These words spread to the ninja world.

But it surprised many people

"What? Danzo Shimura knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi would find him, but he was still so calm, waiting for Hiruzen Sarutobi to find him?"

"Danzo Shimura has a big heart"

"Is he really not afraid of death?"

For a time, many people in the ninja world had a new understanding of Shimura Danzo's courage.

Iwagakure Village.

Ohnoki said coldly:"It's not that he is big-hearted, he just simply knows that the group of people under him, It's impossible for the assassination to be successful, it's just a show."

"ah? Huang Tu frowned and said,"Why?"

Ohnoki shook his head and said,"I don't know!" This is about those two old guys."

Currently, he and Hiruzen Sarutobi have been in power for the longest time.

Naturally, Ohnoki has had a lot of contact with Hiruzen Sarutobi, his opponent for many years.

Secretly, he and Danzo Shimura He had fought against each other countless times.

Even so, he could not understand what was going on between the two people. 17.

In the Leaf Village, he was also extremely surprised by what Danzo said in the video.

"This, Danzo knew he was about to be discovered? If that's the case, why doesn't he run away?"

"Isn't he too courageous?"

"Danzo is really not afraid of death."

Listening to the comments coming from the people around him,

Danzo became more and more angry.

Why are you all so stupid!

No one guessed that I might not have thought about assassinating Hiruzen at all?!

Finally, he never thought about it again. Unable to bear it, he shouted:"You idiots!"

The villagers were startled.

It seemed they didn't expect that it was already this time.

Danzo Shimura actually dared to speak loudly?

Danzo shouted angrily:"If I really want to assassinate the Hokage! Will they only send so many people? Will they only send these useless things? You think I am a fool!"


"If I really want to kill this old guy Hiruzen, why don't I take action myself!"He said loudly, his face full of righteousness.

"So, what you're saying is that you don't want to kill the Third Hokage at all?"Someone asked

"nonsense! Danzo Shimura said coldly:"I have already said that everything I do is for Konoha!" What good will killing Hiruzen do to Konoha! Having just lost four generations, will we soon lose three more?!"

Although his explanation was very nice, many people still couldn't believe it and just looked at him with suspicion.

"It makes sense. If you really want to kill the Third Hokage, there are indeed a few of these people."

"Indeed, that was Lord Hokage! How could it be solved by these people?"

Hokage has always been recognized by everyone as the strongest person in Konoha.

From this perspective,

Danzo's defense is still very convincing.

However, his character is really poor, even if he is very powerful A persuasive reason.

Not many people can really believe in him.

The blank world of illusion.

Shimura Danzo:"Hiruzen! There is still hope, you can explain it to me!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed softly and said:"Don't be stupid, Danzo, no villagers will believe you anymore."

" really want to be so heartless?!" Shimura Danzo said harshly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sarutobi Hiruzen said:"I am just fulfilling my duty as Hokage. Of course, I will try my best to give you a decent Exit, Danzo, I hope you can understand me, this is also for Konoha!"

Shimura Danzo shuddered

"As long as you leave your roots, I believe that no one will hold you accountable for these mistakes."

With these words echoing in his ears, Danzo Shimura seemed to have aged by more than ten years.

Once he was driven away from the roots, from now on, he would really have no choice but to go home and retire, even appearing in front of the villagers. He has no qualifications.

In other words, his Hokage dream is completely shattered

【Shimura Danzo was walking on the road to the root base, followed by several root ninjas, thinking about various things.】

【Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded】

【"Um? Danzo Shimura frowned and said seriously:"What's going on?""】

【Before he could reply, ANBU ninjas wearing masks suddenly appeared one after another on the stairs one after another, surrounding him up and down, left and right, and surrounded him.】

【Danzo Shimura was shocked】

【This is his root! His base! How could so many ANBU suddenly appear!】

【He didn't receive any news at all?】

"Hahaha!"The Konoha villagers laughed loudly.

"I didn't expect that Danzo would be so shocked sometimes."[]

"Bravo! Are these people ANBU? Was it brought by the Third Hokage? Surprisingly, it surrounded the roots without making any sound!"

【"Danzo!"Just when Shimura Danzo was surprised, a serious voice sounded.】

【Danzo Shimura was startled. This voice was so familiar to him that he knew who it was without even looking.】

【He immediately regained his calm expression and looked at the visitor:"Hiruzhan, why did you suddenly come to the root?""】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen stepped forward, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then said:"Your recent behavior is too much!"】

【Shimura Danzo frowned and was about to reply, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice immediately sounded again.】

【"Is this child the one you succeeded in continuing your previous research in private?"Behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, a figure 283 wearing a forehead protector, a high forehead, and thick eyebrows walked up.】

【"snort! Danzo Shimura said coldly:"It seems you already know it. Yes, I just want to tell you that your indecision is unacceptable!" As long as you persevere, isn't it a success? Without my persistence, how could we reproduce Mu Dun?! That is the power of the first generation of adults!"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes are complicated】

【"As long as we can exert this power well, do you know how much benefit it will bring to us, Konoha?! If riots break out in Kyuubi again in the future, we won’t be helpless! We can only sacrifice one Ren Ying to fight with it!"]

Just as the people of Konoha frowned more and more as they listened.

(Barrage: Hahaha, that's a bit too much. The first generation is the first generation, and Yamato is Yamato. How can this be the same.)

(Barrage : The first generation can knock down the Nine-Tails with one move, is it possible for Yamato?) (Barrage: The Wood Release Sealing Technique can indeed exert a certain inhibitory effect on the power of the Nine-Tails, but it is only a suppression. If it is completely The nine-tailed body, Yamato is of no use at all.)

(Barrage: Stop talking, one sentence can summarize it:"The first generation of wood escape conquers the world, Yamato wood escape does greening!")

(Barrage: Hahaha, Yamato is built! His house is nice and safe. Who dares to say that his wood escape is useless?!)


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