Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 629 Are you qualified now?

Soon, the people of the Long family reappeared.

However, they fully learned from the previous lesson this time and did not rush into the house. Instead, they set up layers of control outside the house and surrounded the house.

Seeing this, Lu Yu simply followed Liu Hongxu out of the house. He saw that the Long family guards outside had not only assembled into a tight formation and guarded fiercely, but also each of them had a red face, blood surging, and a crazy look, which was clearly a sign of taking crazy drugs.

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the scene when Long Xuangang first met. When he clashed with him on Yudie Peak, the other party had used such means. Now it seems that the degree of crazy of this group of Long family children in front of him is more severe than that time, and it is more difficult to deal with.

This shows that the other party has also improved this kind of crazy pill during this period of time, so the effect has been greatly improved.

This also further proves that the other party is going to take real action this time. The dragon man's frenzy and the unique formation, if Lu Yu did not have Ye Weilan as an ace, it would be really difficult to deal with Liu Hongxu's strength.

"Queen Wangyou, it's really you!"

Seeing the two people walk out of the house, the dragon man in charge of the command outside couldn't help but exclaimed. In the eyes of these people who didn't know the truth, Liu Hongxu was naturally the focus of the whole scene, and Lu Yu's existence was naturally ignored.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at the man, only to see that his clothes were similar to Long Xingjian's style, and he should also be an elder, but he didn't know which elder he was.

"What do you want to do?" The elder asked loudly with a sharp look.

Lu Yu responded loudly: "We should be the ones to ask you this, right? What's the meaning of your Long family putting up this formation? Tsk tsk, you even go so far as to trigger the frenzy, which must have consumed a lot of precious elixirs... Can't our Majesty come in person to let your new clan leader show up once?"

"Humph! If you want to see our clan leader, you will naturally have a chance, but I'm afraid you will regret it too late when you do!"

Lu Yu sneered: "Your Excellency may as well try, but I want to remind you that we have two of your hostages in our hands, so let's see who will regret it!"

The elder couldn't help but choke. In fact, this was exactly what he was worried about. According to the report of his subordinates, the other party should have a total of three people, but now there are only two people.

He had already sent out his Qi to explore the situation inside the house, and found that there was no trace of another person in the house except for the two unconscious dragons. This made him completely lose confidence. He didn't expect that the other party was so smart that he could avoid his detection without revealing a flaw.

"Stabilize the situation on the scene, delay until the new clan leader appears, and then cooperate with Wei'er to kill him by surprise..." Seeing that the elder's arrogance weakened, Lu Yu couldn't help but lower his voice and whispered to Liu Hongxu. Liu Hongxu glanced at him and said, "What will you do? Once a fight breaks out, I'm afraid we will all be on your side..." Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry about me, I can protect myself. Did you miss my Xuanling magic weapon?" Hearing Lu Yu say this, Liu Hongxu nodded gently to express his agreement. This scene fell into the eyes of the children of the Long family, as if the two were whispering to each other and plotting some illegal actions, which made them feel nervous. Sure enough, after the two had these two simple conversations, Liu Hongxu suddenly aroused his momentum, and the strong pressure instantly swept the whole scene. This made everyone feel heavy in their hearts, and they immediately felt like they were facing a great enemy. However, Liu Hongxu only inspired the momentum and did not take any further action, but everyone did not dare to be careless, and they all went all out and were ready for battle.

The dragon elder in charge of the command did not know where the other person was hiding, so he was afraid to act rashly and did not dare to force the attack. He thought that as long as the clan leader came in person, all the problems would be solved.

And what he had to do now was to control the other party.

The situation between the two sides was tense, and no one dared to act rashly.

Only Lu Yu walked around the scene like nothing had happened. Not only did he have no scruples, but he also commented on the crazy formation of the Long family children.

He said that this one was not standing straight enough, and that one's posture was not standard. He completely ignored the threat from everyone. Seeing this, the elder's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he secretly thought that this guy was really a fox who took advantage of the tiger's power and a dog who relied on the power of others!

The reason why Lu Yu did this was not only to disturb the other party's mentality, but also to create an opportunity for Ye Weilan in the shadows to sneak in, so that she could get in position in advance and start the attack as soon as the other party's new patriarch appeared.

"Hmph, what a good Queen Wangyou, I didn't expect that you, a fallen phoenix, would dare to run to our Yanjing City to show off your power. Let me meet you today! Let's see how much ability you have left!"

Accompanied by a loud voice, a dazzling light suddenly came from the sky.

The person has not arrived yet, but the powerful aura has already surged over the sky, instantly stirring up the balance of the situation on the scene.

An expression of ecstasy suddenly appeared on the faces of everyone in the Long family. Now they no longer have to continue the stalemate, and they no longer have to endure this annoying boy...

But Liu Hongxu couldn't help but change his expression.

Just from the other person's aura, she could tell that the other person's cultivation level was not simple, and it was almost no longer what she was in her prime. It was really hard to imagine that this would be the strength of a person who had just stepped into the Golden Core Realm.

There are only two reasons why such a result can occur. One is that the other party has massive resources, and the other is that the other party has extremely pure blood power, and both of them are indispensable...

Let’s not talk about the first condition for now, but the second condition... Liu Hongxu has never heard that the Long family actually hides such a person with pure blood. On the contrary, Miss Long Er is often mentioned because of her outstanding blood. …

Liu Hongxu didn't have time to delve into the reason. Now she thought of a more difficult question. Since the strength of the new patriarch was completely beyond their expectations, would Miss Wei'er's ambush strategy still work?

She subconsciously turned her head and looked at Lu Yu, who was aside. She saw Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the falling light without blinking. His expression seemed focused and persistent, and he seemed not to consider these sudden changes.

Hong Liu Hongxu understood Lu Yu's intentions in an instant. It seemed that no matter the success or failure, he had to do this to the end.

As the light descended, a middle-aged dragon man with extraordinary bearing appeared on the scene. Hot air waves rolled around his body, and his aura looked extremely terrifying.

His eyes were locked on Liu Hongxu, because in his opinion, Liu Hongxu in front of him was his real rival...

However, at this moment, something changed suddenly.

The middle-aged dragon man had just stood still when a dagger suddenly appeared silently behind him.

The direction in which the dagger struck was a group of crazy Long family disciples. The middle-aged dragon man couldn't help but didn't realize it, and even everyone in the Long family didn't expect it at all.

At the same time, Lu Yu on the side suddenly closed his eyes, activated his telekinesis, and wisps of golden light surged from his body.

A strange force field quietly formed, perfectly matched with the silent dagger.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but be stunned. He had no idea that besides Queen Wangyou, there were two other incredible powers hidden in the scene.

When he realized something was wrong, it was already too late. He only felt a chill in his heart, and then the strength in his body quickly began to drain away...


"Clan leader, be careful!"

"There's an assassin!"

Everyone in the Long family exclaimed repeatedly, including the elder in charge, whose eyes were full of disbelief.

They rushed forward one after another, trying to stop this scene from happening.

However, it was too late to say anything at this time. Not only had the assassin's dagger successfully penetrated the middle-aged dragon man's body, but Queen Wangyou, a strong person who was also in the Golden Core realm, was blocking their approach.

The centipede insect is dead but not stiff, so it is naturally difficult to deal with the strong ones in the golden elixir realm.

Without the dozens of times the power of Turtle Breath Shenglong, Ye Weilan did not dare to directly touch the opponent's golden elixir like he did when he assassinated the Yueshan Lord. Instead, he cleverly chose the area around the golden elixir and quickly cut it. got up.

But under the stimulation of Lu Yu's force field, Ye Weilan put all his strength into it. Not only the power of ice and fire came out, but also the power of the devil was completely attached to Ye Xiao's dagger. It was so unstoppable that it actually cut him off abruptly. The golden elixir bond within the body.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Long family was going crazy. They really couldn't figure out why this assassin was so powerful, and their new patriarch had no power to fight back...

You must know that the new patriarch is a powerful man in the Golden Core realm, representing the new hope of their entire Long family...

"Everyone, stop it! If you don't want to hold a funeral for your new clan leader, stop it immediately!"

Ye Weilan shouted loudly, which immediately made everyone startled.

At this time, she had completely subdued the middle-aged dragon man, and the Night Owl dagger firmly controlled the opponent's golden elixir, preventing him from exerting any strength.

As expected, everyone in the Long family stopped as they were told. They all looked as if they were dying and their faces were ashen.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and walked forward with a tired look on his face. He looked at the elder who was in charge of the command and smiled lightly.

"Now, we have three hostages on our hands. Now we should be qualified to see Miss Long Er, right?"

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