Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 82 One finger melts

At this time, Lu Yu made way to Rongzhou and said: "Brother Li, to be honest, this young master and I are cousins, and his father, Yu Wanli, is my uncle. We are here this time I came to Cuizhu Peak just to pick him up.”

"Wanhe Chamber of Commerce has cooperated with Guifeng for many years, and there is hard work without credit. It is too unfair for Guifeng to treat its former partners like this."

"I just heard from the disciples of Guifeng that it was Senior Brother Li who ordered my uncle to be imprisoned and tortured. We don't want to delve into the reason. As long as Senior Brother Li can release him, we will turn around. Just leave and don’t bother.”

When Li Zhiting heard this, he couldn't help but feel funny.

"Did I hear you correctly? You actually asked me for someone? You don't even look at the current situation, but you still dare to speak so brazenly!"

"Yu Wanli then took the opportunity to cooperate with our Cuizhu Peak and stole the secrets of our Cuizhu Peak. This matter violated our Cuizhu Peak's taboo. It was the decision of our top brass to imprison him unless he handed over Wan He. The Chamber of Commerce’s distribution network and purchasing channels, otherwise no one would be able to take him away!”

"You are a little Jade Butterfly Peak disciple. Don't you know how much you weigh? Not to mention he is your cousin, even your biological father can easily leave us!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

"In that case, I have no choice but to learn from Senior Brother Li's clever tricks!"

After saying that, he went up to Li Zhiting.

All the disciples present were shocked.

Could it be that this Jade Butterfly Peak disciple has lost his head because of his desire to save people? How dare you take the initiative to attack Senior Brother Li?

Who is Senior Brother Li? That's a dignified core disciple!

In order to become a core disciple, you must have at least the cultivation level of the late True Yuan realm, which means that the core disciples have already begun to transform the five elements.

The Five Elements of Qi Transformation have absolute suppressive power over ordinary Zhen Gang and Zhen Qi.

Even though Lu Yu had easily defeated Lin Shang just now, as long as he had not reached the state of Qi Transformation of the Five Elements, he would never be able to defeat a core disciple no matter what.

At this time, everyone looked at Lu Yu and felt that he was a dead person.

Even Fang Qian couldn't help but sweat for Lu Yu. Lu Yu was indeed very powerful, but the other party was a core disciple after all. Is there really no problem?

Li Zhiting sneered: "If you want to die, then I will help you!"

A breeze blew by, and Lu Yu's figure disappeared, leaving only the light and shadow of empty petals.

It was the Qinggong movement technique that Yang Chudie taught him when he was on Tianquan Peak to steal the Nine Yang True Water - Fei Hua Escape.


Li Zhiting was surprised.

"No wonder the boy is so crazy, it turns out there is something to it!"

"However, it would be too naive to dare to attack a core disciple with this little ability!"

"How can you offend the majesty of the core disciples!"

As he spoke, he waved his palm.

Suddenly, pieces of golden brilliance spurted out, like smooth silk ribbons, dancing wildly all over the sky!

After the ribbon was straightened, it turned into sharp spikes. It looked cold and full of danger.

The power of real gold!

This is exactly the first attribute of Li Zhiting’s Qi Transformation of the Five Elements!

There were bursts of admiration from the crowd.

"This power of real gold is said to be the most difficult step to transform the Five Elements into Qi. I didn't expect that Senior Brother Li was the first to refine it!"

"Who can resist such a majestic power of real gold? No matter how powerful that kid is, it will be in vain!"

"If you dare to offend the majesty of the core disciples like this, that kid deserves to die!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Feihua Dunying's movement technique flashed around for more than ten times, but in the end he was still unable to escape the shackles of the power of real gold, and was finally caught.

Li Zhiting laughed ferociously.

"You brat, do you know how powerful you are now?"

"You, a little inner disciple, dare to attack the core disciples. I will destroy you today. I don't think Jade Butterfly Peak will have anything to say!"

Unexpectedly, a smile appeared on Lu Yu's face at this moment.

"Do you think you succeeded? If I hadn't deliberately lured the enemy like this, how would you have exposed your flaws!"


Li Zhiting was startled.

Lu Yu was now locked tightly by the power of real gold, and he was facing the strongest point in his offensive. Where was the flaw?

Soon, Lu Yu told him with facts that the strongest point was the flaw!

Lu Yu pointed out and hit the spot where the power of real gold is strongest.

Suddenly a red flame spread, and the real gold power from Li Zhiting was burned cleanly in an instant.

With one finger, the majestic power of real gold was completely dissolved.

The whole audience was shocked.

The situation changed so quickly that no one could figure out what was going on.

Li Zhiting only realized belatedly that the power of true fire was unleashed between Lu Yu's fingers...

Among the five elements, fire can overcome metal.

But, how is this possible!

Is it possible that a person who has just stepped into the true essence realm has already begun to transform the five elements?

Li Zhiting stared at Lu Yu, unable to believe that this was true.

But Lu Yu once again told him with facts that this was true!

With a flash of flying flowers, Lu Yu stepped in front of Li Zhiting and once again displayed the power of true fire.

This time, Lu Yu used an irresistible force and gathered a ball of blazing fire in his hand, knocking Li Zhiting to the ground.

Everyone was stunned.

No one could predict that the battle between the two would turn out like this.

Everyone felt incredible when they saw that Lu Yu had used the power of true fire in his last attack.

Even Fang Qian looked in disbelief.

This Junior Brother Lu is so perverted. He is only at the first level of the True Yuan Realm and has already begun to transform the Five Elements. If he were to advance to several more realms, wouldn't he be on the verge of going against the will of heaven?

After Lu Yu knocked down Li Zhiting, he was not in a hurry and calmly used the restraint technique named Dragon Trap by Yang Chudie on him.

After a while, the restraint was completed. Lu Yu lifted Li Zhiting up and pinched his neck with his hands, just like picking up a chicken.

"Senior Brother Li, how are you now? Am I qualified to ask you to let him go?"

At this time, Li Zhiting already felt that his body was empty, and all his cultivation had disappeared, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

"What did you do to me? Where did my cultivation go?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small restriction. As long as you let people go, I will help you unlock it immediately."

"You threaten me?"

"Both and each other, didn't you also threaten the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce?"

Li Zhiting suddenly laughed wildly, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Good boy, you dare to threaten me on the territory of Cuizhu Peak. Do you know that your death has come?"

"Do you think threatening me can save me from Wanli? Don't even think about it!"

"The person who really wants to embarrass the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is not me, but someone you can't afford to offend! Just wait to die!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

He didn't expect that Li Zhiting was so tough...

As if to verify Li Zhiting's words, at this moment, dark clouds suddenly filled the clear sky, and pressure rolled in from all over the sky.

Along with this overwhelming pressure, a deep voice sounded like rolling thunder.

"What kind of traitor dares to make trouble on our Cuizhu Peak!"

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