Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 663 Literal meaning

The dark coffin stopped steadily in front of the palace.

The cover was opened, and a handsome figure walked out of it. He was majestic and graceful. With his appearance, it seemed that the light and darkness between heaven and earth had changed significantly. It seemed that the light was no longer focused on Yue Zijing. In one person, a situation of conflicting factions formed.

Yue Zijing's pupils suddenly shrank slightly, with a look of deep fear on his face: "Wei Zhihan..."

The surrounding elders and deacons of Bixiao Shrine showed surprised expressions. At this time, the strength of the man in front of them far exceeded their expectations, giving them an unfathomable feeling.

They had no idea that Wei Zhihan, who was only ranked ninth on the Golden Sunflower Ranking, would actually put such huge pressure on them, which showed that he had obviously made huge progress in these days.

It was only then that several escaping lights caught up with them. It turned out to be the guards of Biyunjian, and they blocked them with the power of their formations.

Suddenly there was a burst of brilliance and a strong wind swept across the scene, and it was about to swallow up Wei Zhihan, but Wei Zhihan stood calmly on the spot, not dodging or evading, as if the offensive in front of him did not exist.

Sure enough, before he could be harmed, several real-person Bai elders on the side took the lead and neutralized the formation's offensive. It was obvious that Wei Zhihan had expected their reaction.

"Let me tell you, elders, this person is not following the rules... He did not stop using Escape Light as required. Instead, he relied on his powerful magic weapon to force his way into our protective formation..." The guards reported to Elder Bai and others at the scene. road.

In fact, this report is completely nonsense. Elder Bai and others have already had a panoramic view of the situation at the scene, so why do they need to report it?

"Back off!"

Elder Bai waved his hand and silently looked at each other with the other elders beside him, and found that each other's eyes could not help but show solemnity.

This protective formation in Biyun Stream is not something that anyone can break through forcefully, but the other party was able to successfully break in. No matter what method he used, this fully proved his strength. Strength, faced with such strength, Elder Bai and others no longer care about such trivial matters as whether they follow the rules or not.

Wei Zhihan explained at this time: "I have been waiting at the foot of the mountain for a long time, but I still haven't seen the elders show up. I thought that the elders are busy with everything, and there are times when they are free. Why bother the elders with everything? Besides, It was not the first time that Wei had come here, so why did he need to be escorted out? So Wei made his own decision and walked in without waiting for the guidance of the elders. He also asked the elders not to blame Wei for being impatient... "

These words were soft yet hard, soft yet thorny, and pointed out Bixiao Shrine's behavior of favoring the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and favoring one over the other.

Elder Bai and others immediately realized that they were in the wrong, and said nothing more. They said with a smile: "The Crown Prince Wei is indeed very clever. It seems that he has made a lot of progress in recent times. Originally, Her Royal Highness the Saint was against all opinions and appointed the Crown Prince to participate in this event." There were some people in the palace who complained about this grand event, but now it seems that Her Royal Highness the Saint has a better vision..."

Yue Zijing couldn't help but raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "The Holy Lady of the Heavenly Palace of your noble sect lives in seclusion and never leaves home. It is said that her identity is extremely mysterious. It turns out that she has already met Brother Wei? Brother Wei, this really makes me sit up and take notice. !”

Wei Zhihan said: "Brother-in-law, you're welcome. I have only exchanged letters with Her Majesty the Saint a few times. We have been friends for a long time, but I have never had such an honor as being able to share the beauty of the Saint... …”

"That's very rare..." Yue Zijing suddenly sneered again: "But then again, Brother Wei seems to be particularly favored by the saint. It is said that you were hanging out with the saint of Da Luo not long ago... "

"I remember that the last time I met you, your Nine-Life Divine Coffin didn't seem to be so powerful, but now it has been refined to be even more outstanding. I think it must have been the handiwork of the Daluo Saint. ? Brother Wei’s method really impresses Yue!”

Wei Zhihan smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, there is no need to be so yin and yang. The relationship between Daluo Saint and me is just cooperation and mutual achievement. The same is true for the relationship with Tiangong Saint now..."

"Instead of testing the validity of my nine-life divine coffin here, why not think carefully about how you should handle yourself after entering the Biyun Tianmen in order to be able to help Her Royal Highness the Saint? You know, after entering the Biyun Tianmen, After Yuntianmen, there is no formation theory of Ice King Island Master for you to brag about!"

Yue Zijing suddenly became furious: "What... do you mean!"

As his expression changed, a terrifying aura surged out.

But Wei Zhihan seemed not to be affected at all, and said with a sneer: "It doesn't mean anything, it's just a literal meaning!"

The scene instantly became tense, with qi machines constantly clashing back and forth, and bursts of electric light seemed to be generated.

Elder Bai and others suddenly had a headache...

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