heard the legendary second -generation Naruto Qian Qianjian appeared to help these two wood leaf rebellion,

Someone was even more surprised, and unexpectedly reached the point where he couldn't believe it at all.

nowadays.[ 071063431]

In the chat room, I got the proof of Qian Qianjian.

They really affirmed everything.

Muye Village.

Among the crowd in front of the death forest.

Dashe Wan looked at the two generations of Naruto Qian Qian between the two generations of Naruto in the chat room.

"Unexpectedly, the souls in the pure land really can really watch the sky video video, which surprised me."

He was mad in his eyes and murmured in his mouth.

The pharmacist pushed his glasses and laughed: "Oh, the world in the pure land does not know what it looks like, but this sky -omy video must be the most amazing existence so far, and it can radiate to such a lot of places.Surprisingly.

Woolen cloth.

"Lord Snake Wan, look at the tone of the second generation of Naruto, I think if you use the dirty soil to reincarnate, you may need to be careful


"Stain. Dashe Wan laughed gently:" What can be rational, a dead man, after all, he is dead, they

Even if they are resurrected, they can only be controlled by people of the world.

He did not hesitate to speak in the chat room.

[(Dashe Wan: "The second generation of Naruto, I have no intention of offending you, just try to experiment with the greatness you created

Just ninjutsu, in a sense, you are my most respectable person.")]

[(Ape Flying Sun Chop: "Big Snake Pills! You can really speak!"]]

[(Dashe Wan: "Oh, teacher, is your body okay? You must take care of it.")]

((Ape Feiri cuts: "I would never have anything to do before I grabbed you back to the wood leaf."]]

Everyone in the ninja looked at this quarrel, and Yi Shi was stunned.

Naruto shouted: "Wow! Why is my speech unlocked! Damn! Unlock and unlock! '

Naruto's face was depressed on the illusory chat box in front of him.

The same is true of Uchiha Sasuke.

"You can connect the Pure Land ... The dead person can also speak here again ..." ... "Sasuke murmured in his heart, full of difficulty

The color of the letter, stretched out his hand, like Naruto, facing the chat room in front of you.

He wanted to know.

Can I use this platform to communicate with my parents who have died again ?!

Pure land.

In the new family of Uchiha.

"Can you communicate directly with the people outside through the chat room?! Hurry up! Try it! See if anyone’s chat room

The function is unlocked! "


"It's so cool! If you can communicate with outside, I must scold Muye with limited!

"Our Uchiha family has not died yet! I want to persuade Sasuke to marry more wives and give birth to children! '

Many Uchiha people fiddled with excitement in the chat room in front of them.

Uchiha Meiqin is also very excited. She reached out and touched the chat box in front of her, and wanted to make her own text. Try it

Can 203 cannot communicate with those who are still alive, and their son.

Unfortunately, at this time her speech permissions had not been unlocked.

"Don't worry! Uchiha Fuyue looked at his wife full of anxiety, and said:" Since this function is unlocked now,

Then we must have the opportunity to communicate with Sasuke! There are Itachi ·


Uchiha Meiqin nodded excitedly, saying, "It's great! Great, I thought I had no chance to speak to them again, I am

Be sure to persuade Sasuke to get along with Itachi, don't kill each other ... They are brothers!

the other side.

The place where the god of death is seal.

"I can really see the words of the outside world! Xuanxuan Xin Nai covered her face, her face was excited, and said:" This chat

The room system is too powerful! Does this mean, can we communicate with Naruto?! Is it?! "

"Yes! Yes!" Bo Feng Shuimen smiled slightly, soothing Xin Nai, said: "You can have a chance, rest assured!"

It's not just Uchiha Sasuke and Switching Naruto.

Ninja Ninja has countless ninjas who have died.

Seeing through the chat room.

After communicating directly with people who are already in Pure Land.

All of them shocked.

The emotions in my heart are extremely excited.

Dead friends, have a chance to communicate again?

In a dangerous place in the ninja.

Who's not a few important friends or relatives who have died?

The sudden unlocking of the chat room made countless people look forward to it and want to speak.

However, because of special restrictions, at this moment, many people have not been restricted by speaking by the chat room.

In the dark tree hole.

"Chat room ... Pure Land ..." Uchiha stared at the chat room function in a dumbfounded manner, and murmured in his heart: "Lin ·

Can you see it too? Do you also turn on this chat room? I still have a chance, and talk to you again?

"In the previous video, in order to see you again, everything I want to do, did you see it?"

For a while, he was both looking forward to, but also scared.

...... "

Looking forward to seeing the hot love that he does not retain her, but afraid, she will blame his behavior in the middle of the district.

After all, what kind of people are like, they really know the soil.

Such a kind girl will never want it. He becomes now. In order to achieve the goal, he kills countless people's extremes


"But I'm for you, Lin ... I want to create one, we are all in the world, where we will continue to be happy

If you live, you are there, I am also ... Kakashi is also ... can you understand me ... "

Uchiha stared at the chat room tremblingly.Essence

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