Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 100 Read at will

Along with that majestic voice, a sudden burst of light poured down from the tower.

Then a figure slowly walked down from the tower along this brilliance.

"Ah! It's Master Hailing!"

"Hailing Zhenren Feng Ruhai is the elder of the Elder's Court and one of the real elders responsible for guarding the Sutra Pagoda. I didn't expect that he would be here today."

"I didn't expect that even Master Hailing would be alarmed!"

"Even the tower guards can't do anything to this Jade Butterfly Peak disciple. It's normal for Master Hailing to be alarmed."

"Now that Master Hailing has appeared, this Jade Butterfly Peak disciple is dead this time!"

"Master Hailing has been guarding the Scripture Pagoda for many years. He is impartial and strict. He has no dirt in his eyes. He will never let this traitor go easy!"

Master Hailing landed on the ground and walked into the field.

A group of guarding disciples got up in embarrassment and bowed to salute.

"See Master Hailing!"

The other disciples around him also saluted.

Only Lu Yu Zhuoli stood on the spot, frowning slightly and making no sound.

Master Hailing ignored the people around him and strode straight to Lu Yu.

"Did you use your Tao Heart to communicate with heaven and earth and inspire the power of true fire just now?"

Lu Yu suddenly felt a heavy pressure coming over him, but he was unwilling to bow his head. He gritted his teeth and nodded lightly.

Hailing's eyes were sharp, he looked Lu Yu up and down for a moment, and finally nodded approvingly.

"It is very rare to be able to comprehend such a pure Taoist heart at such a young age! But to dare to display such power in front of the Sutra-Tibetan Pagoda and start a big fight is a bit too arrogant! Which mountain peak are you a disciple of? "

Lu Yu cupped his hands, his attitude neither humble nor overbearing.

"My disciple is Master Yudie! I have no choice but to fight against the tower guards here today! I was ordered by my master to come here with the token of Master Yudie to enter the Sutra-Tibetan Pagoda to study Taoism and Dharma books, but The two senior brothers who were guarding here, indiscriminately, falsely accused my token of being fake and accused me of fraud..."

"It's nothing for the disciple to be aggrieved for this, but it concerns the majesty of Master Yudie. If I don't argue according to reason, won't I also implicate Master Yudie and suffer unjust injustice? Therefore, the disciple has to use such means to ask Hailing Come down and seek justice for me, and restore the innocence of Master Yudie and his disciples!”

When Master Hailing heard this, he couldn't help being slightly startled, and turned his head to look at the guarding disciples on the side.

"What the hell does this happen?"

The leading guard disciple quickly told the cause and effect of the incident.

Master Hailing did not comment, but asked: "Where is that token? Show it to me!"

The leading disciple quickly took out the token and handed it into the hands of Master Hailing.

Master Hailing took the token, took a serious look at it, and couldn't help laughing.

"Who told you that this token is counterfeit?"

The leading disciple replied: "It's Uncle Zhang Ji, the deacon of Tianxiang Peak."

Hearing Zhang Ji's name, Lu Yu's heart moved and he immediately understood the crux of the matter.

It turns out that this guy was behind it!

It seemed that Senior Brother Zhang Ji really hated himself.

Master Hailing asked again: "What did Zhang Ji say? Did he clearly tell you that it was false?"

The leading guard disciple was stunned for a moment, recalling the previous conversation with Zhang Ji, and suddenly started to stutter.

"Uncle Zhang Ji...he...he said that he...he has never seen this token..."

"Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's fake."

Master Hailing smiled softly and continued.

"He has never seen this token, but I have. Counting it, it was already decades ago. At that time, Master Yudie dedicated an extremely mysterious magical power - Feihua Escape to the Tibetan Scriptures Tower, in order to express my gratitude to her, I awarded this token to her. It was I who personally handed this token to her back then..."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was surprised.

This token was handed over by Master Hailing himself...

So, this token is actually real!

They were still commenting here and questioning the authenticity of the token. Unexpectedly, the person who issued the token had already arrived at the scene...

Everyone couldn't help but have mixed feelings in their hearts. Those who had previously insisted that Lu Yu was deceitful felt their faces burning.

The two disciples who were responsible for guarding couldn't help but trembled when they heard this, and the next moment they felt cold all over their bodies.

It turned out that they had made a mistake...

He mistook a real person's token as a fake, and even went to war because of it!

This is not just as simple as offending the Jade Butterfly Peak disciple in front of me, it also offends the majesty of the real person!

Offending the majesty of a real person can be a big or small crime. If they were seriously pursued, it would be possible to have their cultivation skills destroyed and to be expelled from the school.

The two of them could not help but become more and more frightened as they thought about it. At their wits' end, they suddenly knelt down with a snap.

"Master Hailing, my disciple has made a big mistake, please punish me!"

"Junior brother Lu Yu, we made an unintentional mistake, and we have realized our mistake! Please, please, please forgive us this time!"

These two disciples were also seriously ill and sought medical treatment. They even apologized to Lu Yu, thinking that Lu Yu should not tell Master Yudie about this matter to avoid her pursuing it again.

In fact, the two of them were overthinking it. Yudie had been traveling overseas for decades, so where did Lu Yu meet her people?

Moreover, after Lu Yu knew that Zhang Ji was behind the scenes, he had no hatred towards the two of them. To put it bluntly, the two of them were completely plotted by Zhang Ji.

"After all, you don't know this. The crime of offending the real person can be exempted from prosecution, but you can't get away with the crime of acting hastily and being reckless and impulsive!"

"I will deduct your salary for half a year, and you will have to sit in silence for half a year. I hope you can reflect deeply and change your past! Do you accept it or not?"

Master Hailing acted vigorously and loudly announced the punishment for the two people.

The two of them were already sweating profusely, how could they still dare to disobey? He kowtowed quickly to thank him and accepted the punishment honestly.

Master Hailing looked at Lu Yu and said with a smile: "My little friend, what do you think about my handling of this matter?"

Lu Yu was startled.

A real person, an elder who was selected into the cabinet, came to ask for his opinion, which really shocked him.

"Master Hailing's words are serious. As a disciple of low status, how can I dare to comment on Master Hailing's decision!"

"Since you are here with the token of Master Yudie at this moment, it represents the identity of Master Yudie. It is only right to ask for your opinion. This is also a sign of respect for Master Yudie."

Seeing that Master Hailing had said everything for this reason, Lu Yu had no choice but to bite the bullet and reply: "Master Hailing's treatment is fair, I have no objection."

Master Hailing handed the token back to his hand and said: "According to the agreement back then, anyone who enters the Tibetan Sutra Pagoda with a token is like Master Yudie coming in person. Any book."

Hearing Master Hailing say this, the disciples around him were almost crazy with jealousy!

Randomly browse? Any tomes?

The so-called true disciple's authority refers to the thirty-six true secrets of Dali Sword Sect. These thirty-six true secrets can only be read after becoming a true disciple. This is stipulated in the sect's rules and overrides all privileges. above.

In addition to these thirty-six magical methods and true secrets, you can browse through any other skills and secrets at will, without even spending merit. This is simply so cool...

Why didn't such a good thing happen to me?

All the disciples couldn't help but think in their hearts, and all of them looked at Lu Yu with sour eyes.

Lu Yu also didn't expect that this token would have such great authority.

No wonder it was hidden under the base of the real statue of Jade Die, and Yang Chudie specially found it and gave it to him. Perhaps only with such authority, he could find the right technique for him in the Sutra Pagoda. tactic.

"Disciple thanks Master Hailing!"

Lu Yu took the token from Master Hailing's hand and bowed to thank him.

"No need to say thank you, little friend, please hurry up and enter the pagoda as soon as possible to understand the Taoism!"

Lu Yu nodded, said goodbye to Master Hailing, and walked straight into the Scripture Deposit Tower.

Master Hailing looked at his back, but what he remembered in his mind was the scene when Master Yudie performed the Flying Flower Escape, which shocked everyone with his skills.

"With such a pure Taoist heart at such a young age, no wonder he was favored by Jade Butterfly Peak and came here with the Jade Butterfly Master's token."

"Will Yudie Peak ever produce another person as stunningly talented as Yang Yudie?"

Master Hailing murmured to himself.

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