Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 662 The next generation is to be feared

Seeing the Golden Crow warship docked at a palace at the highest point, Lu Yu couldn't help but take a deep breath, calmed down, and then smiled casually at Liu Jun and said: "Who else is invited to participate in the Samsung event? This can't be the only one. Right?"

Liu Jun smiled and said: "I don't know exactly who it is, but there is definitely not only one like this... But you don't have to be impatient. You have already purchased our golden ticket, which has an excellent observation position. When the time comes, You can see who will come to the Samsung event at a glance in Biyun Tianmen! ”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled: "Is this Samsung event still related to Biyun Tianmen?"

"That's natural!" Liu Jun replied, "The three-star event is an extremely rare astronomical phenomenon. Our Tianshu Palace has speculated the approximate time when this astronomical phenomenon occurred, because we specially invited rising stars from all factions to gather at Therefore, let’s watch this grand event together so that we can sharpen our Taoist minds, understand the Dao, and make progress together..."

Understand the great road and make progress together...

Lu Yu couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this. Such words can only be deceived...

It seems that this three-star event in Bixiao Palace must have a deeper purpose. I don’t know what kind of astronomical phenomenon this three-star event is that can attract so many disciples of Jinkuibang. Willing to be at his mercy...

Lu Yu continued to make insinuations, but Liu Jun refused to say anything about the purpose behind this grand event. He just kept saying some superficial words over and over again, telling Lu Yu not to be impatient. When the time comes, everything will be revealed...

Therefore, until Liu Jun sent him to the entrance passage of Biyun Tianmen, Lu Yu could not dig out any useful information from his mouth.

"Forget it, in that case, let's wait until I break through the Heavenly Gate and reach the top of the blue clouds, and then take a closer look at what's so surprising about your three-star event!" Finally, Lu Yu said with some anger.

After saying that, his figure disappeared into the mist.

Suddenly, there was a burst of clouds and mist between the sky and the earth, as if a dragon had entered it.

Liu Jun was stunned for a moment. He had no idea that this person was just a core disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, and that he would trigger such a strange scene as soon as he entered the Tianmen.

He looked at the direction where Lu Yu's figure disappeared, and couldn't help but sigh: "What a terrifying future life..."

"It's a good thing for young people to have dreams, but this time, it's not a coincidence that you came here and happened to meet our Tiangong Saint. This honor can only be given to our Tiangong Saint. female!"

Liu Jun shook his head and turned to look at the deep sky at the highest point of Biyun Tianmen. It seemed that in that direction, there was already an extremely powerful being that he couldn't help but want to prostrate himself in worship...

In the Biyun Stream, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were left on the periphery of a formation of light and shadow.

After seeing the sudden cloud phenomenon in the sky, Yang Chudie immediately withdrew his gaze and said to Ye Weilan: "He has already gone in! Let's go too..."

"Ah?" Ye Weilan was stunned for a moment, "Where are you going?"

"Naturally, take a good rest and recharge your batteries..." Yang Chudie said, "Anyway, there won't be any results for a while, so it's better to take this opportunity to rest quickly. If this guy really achieves something good in the end , that’s when it really started to trouble us...”

"Oh well……"

Saying that, Ye Weilan followed Yang Chudie into the residence specially arranged for them in Tianshu Palace like a little tail...

On the other side, next to a palace at the highest point in Biyun Stream.

Elder Bai and others were surrounding Yue Zijing, listening to him explain the various formation facilities on the Golden Crow battleship with great interest.

Yue Zijing was eloquent and spoke eloquently.

This Golden Crow battleship is the most cutting-edge artifact of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect. Naturally, it is impossible for him to tell all the secrets. He only selected some insignificant places to explain, but the exquisite theories involved have already made these The elders and deacons of Bixiao Shrine were fascinated by what they heard, which made Yue Zijing feel extremely satisfied and energetic.

Suddenly, in the middle of speaking, his voice stopped abruptly.

Everyone around him didn't know what was going on, so they all turned to look at him, only to find that he was staring in the sky in the direction of the Biyun Tianmen in a daze.

I saw that the airspace was already filled with clouds and mist, layer upon layer, constantly changing, as if there were thousands of troops galloping in it.

This scene was so rare that even the elders and deacons of Tianshu Palace couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts and showed astonished expressions on their faces.

"Is it possible that someone has arrived one step earlier than me and has entered the venue in advance to watch the Samsung event?" Yue Zijing asked in surprise.

The elders and deacons were unable to answer this question for a while.

It stands to reason that no one with the Stargazing Order has entered it, but the scene in the Biyun Tianmen at this time is really weird... And since Yue Zijing showed up, everyone's thoughts have been completely occupied by the Golden Crow Battleship. They were attracted and did not pay attention to other things, so they were not sure whether any low-key invitees had quietly entered Biyun Tianmen during this process...

Therefore, a group of elders and deacons quickly sent people to inquire. After asking around, they learned that a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect had just entered the Biyun Tianmen...

"A disciple of the Dali Sword Sect? Could it be Wei Zhihan, who was born in the Great Wei family?"

Yue Zijing snorted heavily: "He is very smart. He knows that our Jade Sea Immortal Sect and their Dali Sword Sect are now in a strong position, so he does not deal with it, so he avoids the sharp edge of our Jade Sea Immortal Sect early... …”

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded.

"What did Brother Yue say? The Jade Sea Immortal Sect is indeed powerful, but do I, Wei Zhihan, need to avoid you?"

Following the sound, everyone turned around and saw a dark black coffin swallowing the lightning and flying towards them amid the interlacing thunder and light.

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