Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 81 A casual counterattack

He didn't call me senior brother?

Just because of this reason, you want to break someone's hands?

This is simply unreasonable!

However, Huang Ziping had to admit that the Dali Sword Sect has strict rules. If the other party insists on using this as an excuse to pursue him, there is really nothing you can do against him. Even if you go to the elders to file a complaint, the most you can do is give him a lecture. .

When Huang Ziping heard Lu Yu's answer, his chest rose and fell sharply, and he felt like his lungs were going to explode.

But rules are rules and reality is reality. No matter what, what the other party did was too extreme and it was simply too much bullying!

"Is that why?"

Huang Ziping gritted his teeth, his whole body on the verge of explosion.

"Nature is not the only reason."

Lu Yu's answer was once again unexpected.

"If that's the case, he's disrespectful at most. I'll just reprimand him once, but he also did other things, which forced me to take action!"

"I have a relative who is currently on your Cuizhu Peak. He just admitted it personally. He beat my relative arbitrarily and broke several of my relative's bones!"

"I just broke his hands. Compared to what he did to my relative, it's nothing worth mentioning!"

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Huang Ziping couldn't help but was stunned again.

The outer disciple quickly defended: "I didn't! I didn't beat his relatives. I tortured the president of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce, but that was what Senior Brother Li told me..."

"This person is talking nonsense. How come there is a relative like him in Wanli? If there is one, why have I never heard him mention it?"

Lu Yu's heart moved, and he remembered the name of Senior Brother Li, but smiled lightly on his face.

"We are not relatives. Do we have to inform you? Who do you think we are?"

"Since this matter is related to Senior Brother Li, how about asking this Senior Brother Li to come out and talk about it? Let's see whether it was Senior Brother Li who ordered it, or whether he acted wantonly in the name of Senior Brother Li!"

At this time, an inner disciple named Lin Shang came up behind Huang Ziping and sneered.

"Senior Brother Li Jiannan is a core disciple of this peak, and his status is extremely noble. How can you, a small inner disciple who is only at the first level of the True Yuan Realm, meet you just by asking?"

"Only on a hill like Jade Butterfly Peak can you become an inner disciple. If you were on our Cuizhu Peak, you wouldn't even be qualified to become an inner disciple!"

"A little person who is at the first level of the True Yuan Realm dares to run wild in front of our Cuizhu Peak Mountain Gate. Others can tolerate you, but I cannot tolerate you!"

After saying that, he swung his sword.

The sword light was extremely refined, and it was obvious that the sword moves had been condensed with true power.

This is a strong man at the fifth level of the True Essence Realm!

Lin Shang's move couldn't help but make Huang Ziping and others behind him feel excited.

Naturally, they were not worried about Lin Shang's safety, but they were worried that Lin Shang's attack was not serious. Although the opponent was only at the first level of the True Yuan Realm, he was an inner disciple after all. If he accidentally took the opponent's life, it would be difficult after all. Account.

They all hoped that Fang Qian on the side could stop him in time so as not to make the scene too ugly.

However, Fang Qian stood aside calmly, with no intention of taking action at all.

Everyone was shocked.

What's happening here?

Let a person at the first level of the True Essence Realm face off against the fifth level of the True Essence Realm? Is there any kind of friendship between these two people?

Why would Fang Gan worry about Lu Yu's safety?

Lu Yu, who was still at the eighth level of the physical realm, had already beaten him to the ground when he was at the sixth level of the True Yuan realm. If this disciple of Cuizhu Peak, who was only at the fifth level of the True Yuan realm, could hurt a single hair of Lu Yu, he would Kneel down and kowtow to the other person.

Sure enough, facing Lin Shangpi Lian's sword light, Lu Yu just stretched out two fingers and pinched it lightly.

Suddenly the energy and light and shadow that filled the sky disappeared, and the sharp sword in Lin Shang's hand was firmly held between Lu Yu's two fingers.

The Cuizhu Peak disciples were shocked.

What's happening here?

Receive a blow from Zhen Gang with your bare hands? And he’s only at the first level of the True Element Realm!

Lin Shang also looked stunned.

I couldn't help but doubt myself, was there any huge flaw in my sword moves? Caught by this Jade Butterfly Peak disciple?

He quickly wanted to withdraw the sharp sword in his hand.

However, nothing moved.

Lin Shang was startled and tried again, this time with all his strength.

Still not moving at all.

Lin Shang was completely shocked!

His strength is enough to break mountains and rocks, but he can't break free from the opponent's two fingers?

Is this Jade Butterfly Peak disciple so terrifying?

Where did he come from?

At this time, Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, "I don't know what it will take to let me see that Senior Brother Li?"

The gesture was slightly lowered, and the voice suddenly turned cold: "This! Is it enough?"


There was a crisp sound, and the fine steel sword was broken by two fingers!

Lu Yu held half of the sword blade between his legs, swung it hard, and immediately flew towards Lin Shang.

The brilliance on the broken blade is actually the same as the sword move Lin Shang used before, it is also a condensed true energy!

Lin Shang was so shocked that he had no time to dodge in a hurry, so he had to condense the Zhen Gang barrier and receive the blow forcefully.

However, his True Gang Barrier was like paper in front of that half of the sword blade, and was completely vulnerable.

The broken blade shot into his chest, and the huge impact knocked him backwards.

Huang Ziping's heart trembled, and he immediately stepped forward to catch Lin Shang's body.

But as soon as he touched Lin Shang's body, he felt as if he had been hit by a crazy bull, and his whole body flew backwards.

The other two inner disciples saw this and hurriedly came over to help, but they still couldn't withstand the force of the impact and were knocked away together.

The power of Lu Yu's blow actually caused four inner disciples to be knocked away at the same time!

The whole audience was stunned.

Is this guy really just a disciple of the first level of the True Yuan Realm?

When did the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak become so powerful? Why have I never heard of this person before?

The outer disciple, who had his hands broken by Lu Yu and was lying on the ground crying, quickly got up, peeed and ran away from the place, hiding far away from Lu Yu.

Lu Yu clasped his hands behind his back, standing tall and majestic.

"Now, can you go and call your Senior Brother Li to come out?"

The faces of all the disciples were earth-colored, and several of them rolled and crawled away.

After a moment, a large group of Cuizhu Peak disciples rushed out, each of them with solemn expressions, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The leader, wearing the uniform of a core disciple, should be the so-called Senior Brother Li.

Seeing the opponent's battle, Fang Qian couldn't help but feel a little scared. After all, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and a hero could not stand up to the crowd.

But seeing that Lu Yu was still calm and motionless, he followed suit and stood where he was.

Senior Brother Li's full name is Li Zhiting. He walked up to him with an angry look on his face and waved his hand.

Immediately, a group of Cuizhu Peak disciples rushed forward and surrounded the three of them.

"The brave maniac actually came here to act wild and deliberately injured my disciple of Cuizhu Peak. What is his intention?"

Lu Yu's face didn't change: "Senior Brother Li, are you wrong? How could I intentionally hurt the disciples of Cuizhu Peak?"

Li Zhiting snorted coldly: "Do you still want to quibble?"

Pointing at Huang Ziping and the other four, he continued: "My junior brothers are all still here. Weren't you the ones who were injured?"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "It was obviously your junior brothers who attacked me first, and I just retaliated with a casual move. How can you say that I did it deliberately? If it was intentional, it was also your junior brothers. deliberately."

"A casual counterattack?"

Li Zhiting smiled disdainfully.

"Who are you bluffing? If you just retaliate casually, how could four of them be injured?"

Lu Yu replied: "If you don't believe me, just ask them yourself."

Li Zhiting was stunned and turned to look at the four people.

I saw four people lowering their heads in unison, their faces full of shame and shame.

Li Zhiting couldn't help but be confused.

Is this really the case?

How can this be!

He really couldn't imagine what the situation was like at that time.

How stupid must these four junior brothers be to be injured like this by a casual move from the other party?

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