[Uchiha Sasuke's voice is cold..

[Rotten Vortex Naruto and others listened, and his brows frowned..

[Uchiha Sasuke continued to sneer: "Just now, I have already blade a Itachi enemy!"]

["Just here, kill a high -rise of wood leaf! Hahaha, his name is Shimura Tuanzang! You should recognize it

?! "]

[As soon as this remark, Xuan Vortex Naruto and Qi Mu Kakashi and others were stunned..

[What ... just relying on him, did you solve the group hiding? "Kakashi secretly said, it was difficult to


[After all, the current Tibetan Tibetan can be said to be the successor of Tsunade. Although there is no formal succession, no one can refute the ninjas of the wood leaf..

[Although Kakashi does not recognize the Tuanzang, Kakashi does not dare to underestimate the strength of this guy! That is the elite ninja of the third generation of Naruto!]]]

(Barrage: Hahaha, elite ninjas of the third generation of contemporaries, a group of old things, it has long been damn, real waste!)

(Barrage: Isn't this really ridiculous? Tuanzang died in the hands of Sasuke, a teenager of Sasuke, and the three generations died in the hands of his apprentice Dashe Wan.

(Barrage: A group of seven old men and eighty old men, what fighting power can be, don't look at them too high. At least Shimura Tibetan can often force Uchihasa Sasuke into despair.)

(Barrage: To be honest, I think the three generations are really miserable, and the version is limited to him.)

(Barrage: Cut! This guy smiled with a group hiding in the back of the pot! The worst of the wood leaf is him! The abominable three generations!)

Ape flying sun: "..."

Zhicun Tuanzang: "Eight 0 Seven" ... "..."

"The abominable guys!" Shimura Tuanzang scolded fiercely.

I'm so humiliating him again!

Although he said that his good friend ape flying sun seemed to be humiliated more seriously.

However, the video in the video was killed by a teenager.

It is really really cut.

This does make him feel shame!

It can be biased and cannot be refuted.

"Huh!" Zhicun Tuanzang closed his eyes and hurriedly calmed down the anger in his heart, otherwise, he would be joked again for a while.

not far away.

The ape flying sun is also embarrassed.

This ... Are they scolded by the barrage?

"Oh!" He sighed in his heart, but had to admit that the barrage said reasonable.

Over the years, he can also notice that he is indeed old, his body is not as flexible as when he was young, and his strength is no longer as powerful as before.

"So, my final ending is to be killed by Dashe Wan ... This is really lamenting, no wonder Tsunade will become Naruto.



See the barrage this time.

Many things he had uncertain before, and he couldn't be sure, basically had a result.

Previously, he knew that his death had a lot to do with Dashe Wan.

I did not expect that it was really killed by Dashe Wan ...

"The guy of Dashe Wan, I don't know where it is now, but no matter what, I still have to do some defense for him

Prepare talents."The ape flying sun chopped secretly.

The primary goal of the wood leaf next is the Organization.

Secondly, it is to prevent the Snake Phoenix.

He has begun to think about how to deal with these people.

As for the insulting to him in the video barrage, the three generations did not take much heart.

After all, I have been scolded several times before.

He knew that the barrage was more malicious to him, so he was used to it.

"But what is the version?" He thought about it.

His strength can still be limited by the version?

In Muye Village, other villagers are also heated for a while.

"Auspicious barrage, saying the bad things about the three generations of Naruto!"

"These guys, it's really unpleasant to say! The three generations of adults are so friendly to everyone.

Only then will come to the square."

"No matter what, the video bomb is serious about the three generations of Naruto heavenly people.


Upper above the Naruto Building.

Ding Ci, who was eating snacks, was depressed: "Shikamaru, why did the barrage hate the three generations of Naruto? I

I think Grandpa Naruto is very good. He usually speaks of me.


Shikamaru said helplessly: "This kind of thing, just keep your cognition, don't think too much!

Not to mention the probability of three generations of Naruto, there is no inconsistent deeds.

Even if there are, as the villagers of the wood leaf, he can't help anything.

After all, this is the Naruto of the wood leaf.

One glory is glorious, one damage is damaged.


As long as they do not want to make the Muye villagers live, they will not be able to stand up to fight their Naruto.

Even the previous villagers gathered three generations.

From the perspective of Shikamaru, the three generations want to resolve, and it is very easy.

It will just make the perfect three generations of image, which is not so perfect.

Not only did Muye constantly discuss because of the barrage's remarks.

Ninja residents elsewhere are constantly discussing.

Yanyin Village.


"Hahahaha! Black soil smiled happily:" Old man! Look, look at the barrage, the old man is the old man, you should not be stubborn! In case of one day, you will be killed by your disciples.The end of the game is dead.

"If I remember correctly, the old man, is your age bigger than the three generations and Tibetan Tibetan of Muye?"

"Huh! How is this!" Okuno dare to drink: "Dare to joke the old man! These stupid barrage, don't know at all, a village has the guards of the elderly to be stable!Benefit!

As the old man.

Okuni didn't recognize it at all, and the barrage looked down on the remarks of the elderly.

"Well." Hei Tu helplessly said: "Think about it, how many times have you flashed in the last month, and it is still hard." Asyo's mouth pumped, helplessly: "What do you know, I just didn't mobilize this.Just by Chakra, if you really fight, the old man is very flexible! "

"Then you continue to be stubborn, the old man, don't die in the hands of Brother Didala!" The black soil laughed.

The old Miki apprentice currently rebelled from Iwan Village is also a Didala.

That's why she said that.

"Hmm!" Ohno sneered, and said, "That idiot, if you dare to appear in front of me, I will definitely teach him well



As a ninja, the price of betrayal! (Look at the frozen novel, go to Novel Network!)

Shayin Village.

Kan Jiulang shouted happily: "Hahaha! Naruto in Muye Village died in his own apprentice. It was really funny


Temari nodded with satisfaction, saying: "The Naruto of Koba is dead. According to the previous situation of the video, I am afraid that time will not be particularly long.! I think this may be a good opportunity

! ""

"The old man of the wood leaf has long been dead! Next, it is the era of our Shayin Village!"

The fruit can occupy the land of the country of fire, so we will not live so hard all day."

Looking at the excitement of Jiulang and Temari.[ 231023571]

I said calmly: "But, watching the situation in the video, Fengying seems to have lived."

This statement comes out.

Temari and Kan Jiuro's mouth pumped together.

This ... it seems indeed?

In the future, the position of Fengying will be taken over by I Ailuo.

Who knows how long can their dad live?

"In the future, our relationship seems to be very good with the wood leaf, I think ... Maybe Muye is not our enemy ..." I

Elot murmured.

do not know why.

After watching the video.

He is more and more believed in the choice of that gentleness in the future.

Since you will treat wood leaves as friends in the future.

They will also support themselves to deal with Xiao Organization.

Am I really going to actively fight against wooden leaves?

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

However, at this time, he was not like himself in the video. It was a wind and shadow, and he could make various decisions.

Therefore, his thinking is meaningless.

At most, it was to let the suffocation on him a lot.

In Yunyin Village.

Many villagers of Yunyin village laughed.

"It's right! These barrage!"

"Muye and Yanyin Village, these two abominable villages are all bad old men! How can such a village be in harmony with

Our movie competition!

"Yes! Our Lei Ying is a super real man! Big macho! The old wooden leaves and Yanyin thieves in the area are not worth mentioning!"

The barrage has been ridiculed the old man.

And their Yunyin can be in the middle of the age!

Naturally, the villagers of Yunyin Village are very happy.

Office in the office.

"The three generations of Naruto of Muye died in the hands of Dashe Wan." Daruy touched his chin and said: "These villages

There are so many rebellions.

At this point, he was proud of their Yunyin Village.

Basically, there is no rebellion ...

Ninja atmosphere is very good.

Everyone is united.


Lei Ying Ai said loudly: "You can't underestimate Naruto and Earth Shadow.

Never underestimate strength!

The movie is still awake in this regard.

Although he felt his strength was not weak.

But as the shadow of a village, he knows so much, how much do you need to go through this position, how powerful the real life needs

Those who can stand out, no one can be underestimated.

Moreover, it is an old monster like Naruto and Tuying.

They are always old, but they are not in vain, and they are much more experienced.

In the end of the ninja.

In the sky.

The video continues to play.

[Uchiha Sasuke continued to open his hand with a smile, with excitement and excitement: "After killing him, I immediately had

So far, I have never felt before! Uchiha, the defiled Uchiha, has the feeling of purifying! Uchiha from this decaying ninja world super

Feeling off! You can't understand! "]]

Pure land.

Uchiha family.

"Hahaha! Say well! Say well! Sasuke! When I saw you killing the group, I was so excited! So excited


"Tuanzang, this abominable old man! He should come to Pure Land with us!"

"It's so comfortable! Revenge, if I can get revenge! I must let the Tuanzang kneel in front of me to confess!

The Uchiha tribe executed him by himself! "

A large number of Uchiha people shouted excitedly.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how big Sasuke is now, I don't know if he can kill the group now!


"Yes, Tuanzang knows that Sasuke can kill him, will he start first? This abominable guy!

"Sasuke will definitely get revenge! I believe him! At any time, he can succeed!"

Everyone and other discussions.

Forests outside the wood leaf.


Tao Dao:

"Oh, Mr. Itachi, after your brother has killed you, he will take revenge for you again. It is really a contradictory person.

Uchiha Itachi calmly said: "This is ... Uchiha's fate."

Sasuke's behavior is different from what he expected.

Let him continue to reflect on himself.

Now he will no longer guess how Sasuke will do next.

[In the sky, video playback..

[Uchiha Sasuke continued to say happily: "What I do, in a sense, is also your wood leaf for a long time

Over expectations! As you wish, let Uchiha, which has been denied, disappear from your memory! "]

["You! Everything in the wood leaf, kill all of all!"]]]]

[His complexion, gradually crazy, smiled softly on his face..

[Rotten Vortex Naruto just looked at the Sasuke speech in front of him calmly, as if he had accepted everything..

"Uchiha Zuo 5.7 help really want to destroy the wood leaf!"

"He is so arrogant! But ... if his strength is stronger, is it really possible? Six Tao Payne can make it

The wood leaves are so miserable.


"This guy, is it so arrogant now? Are you not afraid of being beaten by the three of Naruto?

! ""

Everyone watched Sasuke's behavior in the video, and talked about it.

For them, this is an incredible thing.

Some people say that Sasuke is crazy, and some people say that he bile causes.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

["Cut off all the fetters of the same wooden leaves! Is purification! It is the real revival of Uchiha!" He smiled madly..

"Say well! Cut all the fetters!"

"Muye Village is not worthy of our loyalty at all! Sasuke, open up another village for yourself! Our destiny of Uchiha, we must ourselves



[Looking at the crazy Sasuke in front of him, the three were silent for a while.] [ 231023571] [Kakashi Steel: "It is hatred, the history of hate accumulation has created the current Sasuke, and Sasuke is also the same.

The victims of the times, regardless of Sakura, Naruto, although it is not sure, it should be detected ... "]

["But because of this ... Some things need to be responsible for yourself!"]]

"What do Kakashi want to do?" Everyone stunned.

[In the video, Xuanxuan Naruto didn't say a lot, and his hands were imprinted. In an instant, a clone appeared on his right hand side..

[But Qi Mu Kakashi immediately stretched out a arm to block Naruto who was ready to do,: "Naruto, Sakura, you are fast

Leave here, let me, let me here! "]].

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