【"The third...the third Hokage."A immediately became nervous.】

【Although Kakashi asked him to leave, he was here to assassinate the Third Hokage after all.】

【If he wants to kill himself, no one can stop him】

【"child."Contrary to what A had imagined, the Third Hokage who walked up showed a gentle smile and said:"It's okay, you can go. When you go back, just tell the truth."】

【A trembled all over, as if he couldn't believe it】

"really! The Third Hokage would definitely not harm a Wood Release Ninja!"

"Did the Third Hokage see that he came from the root?"

"If ninjas who can use wood escape can grow up, their impact on Konoha will be too great."

"The Third Hokage did the right thing, but I just don’t know where this ninja is now."

【In the end, Jiahuai left in shock.】

【None of the ANBU and the Third Hokage actually attacked him.】

【This made A feel a little guilty for no reason.】

【"The Third Hokage is such a good person, I actually came to assassinate him... Is this really good?"His eyes were full of confusion.]

The Konoha villagers nodded in unison and said,"This Wooden Dunnin ninja codenamed A is still kind deep in his heart!"

"That's right, he can still reflect, which is totally worth cultivating! It must not be left to Danzo again. This guy's method of training root ninjas is simply inhumane!"

"That's right, look at those more mature root ninjas, do you still have feelings in their eyes?"

The villagers shook their heads and sighed.

At the same time, they all looked with pity on the dozen root ninjas who were standing in front of the Hokage building and who had just come to stand up for Danzo.

Root ninja:"……"

What can they do?!

They are also very helpless!

This extremely pitiful look made all the root ninjas look at each other...

The video screen changed.

【Inside the Hokage Building office】

【Kakashi and the Third Hokage reported:"They are indeed people from the Roots... The Wooden Ninja was also trained by the Roots. His code name is A. I also met him in a mission. , although he is not too old, his level of wood escape is not low. I call him Tianzang. According to my observation, he also has some resistance to the root mission."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slowly and said:"Wood Release is the ability of the first generation. It has a very strong restraint effect on the Nine-Tails. If the Nine-Tails riots again in the future, there may be ninjas who are proficient in Wood Release to avoid it. Our huge loss!"】

"But Jiuwei said that he was not afraid of Mu Dun."Naruto couldn't help but say.

Kakashi frowned and asked,"What do you mean? Naruto, can you communicate with Kyuubi?"

"right!"Naruto nodded and smiled:"Kyuubi is locked in an iron prison. Now as long as I close my eyes, I can go directly to that place."

"What!"Kakashi and Sakura were both shocked.

Kakashi quickly said:"You must not be bewitched by the Nine-Tails! Its power is very terrifying. If it goes out of control, it will be a disaster even more terrifying than the invasion of Six Paths of Payne!"

During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, if the Fourth Hokage hadn't used the Flying Thunder God Technique to move the Nine-Tails to other places,

Konoha would have been razed to the ground more than ten years earlier.

"I know!"Naruto nodded confidently:"I'm very smart. If this guy Kyuubi doesn't give me power, don't let me unseal it."

Kakashi and Sakura both expressed some doubts about his smart remarks.

We believe in the mature you in the future.

You don't seem to be very good at it now.……

"It will give you all its power! You can't unseal it either! Kakashi looked serious:"This is too dangerous!" Kyuubi is a natural disaster! Naruto said:"

Actually, I feel like it just likes to be angry a little bit, but after being locked up for so long, it's understandable that it likes to be angry.""

After communicating with Kyuubi,

Naruto did feel some sympathy for Kyuubi.

After all, anyone who has been locked up for so many years without freedom will definitely go crazy.

If it were him, he might be more powerful than it. Crazy...

Kakashi looked stunned and began to think quietly.

Naruto's inner world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey hey! Brat! You are actually sympathizing with me! Kyuubi roared angrily:"I don't need your sympathy!" Why don't you die quickly, you stinky brat! Naruto said speechlessly:"No wonder everyone is afraid of you. I say nice things to you, but you still scold me. You are crazy. If someone defends me, I will definitely be nice to him!""

Kyuubi was stunned.........

I couldn't help but think of it over the years.

Because of myself, the kid in front of me has received all kinds of cold looks.

"snort!"It sneered and said:"If it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't have been coldly rejected by so many people. Konoha wouldn't have to hide your relationship with the Fourth Hokage, and your childhood wouldn't have been so miserable. , all of this was caused by me, do you dare to say that you don’t hate me?!"

Naruto was silent for a while, then shook his head and said slowly:"I don't hate you, there's no point in hating you."

"What!"Kyuubi's eyes became shocked:"Kid, what lies are you talking about!

Naruto said:"My life is miserable, and your life is not that good either. After all, we are even, so I have nothing to hate you.""

"I……"Jiuwei's mouth froze, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Okay, let's continue watching the video."Naruto looked at the big sky again

【"you mean?"Kakashi listened to the monkey���Hiruzen asked】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of dry cigarette and said with a smile:"Let's go to the roots. It's better for me to raise such a child myself.""】

"The Third Hokage is going to take action?"

"What does this mean? The third generation wants Team 1.4 to hand over the Wooden Ninja?"[]

"For sure! It was the Third Hokage who started the Wood Release research project in the first place, but it was later canceled due to too many casualties. Now that he sees A, he will definitely understand that it was Danzo who secretly researched it, right?"

"Such talent cannot indeed be left to Danzo."

While everyone is still discussing

【The scene came to a dark basement. There are many floors here, but they are all dark. Bridges that look like steel connect the various spaces together.】

【Here are the roots!】

【Danzo walked slowly on the road with a cane, his brows furrowed.】

【"It shouldn't be difficult for Hiruzen to find out that I sent someone to assassinate him. Why doesn't this guy keep talking to me? Danzo thought with some confusion.】

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