Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 630 Bloodline Sacrifice

The elder in charge of command is called Long Xingteng, and he ranks second in the Long Elders Association.

Due to major changes within the Long family some time ago, the Great Elder has since retreated to the second line. Therefore, he is the actual controller of the entire Presbyterian Church. Apart from the newly appointed patriarch, he has the most power in the entire Long family.

However, when faced with Lu Yu's question, he couldn't say a word.

Until this moment, he still couldn't accept the fact that the new patriarch had lost. The strength of the new patriarch had been verified in the previous incident. He really couldn't imagine how these guys in front of him could defeat them. A dignified and powerful person in the Golden Core Realm, even Queen Wangyou has not taken action yet...

"Want to see Long Qingxuan? Hum, just dream..."

Unexpectedly, the person who answered Lu Yu's question was the new patriarch himself. Although he was unable to struggle under the control of Ye Weilan's dagger, he still did not give in, with a sad sneer on his face.

"You have arrived too late, you will never see her..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled. This result was obviously beyond his expectation.

He couldn't help but frown, and asked in a deep voice: "What is going on? As the saying goes, even if there are any disputes over power, she is the most outstanding young person in your Long family after all. Yi Yi, did you actually execute her like this?"

The new patriarch laughed loudly and said: "She is the person with the purest blood among our entire Long family. How could I be willing to execute her?"

"She sacrificed herself to the great Dragon God, and has since returned to the Dragon God's embrace forever... With her own sacrifice, she has won the Dragon God's protection and blessing for our entire family!"

Lu Yu's brows couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

When the other party said these words, he looked pious, like a fanatical believer, so much so that he didn't know whether he should believe what the other party said. Is this the truth, or was the other party deliberately pretending to be crazy?

Looking at this, it is obviously impossible for the new patriarch to cooperate obediently...

Just when Lu Yu was wondering what to do, suddenly a dragon man next to him got angry and rushed over.

Liu Hongxu frowned slightly, twisted his waist, and punched out. The strong wind surged up, and the dragon man was immediately knocked to the ground.

Liu Hongxu rushed forward, stepped forward, and was about to completely defeat the opponent. At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly stopped her.


Liu Hongxu stopped his attack abruptly, turned around and looked at Lu Yu with confusion.

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "I know him, you ask him to come over..."

Therefore, Liu Hongxu took the initiative to move away, but she still stared at the other party vigilantly without relaxing at all.

This scene couldn't help but surprise everyone around.

They had no idea that Queen Wangyou was not the leader among the three. She actually followed the instructions of this seemingly weak man!

What is going on?

What is the origin of this guy, and what are his virtues and abilities?

Just when everyone was stunned, the dragon man had climbed up from the ground, dragged his scarred body, and staggered to Lu Yu.

"It's you... it's you... Mr. Lu... it's really you?" the dragon man said with trembling lips and a look of disbelief on his face.

His appearance made Lu Yu a little confused: "If I remember correctly, you should be Long Xuanting...Seventh Young Master, are you okay? Do you need to be so excited to see me here?"

It turned out that this person was Long Xuanting who had visited Jade Butterfly Peak with Long Qingxuan, and Lu Yu had met him once.

But at this moment, Long Xuanting ignored Lu Yu's words and continued to speak:

"Yes, it is indeed you. You are none other than Senior Brother Lu Yu from Jade Butterfly Peak of the Great Li Sword Sect..."

"Originally, we all thought that you would be buried in the endless sea, but we didn't expect that you were safe and sound... You are indeed the person that Second Sister is optimistic about, and your abilities are indeed unparalleled!"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly fell to his knees, shocking Lu Yu...

"Master Lu, now that you are here, there is hope for my second sister... Only you can save my second sister..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but was startled, and just as he was about to ask carefully, the new clan leader on the side had already shouted angrily: "Long Xuanting, what nonsense are you talking about! What an honor it is for Long Qingxuan to serve the Dragon God for the sake of the family. You are talking nonsense in front of outsiders, are you trying to become a traitor to our entire Long family?"

Although the new patriarch took office not long ago, he has gained great power. Long Xuanting was visibly shaken and became hesitant.

Lu Yu immediately winked at Ye Weilan.

The latter understood the situation and exerted a little force on the Night Owl dagger in his hand. The new clan leader immediately hissed miserably, his expression became exhausted, and he no longer had any extra energy to shout.

Lu Yu then turned his head and said seriously: "Seventh Young Master, where is Miss Long Er now?"

Long Xuanting's face darkened and he murmured: "Second sister...I don't know where she is now..."

Lu Yu frowned and said: "What is going on? Seventh Young Master, if you want me to rescue her, you must tell me the truth and what happened... If you hesitate and hesitate, I I can’t help you!”

Long Xuanting said anxiously: "I didn't hesitate, I really didn't know...this is what happened..."

Then, Long Xuanting told him about the series of changes that had happened in Yanjing City in the past six months...

This has to be said after Jade Butterfly Peak and the Long family confirmed their cooperative relationship.

Ever since Long Qingxuan used the confinement technique taught by Lu Yu at the Elder Council and convinced the Council of Elders to cooperate with Jade Butterfly Peak, although on the surface everyone in the Long family had no objection to this cooperation, after all, many interests were involved. The dispute has cut off many people's financial resources, so many people are secretly dissatisfied with it, but they are just too angry to speak out due to the situation.

Later, as the Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect turned against each other, this dissatisfaction became more obvious. The original vested interests wanted to take advantage of the changes in the general situation to re-examine the cooperation with Yudie Peak, but Under Long Qingxuan's strong pressure, those who opposed did not succeed.

Until about half a year ago, Long Xing'an, the younger brother of the former patriarch, who was also the second uncle of Long Qingxuan and others, suddenly rushed back, claiming that he had received the revelation of the Dragon God, and showed extraordinary strength, which made everyone Everyone was shocked, and he naturally became the new clan leader, and the differences within the Long family became more intense.

Originally, everyone in the Long family, including Long Qingxuan, was happy to see Long Xing'an show his extraordinary strength. However, after Long Xing'an became the clan leader, he kept talking about wanting to follow Long Xing'an all day long. God, dedicated himself to the Dragon God, and also wanted to carry out drastic reforms. The route was extremely radical, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the Great Elder, Long Qingxuan and others. They felt that the new patriarch was too ambitious and would bring the entire Long family into a dangerous situation. .

So the factional struggle quietly brewed. At this moment, the Long family suddenly received a summons from Jade Butterfly Peak, and invited Long Qingxuan out of the city to meet. After the meeting came back, Long Qingxuan was very excited, but asked her She did not say the specific reason, but said that soon, the senior brother of Jade Butterfly Peak will go to Endless Cape to prepare the entire Long family to welcome him.

In the eyes of the new patriarch and others, this was clearly Long Qingxuan's attempt to use the power of Jade Butterfly Peak to intervene in the family's internal disputes, so the new patriarch simply gathered those who were dissatisfied with Jade Butterfly Peak before and took action first. In order to be strong, they captured Long Qingxuan and others.

After a chaotic battle, the eldest elder was finally forced to take a back seat, and the eldest son Long Xuanxun was released. Long Qingxuan suffered the worst fate. Long Xing'an used the Dragon God's will to order Deprive her of her bloodline and sacrifice it to the Dragon God to win the Dragon God's blessing for the entire family.

As for where she was ultimately sent to be "sacrificially sacrificed," only Long Xing'an himself knows...

After listening to Long Xuanting's story, Lu Yu finally understood why the old ghost in Endless Cape was warned in advance. It turned out that it was Long Xing'an who wanted to use the power of the old turtle to eliminate himself.

However, this was obviously not what Lu Yu really cared about. Almost all his attention was attracted by one detail.

"Miss Long Er, when I left the city for the appointment, was there anyone with me?" Lu Yu couldn't suppress his excitement and asked.

Obviously, the only person who sent the talisman message to the Long family was Yang Chudie. This shows that Yang Chudie really broke through the blockade of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect unharmed, successfully came here, and also took the initiative to contact the Long family. .

Long Xuanting shook his head: "The second sister went out of the city alone at that time, but when she came back, she was very excited and immediately started to gather her troops to gather troops..."

"At that time, I asked her what she was planning to do, but she just smiled mysteriously and said she was going to do something big..."

"Originally, I thought it was you people from Jade Butterfly Peak who were coming over, and the second sister was here to cooperate with your actions, but who knew that I had been waiting for several months, and only now, Lu Yu, did you show up..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

This obviously cannot be because the aunt agreed to intervene in the disputes of the Long family, otherwise she should have appeared long ago. It is only possible that the aunt got rid of something about Long Qingxuan, so she did such a move.

But, what exactly is going on? Master aunt needs to get rid of Long Qingxuan, and Long Qingxuan is so excited?

The answer to this question may only be known by finding Long Qingxuan himself...

At this time, Long Xuanting on the side couldn't help crying again, bursting into tears:

"Master Lu, please, please save my second sister..."

"The power of blood between my second sister and I is very close, so we can sense each other. Although I don't know her specific location, I can sense that she is still alive. It's just that this kind of induction has not happened recently. It has become weaker and weaker over the past few days..."

"Master Lu, you are so skillful that even Queen Wangyou obeys your orders. You will definitely find a way to save my second sister!"

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