Naruto's command.

All the wood leaf ninjas moved together.

On the top of the Naruto Building, in order to prevent someone from hearing, Yamako Yoshino shouted loudly: "Hurry! Everyone! Three generations of Fire Shadow adults speak! Grasp the Tuanzang! This guy wants to betray the wood leaf!

Her voice spread all around.

For a time, the villagers of Muye panicked.


After all, many people are not ninjas, but ordinary wooden leaves villagers.

Next, it is obviously a horrible war.

How dangerous do they continue to stay here!

In case of crazy hiding, it will be done with them.

"Everyone, retreat quickly! Be careful to hide these people! Ninjas blocked him, and the people below the ninja evacuated as soon as possible! Tap also followed the three generations of Naruto apes and shouted.

As a result, a large number of Muye villagers started emergency evacuation.

They ran towards the Quartet.

The residents of the right side of the Tuanzang escaped from the right directions were even more panicked.

"Huh!" Zhicun Tuan hid coldly, saying: "It's really a group of black people! We have a gang of stupid villages in Muye

People! It's so sad!

These idiots.

When he scolded him just now, he didn't feel mercy.

Now he is going to run away, and he is panicked one by one.

From the perspective of Shimura Tuanzang, this is a manifestation of villagers who have no discipline.

There is no momentum that villagers should have in the first ninja villager in the dignitarian ninja!

The first to catch up was Qi Mu Kakashi. After all, he was close to Zhicun Tuanzang at the beginning.

"Tuanzang! Capture your hands! You have had a lot of credit for Muye, Master Naruto will never want you to live! Kakashi's voice is calm, the writing of the wheel eye has opened, the right hand slowly condenses a thunder, followed by followedjust.

"Oh!" Shimura Tuanzang sneered, saying: "I don't know this weak guy, won't I do it? But this is not enough! I can't lose the root! This is the safety of the safety of the wood leaf.Fundamental! You will never understand such a guy!



Suddenly, a few fierce beasts composed of ink rushed out of the side of a member of the root, and then fluttered towards Kakashi.

Kakashi stunned, then hurriedly avoided, thunderous, fighting the fantasy beast composed of ink.

"Do it well, Sajin!" Shimura Tuanzang faintly said.

Just like this, they have successfully left Kakashi.

"Earthlife! Earth flowing wall!" In front of, nearly ten wood leaf ninjas suddenly appeared, and instantly printed a shot.

The huge rock wall grew up from the ground immediately.

Try to block the escape from Tuanzang.

"Wind! Vacuum waves!" Shimura Tuanzang's hands stamped, looking at the earth wall in front, pressing sharply!

Many members behind him have also made their own attacks.

Boom !!

Suddenly, the soil wall was broken, and the Zhicun Tuanzang easily broke through!

He jumped in the crowd and stepped on the shoulders and heads of a wooden leaf villager, and kept moving forward.

Between 唰唰唰.

Just leap out dozens of meters.

But soon, a large number of villagers fled.

Numerous Muye ninjas were blocked from all directions.



Suddenly, a huge smoke exploded.

A huge toad appeared directly in front of Tuanzang and others.

He was holding a cigarette fight, and he was constantly sucking.

Tap is also standing above the toad's head, and his eyes are a little serious: "Tuanzang! Naruto's punishment for you has been promulgated, if you still

If you want to continue to confront, then you need to be in the village theory! Do you really have to betray the wood leaf?!

"It's a self -also!" (Watching the violent novel, go to Novel Network!)

For a while, the villagers who were panicked around were extremely excited and looked at the scene happily.

The original concerns in my heart have dissipated a lot.

Zito is also one of the three tolerances of Muye!

I used to have the opportunity to be the existence of Naruto!

Such a role is often strong.[ 231043221]

Everyone is also very confident in tap.

Now that he has shot, Shimura Tazao must not escape.

"Huh! Joke! Shimura Tuanzang was cold and calm, calmly:" The old man will never betray the wood leaf! I am a man who is born in the wood leaf, and the death of the wood leaf is also the place where I grow up for a lifetime, even if everyone isI betrayed the wood leaf, I can't! "

The Muye ninjas around listened to this and frowned.

They also felt that Tuanzang could not betray wood leaves.

So at this time, Tuanzang made such a running run, which would shock them so much. At first, it was even in a state of circles. It is also strange to say: "Why do you want to escape! Muye's punishment for you at most is to keep you no longer holding the roots. You are so older, isn't it good to go back to the elderly?"

The calm face of Zhicun Tuanzang couldn't help but pump, and said fiercely: "Go back to the elderly?! Do you think I am like you!

Zito also: "..."

He touched his head helplessly, and said, "We are all old guys, it's too ambitious. I said that Master Tibetan, you should still think about the kind of video, unify the entire ninja world, eliminate other other world, eliminate other other world, eliminate other worlds, eliminate other worldsAll Ninja Village Cubi, right?

"Huh!" Shimura Tuanzang said: "This is the real path of peace, but also the road that allows our wood leaf to be prosperous forever. You of your timid and weak guys take the strongest strength of the wood leaf.But I don’t know how to use it! If I come to be Naruto

This is not the case!


"All right..


Because you have traveled the entire ninja.

I also understand that the Shimura Tuanzang is really thinking about the unified

It is not believed that the ninja world can be unified at all.

Moreover, the strength of the wood leaf has not been able to relax the level of four Tian Ren Village.

In this case, this ideal of Tuanzang cannot be realized at all!

There is only one way to realize the peace of the ninja, that is, the son of the prophecy!

"Tuanzang, in this case, don't blame me!" The self -complexion became serious.

Although he is usually not very serious and his behavior is casual.

But in the face of the real 2.2 event, the chain will never be dropped.

Tuanzang wants to defeat wooden leaves? This is obviously very dangerous and terrible.

As the elder of the wooden leaves, the secrets he knew were unclear, and the roots were created in one hand.

Hidden life is from!

If he really escaped.

The impact on wood leaves is too bad!

"Hehe." Shimura Tuanzang torn out the bandage slowly, slowly: "In this case, let the old man try your strength! But as long as the old man thinks, I can leave here, no, no, no, no, noIt is recommended that you waste too much time.

"Are you ready to use Yixie Naqi ..." He also narrowed his eyes, thinking about the group Tibetan cards that had been seen in the video before.

Just as the writing wheel eye on the arm of Tuanzang was just revealed.

A snake's hiss came!


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