If you want to resurrect the big tube Muhui Ye, you must first resurrect Uchiha.

Only in this way can we have the opportunity to unbutton the mother's seal.

Black definitely understands this.

Although it is his alternative to bringing the soil, if the long door can be resurrected through the reincarnation technique, he don’t need to worry about it.

Think about how to use the soil.


"Now that there is more video variables, the best goal is Longmen. Hei Jue secretly thought:" This time, I have to stare at him tightly.


Bai Jue said with a smile: "Oh, okay, then I will notify the factory to go down the long door.


Skymill video ends.

The entire ninja world is still unhappy.

They all wanted to know what would happen next.

According to the progress in the video, the next time Uchiha has launched the fourth ninja war with Uchiha.

Yanyin Village.

The black soil excitedly preached: "Oh, when will the next video come, will it appear again soon?! I can't wait now! I really want to see what will happen in the future!"

Ohnu touched the red nose, and said: "The playback of the sky screen videos is basically no regular, sometimes it is a long time, and sometimes it will continue immediately. Let's put these things down for the time being!


He continued: "Sort out all the information and information from the video, and send some people to the dark country to hide.

The black soil was curious: "Old man, what are you doing?"

"Hum!" Ohno Muyin laughed, and said: "In the video of the sky, the Xiao Organization almost ruined the entire wood leaf! Now the wood leaf is up and down, I am afraid that there is only one goal, that is, the first thing is to be strong, and take the lead in Xiao Xiao.There may be a good show to watch Long.


"Moreover, the guy in Tuanzang, after this matter, I don't know what it will like to fall in Koba's prestige. I have to know these news as soon as possible!


The black soil nodded, and said, "It makes sense.

Immediately after, she laughed: "Hey, and the Uchihasa Sasuke! I think he is very good to be my new teacher! Let him kill the guy of Didala! Hahaha, it is a fateful duel.! It must be very interesting.

"Okay! I decide! I want to solicit this guy in person!"

As soon as the corner of Okan Mu's mouth was pumped, it was speechless: "Don't be stupid, don't have seen the video of Muye, do you think Uchiha Saido can still be so free? And, the ape flying sun is not a fool!"

He murmured: "If it is a genius worthy of cultivation, no one will continue to make mistakes.

Yunyin Village.


"Master Lei Ying, Muye should be targeting Xiao, do some tasks, what do we need to do?" Darui asked.

"Huh!" Lei Ying Ai stood up, like a thunder, a big state: "A bad organization! A group of bastards who love to make conspiracy! The goal is the tail beast! It is destined to be the absolute enemy!The terrorist of the world! Must be eliminated


"How do you need help on the other side of Muye, and provide them with help in time! If people organized by Xiaoxiao dare to break into the country of clouds, let me kill me!"


Daruy said in surprise: "I thought that Lord Lei Ying would take this opportunity to win a little benefit from Muye

Woolen cloth.


"Hum! Sitting down another buttocks in the movie, disdain:" I don't want to have any involvement with a terrorist organization!


If wood leaves fight with other villages, or internal chaos.

Movies may find ways to fight for some benefits.

However, the trapped leaves are to deal with the terrorist organization Xiao.

It happened that Lei Ying also hated these guys.

So he will not make an article on such a matter.

Wuyin Village.

Shui Ying Zhaomei looked at the disappearance of the sky, and said, "Green, it can be determined. The Organization of Xiao is the culprit to control the first Daishui shadow!"

The green face nodded dignifiedly, saying: "Yes, and the controller should be Uchiha with soil! He has the eyes of the wheel, and the Uchiha family is proficient in illusions. It should be affected by him.


"This bastard!" Shui Yingzhao gritted her teeth, and a strong murderous spirit flashed in my eyes, and said coldly: "From today, Wuyin Village will give me a full -scale wanted to know the organization! Intelligence staff also sent it, and all the members of the Xiao Organization member will be sent.All information is collected!



Qing Dao: "Yes! Master Shuiying, then the wood leaves should also be moved to Xiao, maybe we can cooperate with them.

Zhao Meiming nodded, and said, "Then this matter will be given to you to coordinate with them."


Shayin Village.

Fengying Conference room.

"It's finally over." Kan Jiulang wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said: "The sky -high video of the meeting suddenly came again, so we delayed our time, sorry, my father."

He and Temari have just been running, and then came to the conference room.

Temari also exhaled, and said, "What do you want to discuss this time?"

She glanced at it and saw that many senior executives in Salin Village had arrived.

Chiyo's mother -in -law was also here ... she thought a little surprise.

Luo Sha was sitting at the center of the conference table. He looked at the two and asked calmly, "What about I love Luo?"

"Ah." Kan Jiulang said: "We brought him, behind us, but we ran a little faster

But there is one thing I have to say, I love him ... he has become a bit different.


Luo Sha frowned.

I want to speak.

Outside the door, I love Luo's figure slowly appearing, what happened under Tao.

His voice was bland and calm.

But it is no longer as cold and suffocating as before.

Many of the high -level Sandy Village in the meeting room were a little surprised.

In the future, I have seen them in the video.

Although he felt surprised, he did hide it like that.


Unexpectedly, after watching the video, I now I have begun to change?

After Luo Sha looked at my love Luo, he motioned for all three to sit down.

Then speak to all humanity: "I have decided! I want to attack Muye! Just cooperate with Dashe Wan!"

In Muye Village.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

The villagers looked at the screen that had been completely black.

"It's over, it's all over."

"The guy Tuanzang finally died in the end.

"Unexpectedly, the Tuanzang harmed the Uchiha family, and was finally killed by Uchiha Sasuke.

"Uchiha Sasuke is really too bad in the future. He not only wants to kill Sasuke, but also wants to kill us ... Fortunately, some young master



[ 231043131]

Everyone's discussion was immersed in the video content just now.


Naruto stated excitedly: "I'm so handsome in the future! Hey, it's also a better to Sasuke! Should


Just rush up and beat him hard!

It was to fight with me, and it was you who died in the end, and I wouldn't have anything.

Sasuke listened, his face was dissatisfied, and said, "Do you think you can really win me? In the future, your vision will not work.


No matter what.

At this time, he was still very good.

I really don't like to see Naruto here, with the help of the future herself.

He sneered again: "Naruto, you can win me by yourself if you have the ability. Don't always pull the future.

Well, isn't it now, do you understand?! I never regarded the future of me in the video as myself!


In his eyes, he is a fool in the future.

Naturally, she has no sense of substitution at all!

"The abominable Sasuke! You wait for me! How long will I defeat you by myself and then beat you fiercely!

People shouted.

The noise of the two spread, making the people around them laugh.




The two people really had to fry and stir up, and played a dozen attitude.

The future Uchiha with soil ... it seems that it is really right.

"Betting, probably this is the establishment of this." Qi Mu Kakashi looked at Naruto who was unconvinced and thought of in the video just now.

It's so firm.

It is so determined to treat Sasuke's attitude.

Maybe only such an attitude can have the opportunity to save Sasuke, which has been completely crazy, and save it!

He also nodded with gratitude, saying: "I have completely believed that Naruto can become a hero of Ninja ... The prophecy will eventually meet

Realization, there is no more suitable son than Naruto!


"The son of the prophet? Kakashi frowned.


"Hehe. I also laughed:" Kakashi, you believe that one day, the ninja will fully realize peace, everyone

Living in peace and career, everyone no longer fights with each other, but supports each other and live in this ninja together? "

Kakashi shook his head in disbelief, saying: "How is this .........

He worked in the dark for a long time.

It is very clear that there is still a dangerous trend in the peaceful ninja world today, secretly.

Such a ninja world can say that it can achieve complete peace.

Seeking flowers •


Then he absolutely didn't believe it at all ...

He nodded and laughed: "But I believe, and that day will definitely come! This is a doomed prophecy!

Just as the two communicated with each other.


"Want to escape! Tuanzang! You go to death for me!


Sasuke's drink came.

Everyone who was still talking about was shocked, and then quickly looked at it.

I saw that Zhicun Tuanzang jumped up and jumped into the doctor in the original direction of Yumai, Muye Village.

Although there are still many ninjas there, he hasn't put it in his eyes. The thin sword in his hand has been drawn out,

A strong wind attribute Chakra broke out.

It's like a hurricane!

Although Sasuke has just quarreled with Naruto, in fact, he has always focused on the trend of Zhicun Tuanzang.

After all, this is one of his biggest enemies now.

Must kill!

Therefore, at the moment of the movement of Shimura Tuan, he shouted fiercely, and at the same time, he threw a few swords in his hand!

Everyone also reacted.

"Okay! Shimura Tuanzang! You guy actually wants to escape! Do you want to fight! This is the wood leaf! Bad guy!

Jing Ye's scolding came out.

For a time, the original stood at the rear, and some were not clear about the situation of the murmm villagers.

"What! This guy in Tuanzang is going to escape?!"

"Master Naruto has announced that he will unload his position, and then turn it around for the time being! Is this guy afraid?


"He wants to resist Lord Naruto's order?! Is it going to return to the root?!


"If let him go back to the root, it is a bit difficult to catch him! There are many roots in this guy! And

And only listen to him ...


Muye villagers all showed surprised and anxious expressions.

In case of really let the Tibetan Tibetan tissue ninja resist, the pair of Muye Ken

It is not a good thing.

In front of Naruto Building.

Faced with the sword shot by Uchiha Sasuke, Shimura Tzu Tibetan sleeves waved, a hurricane rolled, and easily put all the swords in the hand.

After all, he said coldly: "Uchihasa Sasuke! Just with you now, it is best not to come without your own effort! First find a way to grow to

Your level in the future! If you have this ability! "

His actions were very decisive, and he was retreating quickly in the direction of the right.

Following many of his roots, the response also responded quickly.

Immediately followed.

The wooden ninjas who are blocking the road on Tuanzang are all stunned in the face of this scene. For a while, I don’t know if I want to be right.

Tuanzang and others shot, stop them?

Zhicun Tuanzang told: "All the ninjas in front are opened! You are the elite of the wood leaf! The old man has no intention of going out to you

Hand! I don't want to lose the strength of the wood leaf! Let me open it immediately!

With his words, there was a strong hurricane!

Let the wooden ninjas in front of him cover his face.

At the critical moment, the three generations of Naruto Ape Flying Day finally opened, and she shouted angrily: "Tuanzang! You are the backbone of the waist 阡




Zhicun Tsui also responded loudly: "You weak guy! Without my assistance! Muye has long been

The crisis is all over! I will never give up everything I have worked hard for so many years!


"Don't want to take it!

Hearing these words.

The apes were shivering.

He knew why, when Shimura was hiding with him, it was so strange that he talked.

It turned out to be a plan to escape the wood leaf if it was done?

Even if you leave Muye, don't you want to accept punishment with peace of mind?! I can't kill you again! You stupid!

In his cognition, it is impossible for Tuanzang to rebel away.

Even if he is dead, he will never rebel away from Muye!

In the previous video, Tuanzang finally wanted to bring the two dangerous figures of the preface to the field and Sasuke.

Yes! (Looking at the violent novel, go to Novel Network!)

Is this guy thinking about what?

However, at this time, the ape flying sun had no intention of thinking.

He shouted angrily: "Everyone, take him!"

Naruto's command is sent.

The ninja of the surrounding wood leaves did not hesitate.[ 231043131]

Immediately made a fighting attitude!

In a moment, whether it is the dark part or the lively wooden ninja just now, I took out the hardships, or in the dark, or secretly in the dark

Seal, from all directions, go around the group in Tuanzang!

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