"He let Haruno Sakura and Roto Naruto leave? Does Qi Mu Kakashi really plan to deal with Uchiha Sasuke alone?" He is very confident! But Uchiha Sasuke is really relatively weak now."

"But as long as you can open Saisura, you can completely block the offensive of Qika Kakashi!

Everyone has a lot of discussion.


"Hahaha! Also! I want to see it too, the name of the so -called five -five opening of Qi Mu Kakashi, is it true!


"Yes! I want to see too, after all, this guy is the sixth generation of Naruto of Koba! Know his information in advance, 匜

It is necessary.


"That's right, the characteristics of Qikukasi's power, you must figure it out. If you really match the wood leaf in the future, you know his information

We can also have an advantage."

Just under this discussion.

In the sky, the video continues to play.

[Hearing the persuasion of Qi Mu Kakashi..

[Haruno Sakura immediately said a little anxious: "But! Teacher Kakashi ..."]

[Before she finished speaking, Kakashi calmedly said: "Stay here, you will see what you don't want to see! Take it now.

[Haruno Sakurai was worried on the 23rd, and seemed unwilling..

[Qi Mu Kakashi slowly took a few steps in the direction of Uchiha Sasuke, and slowly said: "Sakura, the pain learned from silence, can't kill Sasuke. The immunity, and you should already know your heart, right?

! "]

[Sakura Sakura suddenly revealed a pain..

"Ah!" In the ninja, in the hotel somewhere, the mute face looked at the garden: "I actually mentioned me! Tsunade Heaven!

I finally played!

She was very excited.

It is not easy to appear in this sky -time video once.

Although she appeared last time, the final result was sucked away by Liu Dao Payne, and learned that Naruto was located.


Quite background board and black history.

Madness is also very uncomfortable.

At this time, it appeared again, although it was only in the mouth of others.

She is also very satisfied.

Tsunade fiercely poured a bottle of wine, and then said heroically: "Don't worry, mute! When I play, you will definitely play!"

"Although I still don't have many appearances now, how can I say that it is also the fifth -generation Naruto. Since it is Naruto, there will definitely be a lot of play!

The corner of the quiet mouth was drawn, and some helplessly said: "In fact, this does not matter, Master Tsunade, you do not separate f points.

In Muye Village.

"It turned out that the suffering just now is not toxic! My God is a bit scary.

"Can Sasuke's body still be immune to toxins?"

"Kakashi is now planning to sing with Uchiha Sasuke? Uchihasa Sasuke should have reached the limit! If you can't use Susano, then I think he is not afraid!"

Everyone has a lot of discussion.

Naruto screamed: "How can this be! Teacher Kakashi! Sasuke this guy, I should be able to flatten him!

In the previous video, although the battle process was not spoken.

But the picture of the end of Valley's battle finally seemed to lose.

Now that you lose, you must win back with your own personality!


Kakashi touched his nose and said helplessly: "Sasuke said right. If you are not satisfied, you can go to the video and the future. I said three.



Naruto, the child, is too big in the future.

The future Naruto is mature and stable, but now Naruto looks so naughty, so I don’t know about it.

In the sky, the video continues to play.

[Uchihasa Sasuke saw the action of Qi Mu Kakashi, sneered, and slowly stepped forward. The Chakra on his body burst again, full of evil feelings, at the same time, his right hand, 冽 冽 【【【 Get up, pass the sound of medicine around the surrounding area..

[Qi Mu Kakashi is also unambiguous, and the right hand Rayche also instantly condensed out..

[The same move used by the two is also the most familiar move..

[Just the people thought that the new round of battle was about to start..

[In the sky, the picture turns..

[Come to the stone pillar at the bridge port.] (Watching violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

[Xiang phosphorus leaning on a stone pillar panting, the injury on his body had basically been controlled, and she felt the panic of Uchiha Sasuke's Chakra. " I have helped you recover, but you are now

The body in you, you must not continue to fight ... "

[She supported it, so she wanted to stand up to stop Uchiha Sasuke..

Such a picture.

Seeing the face of the ninja face.

"Wow! Is this woman fragrant? This woman almost asked her life just for Uchiha Sasuke! This guy still wants to save Uchihasa Sasuke?

"This person is also a love brain! Like Haruye Sakura, really, how do these women do it? I met Uchiha?"

Sasuke is everything

"Can such men like it?! Woohoo! It's terrible!"

The sound of countless people was shocked.

In their view.

Xiang phosphorus has just encountered everything, and should be completely turned into a ruthlessness and ignorance. I want to ask Sasuke why I have revenge.

Talent is right!

Like Uchiha Sasuke now!

How did it become like this now?

It's so angry!

"Haruno Sakura really rescued her, really left a big disaster for herself 357. '

"Such a woman, um ... it is really dangerous! I have always felt that the future daughter of Uchiha Sasuke must be his child with Haruno Sakura, but now it seems that it is really. The brain, the fat is not really willing to help the doctor


"Hahaha, it makes sense! What else is that Haruno Sakura is unwilling to do it.

In Muye Village.

Sakura looked at the phosphorus in the video tangled again.

This ... this ... this woman has experienced those things just now, and is still concerned about Sasuke?

Why are you so stupid! Go away! I am your life -saving benefactor! You can't grab it with me!

Think of this.

Sakura looks red again, and in the future, it seems that I have been bullied by Sasuke in the future, but I still care about Sasuke, and the killer will also

Can't get my hand ...


It's really uncomfortable.

When the behavior of everyone in the ninja is shameless.

[The body of fragrant phosphorus just became straight, and he immediately meals..

[She thought of the actions that Sasuke did not hesitate to pierce her and Tuanzang together..


[Well, forget it, it has nothing to do with me. Xiang phosphorus sit back on the ground with a weak face, full of eyes full of eyes.]

"Hahaha, this guy suddenly became smart?!"

"Sure enough, I haven't got home yet."

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