Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 99 Red Lotus Fire

The tower guards are the guards in this sutra-depositing tower. Like the two gatekeepers, they are all selected from outstanding disciples from other major mountain peaks.

Immediately, the two disciples summoned more than a dozen tower guards, who rushed out of the Sutra Depository Tower aggressively and surrounded Lu Yu.

This situation was beyond everyone's expectation. It was clear that there was a peaceful atmosphere just now, but in the blink of an eye, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Lu Yu was also caught off guard and didn't know what was going on.

"Lu Yu, an inner disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak, you are so brave! You actually dare to forge a real person's token in an attempt to deceive you into passing the test. How can we, the mighty Wulao Peak Sutra Tibetan Pagoda, allow you to act like this!"

"We've seen through your trick. If you know what you're doing, just hurry up and catch him!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd suddenly exploded again.

"What? Is that real person token fake?"

"This kid is so brave! He even dares to forge a real person's token!"

"Did this person have a seizure? He actually made a fake token and tricked it into the Sutra-Tibetan Pagoda. You must know that this is Wulao Peak, a place where real elders gather together. If he can deceive him, then we will all The Dali Sword Sect can be disbanded."

"I'm just telling you, this guy doesn't look like a good person at first glance. How can an ordinary disciple have meritorious deeds worth tens of thousands?"

"I've also seen it a long time ago. His meritorious deeds amount to tens of thousands. He even had the first real person to back him up in the Sutra Tibetan Pagoda. How can such a good thing happen?"

"There must be something wrong with his tens of thousands of negative contributions!"

"This person is considered useless. He doesn't learn well at a young age and always takes shortcuts in everything. What if he succeeds by chance today? He will definitely destroy himself in the future because of his unstable Taoist mind!"

"Cultivation requires a steady approach and no opportunism. This is a living example..."

Everyone was talking and gloating about the misfortune.

Lu Yu's actions before made everyone around him extremely envious and jealous, but now that he was so unlucky, it suddenly made people feel happy.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

That token was the one he watched Yang Chudie remove from the base of the real statue of Yudie. Which link went wrong?

"Senior brothers, I don't know who has judged my token to be fake. Can you please ask him to come out and confront me face to face?"

The leading guard disciple snorted coldly.

"When you are about to die, you still want to struggle in vain! Wait until you get to the Discipline Hall and then slowly repent!"

"Do it!"

Then, without any explanation, a group of people rushed towards Lu Yu.

Lu Yu frowned, naturally unwilling to give in like this. With a flash of flying flowers, he avoided everyone's attack. He swayed left and right, erratic, and got into a fight with several people.

After this period of trials, Lu Yu's knowledge of Feihua Escape has become extremely advanced. Moreover, the terrain here is narrow, and although the number of tower guards is large, it is difficult to deploy them at the moment.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

But this scene made everyone around them stunned.

A small inner sect disciple with only the first level of True Yuan Realm was able to fight to a draw with more than a dozen tower guards. The battle was inextricable.

No matter what the result was, the momentum alone surprised everyone.

"This kid really dares to fight against the tower guard?"

"And his skills are really good? The tower guards can't do anything to him?"

"Is this really just an inner disciple at the first level of the True Yuan realm? Could it be that one of the true disciples deliberately hid his strength?"

"You heard just now that he is a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak. Are there any true disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"This person can fight like this with the tower guard mainly because of his flexibility!"

"Is his body technique the Flying Flower Escape Shadow technique on the fifth floor of the Sutra Storage Tower?"

"This set of exercises is really powerful! No wonder it costs tens of thousands of merits. I really want to learn it..."

"I have decided that from tomorrow onwards, I will go to Xuanhong Hall to concentrate on my tasks, earn tens of thousands of merits, and I must learn this method of flying flowers and shadows!"

"Do you think having meritorious service is enough? Are you qualified to reach the fifth floor?"

The leading guard disciple saw that the situation was not going well and that such a stalemate was not an option, so he backed away and shouted loudly.


Suddenly, all the tower guards stepped back and then lined up in a special formation.

The crowd suddenly became excited.

"Is this going to be a dragnet formation?"

"The Heaven and Earth Network Formation was created by the previous leader, the real person. It is extremely mysterious and powerful. It is one of the unique skills of our Dali Sword Sect!"

"I've always heard that this formation is very powerful, and I finally saw it today!"

"This disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak can force the tower guard to use the Heaven and Earth Network Formation, which is considered very extraordinary."

"If he can survive under the net of heaven and earth for a while, he deserves to die..."

The tower guards stood still and lined up in front, surrounding Lu Yu in the middle.

"Draw out the sword!"

The leading guard disciple gave an order, and more than a dozen snow-clear swords were raised high at the same time, pointing diagonally at the sky.

Qi energy gathered on the tip of the sword, and the brilliance kept shining.

In the end, all the brilliance intertwined in one place, converging into an extremely huge light pillar, falling from the sky.

The prestige is extremely terrifying!

At this moment, Zhang Ji quietly walked out of the door of the Sutra Pagoda behind him while no one was paying attention.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but reveal a proud smile.

Yang Chudie, since you treat me like this, don't blame me for being cruel!

You asked for this!


at the same time.

In the field, Lu Yu couldn't help but show a solemn look on his face.

The opponent gathered the power of more than ten people through formation, and the power of this attack was indeed extraordinary.

But at the same time, he also knew that no matter how strong the opponent was, he could not sit still and wait for death, and must fight to the end.

It's still unclear what the problem is. If he is caught without mercy and taken to the Discipline Hall, he will be unable to defend himself.

Even the reputation of Master Yudie will be humiliated...

At the critical moment, Lu Yu closed his eyes.

He once again entered the realm where the Taoist heart first came.

A gentle breeze blew up.

It seems that at this moment, the power of the entire world can be used by him!

Suddenly, a burst of real fire energy exploded from his body, and his whole body was like a blazing flame!

Just like the red lotus karma fire in his body, red and bright, everlasting and unyielding!


The huge beam of light gathered by the sky and earth net array was dissipated, and more than ten tower guards were ejected and fell to the ground.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect it to end like this.

What's happening here?

The heaven and earth network formed by more than ten tower guards could not do anything to this small inner disciple?

Is this guy really still a human?

Behind him, Zhang Ji, who was at the door of the Sutra Pagoda, was shocked when he saw this scene.

how so?

Is this guy so strong?

While everyone was in shock, a majestic voice suddenly came from the tower.

"Who dares to make trouble here?"

Zhang Ji's expression suddenly changed when he heard this voice.

He identified the direction and hurried away along a deserted path next to him, silently and without looking back.

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